was Deb's brother there that night ?

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You'll have to trace my post back. Ron Rugen said the reporter who said PN was at the Irwin house that night got PN and one of the little boys mixed up - which happens a lot, Lisa's brother/Deborah's brother. I just don't get where the word "sloshed" came in when they quoted PN (or big brother of Lisa).
I wish somebody would explain why this wealthy benefactor is defending DB and her BF by paying out all this money..
I wish somebody would explain why this wealthy benefactor is defending DB and her BF by paying out all this money..

She isn't exactly paying out a ton of money -- she offered up a reward when she found out. She knows ML, Debs cousin, so possibly when she heard about it she made the offer to do whatever she could to help. There is no doubt she has the money and maybe she's just being extremely generous out of the goodness of her heart. It's not like she is paying all their expenses and buying them trips and cars. It's very possible she's just being LISA's angel. A genuine good deed. Nothing nefarious or scary about it. People help others without ulterior motives.
She isn't exactly paying out a ton of money -- she offered up a reward when she found out. She knows ML, Debs cousin, so possibly when she heard about it she made the offer to do whatever she could to help. There is no doubt she has the money and maybe she's just being extremely generous out of the goodness of her heart. It's not like she is paying all their expenses and buying them trips and cars. It's very possible she's just being LISA's angel. A genuine good deed. Nothing nefarious or scary about it. People help others without ulterior motives.

Scary and nefarious? Curious, maybe. She is a good person, by all accounts, but one has to wonder why Lisa? There are children missing everywhere. I guess it's because of the Stanton connection. But who's paying their legal bills? Where's the Tacopina connection? The case isn't even that high profile - why picerno? Who's paying him?

The only thing scary and nefarious here is the way this family has been told to sit down and shut up.
Scary and nefarious? Curious, maybe. She is a good person, by all accounts, but one has to wonder why Lisa? There are children missing everywhere. I guess it's because of the Stanton connection. But who's paying their legal bills? Where's the Tacopina connection? The case isn't even that high profile - why picerno? Who's paying him?

The only thing scary and nefarious here is the way this family has been told to sit down and shut up.

But there aren't that many unsolved recent cases that more high-profile than this one, when you think about it. It's still getting some national coverage. The lawyers don't really have that many cases to choose from. Just the fact that their clients can get an hour-long interview on a national TV show might be good-enough coverage for them. If they only stay with a case for when it's extremely hot in the media, they'll be with a new case every week. With that said, I think that once this case is truly out of the media and it looks like it definitely won't go to trial, the lawyers will move on.
She isn't exactly paying out a ton of money -- she offered up a reward when she found out. She knows ML, Debs cousin, so possibly when she heard about it she made the offer to do whatever she could to help. There is no doubt she has the money and maybe she's just being extremely generous out of the goodness of her heart. It's not like she is paying all their expenses and buying them trips and cars. It's very possible she's just being LISA's angel. A genuine good deed. Nothing nefarious or scary about it. People help others without ulterior motives.

Well, it is a fact that she is paying Bill S. to protect DB and JI. How does that fit in? Why harbor parents who do not cooperate with LE in finding their own daughter?

.....must be one heck of an association for a wealthy benefactor to come to the aid of these two. If she were Lisa's angel, she may want to insist on the parents cooperating with Police.
I think the benefactor should be outed. Enough is enough! This has gone beyond the ridiculous

Lisa's Angel...I think not!
I think the benefactor should be outed. Enough is enough! This has gone beyond the ridiculous

Lisa's Angel...I think not!

So true, this isn't a frigg-- Nancy Drew novel. Let's get it moving!!
How does knowing why the benefactor put up some of her money for a missing child help with knowing if PN was there that night. And really, is it any of our business what this person does with their money anyway?
Every journalist, investigator and reporter knows who this is. Why the protection? If this woman is in the dark, it's about time she was brought into the light. She is paying/and or supporting Bill S. and Joe T. who have obstructed this case from moving forward.
Her wealth and money is being put into this case. Why? Why not Ayala or Haley Dunn from her own state? Why DB and her homies? Why not tell them to talk to LE? She is paying the cronies...according to Bill S.

