Was JonBenet feeling sick Christmas day and if so why would the R's deny this?

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Agatha, I don't mean to speak for Cathy, but I don't think the candy sales done by schools are what she meant. Where I used to live, some minority kids WERE exploited- I don't know who was benefitting from these candy sales, but these poor kids were dropped off by vans in other towns with no food, water, and no access to bathrooms, in some cases, for 10-12 hours, with a cellphone and these huge cardboard boxes of candy (usually M & Ms) and told not to call to be picked up until all the candy was sold. Sometimes the police would pick them up and take them in to the station until an adult could come and get them. These were pretty young kids, too, around 10-12 years old. Maybe this isn't common in every area, but where I lived it was. But this isn't the same thing at ALL as the school or scout or club sponsored candy sales we have all participated in with our kids at some point.

Thank you DeeDee, thats what I figured after I made my post and thought about it. I had not heard about this horrible exploitation of those poor children. Im glad that I asked before the froggie in me went to jumping...LOL... Just kidding.... :tyou:
How could JonBenet not have felt at least a little ill since her autopsy showed inflammation of her throat and some lung congestion? I may not have that right, but do remember her having signs of at least a cold.
I remember reading this along with those claims from a woman that she was used in satanic ritualistic abuse by wealthy people with ties to the Ramseys?...and that whole conspiracy theory about the CIA being involved through mind control,all that stuff seems incredibly outrageous but sometimes there's just a bit of truth to it?

There was a woman in California with a long history of mental illness that claimed Fleet White was involved in something like that. It's all a bunch of crap, along with the website mentioned above.

BTW.....JBR was not sick Christmas Day........and was not sick at the White's. Fleet, his daughter, JR, and JBR made jewelry.
Thanks for speaking up DeeDee. I should have quoted so others would know what I meant by exploitation. Did others in the neighborhood also see these candy selling kids from Denver? What about Jean Fortier who is she in relation to the R's and the case?
I'm firmly on the RDI side of the fence, but I don't think Patsy was racist, necessarily. I mean, realistically, those children likely stood out in what we have to believe was a wealthy, predominantly white neighborhood. I have three very young children. If there was a strange group of children in my neighborhood, white, black, purple, or cerulean blue, I'm not going to let my children play with them. Not because of their color, but because they're unusual and I like controlled environments.

Maybe there was a bit of classism with PR, but I think a lot of people are guilty of that. You think of a particular area and think "Ew. Glad I don't live there" or see a single-wide and automatically assume things based on their dwelling. It's human nature. I try not to, but if someone bussed a bunch of kids into our area from South St. Petersburg to sell candy, I would not send my children out to play with them. I likely wouldn't even answer the door. I think it was probably more about control than racism. I think Patsy was a very controlling woman. I don't consider myself a control freak, but when it comes to my children I'm not going to take chances, even if the fact that they might be black is going to make someone believe I'm racist.
I can respect the opinions of other parents on this thread, who see other children as strangers and possible threats. We all have to do, what ever it is to protect our children, this is our sole job as parents.

However, most of the people that hurt children are those that are already in your inner circle. Meaning, most abusers are friends and or family, not Sally or Johnny from the other side of the tracks.

As a foster parent, no child is a stranger to me (not that I think I'm better, because I don't. I'm just a different type of person, that's all) Strange children can come to my home on any given day, at any hour (most often, the wee hours). They sleep in my other children's rooms, eat at the same table and play together, they in fact become part of our family. Its how we are wired...

As a child advocate, I would have to say that the possibility of one out of three children that knocks at my door, to play with my children is being abused cant be ignored. I cant help but think, what if this child needs my help? What if this is that childs last chance to receive that help? Again, thats just me and the way that I do things..

I will however admit, that I shouldnt have disrespected Patsy for doing what I respect in others. It was unfair and this alone I will concede to the PR and nothing else....
If you were to ask someone like, lets' say a Vanderbilt, etc., yes- they (celebrities) would be considered middle class with money, lots of money. Sports figures get astronomically high salaries, rock stars too. It isn't the dollars in the bank. It's the bloodlines. I'm talking OLD money. Generations of it.
The Brits here have to know what I am talking about, though in past centuries, those with enough wealth could purchase a title or peerage.
Having lots of money doesn't give you class. Being a celebrity doesn't give you class or make you upper-class. Ever watch "The Kardashians?" or "Jersey Shore"?

