Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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Who were Billie and Shawn looking for? Probably a drug dealer. MOO.


Monday, 2:15 p.m. Update:
According to the Snyder Daily News, an entry on the blotter at the Scurry County Law Enforcement Center Sunday afternoon stated a woman called and asked to speak to an officer on the telephone in reference to both Dunn and Adkins being together at the caller’s residence looking for someone.
The officer responding stated there was not a vehicle at the location and no contact was made.

ETA: BD and SA would know who ratted on them.

More strange occurances..it never stops with these two.. I totally agree that BD/SA know exactly who it is that ratted them out..

So lemme make sure that I am understanding this correctly.. How I read the above article was that BD/SA showed up at "someone's" home{I would think uninvited as why else would the "someone" call LE..but who knows}..So "someone"{we know is a female} calls and wants to speak w/an officer{doesn't sound as tho she spoke to an ofcr in the call but rather they just dispatched an ofcr to her residence to speak in person}the issue she wanted to speak to an ofcr about was that "BD/SA are at their home looking for "someone""{and I took that to mean present tense..as in BD/SA were at her residence at that very moment that she placed the call}..

So BD/SA show up at this woman's house and lets her know that they are looking for "someone"..and then does she step into a back room and secretly make the call letting LE know that BD/SA are in her home at that moment{that certainly sounds as tho what took place IMO}.I'm pretty sure that the dispatcher told the woman that she was dispatching an ofcr to her home to speak w/her about this issue..So then what?

Does she go back into the room w/BD&SA and they all of a sudden just decide to leave? Do they take her w/them? or after BD/SA leave does she then get in her car and leave her residence??

Because according to the article when the dispatched officer arrived at this woman's residence there was no car at all at the residence..no one home..and therefor the officer never made contact w/the woman that called to report that BD/SA was at her home{which I'm assuming was within minutes..most likely under 30mins..of course could have been literally within 3-7mins as is our LE ETA when being dispatched to a residence}..

Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on who it was and why she called and especially why she left after she made the call??

I do know one thing..LE knows who the woman is..I'm certain they knew who she was when they were dispatched to her residence..and furthermore I'd say with certainty that LE{esp. Investigators} have since then (Sunday afternoon)spoken in detail with the woman who made this call and therefor they have all the answers to the above questions that we so desperately would love to know...
What proof is there there trying to keep her safe or even that they think shes at risk from Shawn? Other than what she claims..which doesnt mean much to be honest.

All I can come up with is could she be wearing a wire? Hence the PO turned into an NTO - so that she can still meet up with him?

I know crazy idea... BUT LE is letting him wander around and not stopping BD from meeting up with him.... NAH!
I'm baffled too.
All I can come up with is could she be wearing a wire? Hence the PO turned into an NTO - so that she can still meet up with him?

I know crazy idea... BUT LE is letting him wander around and not stopping BD from meeting up with him.... NAH!
I'm baffled too.

Actually, I was thinking one of them was wearing a wire and I was leaning on it being Shawn, the gadget guy. JMO
I wonder if they were looking for DD? If they wanted to run they might try and take him along. Or maybe Billie wanted to talk to him 'a little bit.'

I wonder if they were looking for someone or some THING...
I don't think it was a drug dealer that they were visiting because drug dealers don't liked to call the cops to their door. Saying the were ' looking for' someone does sound kind of threatening. Maybe that somebody ratted them out OR has something they want, or something they had hidden previously. But it sounded like the person called the cops for
their own protection, imo.

Could be their drug dealer's mom or ex-girlfriend or someone like that, somebody sick of the crap that had been going on at their house. Billie and Shawn could have been desperately searching wherever they could think of for their dealer. Billie did have her pills taken away by the cops.
I just noticed that we have two threads with basically the same conversation going. I'm going to close this one.

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