Was Burke Involved? # 4

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1.)Why would he think something happened?Unless he was part of it
2.) Again no curiosity to go check to see what's wrong? Kids are nosy at that age. I think he was scared because he knew he caused it all.
3.) Burke said himself in DP interview he wasn't "the worrying type."
4.)Over reacting. Her daughter was missing! How could she be over reacting???? Sounds like a JR quote.
5.) "Came up and got me" I take this as he got him and took him downstairs at some point before the cops came. He didn't say "Come up and told me" Hmm.
6.) He's speaking highly of his dad. That his dad was calm and in charge. His mom he seemed to see as weak for over reacting. JMOO
7.) This just has to be a lie. Every mom gets angry and over reacts at some point. Patsy had a dramatic flair and I can see her flipping out often.
8.) Why on Earth would he think a credit card was stolen? That's just WEIRD. Of all things to say he thought was stolen... a credit card? I think that's a lie.
9.) The word possession. Big word for a 9 year old. Was JonBenet considered a possession?

10.) Why didn't the policeman turn on the light???? I think it was more important to thoroughly search the home and not worry about a sleeping kid.
11.) I think that his dad threatened him he would tell the police what he did if he got out of bed or said anything.
12.) Speaking highly of dad again. (He did the same in regards to the funeral too. He said you could tell his dad loved her. Didn't mention his mom also loving her.)
13.) Weird that's the things he thought of. In DP interview however he says he wasn't sure if his dad was fighting off an intruder with a gun. Two different stories.
14.) Bickering is not the same as tickling and laughing. Tickling is having fun.
All just my opinions and reactions.

RBBM - good point Positive Light. The word popped out at me too, considering the fact that is was used and misspelled in the Ransom Letter.
Also, here's a gif of the moment when Burke flicks Patsy's leaf people were wondering about earlier. I have the doc downloaded, it's about two/three minutes into the A&E doc. I think it's too big to be posted so here's a link to it:

Looks pretty innocuous to me but ymmv.
Patsy did that either impulsively or as part of the photo op and Burke was having none of it. He just throws it into the creek or whatever they are crossing.
Patsy did that either impulsively or as part of the photo op and Burke was having none of it. He just throws it into the creek or whatever they are crossing.

It looks to me like knocking the leaf off the bridge and watching it float downstream was what Patsy had in mind when she picked it up. It looks like a pretty picture of a family to me.
There is no evidence other that pure speculation that BR was involved.
It looks to me like knocking the leaf off the bridge and watching it float downstream was what Patsy had in mind when she picked it up. It looks like a pretty picture of a family to me.

They are crossing a bridge, it looks exactly like a game of pooh sticks to me especially as they all look down at it landing in the stream
They are crossing a bridge, it looks exactly like a game of pooh sticks to me especially as they all look down at it landing in the stream
What is a game of pooh sticks?
What is a game of pooh sticks?

Poohsticks is a sport first mentioned in The House at Pooh Corner, a Winnie-the-Pooh book by A. A. Milne. It is a simple sport which may be played on any bridge over running water; each player drops a stick on the upstream side of a bridge and the one whose stick first appears on the downstream side is the winner.

I can see how Burke might like a to play pooh sticks. :wink:
I can see how Burke might like a to play pooh sticks. :wink:

it's a game a lot of children love to play and i see that patsy puts the leaf on the ledge there for Burke to knock off exactly how i do with my kids

wow ! i thought everyone knew pooh sticks! although you dont just have to play it with a stick ;)
They are crossing a bridge, it looks exactly like a game of pooh sticks to me especially as they all look down at it landing in the stream

It's not Pooh sticks. Patsy puts it on the bridge railing and Burke knocks it off. Pooh sticks is like a stick race. But whatever.
It's not Pooh sticks. Patsy puts it on the bridge railing and Burke knocks it off. Pooh sticks is like a stick race. But whatever.

it is exactly like pooh sticks , just fun knocking off sticks or leaves and watching them float away , you dont have to have a race its not obligatory lol
I have a question about BDI.

Let's assume that the sexual penetration (I'm loathe to say assault) did take place just prior to or at the time of death, as has been asserted. That, to me, throws a serious kink in the BDI timeline, because the parents would have to work pretty fast to strangle her after Burke had done that.

So, my question: is it possible that there were TWO penetrations that night? One by Burke, around the time (maybe just before, maybe just after) of the head strike, and then another as part of the staging right before the ligature was applied? I can see that happening, because it would give them a need to stage that part of it.

