Watching Motions Hearing Live on Friday 10-10-08

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Here's a question - Obviously, Casey did not put up any of the bail money herself, and would suffer no personal financial hardship if it were forfeited should she attempt to flee.

How much weight does the judge assign to the "nothing to lose" factor?
Are you an attorney? Do you understand all the intracacies of the law and this case in particular?

I'm just wondering, not being argumentative.:)

It seems to me, reading the many posts here that JB is being judged for being a defense attorney and not really on his abilities.

I think it really doesn't matter what he does or says, he is going to be called out for it and I'm not sure that is fair. We are all entitled to a defense. JB is correct in that KC has been tried for murder before the public before she has even been charged. The public appears to have access to information, through the Sunshine Act, before the defense is made aware of it. Makes it difficult to prepare your case when you can not even get the charges clarified.

I am in no way defending KC. I think she is guilty plus some. But I think the attacks on JB are out of line to a large extent.

Just my opinion,


I agree with you Salem. He must not be that incompentent because he got most of the motions he asked for approved.
What in the WORLD could KC be doing with JB for 6 hours every single day? I wonder if he is being "paid" for his services by her, during this time. WINK WINK...if you know what I mean.

BTW, I am new to the Caylee thread, but not to WBS ( I am usually over on the JBR Board).
Are you an attorney? Do you understand all the intracacies of the law and this case in particular?

I'm just wondering, not being argumentative.:)

It seems to me, reading the many posts here that JB is being judged for being a defense attorney and not really on his abilities.

I think it really doesn't matter what he does or says, he is going to be called out for it and I'm not sure that is fair. We are all entitled to a defense. JB is correct in that KC has been tried for murder before the public before she has even been charged. The public appears to have access to information, through the Sunshine Act, before the defense is made aware of it. Makes it difficult to prepare your case when you can not even get the charges clarified.

I am in no way defending KC. I think she is guilty plus some. But I think the attacks on JB are out of line to a large extent.

Just my opinion,



I totally agree here.

Seems a lot of people want him to just stroll into the courtroom and throw in the towel and say, "Your Honor, the State's Atty is right. Casey is a liar, a thief and a murderer. That's right. I give up."

That's not what defense attorneys do and they are an important part of the justice system and if any of us is ever accused of a crime, guilty or not, we will appreciate that.

Crim defense attys wouldn't make much money nor have many clients if they didn't do what's allowed by the law - and the successful ones push the "gray area envelope" to the very edge.

I would rather have Racehorse Haynes or some DreamTeam collection of attorneys if I was accused, but I couldn't afford it and neither can Casey. She's getting a pretty good job out of JB considering what she's given him to work with.

While I agree with that statement if she is sharing truthful information to Baez, there could be some circumstances where they would need her to identify certain places, people, etc... that have NOT been interviewed or are even known to LE. They are trying to conduct their own investigation based on what she is telling Baez now.

But if she did not harm her child as the defense claims, WHY wouldn't she share that info with LE? IMHO she WOULD if she was trying to locate an Alive Caylee, she WOULDN'T if she was trying to see if there was evidence to a crime still left in a certain area. FWIW, I think that she just wants to get out of the Anthony house and JB's office, I don't think she wants to HELP do anything. Once again, I think it's ALL ABOUT Casey. (my opinion only)
Zenaida Gonzalez as common a name as David Smith? WTF???

I'm Cuban/American and have lived in Miami most of my life. I have NEVER heard that name before. Now, "Gonzalez" is a very common name, but Zenaida? I can't think of a single one.

While I agree with you that there are some that feel that way, there are others that have questioned "Why isn't she out searching for her daughter?"

With that said...if indeed what she has stated "she knows where Caylee is but was fearful for her safety if she talks", I could see why she wouldn't be forthcoming. She has said in the past that she didn't trust LE. My interpretaion of that is that, if indeed the above is true, she means, she doesn't trust LE to protect her or her daughter. JMO

Bold by me..I just do not believe that girl is afraid. If she was that fearful, why go shopping to Target by herself? Banking by herself? Out clubbing by herself? She may not trust local LE because of her relationships but what about the FBI? Her father is an exLE he would have been the first person to go to if Caylee had been kidnapped and threats were made to her and her family, her Father had the expertise, KC knew this. No she was not and is not in fear. Just another lie. IMHO.
The state has the burden of proof not the defense.

But don't worry they obviously have a MOUNTAIN of evidence against Basket Casey.

They'll get her.

I was just going to comment on your signature...
Caylee named her favorite doll mama? That is just so pitiful. She loved her mama, no matter if she is a lying "B". Which makes this case so much sadder. How in the world could a mother kill her own child?
Bold by me..I just do not believe that girl is afraid. If she was that fearful, why go shopping to Target by herself? Banking by herself? Out clubbing by herself? She may not trust local LE because of her relationships but what about the FBI? Her father is an exLE he would have been the first person to go to if Caylee had been kidnapped and threats were made to her and her family, her Father had the expertise, KC knew this. No she was not and is not in fear. Just another lie. IMHO.

