Was BR involved? #2

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QFT, no one could have said it any more eloquently than you just did. Even though (as you know) I fall into the "BDI camp," you can't imagine how much sympathy I have for him. Whether you quote psychiatrists' statistics or SD's apple analogy, we're all products of our environment -- be that good or bad. I still place the ultimate responsibility at the feet of John and Patsy.
All this time we've been wondering why Burke wouldn't talk and now we're attacking him before we've ever seen the interview. I agree that I don't expect much, but how about we back off a little bit from the mud slinging before we see what he has to say? We can attack his interview on its merits once we've seen it.

I really can't tell you where I'd land on this myself. On one side, I had a horrible childhood; and on the other, I wouldn't hurt the memory of my parents by dragging all of that muck out for everyone to see. Burke may have done it, may know who did it or may have no idea. Given any one of those options, what part of the media or public opinion would have been fair with him? I blame him for every choice he's made just as I blame myself for everything in my past. That's one hell of a lot of responsibility to dump on a 9 year old child. Let's not forget that his parents were making the decisions for him--and when he was 18 he was supposed to abandoned all the years of his parent's care and advice, go to the police and confess everything he knew--betraying everyone who loved or cared for him. That's a really sick way to look at the world.

I don't know what decisions I would have made if I was in his shoes. I don't know what he knows. I don't know if he's protecting himself or someone he loves. I see a whole lot of moral ambiguity here. His sister was murdered and he was whisked-off and put in a bubble. He wasn't allowed to watch TV or go to the grocery store because John and Patsy were afraid of what he might see. But I guarantee he heard it. He knew what was going on because he had friends who probably watched those programs and reported back to him. He got the news because kids see it and talk. So where does he go from there? 9 to 18. One half of his life to adulthood and he has to follow and respect his parents wishes. Did he jump out at 18 to tell the world? No. I wouldn't have either. I know someone is going to argue that this is about right and wrong--a murder is always wrong. The problem is by the time he reached adulthood, his sister had been gone for half of his life. Is it really such an easy decision to betray your mother, your father and the rest of your family and take everything you know to the police.

No, it isn't. I wouldn't expect him to do so. Do you be a good brother or a good son? I'm quite ashamed of how rough I've been. I don't even know how much of this was his idea. And loyalty is priceless in this day and age. Not to mention what a messed-up life he must have had.
I think this interview with Dr. Phil will help me decide how much sympathy I have for BR. If he decides to follow his parents' footsteps by throwing his former family friends under the bus, any sympathy I've garnered for him will go down the tubes.

Also, I think it's pretty much guaranteed BR will put all the blame of the crime being unsolved (according to some) on the BPD and complain of mistreatment by LE to his parents, which is the reason he'll give for not speaking with police. Probably to which Dr. Phil will respond by nodding approvingly. (I already have these episodes figured out.)
All this time we've been wondering why Burke wouldn't talk and now we're attacking him before we've ever seen the interview. I agree that I don't expect much, but how about we back off a little bit from the mud slinging before we see what he has to say? We can attack his interview on its merits once we've seen it.

I really can't tell you where I'd land on this myself. On one side, I had a horrible childhood; and on the other, I wouldn't hurt the memory of my parents by dragging all of that muck out for everyone to see. Burke may have done it, may know who did it or may have no idea. Given any one of those options, what part of the media or public opinion would have been fair with him? I blame him for every choice he's made just as I blame myself for everything in my past. That's one hell of a lot of responsibility to dump on a 9 year old child. Let's not forget that his parents were making the decisions for him--and when he was 18 he was supposed to abandoned all the years of his parent's care and advice, go to the police and confess everything he knew--betraying everyone who loved or cared for him. That's a really sick way to look at the world.

