Was Joe involved?

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I did hear a report that Joe was given polygraph in the beginning and he passed. Maybe that is why he is not considered suspect? You have Misty and Tommy repeatedly failing polys and then Joe, supposedly, passed.

Do you recall Joe passing a poly from LE, a source or main street media?
Per Joe's attorney, he has been his lawyer for 3 years and will not discuss the reasons why. Why would this guy be "LAWYERED UP" to begin with?
& to be so young, not be wealthy, & keep a lawyer?
They know it has alligators in it, was that the purpose, not to have any evidence left???

If HaLeigh's body is in the St. John's River, in order to prevent dismembered body parts from surfacing and washing up along the shoreline her body would have had to been placed in a sealed container. However, if this isn't the case, there is a good chance a body part will eventually be found along the shoreline.
Problem is, TN, aka "mom" said he was there also. RC is the only one denying it.

My opinion only

Yes but it is possible Misty can use this knowledge to hide an argument she had with HaLegh to divert attention from herself. She is known to twist the truth.
Misty could have made this comment so if and when Tommy tells the truth about what happened to HaLeigh, no one will believe him. Chelsea supports Misty and makes it appear like Misty is never at fault. When Misty was caught drug trafficking, Chelsea said to Misty, "you weren't doing anything wrong, you gave them pills to help a friend feel better, that's all! If Misty did spank HaLeigh and she died, Chelsea would defend her too.
not necessarily. She may be trying to stay on her good side & placate her, because Misty has something on her or Timmy.
LOL...it has been said to solve a crime one needs to think like a criminal, which is why I can't..LOL

I have no larceny in my heart so I have a hard time thinking outside that box.

If it's true they found those cinderblocks and it had that yellow rope wrapped around it, could be why the Sheriff keeps going back to the river. He's trying desperately to bring HaLeigh home for it's what she deserves. I dont' know how anyone could be so cruel as to weight an innocent child down and throw her in that river. They know it has alligators in it, was that the purpose, not to have any evidence left???

I am so angry at MC right now, I could spit nails. She knew the entire 14 months where HaLeigh was...:furious:

All I know, she better pray to be kept in PC. Once the other prisoners find out what she's done or the part she played, she may not get arrested for HaLeigh's demise for her life could come to an end, same for ToC!

NOUN: The unlawful taking and removing of another's personal property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner; theft.

I'm not a thief..

I'm also extremely angry that Misty has lied and has known the whole time what happened to Haleigh, but I have always suspected she knew..
And I highly suspect there are several more who are alot closer in relationship to Haleigh than Misty who have also lied from the beginning...JMO
He!! if my last name were associated with any of the players in this case and I lived in Siberia, I would lawyer up.

Apparently Lindsy Croslin is using her maiden name Collins since he learned Tommy failed his LDT.
He must have done some very bad things for the family to take this position against him. Grandma stated he has knives and guns, and seems afraid of him. There must be justification for a grandmother to have such negative feelings toward her grandson. It is also possible that because of whatever he has done in the past, and Misty and Tommy knowing her attitude toward him, and that she would believe bad things about him, that they are falsely accusing him of this murder, and using her in the process. MOO. OR he did it.

IMO, this is not your typical "grandma." I think she's as screwed up as the rest of this family. Also, I believe she has an unrealistic view of MC and ToC b/c they did not grow up around her. It's easy to be on your best behavior for grandma when you don't spend that much time in her presence.
How can she preface her article by saying" I don't know jack about Joe Overstreet and then go on to explain how he is not the perp? I can't agree with this woman. JMO....but she is gearing up for a book and will profit a great deal from this case.

Pat Brown has been the leader of the Ron did it crowd from the beginning. I know there are some very dangerous parents out there that do horrible things to their kids, and she probably knows more about this than all of us, but I don't believe that Ron hurt his daughter Haleigh. I noticed Nancy said again she doesn't believe Ron was involved.
Joe may be a punk, and a small time hood, but I can't see him doing this.

