Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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The way I understood it was that they had a warrant to search Shawn's body/belongings and they did that when they finally located him at Billie's.
They evidently did NOT find what they were looking for on him, but they did take Billie in because they found drugs in the home.
Also, she did not really 'invite' them in --according to some reports they smelled drugs and were allowed to enter because of probable cause.

I think they are serious but Shawn has hidden his stuff really well and has been hard to take down so far. He stopped cooperating and lawyered up. So they are messing with Billie and hoping she will slip up imo.

IMO Le knew exactly where to find Shawn, I think they knew exactly where he was.
I've been lurking for a long time since the BMS case in Virginia. Hailey's story has also really affected me. I work with teenage girls as a counselor and it just frustrates me how often their lives are affected by their parents choices.

I feel sorry for Hailey's siblings. Her brother whose life had totally been turned upside down and since I work in conjunction with CPS every now and then I know what that involvement means typically. He understands mentally what is going on but you can imagine what her step-brother and baby sister are going through?

Billie is only a few years older than me and I wish I could have had a precious daughter like Hailey. I tell my clients you have to change the paths your life is on because of your parents choices now. Stop being the victim because decisions you make as a teen do impact you later on.

Billie needs to step up and admit what's going on but she's too busy blame shifting and justifying her choices. My heart breaks for this generation of teenagers as most of them appear to be "parented" by adults who are emotionally stunted in their teens and Billie to me appears about 15-16 emotionally.

Just a random thought :)

When questioned about whether Billie Dunn believes Shawn Adkins had something to do with her daughter's disappearance, she said she's not sure what to think.

"It depends on what day you ask me, when I talk to investigators they put certain thoughts in my head. When I'm at home, I don't think that," Dunn said.

So only when she talks to investigators she "thinks about that" but at home she doesn't. The NTO is nothing but smoke and mirrors and nothing more. Billie didn't just go on MSM to get Haileys name out to the public, she is so deperately trying to do damage control for her and Shawn or so she thought! (we see right through your scheme) From the beginning her first poly was canceled due to being under the influence of narcotics along with Shawn. I believe she did her research on narcotics and polys and using the excuse due to anxiety and not being able to sleep(is it from the guilt Billie?). She starts by placing blame and pointing her finger at LE for her failed poly and walking out after 10 hrs of questioning after her second poly. She was caught on many lies during questioning and her failed poly. LE is listening and watching Billie and Shawn. Keep on thinking and talking in circles!

Where is Hailey????
:welcome4: JourneyRain! Glad you came out of lurking.
Clint thought that Billie's arrest had something to do with Hailey. IMO it does, Clint. She was interferring with an investigation. Why would she hide Shawn from the police who have a warrant for him?

"Clint Dunn, Hailey's father, said when he heard about Billie's arrest, he feared that it had to do with his missing daughter.

Clint told KTXS, "Initially, I was concerned that, you know, she was being arrested for something with Hailey."

I feel sad for Clint, I've stopped sympathising with Billie a long time ago.

Clint knows BD a whole lot better than most people and him admitting to thinking her arrest might be related to Hailey, says a lot IMO. Gosh, she's more defensive and unbelieving towards SA than people are towards her. MOO.

The mother of missing Colorado City teen Hailey Dunn said she filed a no trespassing order against her boyfriend, Shawn Adkins.

Billie Dunn said investigators found disturbing messages about her in Adkins' cell phone Thursday. She didn't wish to go into detail, but described the content as "threatening."

Dunn said Adkins can't come on her property for a year under the order she filed Friday.

"He made threats against me. I don't think he sent them anywhere. They were just on the memo pad...I got scared and I didn't want him to be able to come over here at all anymore," she said.

Hmm. I would like to know what they said. So he is making threats on his notepad, but that isn't grounds to arrest him. Having cp on his cell phone isn't grounds to arrest him? This is so puzzling.
Dunn explained to CBS 7 that Adkins was at her home when Sheriff’s Deputies arrived and asked where he was. Deputies, working with the Texas Rangers had a search warrant relating to Shawn Adkins.

Dunn admits she lied and said she didn’t know where Shawn was at the time. She says moments later she invited investigators inside, at which time they quickly found Adkins.


How could he be in her house, yet Billie not know where he was?! This is beyond ridiculous.

And she wonders why no one believes a word that comes out of her mouth.