I don't know what decisions I would have made if I was in his shoes. I don't know what he knows. I don't know if he's protecting himself or someone he loves. I see a whole lot of moral ambiguity here. His sister was murdered and he was whisked-off and put in a bubble. He wasn't allowed to watch TV or go to the grocery store because John and Patsy were afraid of what he might see. But I guarantee he heard it. He knew what was going on because he had friends who probably watched those programs and reported back to him. He got the news because kids see it and talk. So where does he go from there? 9 to 18. One half of his life to adulthood and he has to follow and respect his parents wishes. Did he jump out at 18 to tell the world? No. I wouldn't have either. I know someone is going to argue that this is about right and wrong--a murder is always wrong. The problem is by the time he reached adulthood, his sister had been gone for half of his life. Is it really such an easy decision to betray your mother, your father and the rest of your family and take everything you know to the police.

Wow this summation quite says it all. I agree with all you stated actually. He had no control the early years, was told...etc., then add the family "betrayal" factor into the mix and there could've been any kind of a disastrous outcome. I am anxious to hear what he has to say. I wonder what terms he is on with his Dad. Did JR approve of this interview? Secondly, will it be to declare his parents memories were his own? about the "backing" what his mom/dad said in the police report, (the ultimate loyalty). This could get interesting!
What questions do you think Burke will be asked in the Dr Phil interview?

I think a few of them would be along the lines of:
- Why have you not spoken publicly until now?
- What was your relationship with JonBenet like?
- Have you ever suspected your parents?
How did it feel to see your sister referred to as "child beauty queen" and her face all over the tabloids?
Were you ever bullied/have people at school brought up the case?
How do you feel about the media interest in the case?
Did JonBenet ever tell you any ~secrets?
Have they filmed the Dr. Phil episode yet? I know they had pictures of Burke and Dr. Phil walking together but what about the part in front of the audience?
What questions do you think Burke will be asked in the Dr Phil interview?

I think a few of them would be along the lines of:
- Why have you not spoken publicly until now?
- What was your relationship with JonBenet like?
- Have you ever suspected your parents?
Now son, my daddy always told me, never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut. And you've done that all these years. But no matter how thin you make a pancake, it's still, I say it's still got two sides. And unless and until we get to hear from both of those sides, well you got the tail wagging the dog here! I didn't just roll in yesterday off the back of a turnip truck, son! Now either you know something, or somebody knows something, but if all you're gonna give me is a load of yesterday's newspapers then I ain't playing your ballgame boy.
Have they filmed the Dr. Phil episode yet? I know they had pictures of Burke and Dr. Phil walking together but what about the part in front of the audience?

I would like to know this as well. Taping of the episodes is due to start soon, but maybe it's already been done?
Have they filmed the Dr. Phil episode yet? I know they had pictures of Burke and Dr. Phil walking together but what about the part in front of the audience?

Very often (and I've noticed this when he interviews a lot of "celebrities") there is no studio audience, it's just Dr Phil and the interviewee. I have a very strong suspicion that Dr Phil is not going to ask any hard questions. It will be more along the lines of "What do you have to say about the people who believe you or your parents are involved in the death of your sister?"
I'm wondering about that, also. Has it been filmed and edited yet, or is the DrP crew and BR on standby for major changes depending on initial feedback from the public?

What about the (as far as we know fact) that atty LW also represents DrP in addition to the R-clan, and does that representation include BR?? How is that going to pan out? If public reception is less-than-positive toward BR, then where would LW's loyalty go to AS AN ATTY? Who would LW help protect? Is there any real or perceived "conflict of interest" going on there? Interesting.... to say the least!
Very often (and I've noticed this when he interviews a lot of "celebrities") there is no studio audience, it's just Dr Phil and the interviewee. I have a very strong suspicion that Dr Phil is not going to ask any hard questions. It will be more along the lines of "What do you have to say about the people who believe you or your parents are involved in the death of your sister?"

I'm generally the first to say keep your mouth shut and don't talk to LE.

However, I still think he should take his lawyer and talk to LE before he does this interview. If he doesn't want to talk to LE he shouldn't talk at all.

