was Deb's brother there that night ?

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What she says here is different, more details than what she's been saying. Until now she had said the call came in on one of the "family phones,". Now she specifically mentions that it was one of the stolen phones. (but at 8:30, it wouldn't have been stolen yet)

Yea but that's the same thing since DB claimed all three of their phones were stolen.
I heard that he was staying in the camper a few days ago. (Don't remember where I heard it, so JMO). So if he was in the camper then its not news. If he was in the HOUSE, that is important. Because a kidnapper coming into a house with TWO adults, presumably in different places in the house, and not waking either, is much harder to believe.

And, we STILL don't know what Debbie told LE, so it's not really fair to call her a liar. (not directed at you - just in general)

OK,But I am not calling her a liar..this sounds like a defense move to me! I believe brother was with MW that night! JMO
and if he was the last to one to go to bed..why did'nt he turn off lights?

In the other article it stated that he was passed out as well, so there goes him answering any further questions. I wonder if he passed out in the house or the trailer out back.
BBM That man just happened to fit Jersey's description. Just happened to walk up the yard where Jersey had worked that day and the house just happened to be front of the dumpster that caught on fire. That's too many coincidences for me. Plus the husband was outside and saw a baby too, not just the wife. Several posters have said it was a dog so I'm not picking on you. I don't know how it's related to the case but it fits somehow. JMO

But the neighbors can't recognize anyone and the motorcycle guy supposedly picked a different man from a line up (not Jersey).
What are these people lightweights????? i could finish half a box of wine by myself and still be up watching TV! Could there be "other" drugs involved? is that why the call was made to MW and/or Jersey????

I'm sorry, I'm a little late. Been trying to follow the case. How does one make calls on non working cell phones? I thought the service was out?
Where this post falls is random...

We need links whenever and wherever possible.

And if yer speculatin', say so.

You all are doing great--remember TOS, link whenever you can, and keep up the good sleuthing!

I don't know where my brain is going with this because sometimes it has a mind of it's own but this has something to do with why the family let the mystery man at the store with Deb hang out in the wind so long. Never understood why they just didn't come out and say that's my bro the day the video came out.

I always found that strange, why didn't they just come out and say it's Debra's brother, it would have come out one or the other ? :waitasec:
But then there are so many simple questions they have not answered, and probably never will answer unless in a court of law,..... probably not even then :banghead:
But the neighbors can't recognize anyone and the motorcycle guy supposedly picked a different man from a line up (not Jersey).

I think that everyone (neighbours, motorcycle man, bro, heck even that missing dog) involved was drinking at DB's house, throw in some wacky tobacy and everyone passed out. Sum it all up to a whole bunch of different versions of the night that keep changing and changing and changing as the details of the night are foggy for all involved.
What she says here is different, more details than what she's been saying. Until now she had said the call came in on one of the "family phones,". Now she specifically mentions that it was one of the stolen phones. (but at 8:30, it wouldn't have been stolen yet)

Yea but that's the same thing since DB claimed all three of their phones were stolen.

Well, I would agree with you, except that I've seen posts where folks were questioning what she meant by "family" phone. Could it have been a brother's phone? Could it have been the grandparents? Could it have been JI's work phone that was later used to call 911, etc. I have always assumed she meant that it was one of the phones that is now missing, but others were questioning that because of the vague wording, so, I thought it was worth pointing out that the new article definitively settles the question. The call came from a phone that is now missing.
I'm sorry, I'm a little late. Been trying to follow the case. How does one make calls on non working cell phones? I thought the service was out?

Thats what we would ALL love to know.
But the neighbors can't recognize anyone and the motorcycle guy supposedly picked a different man from a line up (not Jersey).

The wife said she didn't recognize anyone but we don't know what the husband told LE. He may have clearly seen a baby. Maybe he doesn't want to be interviewed because he gave LE a name. Other neighbors interviewed said that Jersey was a problem, broke in a home and lived in it when the owner was out of town. MW said he was violent and punched her roommate. We know he has a record. If I had IDed him I wouldn't want it out. The wife said she saw a baby's bare arm and leg. This just happened to happen the night Lisa disappeared. I'm not sure what to make of moto guy but the neighbor sighting is too coincidental for me to think it's not related.

Making a guess here. No actual knowledge but this was a three/four-paragraph story written by the ABC Springfield station. The station probably got today's script from the Kansas City ABC affiliate or read another station's website or got an AP story. The anchor, who doesn't know the ins and outs of the case, re-wrote the story and made an assumption while writing in haste for web while preparing for their night shows (please don't stone the messenger). And I could be wrong. All that is known is Phil Netz was with his sister at Festival Foods just before 5 p.m. Oct. 3. And he wasn't at the home when police arrived around 4 a.m. Oct. 4.
I don't know where my brain is going with this because sometimes it has a mind of it's own but this has something to do with why the family let the mystery man at the store with Deb hang out in the wind so long. Never understood why they just didn't come out and say that's my bro the day the video came out.

Puzzling. And, after they did finally come out and say it was the brother, they said the wine was purchased for a "family event". Word play; were there other family members at the house that night too? Or, were they covering for some other reason?

Family members told KCTV5 on Thursday that the man was Bradley's brother and the wine was bought for a family event.
Maybe he was sleeping in the lower bunk bed and that is why
she took one of the boys to sleep with her.

note_ i read here that the boys had bunk-beds, no idea if true.

I saw the bunk beds in one of the news tours and that could very well be true!!
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