Why wasn't he arrested then? :banghead:

When questioned about whether Billie Dunn believes Shawn Adkins had something to do with her daughter's disappearance, she said she's not sure what to think.

"It depends on what day you ask me, when I talk to investigators they put certain thoughts in my head. When I'm at home, I don't think that," Dunn said.

So only when she talks to investigators she "thinks about that" but at home she doesn't. The NTO is nothing but smoke and mirrors and nothing more. Billie didn't just go on MSM to get Haileys name out to the public, she is so deperately trying to do damage control for her and Shawn or so she thought! (we see right through your scheme) From the beginning her first poly was canceled due to being under the influence of narcotics along with Shawn. I believe she did her research on narcotics and polys and using the excuse due to anxiety and not being able to sleep(is it from the guilt Billie?). She starts by placing blame and pointing her finger at LE for her failed poly and walking out after 10 hrs of questioning after her second poly. She was caught on many lies during questioning and her failed poly. LE is listening and watching Billie and Shawn. Keep on thinking and talking in circles!

Where is Hailey????

ITA. And at home, at least previous to the police finding it, she had all that *advertiser censored* to convince her that Shawn was innocent. (I don't believe for a second there wasn't a laptop or something she was using to relive her best awesome moments with Shawn). I swear, I think she really believes that her awesome sex life can't have been with someone capable of killing a child. Way to set your priorities, Billie.
So SHE filed the no trespassing order against him. She says: "I don't want him to come over here anymore." NOT I don't want him near me anymore. There's gotta be a reason why she doesn't want him in her house or on her property and it likely has to do with the case. JMO She can still meet him anywhere and date him but NO NO NO you can't come inside the house! :snooty: This is getting really weird.

Maybe because her nosy neighbors are telling on them :innocent:
"Nobody seems concerned with that. Nobody seems concerned with [the fact] that I have a kid that's missing, and has been missing, and nobody's found her. They're [law enforcement] more worried about getting a case closed and pinning it on somebody, I guess," lamented Dunn.

Why on earth would Billie be angry with LE for wanting to get a case closed and "pin" it on somebody?
If they can get this case closed and arrest and convict the perp, would Billie also want this, no matter who the perp might be?
Or does Billie never want this case closed, because she knows exactly who the perp is and that will not make her look good at all.
Hmm. I would like to know what they said. So he is making threats on his notepad, but that isn't grounds to arrest him. Having cp on his cell phone isn't grounds to arrest him? This is so puzzling.

I don't believe it was ever stated that they found CP on Shawn's cell phone, just pron.
The threats on his notepad were memos to himself, like maybe punch Billie's lights out.
Since he did not punch Billies lights out, they had nothing to arrest him for.
Why wasn't he arrested then? :banghead:

Because Billie was the one that lied to LE, when she said Shawn wasn't there.
I suppose if LE had of yelled through the door, "Shawn are you in there" and he yelled back "No" they might have arrested him for lying also.
Whose name is the house in? Clint's? Hmmm...wonder who put the "no trespass" order out then...
IMO-The only reason BD filed a no trespass order is so that the next time the nosy neighbors, press, LE, etc catch SA at her house, she can play the innocent victim.
"Nobody seems concerned with that. Nobody seems concerned with [the fact] that I have a kid that's missing, and has been missing, and nobody's found her. They're [law enforcement] more worried about getting a case closed and pinning it on somebody, I guess," lamented Dunn.

Why on earth would Billie be angry with LE for wanting to get a case closed and "pin" it on somebody?If they can get this case closed and arrest and convict the perp, would Billie also want this, no matter who the perp might be?
Or does Billie never want this case closed, because she knows exactly who the perp is and that will not make her look good at all.

BBM Watching BD say that bolded part, she wipes under her nose and then across her mouth. It really caught my interest, but I don't know what it means exactly. It almost looked like a "zip your mouth motion sent out to SA". I'm really thinking about Hailey today, and feel sad for Hailey. I know many of you feel this way, too.
:54 mark is where BD says "LE for wanting to get a case closed and "pin" it on somebody".

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Because Billie was the one that lied to LE, when she said Shawn wasn't there.
I suppose if LE had of yelled through the door, "Shawn are you in there" and he yelled back "No" they might have arrested him for lying also.

Ha! What's sad about that comical scenario is that I could totally see it happening with the parties involved...:floorlaugh:

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