Was Burke involved?

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Was Burke involved in JB's death?

  • Burke was involved in the death of JBR

    Votes: 377 59.6%
  • Burke was totally uninvolved in her death

    Votes: 256 40.4%

  • Total voters
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Why then are statistics gathered, compiled, analyzed and published?

Because they "mean nothing to the individual"?

Hmmm. Interesting.

The answer to that is simple. Statistics have value in a quantitative configuration or analysis but they still mean nothing to the individual. They are an odds predictor that is all.

The odds are if a child is found murdered in their own home that the child was likely murdered by a family member. That doesn’t mean that as a society we get to throw the parent of every child who is found murdered in their home into prison.

Ergo statistics mean nothing to an individual. Does that mean statistics are meaningless? Nope.
If the GJ had asked for the medical records, would they have been provided, or was it AH who made the decision about them? If the records were provided, then we won't ever know.
I believe these records hold deep dark secrets that led to this tragedy. I wonder what was said when the teachers from their school spoke to the GJ, and didn't they call a social services person to testify? PR volunteered at the school many times. I have to wonder if she was there to keep a watchful eye on one or both children.

What should have happened was this...if the Rs didn't want to turn over ALL the records, then the DA requests a judge to issue a subpoena. Similar to getting a search warrant. If this would have happened, the defense lawyers and the DA would argue in front of a judge why the records are relevant (the DA), while the defense would argue why they aren't relevant. The judge makes a decision based on those arguments, either granting the request (turn over the records) or denying the request ( the documents aren't relevant, and they don't have to be turned over to LE.)

This didn't happen in this case. Please note the wording, "we have a problem with certain kinds of medical records"

The DA conceded this to the Rs...not the 1st or last time concessions would be made.

Moreover, having Lin Wood espouse that the Rs "voluntary turned over the psych interview with Burke," as if it was some sort of proof of cooperation is laughable.

This is another concession. Burke HAD to be interviewed in some way, or social services would have yanked him out of the home. His sister was found murdered in his home, and from the onset, the police were unable to "clear the parents" b/c they wouldn't sit down with LE and get cleared.

On Saturday, December 28, 1996, Assistant District Attorney Pete Hoffstrom informed detectives that the family had retained legal counsel and were not willing to meet with police investigators. He suggested that any questions they had be reduced to writing , and he would forward these to Ramsey defense counsel.
Kolar (967)

The Rs agreed to have Burke "interviewed" by a social services psychiatrist, with no LE allowed. The DA agreed. The Dr. wanted follow up, but BR never went back.
Statistics are compiled, etc for a number of useful and sometimes meaningless reasons. Statistics can sometimes be meaningful to the individual, but statistics of the sort that we are most concerned with are not.

If there is a stat that says 90 % of children murdered in the home were murdered by a parent, than that only tell us what happened in 90 % of these case, but it does not tell us what happened, or will happen, in any single case.

This sort of stat is useful because it can tell us where to look first: the parents; but, that’s all that it tells us.

JB's medical records were never turned over (by Dr Beuof- sorry I never spell his name right) to the investigators. Do you believe the Daily Camera Reporter or the police officers and investigators who worked the case?
Dr. Beuf retained JonBenet's original medical records, but the Ramseys signed waivers permitting Dr. Beuf to release all information comprising JonBenet's medical history to LE in early February of '97. Detective Harmer was assigned the task of interviewing nurses & Beuf. Harmer also reviewed & recorded the contents of JonBenet's medical history. (PMPT nook, p. 259-261)
step right up, come one, come all! we hope you enjoy the ride!


I will clarify the statistics quote. It is a famous unattributed quote thought to have originated in the field of medicine not law. In fact it was made a common phrase for a bit when some actor from a doctor’s show (Greys Anatomy maybe) used it. Doctors are always asked “What are my odds” after a diagnosis is made. The doctors usually give a number “Well this particular cancer has an 80% survival rate” but the patients in that 80% rate may stick to a certain regiment, they may tale a cocktail of drugs the 20% may also have some binding factors so “statistics” when a subjective element is thrown into the mix are meaningless to the individual.

