Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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Sep 9, 2008
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I was reading through the transcript of Connie and Mary's interview with the Bring Them Home show that they did for BTR. There was something that Connie said in that interview that grabbed my attention and so I want to make thread on it. This just stuck me because it came from DD Hailey's brother.

Host: How does he feel about the Shawn and Billie situation?

Connie: Well, here a while back, a preacher come over, and DD and Clint come in, and the preacher asked DD how he felt about Shawn, and he said that he didn’t like Shawn, because Shawn was mean to his mom. That’s DD's words, not mine.

I've always thought that Shawn was manipulating and controlling with Billie. I think that is why she's still with him. Connie also states a few times in that interview that Billie stayed at her house because she was afraid of him. I also don't think she had anything to do with Hailey's disappearance.

Host: People have sort of a perception of Billie that she doesn’t show emotion. Has she always been this way? Has she always not shown emotion?



I know that she, he’s threatened her before, and I know that she’s been scared of him before, because she’s came over here to my house to spend the night, because she said she was afraid of Shawn.

Host: Why was she afraid of Shawn? What happened?

Connie: I don’t really know. I think it was something to do with his ex-girlfriend, because Billie said that he held her hostage, held his ex-girlfriend hostage or something, threatened her and stuff, and I don’t even know who the woman is, or I would try to get a hold of her myself.

It also appeared that DD was afraid of Shawn because of a fight that happened with Clint and SA where SA was going grab this club that had nails in it or something to kill Clint with it. Anyways what are your thoughts on this whole thing. You think she was being manipulated/abused by Shawn?

TRANSCRIPT LINK: http://casesignal.wordpress.com/hai...s-mother-connie-jones-radio-interview-feb-23/
She wasn't scared enough to kick him to the curb and in fact, I seem to recall on numerous occasions including her most recent interview just how awesome she said Shawn was and how their relationship had been the best it had been over the past 6 months.

She wasn't scared enough to kick him to the curb and in fact, I seem to recall on numerous occasions including her most recent interview just how awesome she said Shawn was and how their relationship had been the best it had been over the past 6 months.


Thing is though is most woman in abusive relationships don't leave and are scared to. As for she is complimenting I had wondered if her 180 on that was because he threatened her and told to start saying positive things or he'd kill her. Or just something threatening because before she was saying things against him like on Nancy Grace and everything.
Thing is though is most woman in abusive relationships don't leave and are scared to. As for she is complimenting I had wondered if her 180 on that was because he threatened her and told to start saying positive things or he'd kill her. Or just something threatening because before she was saying things against him like on Nancy Grace and everything.

I appreciate your thoughts on this WillenFan21 but I honestly believe that Billie is deeply in love with Shawn and there was no abuse going on. It sounds as if they both cheated on one another and that they both had trust issues but as far as I see it, she doesn't come across as a woman who has been abused. If she were scared of him or he had threatened her recently, what better time to inform LE of these things instead of standing by him, continually making excuses for him, and proclaiming him as "awesome" and going on to say that the last 6 months had been the best ever. I can speak to a bit of experience on the subject of being in an abusive relationship and I don't care how badly I was threatened or abused, if I thought he might have hurt my daughter and I knew the police already had him on their radar, he would not be a part of my life any longer.

I think they both enjoy creating drama and playing games with each other. I don't think she's afraid of him. I think she plays that part very well and enjoys people thinking that she is wide eyed innocent, a victim, and dumb. MOO.
In a word.......NO. They were abusive to each other if anything. Ok, that was more than a word.........lol.
Thing is though is most woman in abusive relationships don't leave and are scared to. As for she is complimenting I had wondered if her 180 on that was because he threatened her and told to start saying positive things or he'd kill her. Or just something threatening because before she was saying things against him like on Nancy Grace and everything.

I have said this before on the Hailey forum...as someone whose been in a abusive marriage i can tell you that although they may take crap from there partner....they will NOT stand by while there children are murdered and tell the world how awesome that guy is. They may not care about themselves but they DO care about there kids.

And no offence BUT what Billie did to her own son was abuse and for that matter putting her "awesome" boyfriend before her daughter who was scared isnt that far from abuse either.
I appreciate your thoughts on this WillenFan21 but I honestly believe that Billie is deeply in love with Shawn and there was no abuse going on. It sounds as if they both cheated on one another and that they both had trust issues but as far as I see it, she doesn't come across as a woman who has been abused. If she were scared of him or he had threatened her recently, what better time to inform LE of these things instead of standing by him, continually making excuses for him, and proclaiming him as "awesome" and going on to say that the last 6 months had been the best ever. I can speak to a bit of experience on the subject of being in an abusive relationship and I don't care how badly I was threatened or abused, if I thought he might have hurt my daughter and I knew the police already had him on their radar, he would not be a part of my life any longer.


