was Deb's brother there that night ?

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I can understand the reward but this lady has gone way beyond a reward with Bill S. who is still on her payroll and then we have Joe T., unconfirmed.

I wish she would put her money in cases like Ayla and Haley Dunn. Why not Kyron? Why this case and why pay Bill S as a Security Consultant/investigator who does nothing?
How do we know that DB is not under the care of a psychiatrist or a general practitioner? FYI, you don't have to go to a psychiatrist to get a prescription for either benzos or anti-depressants. An internist (aka a GP) can also prescribe these medications.
IMO Joe T is going after KCPO as he always does in all the guilty people he represents. Who is paying him to do this?
Where is Mike LeRette, anyway? He was the "Family spokesman" when this started and then he got out of Dodge. She was already in place when he was there, staying at the house on Walrond.

So we have Phil N living there now (no one cares to verify how long) but his addy was listed as 3620 Lister...okiedokiethen. I would say at some point Phil lived on Lister. Not one investigator/reporter cares to verify or find out when he did. They say it is not relevant, then WTH is relevant?

I consider it relevant that DB takes Benzos and drinks but I'm sure there will be excuses for that one too. She is also prescribed anti-depressants, exactly what is wrong with her? With these two meds, she should be under the care of a psych. No one goes there either. On top of that I find JI just plain weird, and I am being nice in using that word. A case could be made for his odd behavior too.

We have a group of people involved in this case that lie, possible addicts, maybe serious mental issues and we are being questioned on why anyone would think it weird that a very wealthy benefactor has taken up their cause.


I am totally in agreement with the above. I am in so much dispare and anger about every other day, waking up to hear about another innocent child going "missing." These people should be made to talk the talk and walk the walk. IF they were truly innocent they would beg for a sodium penethol test. I would, you would. What the he// is WRONG here?? :maddening:
and it's sickening!!
How do we know that DB is not under the care of a psychiatrist or a general practitioner? FYI, you don't have to go to a psychiatrist to get a prescription for either benzos or anti-depressants. An internist (aka a GP) can also prescribe these medications.

I am more than aware of that. But no general practice Dr. should be taking that on. If somebody needs both of these, they need to be under a psych care.
I can guess what is wrong with Db but I am not going to go there. IMO, she has some serious issues..and JI isn't far behind her.
I thought I was the only clueless one about the identity of the benefactor. . . and I am very curious. There's a post (or link) somewhere here that says when they found out who it was they smiled and then moved on . . . as though it explained something.

But I'm hesitant to even begin to try to search it out as it may very well be out of bounds here. I'll try to ask a mod before any of us gets our hands slapped, okay?

I think she is fair game.

It is cool if you guys want to try to figure out WHO the wealthy benefactor is, just don't go rattling the irrelevant skeletons in her closet.

Maybe open a new thread (if there isn't another topical one already open) because it is surely OT on this one. ;)
Probably true, but are you a doctor? Again, I'll ask, how do we KNOW that DB does NOT have a psychiatrist?

I don't know. She should be, if she isn't. When I suggested she was, I get smacked with a general practice doctor could have supplied her.

DB has poor judgement. Anyone who would mix either of the two meds with alcohol is nuts and living dangerously. You may get lucky and live but that is like playing Russian Roulette.
I think the 'why Lisa' is because of ML - something about him working with/for (?) her...some connection. I don't know about Tacopina or Picerno, but I don't see this benefactor 'protecting' Deb or doing anything unusual under the circumstances. If I had the money and knew someone who's baby was missing, even if through one of their family members, I would post a reward and try to help as much as I could too.
bbm - I totally agree!!

BEM: Me too, but I am of the belief you teach a man to fish. If I were the benefactor I think I'd withdraw the offer until these two helped themselves and LE find Lisa. I don't care how anyone wants to twist it, a combined 39 hours of interviews, approximately 2 days, is nothing considering Lisa has been missing 3264 hours - 136 days.

It doesn't even seem harsh to me to make the reward conditional, at this point.
IMO, DB is the type that listens to no one. She does what she wants, gets what she wants and plays like she is entitled.
Speaking of topical stuff... :angel:

Would you guys PLEASE, please, pretty please take discussions to the relevant topical threads or generate a new one if needed.