The point I was trying to (unsuccessfully) illustrate children that are found murdered in their homes, who were murdered by a family member, often have common elements that precede the event, often there is a documented history of abuse of the child, often there is a documented substance abuse problem with one or both of the parents, often there is isolation of the family and they live in a small cultural niche, and often there are many people after the murder that are willing to say we saw this coming.

Variables, verifiable, psychological and physical facts render “statistics” meaningless. The Ramsey’s by all accounts were loving involved parents, their children were involved in many activities and had many friends, no one thought that the children displayed any signs of physical or psychological abuse. No long term sexually abuse was discovered on JonBenet’s body at autopsy. No scarring of her little body was present.

Later when it was trendy and hip to hate and convict the Ramsey’s in the court of public opinion several “experts” said that they believed that the “abrasions” and the torn hymen on JonBenet’s were indicative of long term abuse. To me anyone one with a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy and abuse would see these conclusions as ignorant and ludicrous at best, at worst as these assessments had no founding in medical fact but were riding the wave of Ramsey hate.

The Ramsey’s were guilty of being wealthy, happy, well connected and successful; their daughter was brutally murdered and sexually assaulted in their home, and because of shoddy police work, tabloid reporting and human jealousy and incurious minds, the Ramsye’s have been vilified in a truly despicable way.

I will clarify the statistics quote. It is a famous unattributed quote thought to have originated in the field of medicine not law. In fact it was made a common phrase for a bit when some actor from a doctor’s show (Greys Anatomy maybe) used it. Doctors are always asked “What are my odds” after a diagnosis is made. The doctors usually give a number “Well this particular cancer has an 80% survival rate” but the patients in that 80% rate may stick to a certain regiment, they may tale a cocktail of drugs the 20% may also have some binding factors so “statistics” when a subjective element is thrown into the mix are meaningless to the individual.

The point I was trying to (unsuccessfully) illustrate children that are found murdered in their homes, who were murdered by a family member, often have common elements that precede the event, often there is a documented history of abuse of the child, often there is a documented substance abuse problem with one or both of the parents, often there is isolation of the family and they live in a small cultural niche, and often there are many people after the murder that are willing to say we saw this coming.

Variables, verifiable, psychological and physical facts render “statistics” meaningless. The Ramsey’s by all accounts were loving involved parents, their children were involved in many activities and had many friends, no one thought that the children displayed any signs of physical or psychological abuse. No long term sexually abuse was discovered on JonBenet’s body at autopsy. No scarring of her little body was present.

Later when it was trendy and hip to hate and convict the Ramsey’s in the court of public opinion several “experts” said that they believed that the “abrasions” and the torn hymen on JonBenet’s were indicative of long term abuse. To me anyone one with a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy and abuse would see these conclusions as ignorant and ludicrous at best, at worst as these assessments had no founding in medical fact but were riding the wave of Ramsey hate.

The Ramsey’s were guilty of being wealthy, happy, well connected and successful; their daughter was brutally murdered and sexually assaulted in their home, and because of shoddy police work, tabloid reporting and human jealousy and incurious minds, the Ramsye’s have been vilified in a truly despicable way.

I agree with what your saying re: statistics in general.

However, the rest of your post is not accurate, and I'm reposting a quote I made previously in another thread.

whether or not Meyer concluded there was prior sexual contact, and

Dr. Meyer conducted an external examination of JonBenét’s genitalia. He had observed spots of blood in the crotch of the underwear she had been wearing when her clothing had been removed, and this alerted him to the possibility that there was a cause for this evidence to be present. He observed that there was fresh trauma located at the 7: 00 o’clock position at the hymeneal opening. The area was inflamed and had been bleeding, and it appeared to Dr. Meyer that a foreign object had been inserted into JonBenét’s genitalia at or near the time of her death.

Later examination would reveal the presence of ‘cellulose material’ in the membrane of the hymeneal opening that was consistent with the wood of the paintbrush used as a handle in the cord of the garrote. He noted that he didn’t consider this injury the result of a particularly vicious assault with a foreign object. A very small splinter of material was discovered during microscopic examination, and more trauma to the site would have been expected if the perpetrator had been intent on physically torturing the child.

Dr. Meyer also observed signs of chronic inflammation around the vaginal orifice and believed that these injuries had been inflicted in the days or weeks before the acute injury that was responsible for causing the bleeding at the time of her death. This irritation appeared consistent with prior sexual contact.