Misty's newest version (the one LE is going on) was that Tommy and Joe came over to steal one of Ronald's guns. So, that means they did not break in, and they did not prop open the back door. Misty says Tommy left, (she saw him go out the back door) but Joe is mad and he stays behind and takes Haleigh with him. Are we to believe the back door had to be propped open for Joe to carry Haleigh out that door? Since Misty has been threatened (knife to her throat) she stages the MH to look like a stranger abduction. Yet, according to her, the cinder block at the door is something Joe has used in the past during other break-ins. She isn't going to admit Joe did it, but she uses his MO for the staging? During her voice stress test, she tells that Joe could have done it, because he molested her when she was younger. That he was crazy and had broken into other homes. HOLD THE BUS! What happened to "I was afraid for my life, Joe threatened to kill me if I talked." Now, 14 months later, she tells the whole truth. It's Joe! She was scared to tell this up till now. What? You weren't afraid, you told anybody that would listen it was your theory. I'm sorry, but I can't believe LE can possibly take this story as truth. I'd come closer to believing aliens landed in the driveway, stole Haleigh from her bed, and erased Misty's memory of the event.
IMO, this is not your typical "grandma." I think she's as screwed up as the rest of this family. Also, I believe she has an unrealistic view of MC and ToC b/c they did not grow up around her. It's easy to be on your best behavior for grandma when you don't spend that much time in her presence.

Misty lived with Grandma Flora for a time. She talks about trying to help Misty with her school work and not being very successful at it.
I'm just throwing this out there. If SODDI, why has MC and TC kept this a secret for so long. Something isn't making sense.

Quick question....what is "SODDI"? I have seen this used now a couple times and have yet to figure it out. THANKS!
I believe HaLeigh died from a blow to the head caused by Misty and Misty couldn't face telling Ronald. Ron said he hit his children and allowed Misty to, so whether it's his fault his daughter died when she got into an argument with Misty IDK, but he will likely reexamine his position on disciplining children if this is why his daughter died. Misty must have hit her with excessive force if she sent her flying and HaLeigh died from a blow to her head.

Tommy told Lindsy his children were not to be spanked and I think it's because Misty hit HaLeigh and she died.

I remember he said he spanked his kids in a way that was approved by DFS or something like that. I also remember that someone at work overheard a conversation he had with Misty about Haleigh misbehaving and I think he told her to whip her, but I may be wrong about this. If the scenario above (other poster) is true, then he may feel guilty about leaving Haleigh with Misty (he must now) but I don't believe he had anything to do with her disappearance.
Quick question....what is "SODDI"? I have seen this used now a couple times and have yet to figure it out. THANKS!
S ome
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D ude
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Its a very common "excuse" or "theory" thrown around cases - usually by defense attorneys
On July 11, 2008, the owner of a Mazda Protégé caught Joe unlawfully entering his vehicle parked in front of his house! The car's stereo was partially ripped out and Joe admitted he committed this crime. The owner of the vehicle shot Joe in the wrist (good shot I'd say) which must have left a permanent scar.

Does anyone know is this the only mark on Jo record?

What is Joe's date of birth? If he committed other crimes before he turned 18, would we have access to these records?
Exactly! If Joe left from Chelsea's house that night she would of know! She has already admitted he was staying with her! But conveniently didn't mention that Joe was there on vacation with a female friend. Unless I missed that..
She admitted the van was at her house! She was up late, she would of noticed if Timmy, Joe, or Joe's female friend left the house that night. I would love to know her story of what really happen in her home that night.
I don't buy the story that she was up late doing insurance paper work, that dose not take all night long. I just don't see how she would not notice her dear cousin that was staying with her, leave the MH.

I thought it was said that Joe left that night and they didn’t know where he
went but when he came home he slept in his clothes….
Don’t know where I heard it and I could be wrong.

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