Heck, 85% of the last 100 posts don't have anything to do with the topic here.
Yeah, I agree. Remember when PN voluntarily went with LE for questioning. He was with them a couple hours. I don't recall ever hearing any report about that; just that he went with them and returned. With JB and Jersey, LE said they were "moving on" from them, but didn't say that about PN. Is that relevant or not, dunno. Just grasping at straws like everyone else. I sure do wish LE would give us a couple new facts to work with.

The Netz's and the Irwin's are privy to all the info we are and likely a whole lot more. Surely they see the way this looks to the majority of people. How can they (all of them, not just DB) sit back and not talk and try to defend themselves from all this damaging opinion that is circulating. I guess that is what keeps me hanging on the fence; the fact that nobody in either family will blow the whistle on the guilty party makes me think maybe they aren't guilty.

I completely agree with the wish that LE would loosen their tight lips just a bit! I understand why they don't, though. I just wish they would, you know, make a personal call to me and fill me in on the investigation! :floorlaugh: ;)

I also understand why the Irwins and Netzes aren't engaging with public opinion. If they (the extended family) had nothing to do with this--and I really don't think they did--then taking up cudgels online would do more harm than good, IMO. For one thing, it would be like blood in the water. For another, if no one in the family is guilty then they have no reason to defend themselves.
I thought I heard somewhere that he was.

I thought so, too ... We do know that Deb's brother PN was at the home that evening because he took her to the store to purchase the wine ...

Now :

- HOW long did PN stay at DB/JI's home AFTER the "wine run" ?

- Did PN stay and eat "dinner" with DB and the family ? Deb claims she fixed chicken for dinner that night, so did PN join the family for dinner ?

- Did anyone see PN at the house later that night -- AFTER the "wine run" ?

- WHERE did PN go AFTER he left Deb's home that evening and does he have an "iron clad alibi" for later that evening ?

JMO ... but that "wine run" if HINKY -- and not because of the purchasing of wine ...

Something ... something's just not right ...

MOO ...
I wonder if DB/Phil bought chicken at that chicken restaurant where LE searched X2..
I also think its odd that she called Phil to take her out when there were 2 drivers already at the house. Anyone get the impression the party started earlier?

Why did Phil give lister as his addy if he was living on Walrond? He was and always has been very close to his sister. I think he would cover for her with anything.
None of their stories make sense to me-why didn't DB just ask JI OR SB to take her or even send JI or SB to pick the drinks up
why didn't SB ask DB to pick up what she wanted to drink and save gas
..all hinky to me!!
None of their stories make sense to me-why didn't DB just ask JI OR SB to take her or even send JI or SB to pick the drinks up
why didn't SB ask DB to pick up what she wanted to drink and save gas
why did she have to call PN to come and get her..all hinky to me!!

Do we know she called PN to take her? Couldn't it be he was on his way to that side of town and stopped to see if they needed anything?

The Lisa Irwin forum appears to be made up of cliques. You know, the type you have in high school before you begin to understand that there are a lot of interesting people and places in the world and your fear of such limits the personal boundaries you set for yourself. The disrespect between the two cliques is tiresome.

That being said, we need another review of the rules (which is really just a curtesy as everyone should know them or how to find and read them by now): This is NOT hard. Post YOUR thoughts, theories and interpretations (easy enough right?). Read the thoughts of others (not hard). Respond to those that may be of a like mind (okay, that should work). If you disagree with another poster and cannot post nicely, MOVE PAST THEIR POST (how hard is that?) If another poster gets under your skin, PUT THEM ON IGNORE (only takes about a minute). If you must refute their post - then use a link and state the fact as YOU see it (you all know this case, it can't be that hard). THEN DROP IT! That's it. See, not hard. If a post offends you, ALERT it, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT, and MOVE ON. It is okay to disagree, but it is NOT OKAY to attack or make fun of others. AND THE SNARK...well, that needs to just STOP.

It is our hope this gets the message across. There are many good posters here and no matter what opinion we may hold on who we feel is responsible we all are here for Lisa Irwin and want her to come home safely and soon.

Thanks so much,

The Lisa Irwin forum moderators
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