The bulk of the autopsy had been completed by mid- afternoon, but Dr. Meyer wanted another opinion about the injuries that had been inflicted upon the genitalia. Dr. Meyer returned to the morgue with Dr. Andy Sirontak, Chief of Denver Children’s Hospital Child Protection Team, so that a second opinion could be rendered on the injuries observed to the vaginal area of JonBenét.
He would observe the same injuries that Dr. Meyer had noted during the autopsy protocol and concurred that a foreign object had been inserted into the opening of JonBenét’s vaginal orifice and was responsible for the acute injury witnessed at the 7: 00 o’clock position. Further inspection revealed that the hymen was shriveled and retracted, a sign that JonBenét had been subjected to some type of sexual contact prior to the date of her death. Dr. Sirontak could not provide an opinion as to how old those injuries were or how many times JonBenét may have been assaulted and would defer to the expert opinions of other medical examiners.

Dr. Meyer was concerned about JonBenét’s vaginal injuries, and he, along with Boulder investigators, sought the opinions of a variety of other physicians in the days following her autopsy. Dr. Sirontak, a pediatrician with Denver Children’s Hospital, had recognized signs of prior sexual trauma but neither he nor Dr. Meyer were able to say with any degree of certainty what period of time may have been involved in the abuse. Experts in their field, physicians and forensic pathologists were consulted from St. Louis, Missouri; Dade County , Florida ; Wayne County, Michigan , and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to name just a few. They examined the series of photographs that depicted the injuries and came to the opinion that JonBenet had been subjected to sexual intrusion prior to the insertion of the foreign object that had created the injury at the time of her death. It was their opinion that the type of injury present with the hymen suggested that several different contacts had been made in the past and that digital penetration was consistent with this type of injury. The physicians were unable to date the previous injury or specifically quantify the number of times JonBenét had been assaulted, but were confident in their opinions that she had been subjected to sexual contact prior to the day of her murder.

Kolar, A. James (2012-06-14). Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet? (Kindle Locations 825-890)

also, from Vanity Fair...I also believe Wecht had this published elsewhere.

Dr. Cyril Wecht, a well known forensic pathologist, has no doubt that the 45-pound child was molested. "If she had been taken to a hospital emergency room, and doctors had seen the genital evidence, the father would have been arrested," he has said. The vaginal opening, according to Dr. Robert Kirschner of the University of Chicago's pathology department, was twice the normal size for six-year-olds. "The genital injuries indicate penetration," he says, "but probably not by a penis, and are evidence of molestation that night as well as previous molestation."

Meyer did not have to be nudged, or led to this conclusion, he found the evidence all on his own. He expected to see some sort of sexual assault given the manner of JRBs death; the surprise was the evidence of prior sexual contact.

As for the assertion that the Rs seemed to be a loving family, with no obvious signs of family strife, or abuse, that isn't necessarily indicative of anything. There are countless cases--child molestation, or otherwise--where the extended family or community is shocked, b/c "they seemed so normal, they seemed like a loving family, blah, blah, blah."

This case has years worth of information posted online. Some of it complete BS, but there are many accurate and reliable sources. I've said this often, you may not agree with Kolar or STs conclusions of the case, and that's fine, but they both offer an accurate detailing of the facts aside from their theories on what they believed happened that night.


Last edited by bettybaby00; 03-04-2014 at 10:21 PM.
JonBenet and Burke were both in therapy ?
Tricia's True Crime Radio, 12.23.12: (@ ~1 hour mark)

Koldkase: "I believe Steve [Thomas] did mention the issue of, and Chief Kolar also wrote about this, the issue of medical records. And, that was a key point I believe you made, Chief Kolar, about subpoenaing the medical records of the Ramseys. And, there was a passage in Steve’s book-and I know you’re not speaking to this, Steve-but, I did want to get Chief Kolar’s thoughts on this. Where Steve said that JonBenet had been in therapy before she died. That information came to them, he didn’t give any specific details, and that a therapist was called who said, 'Call the Ramseys.' And, I just wondered if you had any thoughts on that Chief Kolar?"