There's a chance she is totally clueless. It may be time to give her some clues into where her money is going.
Where is Mike LeRette, anyway? He was the "Family spokesman" when this started and then he got out of Dodge. She was already in place when he was there, staying at the house on Walrond.

So we have Phil N living there now (no one cares to verify how long) but his addy was listed as 3620 Lister...okiedokiethen. I would say at some point Phil lived on Lister. Not one investigator/reporter cares to verify or find out when he did. They say it is not relevant, then WTH is relevant?

I consider it relevant that DB takes Benzos and drinks but I'm sure there will be excuses for that one too. She is also prescribed anti-depressants, exactly what is wrong with her? With these two meds, she should be under the care of a psych. No one goes there either. On top of that I find JI just plain weird, and I am being nice in using that word. A case could be made for his odd behavior too.

We have a group of people involved in this case that lie, possible addicts, maybe serious mental issues and we are being questioned on why anyone would think it weird that a very wealthy benefactor has taken up their cause.
Every journalist, investigator and reporter knows who this is. Why the protection? If this woman is in the dark, it's about time she was brought into the light. She is paying/and or supporting Bill S. and Joe T. who have obstructed this case from moving forward.

If the tabloids were interested in this case, they would've published her name and any dirt on her as soon as they found it out.
If the tabloids were interested in this case, they would've published her name and any dirt on her as soon as they found it out.

Have any tabloids been interested? I don't think there is dirt on her. I want to know why this case and why she is paying people to protect DB..

I can understand a reward...but this has gone way beyond a reward..
This case has reached the depths of misty and ron cummings. If it weren't for Joe T. and his drama, no bona fide news media wouldn't touch it.

....Which brings it back to money-making opportunities..at least as far as Joe T goes. Did Bill S bring him in? He came on board pretty quickly. Was the benefactor involved in bringing him in. How much lattitude did the "B" give Bill S?

To whom is Bill Stanton accountable?
I thought I was the only clueless one about the identity of the benefactor. . . and I am very curious. There's a post (or link) somewhere here that says when they found out who it was they smiled and then moved on . . . as though it explained something.

But I'm hesitant to even begin to try to search it out as it may very well be out of bounds here. I'll try to ask a mod before any of us gets our hands slapped, okay?
Scary and nefarious? Curious, maybe. She is a good person, by all accounts, but one has to wonder why Lisa? There are children missing everywhere. I guess it's because of the Stanton connection. But who's paying their legal bills? Where's the Tacopina connection? The case isn't even that high profile - why picerno? Who's paying him?

The only thing scary and nefarious here is the way this family has been told to sit down and shut up.

I think the 'why Lisa' is because of ML - something about him working with/for (?) her...some connection. I don't know about Tacopina or Picerno, but I don't see this benefactor 'protecting' Deb or doing anything unusual under the circumstances. If I had the money and knew someone who's baby was missing, even if through one of their family members, I would post a reward and try to help as much as I could too.
bbm - I totally agree!!
I thought I was the only clueless one about the identity of the benefactor. . . and I am very curious. There's a post (or link) somewhere here that says when they found out who it was they smiled and then moved on . . . as though it explained something.

But I'm hesitant to even begin to try to search it out as it may very well be out of bounds here. I'll try to ask a mod before any of us gets our hands slapped, okay?

You can just google it. I wouldn't post it here, until you talk with a mod, but it's not hard to find. At least who is speculated to be the benefactor.
I thought I was the only clueless one about the identity of the benefactor. . . and I am very curious. There's a post (or link) somewhere here that says when they found out who it was they smiled and then moved on . . . as though it explained something.

But I'm hesitant to even begin to try to search it out as it may very well be out of bounds here. I'll try to ask a mod before any of us gets our hands slapped, okay?

It was Ron Rugen...
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