I agree with you one hundred percent.
I think they were abusive to teach other, and together to others.
This is definitely not a healthy relationship. SA abusive? BD abusive?
We have proof Bd was abusive, look what she did to her own child DD's back with the tattoo pen.
I think if she was truly afraid of Shawn she would have had him arrested and kicked out of her house, then slapped him with a restraining order.

Shawn does address their fighting in the interview. He says something to the effect that he would try to keep that away from the kids and behind closed doors. So, we might be able to get something from that part of the interview. At least he admits to it. I have to go find it and read through it again.

Host: People have sort of a perception of Billie that she doesn’t show emotion. Has she always been this way? Has she always not shown emotion?

Connie: Well, I’ve seen her cry over wanting Clint back and everything, and you know, tears can get you just about anything

CJ said this during her interview on Feb 23 and it stood out to me at the time. I think BD is used to getting her way.
I have said this before on the Hailey forum...as someone whose been in a abusive marriage i can tell you that although they may take crap from there partner....they will NOT stand by while there children are murdered and tell the world how awesome that guy is. They may not care about themselves but they DO care about there kids.

And no offence BUT what Billie did to her own son was abuse and for that matter putting her "awesome" boyfriend before her daughter who was scared isnt that far from abuse either.

Thank you for this. I also left an abusive marriage and the last straw was when it became obvious the kids were next. There are just no words to describe that horror.
She wasn't scared enough to kick him to the curb and in fact, I seem to recall on numerous occasions including her most recent interview just how awesome she said Shawn was and how their relationship had been the best it had been over the past 6 months.


just started reading this thread. I did hear the interview of BD. I wonder if the last 6 months is significant. Stating a time frame alludes that before that he wasn't awesome or things might not have been good. He may have lulled her to sleep so to speak. They were separated for a period time. I suspect that he got with her (she is 8 years older than he is) to be close to her daughter which is typical of pedophiles.
This is definitely not a healthy relationship. SA abusive? BD abusive?
We have proof Bd was abusive, look what she did to her own child DD's back with the tattoo pen.
I think if she was truly afraid of Shawn she would have had him arrested and kicked out of her house, then slapped him with a restraining order.

Shawn does address their fighting in the interview. He says something to the effect that he would try to keep that away from the kids and behind closed doors. So, we might be able to get something from that part of the interview. At least he admits to it. I have to go find it and read through it again.

I am not sticking up for BD in my reply to this post, but I did hear her say she did not put it on him, but a friend did from a pen she had in her pocket that came from work.
I am not sticking up for BD in my reply to this post, but I did hear her say she did not put it on him, but a friend did from a pen she had in her pocket that came from work.

I don't believe much of what she says anymore. She even said in her wed night interview that ' DD marked himself' with that ' thing she brought home in her pocket' from work. We know that is nit true because it was writen out on his back.

According to Clint, DD told him that Billie did it for him. I believe DD over everyone else.
I think they were each afraid of each other at times.

If Billie were afraid of Shwan, then why was Shawn so afraid of telling Billie that he quit his job ? If he were the clear dominant one he would not have been concerned what she said or thought about his business decisions. imo

The night she went to her mom's because she was afraid might have been one of the times he found out she had cheated on him. She waited for it to blow over I suppose.
I am not sticking up for BD in my reply to this post, but I did hear her say she did not put it on him, but a friend did from a pen she had in her pocket that came from work.

Firstly Billie lies and secondly it was NOT a pen.
If he didn't abuse her and she wasnt scared of him then was Connie fibbing when she spoke on BTH?

Why would Connie make those statements if they were not true? Would Billie have pretended to Connie to be scared? Would the 911 call be a grand scheme?

I dont think so, I dont think SA beat her or hit her. I think he tormented her mentally. Played with her head. I think he is doing it now.IMO.
Thing is though is most woman in abusive relationships don't leave and are scared to. As for she is complimenting I had wondered if her 180 on that was because he threatened her and told to start saying positive things or he'd kill her. Or just something threatening because before she was saying things against him like on Nancy Grace and everything.

I tend to agree with what you are saying Willen. I do think its possible SA was abusive to BD.

I don't know that she was talking good about him because she was scared of him but it could be because she wants him to talk and tell her what happened to her daughter. It could be LE has told her to talk good about him too.

If he didn't abuse her and she wasnt scared of him then was Connie fibbing when she spoke on BTH?

Why would Connie make those statements if they were not true? Would Billie have pretended to Connie to be scared? Would the 911 call be a grand scheme?

I dont think so, I dont think SA beat her or hit her. I think he tormented her mentally. Played with her head. I think he is doing it now.IMO.

Very good points why would Connie make the statements she did if they were not true?


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