Chief Kolar: "Well, to be honest with you, Koldkase, I don't recall reading about her being in therapy. It came to light during my review of some of the records in their views that Patsy and Burke had been in therapy, but I don't---I can't tell you for certain that I remember that JonBenet had been in therapy. It just didn't sound familiar to me."

Tricia: "Koldkase, we have time for one more question. I just wanted to let you know that."

Koldkase: "Well, let me follow that up."

Tricia: "Okay."

Koldkase: "Are you saying Patsy and Burke were in therapy before the murder?"


Tricia: "Chief Kolar?"

Koldkase: "Chief Kolar?"

Chief Kolar: "No, I think that was subsequent to the murder."​


You can listen to the entire podcast here.
What Kolar reported (wrote) in his book is his interpretation of Meyers words it is not in the official autopsy nor do I think it is an accurate assessment.

I should say for the sake of our discussion and so you know where I am coming from I have no respect for Kolar or Thomas and I believe they both wrote with self-interest and extremely biased minds. I do not think that they were seeking justice but that they were pushing their own agendas.

I respect that other people view their writings differently and thank you for the dialogue.

I am headed out of town for the day so have a lovely day.
What Kolar reported (wrote) in his book is his interpretation of Meyers words it is not in the official autopsy nor do I think it is an accurate assessment.

I should say for the sake of our discussion and so you know where I am coming from I have no respect for Kolar or Thomas and I believe they both wrote with self-interest and extremely biased minds. I do not think that they were seeking justice but that they were pushing their own agendas.

I respect that other people view their writings differently and thank you for the dialogue.

I am headed out of town for the day so have a lovely day.

I can't speak for Thomas, b/c I'm not aware of the circumstances surrounding the publication of his book, except to say that when a long-time detective resigns over a case, I don't think it involves "self interest."

To characterize Kolar in that manner is pretty unfair IMO. To be brought into an investigation to try and investigate a case with fresh eyes--like any cold case detective--spending years studying the case files, interpreting the evidence and coming to a conclusion that the DA doesn't like isn't indicative of self interest IMO. Self interest can be attributed to ML when she refused to explore Kolar's conclusions b/c she "didn't want to harm her relationship with the Ramsey's"

Also, Kolar wrote this book with his own money, and after he clears expenses, will donate the proceeds to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This doesn't seem like the actions of a man concerned with self interest or promoting an agenda. BTW how's is that JRB Foundation set up by her parents doing? Oh yea, the website went offline in 2004, and a look at the tax records show that most years the contributions were $0.00. Where is the proceeds from the sale of the house, the book, the annual $15,000 contributions the Rs claimed were going to be made?


The above is an excellent resource. A catalogue of information.

As for Kolar "interpreting Meyer." He had access to ALL of the case info, including GJ information. He clearly details the steps Meyer took in determining his conclusions regarding prior sexual contact. He didn't pull this information out of thin air. Meyer followed protocol, and there has never been any indication that he didn't.

I will clarify the statistics quote. It is a famous unattributed quote thought to have originated in the field of medicine not law. In fact it was made a common phrase for a bit when some actor from a doctor’s show (Greys Anatomy maybe) used it. Doctors are always asked “What are my odds” after a diagnosis is made. The doctors usually give a number “Well this particular cancer has an 80% survival rate” but the patients in that 80% rate may stick to a certain regiment, they may tale a cocktail of drugs the 20% may also have some binding factors so “statistics” when a subjective element is thrown into the mix are meaningless to the individual.

The point I was trying to (unsuccessfully) illustrate children that are found murdered in their homes, who were murdered by a family member, often have common elements that precede the event, often there is a documented history of abuse of the child, often there is a documented substance abuse problem with one or both of the parents, often there is isolation of the family and they live in a small cultural niche, and often there are many people after the murder that are willing to say we saw this coming.

Variables, verifiable, psychological and physical facts render “statistics” meaningless. The Ramsey’s by all accounts were loving involved parents, their children were involved in many activities and had many friends, no one thought that the children displayed any signs of physical or psychological abuse. No long term sexually abuse was discovered on JonBenet’s body at autopsy. No scarring of her little body was present.

Later when it was trendy and hip to hate and convict the Ramsey’s in the court of public opinion several “experts” said that they believed that the “abrasions” and the torn hymen on JonBenet’s were indicative of long term abuse. To me anyone one with a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy and abuse would see these conclusions as ignorant and ludicrous at best, at worst as these assessments had no founding in medical fact but were riding the wave of Ramsey hate.

