Was BR involved? #2

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Did anyone see, or is anyone now watching the Dr. Phil interview with BR?
I give up on Dr. Phil, hopefully the interview will be online somewhere. Tonight I intend watching the first of a 3-part presentation on JonBenet, on the ID channel at 10 pm
Is there a particular reason/s why people do not focus on JR as a suspect too much? I do not see much of JDI compared to the other two.
The ransom note is the obvious reason. It's PR's handwriting and words. If JR was dictating the note, I don't think it would have directly addressed him only. It would not have used phrases like "use that good southern common sense of yours." There's some strange resentment towards JR in that note.

The housekeeper said JR took melatonin tablets and slept like a rock, so I can buy him not waking up that night. There's no evidence he molested or mistreated any of his prior children.

Then his behavior that morning. He disappears from police for an hour, starts acting super nervous, and then miraculously "discovers" the body. I can't say for sure, but my gut feeling is that he didn't know anything until he saw PR's handwriting in the ransom note.
I'm not able to "thank" posts when I'm on my tablet, so if you don't get that awknowledgement from me, please know that I truly do appreciate reading everyone's thoughful and intelligent insights. I try to go back and hit the thank you button when I get on my PC, but that doesn't always happen. Just wanted to say that so that everyone doesn't assume that I'm just the rudest member of our WS family. ;)

BACK ON TOPIC... I'm not a child psychologist ( nor do I play one on WS) so these drawings allegedly made by BR aren't particularly illuminating to me. Having said that, it does stand out to me that everything appears drawn in very straight, very sharp lines. The first word that comes to mind is '' rigid ".The images themselves though, are incredibly abstract. If I were forced to comment on them, from a psychological perspective, i guess I'd probably say that I thought the artist was someone who was very rigid in the way that he approached life, and wasn't at all interested in communicating to others the inner workings of his own mind.

How's that for uneducated psycho- babble? LOL!
:banghead::banghead::banghead: SPOILER ALERT....
Am I the only one with a dang headache after watching Dr.Phil???
I waited all this time to mainly hear from JR most of the time and too many repeated videos and commercial. Crap we've already seen???
I thought this was supposed to be BR's time to talk dammit!
I swear to the dear baby Jesus if had to sit through another freaking cliffhanger / commercial / re-interviewing JR / jumping to BR again for another cliffhanger to start the cycle all over again, I would've through the remote through the tv.
That was a lot of wasted excitement and energy.
My head hurts now. I feel like that whole episode established NOTHING new and if anything gave JR yet another chance to muddy the waters even more and change his story AGAIN. GRR.:banghead::banghead:
Expecting something new is the first mistake. There is nothing new. Everything is rehash and spin, packaged in between endless commercials.
I didn't watch it, but the only thing Twitter seems to be talking about is how the show creeped them out.

Find it hard to see how this benefits Team Ramsey.
I didn't watch it, but the only thing Twitter seems to be talking about is how the show creeped them out.

Find it hard to see how this benefits Team Ramsey.
Oh it's still creepy as hell don't get me wrong. I felt like I was watching a Cheshire Cat the whole time. I swear he never stopped smiling. :scared:
I watched the Dr Phil interview and what creeped ne out was hw BR was smiling the ENTIRE time... he showed absolutely no remorse about his lil sister
The ransom note is the obvious reason. It's PR's handwriting and words. If JR was dictating the note, I don't think it would have directly addressed him only. It would not have used phrases like "use that good southern common sense of yours." There's some strange resentment towards JR in that note.

The housekeeper said JR took melatonin tablets and slept like a rock, so I can buy him not waking up that night. There's no evidence he molested or mistreated any of his prior children.

Then his behavior that morning. He disappears from police for an hour, starts acting super nervous, and then miraculously "discovers" the body. I can't say for sure, but my gut feeling is that he didn't know anything until he saw PR's handwriting in the ransom note.

Not only is the writing clearly not his, the content of the note screams Patsy, IMO. Overly dramatic. I don't think he would have allowed that note to be used.

A few, but not all, my other reasons.
1. He told the police he was sure the house was locked.
2. He immediately volunteered that he had broken the basement window
3. They barely spoke to each other that morning. we have all seen divorced parents cling to each other and comfort each other in these situations. David Smith comes to mind because he did not initially suspect Susan. I believe John realized that something, beyond the obvious, was very wrong when he saw that RN and was grappling with it.
4. I think one reason Patsy invited everyone over was tat she hoped he would not confront her in front of an audience.

