Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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Its all a game to Billie and Shawn. Probably what happened to Hailey was a game to them too.
Guess they didnt watch Bonnie and Clyde and the ending to that.

I am SOOO torn about it. I don't know if she is being controlled or just plain stupid about everything! I mean right now I lean more towards pathological liar and know what happened to Hailey. I admit I am torn though! This case is SOOO confusing. I mean I don't know if she is being controlled or what. Apparently LE don't think so otherwise I really think they'd be helping her keep safe and stuff.
Well, that didn't take long.

I'm not surprised at all.

I think it's time to serve another search warrant on Shawn Adkins, and while they're at it - serve one on Billie Jean, as well.

ETA: BD & SA seem to think they can outsmart LE. I'm looking forward to watching them lose this game they think they're playing.

Billie and Shawn - Where is Hailey?
OMG - I know! She comes out and says (basically) that LE is lying? Can you imagine the Sheriff's office coming out with such a statement if it wasn't true and they don't have physical proof (witnesses, photos, etc)?

She is bloody unfreaking-believable!

In response to Sheriff Toombs comments, Billie Dunn told KRBC's Jessica Reyes the accusations were not true. She says she and Adkins haven't seen each other since her arrest on Thursday.

Yah, right Billie -whatever you say!


She's in survivor mode....she has nothing left except her lies....and her mockery of LE. LE is surely watching SA 24/7 because of the child *advertiser censored*...they can't take the chance that he could harm a child. imo.

To me this just proves beyond a doubt that they both had something to do with HD's disappearance. I'm guessing, but GMa, mom and family have prolly given up trying to keep him from BD at this point, if they had been previously.

How torn DD must be. :( I hope CD hasn't forsaken him and is seeing him regularly.
I don't think Billie has ever said she asked for protection from SA, at least not since Hailey went missing. If that was the case, I am sure she would have it, if indeed she proved to LE she meant it and would stay away from him, i,.e. that includes calling LE every time she heard from him, or he showed up etc...

She is about as scared of him as I am of my kitty cat. If anything, SA is scared of Billie.
Interesting the Sheriff can comment of this ,but hasnt commented if they think Hailey is alive.. or a 1,000 other issues he could comment on about Hailey.

Do they have any direct evidence that points to SA harming Hailey?
Have they recieved any recent tips?
Are family members not being less contradicting then they once were? Have they been able to get the timeline narrowed down ?
Are you planning to have Billie Dunn submit to a LD test like she said she would?
Is SA being cooperative?
Has the investigation shifted from missing person to murder?
Do you suspect foul play?
I would have rather had the answer to anyone of these questions as we know she is still seeing SA and will keep doing so.

The way I see it, this has become a game of strategy like poker or chess, and BD still believes she can win. So the Sheriff has started calling her bluff and really doesn't owe the public anything more than the truth about her.

(And personally I think most of your questions are self-explanatory, such as whether there is foul play. Well, since they have a suspect, there must be foul play.)

The police took the move of trying to serve a warrant on SA at BD's house, and she bluffed them and tried to lie.

Fail. They threw her in jail and served more warrants on SA. I'm sure she was furious about that because she doesn't like to lose.

BD's next move was to announce that it was all a misunderstanding and that she has some type of order to keep SA away from her, which makes her sound like a good person, right?

However, that was a bluff, too, because it only applies to her property, not her person. But not too bad unless she met up with him somewhere else and LE or a concerned citizen saw her . . .

Oopsy-Daisy! :crazy:

LE calls her out on meeting SA on Saturday, exposing more hypocrisy on her part.

Major "Win" for them.

LE has caught on to the way BD is trying to manipulate the system to make herself appear to be on the moral high ground. She admitted to using this tactic with CD when he called child services after the tattoo incident with DD and Billie retaliated by calling services to get Clint in trouble (which she said was a mistake - guess she just can't help herself).
I think they both SA and BD need to be taken in at the same time....
and Strip searched

And while they are both in there being
Strip searched...

Search both BD's House

SA Grandmothers and Mothers house again.

Really well, in the attic, under the Crawl space and in the cellar.
Elephant gonads!

These two are just too much.

JMO and MOO, Sheriff Toombs please go ahead and arrest these two and put me out of my misery!

Hailey is still missing. We're going on three months. Can we not squeeze these 2 and make them talk?

ITA! How could these two <modsnip> people NOT crack under FBI interrogation? It's the one thing I can't understand. Seems to me the FBI would have beaten their stories to pieces. And eventually they would have cracked ya know?