The Ramsey’s were guilty of being wealthy, happy, well connected and successful; their daughter was brutally murdered and sexually assaulted in their home, and because of shoddy police work, tabloid reporting and human jealousy and incurious minds, the Ramsye’s have been vilified in a truly despicable way.

The Rs were also guilty of being involved in the cover up of the abuse and death of their daughter. This is according to the Grand Jury, whose findings were based on evidence and had nothing to do with their wealth. It is their connections that kept them from being prosecuted for the obstruction charges. It puzzles me how anyone could read the coroner's findings on the prior sexual abuse JB suffered and still not see that she was abused by someone with close, private access to her. His findings WERE medical fact and had nothing to do with personal opinions of the R, hate or not. The FACT is that the hymen was eroded- something which occurs over time. There was evidence of inflammation as well as healing inside her vagina. There was no doubt in the coroner's opinion (as well as the opinions of several other medical experts that were asked to review either the body or the photos) that there had been sexual contact before that night. Call it "playing doctor" or whatever you wish. Despite the age or intent of the abuser, it was sexual abuse.
Greetings, Carmelita, and welcome to WS.


I will clarify the statistics quote. It is a famous unattributed quote thought to have originated in the field of medicine not law. In fact it was made a common phrase for a bit when some actor from a doctor’s show (Greys Anatomy maybe) used it. Doctors are always asked “What are my odds” after a diagnosis is made. The doctors usually give a number “Well this particular cancer has an 80% survival rate” but the patients in that 80% rate may stick to a certain regiment, they may tale a cocktail of drugs the 20% may also have some binding factors so “statistics” when a subjective element is thrown into the mix are meaningless to the individual.
I understand your point about statistics, and I agree that statistics don’t necessarily mean that any single case is going to fall within that statistical likelihood. But the statistic I believe we are talking about here relates to how many times a child homicide is the result of parental involvement as opposed to that from an outsider. That statistic didn’t come from a TV show or from anywhere in the medical field. It came from cases documented and compiled by the FBI. It is a fact that in child homicides committed in the child’s home, there is only a 1 in 12 (I think that's the statistic that's so often quoted) chance that it was not committed by a parent. But that is a very general statistic. There are other statistics that have it broken down between age groups, victim gender, and race -- and there are even trends that fluctuate over time giving a different percentage depending on the year of any particular study.

To further illustrate this statistical misconception, we could say that out of every 100 child homicides in the U.S., there is only a 1.6 out of 100 (1.6 %) chance that it will happen in Colorado. But that statistic doesn’t change the fact that JonBenet died there instead of in some other state. JonBenet’s homicide was less likely to have happened within her age group (5 to 8) than at any other time in her life according to FBI statistics. Statistically, she is almost 5 times more likely to have died before the age of 5, and 28 times more likely to have died between the ages of 9 and 19. But she did die at the age of 6 while in the state of Colorado regardless of the statistical expectation.

The statistical likelihood of her death being caused by someone in her home is simply a guide for investigators to follow in finding the person(s) responsible in the most expeditious manner. Once parental/family involvement can be eliminated, investigators can concentrate more on eliminating family acquaintances before having to consider the much larger pool of complete strangers. Unfortunately, the “Team Ramsey” roadblocks created almost immediately after the body was discovered, the denial of certain records, the Ramsey family behavior, and the delay in being able to freely question them in order to eliminate them from suspicion caused investigators to never be able to completely remove them from the suspect pool. Had they been allowed to finish the task of eliminating them, they could have spent more time investigating other leads. And I’m not in any way trying to diminish the many mistakes that were made by LE from the beginning -- the first of which was assuming she had actually been kidnapped.