So, am I way off base?
SuperDave, you might have seen it before, but... In my simplistic theory, BDI all - head bash, molestation, and strangulation - then he either went on to bed or maybe PR caught him with the body and sent him off to bed while she conjured up the cover-up, then did the staging (wrist ties, tape to mouth) and the undoing (placement in the WR with blankets), then wrote the RN, and then she called out to JR. Nothing I've seen tells me JR was close enough to either PR or BR to cover for either of them.
Good Lord, I'm not going to start at the beginning of the case! Do your own reading.

I have done , lots of it and I cannot see any evidence that directly links him as being the perp , plenty of speculation though which proves nothing.
I have a question about BDI.

Let's assume that the sexual penetration (I'm loathe to say assault) did take place just prior to or at the time of death, as has been asserted. That, to me, throws a serious kink in the BDI timeline, because the parents would have to work pretty fast to strangle her after Burke had done that.

So, my question: is it possible that there were TWO penetrations that night? One by Burke, around the time (maybe just before, maybe just after) of the head strike, and then another as part of the staging right before the ligature was applied? I can see that happening, because it would give them a need to stage that part of it.

So, am I way off base?


So, my question: is it possible that there were TWO penetrations that night?
There doesn't have to be, but the forensic evidence suggests the answer is yes.

The way I see it is that the wine-cellar crime-scene has been staged, including JonBenet herself.

The staging has been done to hide whatever went before. So a second staged sexual assault, say using the paintbrush, is applied to mask the first.

1996-12-29: Search Warrant 755 15 Street, Boulder, Colorado, excerpt
Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she witnessed the autopsy of JonBenet Ramsey which was conducted by Dr. John Meyer on December 27, 1996. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she observed Dr. Meyer examine the vaginal area of the victim and heard him state that the victim had received an injury constant with digital penetration of her vagina. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that Dr. Meyer told her that it was his opinion that the victim had been subjected to sexual contact. For further details on the autopsy see the attached document entitled Addendum To

So you could separate out Coroner Meyer's remarks, i.e. Someone digitally assaulted JonBenet, e.g. staging, so you could have cellulose transfer from the hand that had just snapped the paintbrush, and prior to this someone had sexual contact with JonBenet?

If Steve Thomas had not cited splinter in his book then I thought it might have been nail polish from Patsy's nails. I think it was Patsy who applied the ligature and paintbrush.

One interesting question, which arises from Kolar's One person did it all theory, is how did the parents know JonBenet had been sexually assaulted if she had been cleaned up and partially staged by BR?

Looking at the house it appears to me that JonBenet's bedroom is the primary crime-scene. You have a brother on sister scenario late at night, it evolves into an altercation and JonBenet is whacked on the head to prevent her leaving the room.

what evidence is there that links him to the crime?

Fair - there are thousands of posts here where this information has been discussed over and over and over again. But, since you are new, I will list some of them:

BR pretended to be asleep and his parents pretended he was asleep despite him being heard on the 911 call and him admitting that he was awake that morning, listening to everything that was going on both before and after LE arrived.

BR admitted that he sneaked downstairs after everyone went to sleep and at the very time that JBR (according to the undigested pineapple found during her autopsy and the estimated time of death at 1:00am) would have eaten pineapple before her murder.

BR admitted that he had HiTech boots, the same shoe type and size of the print found in the WC next to JBR's body.

BR's tDNA was found on the nightgown which was wrapped around JBR's body and which had allegedly come straight from the clothes dryer.

BR's reaction to the crime scene photo of the bowl of pineapple with his prints on it. You have to watch it to understand his disassociation.

BR was heard talking to DS about manual versus ligature strangulation just days after JBR was murdered and at a time when he allegedly had not learned any details of the scene.

BR put the flashlight in JR's hands late that night, in his bedroom.

BR is known to have engaged in poop smearing, saving and poop was found smeared on the candy in JBR's bedroom and a pair of pajama bottoms, too big for JBR, which had poop smears in them was found in her bedroom.

The GJ charged both parents with Child Abuse resulting in death for placing JBR in a situation which would likely cause her serious harm or death AND as accessories to assist a person known to have committed the crime of Murder in the First Degree to escape and avoid detection, punishment, etc. Only 3 survivors in the house, one of whom was too young to be charged.
it is exactly like pooh sticks , just fun knocking off sticks or leaves and watching them float away , you dont have to have a race its not obligatory lol
Umm.. No. Not exactly. In fact, nothing at all like the game you describe. That's a stretch. Nobody turned to see if the leaf floated under the bridge.
BTW - Hitting JB in the face with a golf club doesn't constitute a game of golf, either.
I have done , lots of it and I cannot see any evidence that directly links him as being the perp , plenty of speculation though which proves nothing.

As I said, we don't have access to the case files. But the Grand Jury did, and both his parents were charged with the cover-up of a first degree murder. There were only 3 people in the house other than the victim. That leaves only Burke.
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