Well here is just one uk person's perspective on class. Class is simply a distinction between people made on some chosen basis. e.g. a racist one might be to refer to someone as black carribean, rather than, Carribean. This example is from the politically correct BBC, where the conservative leader parroted some statistic about only one black person being enrolled in an elite english univeristy. The BBC corrected him with reference to this black person being a black carribean and others having similar semantic distinctions.

Before money or capital made its entrance holding land was the main generator and sign of wealth and status. So with it come all the insignia and markers of this class, e.g. equine culture, dress codes, fox hunting, titles such as squire and lord. Older elites use these markers to distinguish themselves from those who simply purchase land and the accompanying titles, e.g. the Queen attends horse racing regularly, has her own trainer, and owns a stable of horses. They have land in scotland reserved exclusively for hunting, and being invited to join on a shoot means you have made it, you have joined an elite upper class e.g. aristos.

As a postscript it is usually an unspoken distinction that this upper class elite need not work at all! Illustrating this feature, the Royals never carry physical money with them!

The middle class are those that form the industrial moneyed class, their wealth is derived from manufacture. It may be vast, say like Carnegie or Rockerfeller, but it is still middle class. This is a new class one to which the lower classes may aspire, courtesy of the politicians.

The lower class, hoi polloi, etc work either on land or for manufacture.

So in the UK social class distinuishes you from other classes in the USA it is capital or money that forms this distinction. e.g. Amercia is segmented by money, consider credit scoring, or entrance to elite universities based on income etc. Take a look at your politics and the advisors to nearly all your presidents have been drawn from the financial elites. Which country is No. 1 in the world of of banking secrecy, Switzerland, Cayman Islands nope its good ole USofA, which is the largest offshore hub in the world. Its laws explicitly allow the proceedings of certain foreign crimes to be deposited in the USA. Think about Miami and all those cocaine dollars or Enron, the state of Delaware and its corporate laws, or what is indirectly referred to as the shadow banking sector etc etc.

So from here in the UK celebrity looks a lot like the the function Sainthood used to play in the old medieval way of things. A model to aspire to, and with suitable prayers and large ecclesiatical donations you could touch the tailcoats or bask in the aura of say St. Christopher and be protected.

Whereas in modern America, you have to purchase celebrity endorsed products, to recieve some form of salvation, and thus generate or create value.

So a celebrity appears in the Amercian way of things to be decidedly middle class.

Using these definitions some people have no class at all. Consider the rulers of Saudi Arabia, drawn from the tribal leaders of camel herders. Yet their wealth in petrodollars places them in the American upper class elite?


That was excellent! I truly enjoyed reading that post... Its sad to say, but our upper crust, our elite includes that of Paris Hilton and I believe that says it all...LOL! Yikes!
Money doesn't give you class. Not even when you have lots of it. And it certainly doesn't make you Upper Class which has more to do with breeding than money. "Breeding" is a dirty word in many circles, and thought best left to describing producing better dogs or horses. Still- there it is, with some people limiting the description of Upper Class to WASPs. Some people are simply low class with lots of money. (and they know who they are). So do I.

Maybe a better way of describing Upper Class is this: If they have vast wealth and you NEVER see their names in the tabloids, they are Upper Class. If you read about them in the Globe, Star, Page Three, Page Six, or see them on reality TV- they are simply people with lots of money.
The true Upper Class need no publicity. They do not need the general public to know who they are, where they live, etc. And they prefer to remain under the public radar.
But weren't the Kennedys all over the tabloid media? Wouldn't they be considered upper class?
But weren't the Kennedys all over the tabloid media? Wouldn't they be considered upper class?

Depends who you ask. Some would have said no simply because they were not WASPs. They were Irish Catholic. In those days (and maybe even today in some places) Catholics couldn't get into some Country Clubs, Ivy League Eating Clubs, Fraternities, etc. Maybe even being Irish (as well as many other Nationalities) would have kept them out. Prejudice isn't just against minorities, Jews have known their share. Italians, Poles, etc. Discrimination crosses many borders.
They were not in the tabloids of their own choice, it is just that there WERE scandals going back before John (Jack) and Bobby held office. The tawdry Marilyn Monroe double affair with them didn't help. That was tabloid GOLD.