The point I was trying to (unsuccessfully) illustrate children that are found murdered in their homes, who were murdered by a family member, often have common elements that precede the event, often there is a documented history of abuse of the child, often there is a documented substance abuse problem with one or both of the parents, often there is isolation of the family and they live in a small cultural niche, and often there are many people after the murder that are willing to say we saw this coming.
But then, this is all statistical likelihood -- which we’ve determined means nothing here (“meaningless to the individual”). Right? (BTW, have you ever heard of Marilyn Van Derbur Atler? She would have something to say about outward family appearances -- and she was consulted about this case. )

Variables, verifiable, psychological and physical facts render “statistics” meaningless. The Ramsey’s by all accounts were loving involved parents, their children were involved in many activities and had many friends, no one thought that the children displayed any signs of physical or psychological abuse. No long term sexually abuse was discovered on JonBenet’s body at autopsy. No scarring of her little body was present.
(bbm) This depends on your definition of “long term sexual abuse”. You might try to dispute it, but there were definite signs of previous sexual abuse found at the autopsy. The problem is in determining how much, how often, and for what period of time before her death.

Later when it was trendy and hip to hate and convict the Ramsey’s in the court of public opinion several “experts” said that they believed that the “abrasions” and the torn hymen on JonBenet’s were indicative of long term abuse. To me anyone one with a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy and abuse would see these conclusions as ignorant and ludicrous at best, at worst as these assessments had no founding in medical fact but were riding the wave of Ramsey hate.
First, her hymen was not “torn”. Secondly, the determination of prior sexual abuse did not happen later, but instead was found by the medical examiner during the autopsy. He (Dr. Meyer) then had his finding confirmed by another doctor (Dr. Sirontak). In the days afterwards (as bettybaby has pointed out), numerous other experts (including Dr. John McCann) were consulted. While the exact time period and the number of incidents preceding her death could not be accurately determined, there was general agreement that prior sexual intrusion had occurred. So the idea that she was sexually abused prior to her death was not something that came up “later when it was trendy and hip to hate and convict the Ramsey’s in the court of public opinion,” as you suggest. It was a medical consensus from doctors (expert in that area of medical forensics) days after her autopsy -- doctors with much more than a “rudimentary knowledge of anatomy and abuse” whose opinions were not “ignorant and ludicrous at best”.

The Ramsey’s were guilty of being wealthy, happy, well connected and successful; their daughter was brutally murdered and sexually assaulted in their home, and because of shoddy police work, tabloid reporting and human jealousy and incurious minds, the Ramsye’s have been vilified in a truly despicable way.
Your opinion, not shared by all.

What Kolar reported (wrote) in his book is his interpretation of Meyers words it is not in the official autopsy nor do I think it is an accurate assessment.

I should say for the sake of our discussion and so you know where I am coming from I have no respect for Kolar or Thomas and I believe they both wrote with self-interest and extremely biased minds. I do not think that they were seeking justice but that they were pushing their own agendas.
“Wrote with self-interest and extremely biased minds...” And is there any other book that you feel was not written with self-interest and an extremely biased mind? Surely not either of the two written by someone with the name Ramsey. How about the one co-authored by Lou Smit? Don’t you think it might have been a little self-serving? I won’t try to defend the intentions of either Thomas or Kolar. Others have. Obviously neither of us knows what was in either of their minds when they wrote their books. But considering where the profits go from Kolar’s book, I’d say the old adage about knowing someone by their deeds, rather than their words, applies here. (And thank you for telling us where you are coming from, although I think most here had already figured that out.)

I respect that other people view their writings differently and thank you for the dialogue.
Same here.

Many people have also indicated that because James Kolar did not have a publisher for his book showed the quality or intentions of his book. IMO
I have a friend who wrote a book. It was for a nitche market but was very successful. A publisher did want to publish her book. But, she would have had to give up editorial options that she was not willing to give up. So she self published.
The book is now in the third printing. She has never made a great deal of money on the book. But, she is very proud that they are all her words.
Maybe Chief Kolar wanted the same thing? If this is self serving, so be it. But he has not had any lawsuits. Which IMO shows something regarding the content.
Greetings, Carmelita, and welcome to WS.

I understand your point about statistics, and I agree that statistics don’t necessarily mean that any single case is going to fall within that statistical likelihood. But the statistic I believe we are talking about here relates to how many times a child homicide is the result of parental involvement as opposed to that from an outsider. That statistic didn’t come from a TV show or from anywhere in the medical field. It came from cases documented and compiled by the FBI. It is a fact that in child homicides committed in the child’s home, there is only a 1 in 12 (I think that's the statistic that's so often quoted) chance that it was not committed by a parent. But that is a very general statistic. There are other statistics that have it broken down between age groups, victim gender, and race -- and there are even trends that fluctuate over time giving a different percentage depending on the year of any particular study.

