Was Burke Involved? #6

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Replacing LW is a given. What will happen to a Grand Juror and BPD investigators should they decide to be charged with illegal disclosure?

Rain on my Parade,
Probably not a lot, particularly if its common knowledge that the case is really BDI.

Still they might have to endure going through the legal process to get a slap on the wrist?

Every country has its own way of enforcing its laws, the US is no different, consider this case:
Steven Donziger is a human-rights lawyer. He has spent the past one-and-a-half years at home. But not, like many of us, under lockdown. He was put under house arrest, on the orders of a judge in the state of New York.
How a company got away after committing the worst oil spill in history
What's unusual here is that its a private prosecution on behalf of a US Multi National Corporation.
How the Environmental Lawyer Who Won a Massive Judgment Against Chevron Lost Everything

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I posted one question about the wording of the investigatory note (or notes) Kolar relied on for the "pajamas thought to belong to Burke" and the candy box. I hope it will get some kind of answer. (I also posted a question about Holly Smith and the candy box.)

fr brown,
FYI: Holly Smith corroborates Kolar's report of fecal smearing. Meaning indirectly, you are dealing with someone who has a fecal fetish.

Holly Smith reports that JonBenet's underwear was fecally stained, as well as stating the Candy Box in her bedroom was smeared with fecal matter.

IMO, not an accidental event.
fr brown,
FYI: Holly Smith corroborates Kolar's report of fecal smearing. Meaning indirectly, you are dealing with someone who has a fecal fetish.

Holly Smith reports that JonBenet's underwear was fecally stained, as well as stating the Candy Box in her bedroom was smeared with fecal matter.

IMO, not an accidental event.

Was the candy box taken into evidence? Was the fecal smear on the candy box tested? Were the pajama pants taken into evidence? Was the fecal matter in the pajama pants tested?
Was the candy box taken into evidence? Was the fecal smear on the candy box tested? Were the pajama pants taken into evidence? Was the fecal matter in the pajama pants tested?

I've already raised these points myself. You should ask James Kolar, as he is taking questions.

It's only three questions, so needs three members to co-ordinate to attempt to get an answer.

What matters is that Holly Smith is on record long before Kolar mentioned fecal smearing.

Kolar then cites a CSI report on this subject, so Holly Smith corroborates Kolar's reference.

Some people attempt to minimise the fecal aspect by suggesting it cannot be linked, corroborated or no such evidence exists.

Patently these people have an agenda, which does not appear to be consistent with the available evidence.

Some people attempt to minimise the fecal aspect by suggesting it cannot be linked, corroborated or no such evidence exists.

Patently these people have an agenda, which does not appear to be consistent with the available evidence.

This is postcard note material.
Some people attempt to minimise the fecal aspect by suggesting it cannot be linked, corroborated or no such evidence exists.

Patently these people have an agenda, which does not appear to be consistent with the available evidence.

Some people wish to have definitive proof as to the origin of a piece of evidence.
Some people wish to have definitive proof as to the origin of a piece of evidence.

Sure, so do I. Why not ask Kolar at his AMAA Question Fest? If the pajama bottoms or smeared candy box are in an evidence cage somewhere in Colorado State then they can be tested against the current known dna samples.


AMAA with JK new schedule, March 13, 2021:


"Hi everyone,

Due to net service issues Chief Kolar lost some time yesterday and today in preparing for the AMAA. We both agreed it would be best to postpone it by one week in order for him to finish working on answers for the last batch of advance questions I forwarded to him a couple of days ago.

New scheduled time is Saturday March 13th, 2021 at 11 AM Mountain Standard Time (UTC -7) / 12 PM CST / 1PM EST."

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for understanding."
Sure, so do I. Why not ask Kolar at his AMAA Question Fest? If the pajama bottoms or smeared candy box are in an evidence cage somewhere in Colorado State then they can be tested against the current known dna samples.


If I'm not working during that time, I will. (The thing is I have a reddit account but cannot remember neither my user name nor my password.)
Excellent, if you get an answer, negative or positive will decide if this line is worth continuing?

This assumes Kolar is candid and is not constrained by confidentiality restrictions.


Sure, but based on the content of the ransom note, I really don't think that's going to be the case.
Welcome to thread # 5 of "Was Burke Involved?"

It will be interesting to read how many of you have changed your opinion of Burke after watching two out of the three interviews with Burke and Dr. Phil.

What a lot of people came away with (myself included) is how in the world could Lin Wood or John Ramsey allow Burke to be interviewed?

Burke is an adult so perhaps there was nothing they could do to stop him. However, I got the impression that Burke would rather be anywhere else in the world than with Dr. Phil answering questions.

Continue posting and thank you for participating.


Was Burke Involved ? # 1

Was Burke Involved ? # 2

Was Burke Involved? # 3

Was Burke Involved? # 4

Thread #5
Do you think the circle of close friends, the church, the pediatrician, the teachers and classmates (even those friends that got thrown under the bus) engaged in the conspiracy of silence about the truth because the surviving / offending child clearly had undx and untx special needs? Why did everyone clam shut? Did they soften slightly knowing that the child was not getting resources, structures, boundaries, consequences to bad behavior and it escalated to something positively unthinkable?
Do you think the circle of close friends, the church, the pediatrician, the teachers and classmates (even those friends that got thrown under the bus) engaged in the conspiracy of silence about the truth because the surviving / offending child clearly had undx and untx special needs? Why did everyone clam shut? Did they soften slightly knowing that the child was not getting resources, structures, boundaries, consequences to bad behavior and it escalated to something positively unthinkable?

Its all about the sexual assault. Because the case went global so anyone connected to the case usually had media, journalists on their doorstep, nobody wants to talk.

Just think on the rumors spawned by any hint of involvement, what it might mean for other children, never mind their parents, so Boulder encircled the wagons and nobody wants to talk anymore.

With the medical personnel, police, legal attorney's, prosecutors, etc. None could comment on any child related to the case as Colorado State Statutes forbid this.

Which is possibly why Alex Hunter elected to form a Grand Jury, it does a nice job on keeping stuff confidential, whilst allowing the prosecution to filter the evidence placed in front of the GJ members?


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