The broadsheets constantly featured them as well.
Sorry- couldn't help this- the Monty Python skit "Upper Class Twit of the Year" just ran through my mind. :crazy:
Money doesn't give you class. Not even when you have lots of it. And it certainly doesn't make you Upper Class which has more to do with breeding than money. "Breeding" is a dirty word in many circles, and thought best left to describing producing better dogs or horses. Still- there it is, with some people limiting the description of Upper Class to WASPs. Some people are simply low class with lots of money. (and they know who they are). So do I.

Maybe a better way of describing Upper Class is this: If they have vast wealth and you NEVER see their names in the tabloids, they are Upper Class. If you read about them in the Globe, Star, Page Three, Page Six, or see them on reality TV- they are simply people with lots of money.
The true Upper Class need no publicity. They do not need the general public to know who they are, where they live, etc. And they prefer to remain under the public radar.

Breeding as applied to class is an aristocratic idea consider the notion of blue blood or intermarriage, say between the kings and queens of europe, naturally this keeps power close to home.

And they prefer to remain under the public radar.
Sounds like B and J Ramsey.

txsvicki - from the autopsy "mild, chronic inflammation of the tracheal sub-mucosa". Sinusitis? allergy? asthma? maybe even a virus?
...but in the interview it says that the children DID play with Burke and yes,it sounds like JB was not feeling well...I just don't understand what made JR so upset that he had to point out that this was "absolutely" false.why deny that?

....and about PR's racism,I work in a upper class neighborhood and it seems to me that almost everyone there is racist !...but if you call them out on it they act like it's ridiculous,everyone seems to have that stereotype,everyone is sort of afraid and suspicious of people from other races....makes me sick.
...but in the interview it says that the children DID play with Burke and yes,it sounds like JB was not feeling well...I just don't understand what made JR so upset that he had to point out that this was "absolutely" false.why deny that?

....and about PR's racism,I work in a upper class neighborhood and it seems to me that almost everyone there is racist !...but if you call them out on it they act like it's ridiculous,everyone seems to have that stereotype,everyone is sort of afraid and suspicious of people from other races....makes me sick.

Rarely will people admit to racism. And bigotry never bothers me, even if I am on the receiving end of it. You can't regulate/legislate feelings and beliefs, likes or dislikes (nor should they be). Thought Police are more terrifying than any bigotry.
I have Native American/European ancestry, but I consider myself an equal-opportunity bigot. I have the ability to dislike people regardless of their race/creed/national origin. It's a gift. If someone dislikes me because of my race or beliefs- it truly doesn't bother me because I don't like them either. And any club that wouldn't have me as a member is one I wouldn't want to belong to anyway. They ARE entitled to their exclusions. It keeps us ALL free to be with those of our choosing.
You are also dealing with a man. Unless JB goes to DR and is diagnosed with something then she isn't sick. Shake it off, allergies, running nose, not sick just a normal kid in his opinion. He maybe assumes as with most parents to prevent the spread of disease you don't allow the kid to play with other kids when they are sick. Since lots of kids were at the house then John assumes no way was she sick. Since it is the only day she gets to play with her toys and local friends she sure doesn't want to be sick or report a little sore throat or sniffles. She was active and not sick acting around him.

I am not a pro Ramsey lets put a spin on this but I don't see all these small inconsistent details as proof either. John may not be lying, nor is the person who said JB was ill is lying. He just wasn't aware of it and knows that they would not have allowed her to play outside or with other kids if she reported feeling ill. He is making assumptions not lying. She didn't tell an adult or if she did she just asked to get some extra rest as she "didn't feel good". This could mean I'm sleepy and overdid it this Christmas, if you can get a kid to take a nap you take your blessings when you can find them. She may not have reported any symptoms to her parents that would make them think she was ill.
Rarely will people admit to racism. And bigotry never bothers me, even if I am on the receiving end of it. You can't regulate/legislate feelings and beliefs, likes or dislikes (nor should they be). Thought Police are more terrifying than any bigotry.
I have Native American/European ancestry, but I consider myself an equal-opportunity bigot. I have the ability to dislike people regardless of their race/creed/national origin. It's a gift. If someone dislikes me because of my race or beliefs- it truly doesn't bother me because I don't like them either. And any club that wouldn't have me as a member is one I wouldn't want to belong to anyway. They ARE entitled to their exclusions. It keeps us ALL free to be with those of our choosing.

Dang but I respect you DeeDee!!!! :woohoo::woohoo:

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