IMHO not having a formal education and/or appearing to be not as bright as others has no bearing on whether or not a person will crack under interrogation. Example: Putnam County Florida, Cummings and Croslin families. (Haleigh Cummings case). We discuss this a great many times on different threads and in different cases. The only conclusion that I can come to is that if you keep your mouth shut and stick to your story and don't elaborate or creatively think on your feet, you can pretty much lie your hiney off and get away with it.

Okay back on topic about the latest development with BD.

Hmmm, I'm beginning to think that she might think that she is schmarter that anyone even LE? (deliberate misspelling :))

Looks like it might be just that to me. Trying to manipulate. I see a lot of manipulation and a lot of "poor little me" attitude coupled with a lot of passive aggression. A lot of that. The old I wouldn't hurt a fly and I"m not smart enough and never raise my voice and never.....routine. Can't explain it correctly but I know what I see when I see it. I am thinking she is making herself appear less intelligent and less threatening at all times in her life and uses that to her advantage. JMHO.

One thing though. Why would LE call her out in public? In such a way that the community would know that she was lying (her local community and national community?)---that at this time indicates to me that she is probably on their "list". Even if they haven't come right out and stated she is---that she is....JMHO and speculation.

(Way OT and FWIW, I have cousins that you would swear were intellectually challanged and in fact would probably think that you were perfectly safe to be around. God bless you if you do, I'm their own family and wouldn't turn my back on them for 5 secs. Seriously don't ever judge a book by it's cover because that book just might be sly like a fox). JMHO
I'm having a sinking feeling about Del's place... I'll just bet they stashed a few things there. jmo

I am SOOO torn about it. I don't know if she is being controlled or just plain stupid about everything! I mean right now I lean more towards pathological liar and know what happened to Hailey. I admit I am torn though! This case is SOOO confusing. I mean I don't know if she is being controlled or what. Apparently LE don't think so otherwise I really think they'd be helping her keep safe and stuff.

I don't believe that she's stupid at all. I think she is quite clever in thinking up new and better lies and strategies for getting around the truth.

I think what we are seeing right now is somehow caught in her own tangled web and she can't believe it.

Intelligence isn't just a trait of nice people. ;) BD knows how to play the victim when it suits her, and she knows how to be the dumb little country girl when she thinks it will get her somewhere. She's a good actress, and can also put on a poker face when she needs to be calm. Where she slips up is in her constant defense of SA when so much evidence points to him.

But I've got to hand it to her ~ the fact that she is still out of jail at all is sort of amazing considering her situation, so whatever happens next should be quite fascinating. I'm sure she hasn't given up on trying to fool the public and the police, so I expect her excuses and stories to get even more elaborate and unreal.

The problem is that LE understands her game now and isn't pulling punches. They don't see her as a victim anymore, but as part of the problem.

JMOO :cow:
I think they both SA and BD need to be taken in at the same time....
and Strip searched

And while they are both in there being
Strip searched...

Search both BD's House

SA Grandmothers and Mothers house again.

Really well, in the attic, under the Crawl space and in the cellar.

I think they need to x-ray the dog while they are at it. Seriously.
Bah! I'll believe when I hear from said lawyer. mo

bbm... ITA with Quiche! Just like the PPO morphs into a NTO and they were together all weekend...

hey maybe they both have the same atty?
Who were Billie and Shawn looking for? Probably a drug dealer. MOO.


Monday, 2:15 p.m. Update:
According to the Snyder Daily News, an entry on the blotter at the Scurry County Law Enforcement Center Sunday afternoon stated a woman called and asked to speak to an officer on the telephone in reference to both Dunn and Adkins being together at the caller&#8217;s residence looking for someone.
The officer responding stated there was not a vehicle at the location and no contact was made.

ETA: BD and SA would know who ratted on them.
can someone tell me what this new update means? TIA


Monday, 2:15 p.m. Update:
According to the Snyder Daily News, an entry on the blotter at the Scurry County Law Enforcement Center Sunday afternoon stated a woman called and asked to speak to an officer on the telephone in reference to both Dunn and Adkins being together at the caller&#8217;s residence looking for someone.
The officer responding stated there was not a vehicle at the location and no contact was made.
Who were Billie and Shawn looking for? Probably a drug dealer. MOO.


Monday, 2:15 p.m. Update:
According to the Snyder Daily News, an entry on the blotter at the Scurry County Law Enforcement Center Sunday afternoon stated a woman called and asked to speak to an officer on the telephone in reference to both Dunn and Adkins being together at the caller’s residence looking for someone.
The officer responding stated there was not a vehicle at the location and no contact was made.

I hope whoever it was had their sick "stash" and turned it over to LE. Te he....that would be the reason for her to lawyer up. When BD stops talking, we know she knows she is in deep do do.

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