However, once he realized what had happened, he jumped into the cover up, with gusto so he is still scum. I just don't happen to believe he is a murderer,
I watched the Dr Phil interview and what creeped ne out was hw BR was smiling the ENTIRE time... he showed absolutely no remorse about his lil sister

I saw the smile during the commercials and found it odd then, but it literally never left his face during today's segment of the interview. I don't know what to make of it. I am sure Dr. Phil found it odd too.

Will be interesting to see how he handles the tougher questions.
I saw the smile during the commercials and found it odd then, but it literally never left his face during today's segment of the interview. I don't know what to make of it. I am sure Dr. Phil found it odd too.

Will be interesting to see how he handles the tougher questions.
I was hoping that Dr. Phil would already discuss the dang pineapple today considering he hyped that on the morning show I watched. I bet that is the only thing he really discusses in all his interview and he probably just repeats the same crap just from his point of view. Nothing new. Except for that smile. Shivers.

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What stood out the most in part 1 (besides the obvious creepy smiling):

--Burke's explanation for why he stayed in his room that morning. Doesn't like conflict? Afraid of a bad guy downstairs? That doesn't make sense. If your mother frantically runs around your room screaming "where's my baby??" you're probably not going to just lay there, you get up to find out what's going on.

--The trashing of Linda Arndt. They made this poor woman out to be worse than a mall security guard. Yes, she made serious procedural mistakes that morning. But when both the 911 operator and the detective on the scene have strong gut feelings that something is off, there's probably a good reason.

--So far this interview is having the opposite effect that John Ramsey and Lin Wood must have intended. I felt sorry for BR, to be honest. Regardless of whether BR caused his sister's death, he obviously has some issues and should not have agreed to this interview.
The one thing I came out of this interview with is that house was so spread out its a miracle they find the way to the bathroom.
DP, notes:

DP EP 1 Bits

JR: Patsy was by the phone...
said phone the police.

DP: (to BR)
Nothing is off limits...
...You speak about it one time.


'then Patsy skimmed the words'...

JR: ...rumors that we were hiding Burke...
...we protected him...
...we were under assault...
...we just didn't want ;him' recognized...


DP: (wrt Burke) He agreed to answer
any and all questions
and to do so without a lawyer present.

re: hiding

BR: ..for the last 20 years
I wanted to grow up like a normal kid,
which does not include going in front of
tv cameras..


BR: To me it seemed like
it would rouse it up again


(religious premeditation doll in coffin story)


BR received an electric train and a bike
Nintendo 64

BR: I think she got a big doll house.
We both got bikes.

re: last time he saw her

BR: (looks at photo)
I don't remember her hair being that

(see photo, Is hair wrapped around her neck?)


M Statton is referenced for scream in basement.


JR: we both got up
Patsy got dressed
I was shaving
JR: we weren't gonna get the kids up ....


JR: I heard Patsy scream and I knew
something was wrong.
?: where was she
JR: she was 'either'.....


JR: I was trying to absorb what was 'said'
in the three pages of scribbling

JR: I had it on the floor [cause?]
I was trying to read it all at once.
....Patsy was by the phone.
Said call the police.


re: police

JR: I wanna get as much
help as I can get my hands on....


BR on q about flash light and officer
BR: to be fair, I didn't know it was a
police officer


BR: I guess I kinda like to avoid conflict
I don't know
I guess I felt safer there
I'm not the worry kind................?


JR: He was safe and at that
point ...
we were so focused
on JonBenet being gone, I guess..

re LA

JR: I don't remember being cordial.
I was grateful for her being there.


JR: I called the police to help me.

re: mail check

JR: I was looking for another
communication from the kidnapper


BR: They didn't say kidnapping.
they said she was missing.


JR: went down to the basement.
That's the most logical
entry point....


JR: I was just going through
methodically every inch of the

re: finding JBR

JR: there was a red spot on her throat
....I couldn't see the garrote
because it was too deeply embedded
in her neck


JR: and that was when I was stunned.
She 'looked peaceful'


re: LA 'counting bullets' / 'she had 18 bullets'

JR: frightening and incompetent?
Beyond incompetent
Should never have been a police officer

re: LA

JR: I think her comment was
'I looked around and saw [all] the people and then
counted the bullets in her gun?

re: rn

BR: I don't think I've seen the whole thing,
I've definitely seen pictures though..


EP 2 teasers:
1 - "What did you find?"
Did you speak those words?
2 - Pineapple ....
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