To further illustrate this statistical misconception, we could say that out of every 100 child homicides in the U.S., there is only a 1.6 out of 100 (1.6 %) chance that it will happen in Colorado. But that statistic doesn’t change the fact that JonBenet died there instead of in some other state. JonBenet’s homicide was less likely to have happened within her age group (5 to 8) than at any other time in her life according to FBI statistics. Statistically, she is almost 5 times more likely to have died before the age of 5, and 28 times more likely to have died between the ages of 9 and 19. But she did die at the age of 6 while in the state of Colorado regardless of the statistical expectation.

The statistical likelihood of her death being caused by someone in her home is simply a guide for investigators to follow in finding the person(s) responsible in the most expeditious manner. Once parental/family involvement can be eliminated, investigators can concentrate more on eliminating family acquaintances before having to consider the much larger pool of complete strangers. Unfortunately, the “Team Ramsey” roadblocks created almost immediately after the body was discovered, the denial of certain records, the Ramsey family behavior, and the delay in being able to freely question them in order to eliminate them from suspicion caused investigators to never be able to completely remove them from the suspect pool. Had they been allowed to finish the task of eliminating them, they could have spent more time investigating other leads. And I’m not in any way trying to diminish the many mistakes that were made by LE from the beginning -- the first of which was assuming she had actually been kidnapped.

But then, this is all statistical likelihood -- which we’ve determined means nothing here (“meaningless to the individual”). Right? (BTW, have you ever heard of Marilyn Van Derbur Atler? She would have something to say about outward family appearances -- and she was consulted about this case. )

(bbm) This depends on your definition of “long term sexual abuse”. You might try to dispute it, but there were definite signs of previous sexual abuse found at the autopsy. The problem is in determining how much, how often, and for what period of time before her death.

First, her hymen was not “torn”. Secondly, the determination of prior sexual abuse did not happen later, but instead was found by the medical examiner during the autopsy. He (Dr. Meyer) then had his finding confirmed by another doctor (Dr. Sirontak). In the days afterwards (as bettybaby has pointed out), numerous other experts (including Dr. John McCann) were consulted. While the exact time period and the number of incidents preceding her death could not be accurately determined, there was general agreement that prior sexual intrusion had occurred. So the idea that she was sexually abused prior to her death was not something that came up “later when it was trendy and hip to hate and convict the Ramsey’s in the court of public opinion,” as you suggest. It was a medical consensus from doctors (expert in that area of medical forensics) days after her autopsy -- doctors with much more than a “rudimentary knowledge of anatomy and abuse” whose opinions were not “ignorant and ludicrous at best”.

Your opinion, not shared by all.

“Wrote with self-interest and extremely biased minds...” And is there any other book that you feel was not written with self-interest and an extremely biased mind? Surely not either of the two written by someone with the name Ramsey. How about the one co-authored by Lou Smit? Don’t you think it might have been a little self-serving? I won’t try to defend the intentions of either Thomas or Kolar. Others have. Obviously neither of us knows what was in either of their minds when they wrote their books. But considering where the profits go from Kolar’s book, I’d say the old adage about knowing someone by their deeds, rather than their words, applies here. (And thank you for telling us where you are coming from, although I think most here had already figured that out.)

Same here.


BBM. Your attention to detail is exemplary, you nailed the case for prior molestaion!

Hi folks and thanks for your well thought out responses.

Otg I understand what the statistics mean about a child murdered in their own home and where the statistics come from. I was once again trying to illustrate a point and explain why I used the quote. The short of my point I although statistically speaking most children murdered in their homes are murdered by a close family member doesn’t mean that all children murdered in their home was murdered by a close family member. I would do a Venn diagram but my computer skills are not that great.

As to the Grand Jury the bar is set very low for a Grand Jury indictment it does not make the Ramsey’s guilty of anything. What we were allowed to read of the GJI had a lot of nebulous wording in it.

I have read the coroner’s report, not as many times as a lot of you or many people probably but the coroner’s report did not indicate sustained sexual abuse there was no scaring and that is a fact. I do not remember the word “eroded” being used in the coroner’s report in reference to the hymen. I do remember it was partially intact.