That's the only way he has a hope of anyone believing he wants this solved. Otherwise people will wonder why he's using this avenue to try and get it solved... Which also happens to get him money and publicity as well. They will rightfully assume his motives are not good.
Very often (and I've noticed this when he interviews a lot of "celebrities") there is no studio audience, it's just Dr Phil and the interviewee. I have a very strong suspicion that Dr Phil is not going to ask any hard questions. It will be more along the lines of "What do you have to say about the people who believe you or your parents are involved in the death of your sister?"

I agree, with the case still live, albeit cold they have to avoid any leading questions, pointing the finger at anyone etc since litigation would follow, aimed at Dr Phil in particular.

Will any of these shows discuss the implications of the true bills and who the Person accused of JonBenet's homicide in them is?

I'm generally the first to say keep your mouth shut and don't talk to LE.

However, I still think he should take his lawyer and talk to LE before he does this interview. If he doesn't want to talk to LE he shouldn't talk at all.

That's the only way he has a hope of anyone believing he wants this solved. Otherwise people will wonder why he's using this avenue to try and get it solved... Which also happens to get him money and publicity as well. They will rightfully assume his motives are not good.

If he has nothing to hide I don't why he would discuss this interview with an attorney. I believe he will be pretty forthright and answer the questions asked of him. I wont be watching this show. I cant tolerate Dr. Phil's ego.

Has LE ever said they consider him to be a viable suspect in his sister's death?

No matter how honest he may be its not going to change anyone's mind who has found him guilty already. In fact usually when interviews like this happens in unsolved cases where the person has alread been found guilty by internet all it causes is more fodder and more picking apart everything they say or the way they said it or how they looked when they said it.

The same thing happened when Ed Smart did interviews, or when Steve Groene did or Mark Lunsford. It just made those who were absolutely convinced they were all guilty more convinced of their guilt even though none of them were.

I think he already knows that the ones who thinks he was involved or his parents wont think any differently once they see his interview. I don't think he is trying to convince anyone either way or his innocence or his parents but he is doing this for himself to show he is strong enough to publicly talk about his sister's murder now.

JMO though
If he has nothing to hide I don't why he would discuss this interview with an attorney. I believe he will be pretty forthright and answer the questions asked of him. I wont be watching this show. I cant tolerate Dr. Phil's ego.

Has LE ever said they consider him to be a viable suspect in his sister's death?

No matter how honest he may be its not going to change anyone's mind who has found him guilty already. In fact usually when interviews like this happens in unsolved cases where the person has alread been found guilty by internet all it causes is more fodder and more picking apart everything they say or the way they said it or how they looked when they said it.

The same thing happened when Ed Smart did interviews, or when Steve Groene did or Mark Lunsford. It just made those who were absolutely convinced they were all guilty more convinced of their guilt even though none of them were.

I think he already knows that the ones who thinks he was involved or his parents wont think any differently once they see his interview. I don't think he is trying to convince anyone either way or his innocence or his parents but he is doing this for himself to show he is strong enough to publicly talk about his sister's murder now.

JMO though

Well, oceanblueeyes, I can understand where you're coming from. There are some things you just have to do for yourself. And if Burke feels that way, I won't speak against him. I've always tried not to speak against him.

But you said something else: he'll answer the questions he's given. That's the whole problem, as I see it.
Well, oceanblueeyes, I can understand where you're coming from. There are some things you just have to do for yourself. And if Burke feels that way, I won't speak against him. I've always tried not to speak against him.

But you said something else: he'll answer the questions he's given. That's the whole problem, as I see it.

I understand you think that will be a problem for him but actually Burke is the only one that knows if it will be a problem or not. I still think he will be honest and forthright or he wouldn't be doing the show to begin with. He already knows every word he speaks will be picked apart anyway.
I understand you think that will be a problem for him but actually Burke is the only one that knows if it will be a problem or not. I still think he will be honest and forthright or he wouldn't be doing the show to begin with. He already knows every word he speaks will be picked apart anyway.

Well, it's not so much that I think it will be a problem for him. I don't think a lot of hard questions will be asked, since both Burke and Dr. Phil are represented by the same lawyer. Still, any question might be tough for him.
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