She blew that defense when she made consecutive 911 calls demanding police show up and she called herself the "resident" when George was outside stroking and Cindy was wetting down the protesters iirc.
sorry if this question has been asked already but who did the bondsman say posted the bail?
Bold by me..I just do not believe that girl is afraid. If she was that fearful, why go shopping to Target by herself? Banking by herself? Out clubbing by herself? She may not trust local LE because of her relationships but what about the FBI? Her father is an exLE he would have been the first person to go to if Caylee had been kidnapped and threats were made to her and her family, her Father had the expertise, KC knew this. No she was not and is not in fear. Just another lie. IMHO.

I agree with you.
The only thing that she was ever afraid of was Cindy and going to jail.....she never feared for her life due to any danger to her or Caylee. She is a lying sociopath. That excuse always drives me nuts! Afraid of who? The imaginary fake nanny that you "dropped" her off with at the imaginary apartment at Sawgrass?

She has said in the past that she didn't trust LE. So, if they (the defense) uses information that she has provided them (if it is truthful info) could only be a plus if it resulted in finding Caylee, which it potentially could. In that respect, it would be a plus.

Only if you think Caylee is alive, that of which I do not, breaks my heart to say.
I have been reading EVERYTHING about this case for two months. All of you are fantastic.:blowkiss: I just have to jump on this bandwagen.

JB is an IDIOT!!!!

Do the leg work yourself! What on earth has he been doing in that office from 10-4?

I pray Tim finds Caylee.

Thanks for all the great work

Welcome ROBLYN! From Michigan here too... Was a guest too from August on & have found this site for forums the best ever!! Very smart thinkers here..

I agree JB is an IDIOT & what do they do everyday 10-4 in the about the weather? I think the state & FBI have so much more info that has not been released....I really do hope & pray Tim finds Caylee she deserves a proper burial....not laying who knows where. At least I have the comfort that she is with her angels being she is an angel herself! :angel:

WS's are very a caring hard working group...Thanks to all the mods, muzikman, & more members than I can mention for all your dedication to keeping this forum based on the facts, theories, etc. :clap::clap::clap::clap:

I plan to continue being an active member long after this case! I'm disabled & if I can help just one person r add a piece of a puzzle to get to an answer it makes my worst days better... Sorry a little off subject but I really wanted to thank all WS members for all they do & I hope to help out where ever I can...Timelines, Cell Pings, r whatever..I just got a new PC so I hope to help where ever it is needed. Please PM if there is anything I can assist with!
SNIPPED: "... He must not be that incompentent because he got most of the motions he asked for approved.

Respectfully disagreeing/agreeing in part, as I think the reason he got most of what was asked for is because the defense is clearly entitled to the motions that were granted. JB's problem is that he likely failed to follow the procedure-by-the-book to get it, thought he'd get open file discovery, an when he didn't, he rushed to motion practice instead of doing his homework/legwork, as Judge S so kindly put it today. The rest, well, they were taken under advisement, so we'll see.
QUOTE=Truthwillsetufree;2799779]Bold by me..I just do not believe that girl is afraid. If she was that fearful, why go shopping to Target by herself? Banking by herself? Out clubbing by herself? She may not trust local LE because of her relationships but what about the FBI? Her father is an exLE he would have been the first person to go to if Caylee had been kidnapped and threats were made to her and her family, her Father had the expertise, KC knew this. No she was not and is not in fear. Just another lie. IMHO.[/QUOTE]

True, but again, the point a lot of WSers have been making here, with good reason, IMHO, is that it's too little too late. She didn't search initially, led them in circles, and, most importantly, why, if she wants to go do this, did JB wait until NOW to file this request? Puts more egg on his face, if you ask me.

I don't have the answers as to why Casey didn't search initially or "effectively" search initially, why she led LE in circles, or why she wants to do it now. As we all know, Casey has the answers to the questions and she has obviously made some errors in judgement. With that being said...I don't think it's EVER too late to help in the search of a missing child.
SNIPPED: "... Seems a lot of people want him to just stroll into the courtroom and throw in the towel and say, "Your Honor, the State's Atty is right. Casey is a liar, a thief and a murderer. That's right. I give up."

That's not what defense attorneys do and they are an important part of the justice system and if any of us is ever accused of a crime, guilty or not, we will appreciate that.

Crim defense attys wouldn't make much money nor have many clients if they didn't do what's allowed by the law - and the successful ones push the "gray area envelope" to the very edge...."

IMHO, any attorney first must learn the basics of trial prep, which is the discovery process and motion practice. JB seems not to have much experience here, which si why the judge had to keep telling him to do go his own legwork, footwork, etc. I'm certainly not taking personal attacks, but he doesn't seem to used to discovery/motion practice. Point being, he'd have had a lot of what he filed motions over had he asked the prosecution properly. :)
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