IMO Thomas had an ax to grind and was in way over his head, he let his ego get in the way of a proper investigation and his narrow minded focus was a disservice to JonBenet.

Part of why Kolar has no credibility with me is that he makes too many arguments from straws. He discusses the “cobwebs” because at one point the window where the cobwebs were was considered a point of interest for an intruder entry, (yes I know about Lou Smit but a wrong theory does not make the Ramsey’s sexually deviant murders). But it is a moot point, the best most viable theory is that the intruder was in the home for some hours, that he had a key or that he entered through an unlocked door, yes in spite the wild reporting of no unlocked doors it was reported in an initial police report that 1 door was found unlocked. When Kolar wastes time discussing the cobwebs it leads me to believe that he is playing with smoke and mirrors.

I have been to Candy’s site so thank you.

The bit about Mary Lacey letting a sexual deviant child murderer skate because she was their pal is just not reasonable to me.
I do not remember the word “eroded” being used in the coroner’s report in reference to the hymen.
Refresher (bbm):
Vaginal Mucosa: All of the sections contain vascular congestion and focal interstitial chronic inflammation. The smallest piece of tissue, from the 7:00 position of the vaginal wall/hymen, contains epithelial erosionwith underlying capillary congestion. A small number of red blood cells is present on the eroded surface, as is birefringent foreign material. Acute inflammatory infiltrate is not seen.
I do remember it was partially intact.
Help me. I can't find the word "intact" in reference to the hymen.
Hi folks and thanks for your well thought out responses.

Otg I understand what the statistics mean about a child murdered in their own home and where the statistics come from. I was once again trying to illustrate a point and explain why I used the quote. The short of my point I although statistically speaking most children murdered in their homes are murdered by a close family member doesn’t mean that all children murdered in their home was murdered by a close family member. I would do a Venn diagram but my computer skills are not that great.

As to the Grand Jury the bar is set very low for a Grand Jury indictment it does not make the Ramsey’s guilty of anything. What we were allowed to read of the GJI had a lot of nebulous wording in it.

I have read the coroner’s report, not as many times as a lot of you or many people probably but the coroner’s report did not indicate sustained sexual abuse there was no scaring and that is a fact. I do not remember the word “eroded” being used in the coroner’s report in reference to the hymen. I do remember it was partially intact.

IMO Thomas had an ax to grind and was in way over his head, he let his ego get in the way of a proper investigation and his narrow minded focus was a disservice to JonBenet.

Part of why Kolar has no credibility with me is that he makes too many arguments from straws. He discusses the “cobwebs” because at one point the window where the cobwebs were was considered a point of interest for an intruder entry, (yes I know about Lou Smit but a wrong theory does not make the Ramsey’s sexually deviant murders). But it is a moot point, the best most viable theory is that the intruder was in the home for some hours, that he had a key or that he entered through an unlocked door, yes in spite the wild reporting of no unlocked doors it was reported in an initial police report that 1 door was found unlocked. When Kolar wastes time discussing the cobwebs it leads me to believe that he is playing with smoke and mirrors.

I have been to Candy’s site so thank you.

The bit about Mary Lacey letting a sexual deviant child murderer skate because she was their pal is just not reasonable to me.

If Mary Lacey had even HALF a clue or knew as much as some of the posters here...she would have known John Marc Karr had absolutely nothing to do with JonBenet's murder. His weird butt would have stayed in Bangkok!!!

She was sucked in and easily fooled by Michael Tracey

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Page four of the autopsy second paragraph indicates that the hymen was partially intact (though you are correct the specific word is not used) which is something that would be unlikely in a chronically sexually abused female. And yes the autopsy does state that there is epithelial cell erosion but that would be consistent with JonBenét being sexually assaulted that night/morning.

Sorry I can’t copy and paste it and I am too tired to find one where I can.
And thanks for making me defend my posts I don’t mind getting the gray matter moving a little quicker.
After what John Mark Karr said it would have been irresponsible not to bring him back to the States. And no I would not label a man who fantasizes and talks about sexual attraction and murdering a 6 year old girl as a "weird butt". I would label him as a dangerous sexual deviant with probable psychosis and do what I could to get him off the streets.
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