Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #3

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Sutherland might - he's done. (Spelling?)
Sort of...he is done with Pillay. He still has another cross examination with the Crown but that should be easier.

ETA: at the time I posted this it didn’t look like Pillay would be finished today, and it seemed pretty intense in the courtroom
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Just thought I'd post a pic to outline my above point about how that the way in which he wears his satchel is reflective too of him being a leftie.
MANDEL: Double murderer Dellen Millard files appeal, claims he was forced to represent himself
I’m right handed but wear my purse the same way as him, across the left shoulder and sitting on my right hip. I do that so I can easily stick my hand in and find things easily in my purse. I find it awkward trying to find my keys or chapstick or whatever else i’m looking for using my left hand. Having said that...I am also one of those people who is right handed for most things but left handed for some stuff. I play sports left handed.
This whole cross felt so silly and reaching, IMO. I was waiting for Pillay to ask "Well, you didn't try standing on your head and shooting the gun to see what the mark left from the gun would look like did you? So you didn't try everything!"

It just felt so incredibly ridiculous.

If all Pillay can do is try discredit a very qualified expert witness, he obviously doesn't have much to work with, IMO.

Yes, but all he has to do is cast some doubt. Even if his "suggestions" of things that weren't tested are ridiculous, they show that there are gaps that weren't covered in the testing. Obviously there are infinite possibilities for testing that could have been done, given all the variables, and it wouldn't be reasonable to try them all (ie. standing on head haha)...but anything that the reconstructionist did not do (whether reasonable or ridiculous) shows that WM being shot by another person is not the only possible alternative.
When you look in the background at the jury the expressions on their faces not good. They look disgusted that the two accused are sitting in front of them.
That is why I wish that Canada would allow some big profile murder cases to be televised, so you can see the expressions of the jury and also judge and crown.
There is interest to follow the trials because of the online groups covering the trials have a big following.
With the last witness in this trial it would help to be able to see it live of how he was describing the way the gun was positioned and today to see DM s lawyer in cross-examination and the way the witness reacted.
Except, if you consider the totality of the evidence - especially DM's behaviour in the days following the death, the cab rides, the cell phone, the fact that WM seemed to be in a better frame of mind during the weeks preceding his death - it's just one more piece of the puzzle. This to me is similar to the issue of whether the pictures in Babcock truly demonstrated that she had been killed and the body incinerated.
What do you believe now ,that DM will not be found guilty? I am unsure, it is the first criminal trial I have followed where there is a judge not jury.
I hear so much on the internet about how he won't be found guilty because of reasonable doubt, but every trial he has been in the same thing and everyone all the people were wrong.
In the trial about Laura so many kept saying there is no way he will be found guilty because no body. They also said that there was no way the blue tarp was her body in it.
They also said the rap song the clearly any reasonable person would know was about her death , that is was not and just a rap he made up.
After this trial if there is a guilty verdict I am never listening to anyone again about the outcome of a trial.
Pillay is getting on my nerves with his posturing and ridiculous suggestions. If DM is found not guilty, that will be a total joke. Everything DM did points to the murder of his dad. His alibi, cell phone pings, location, MB’s involvement, etc.

Wonder how Pillay sleeps at night.
Pillay is getting on my nerves with his posturing and ridiculous suggestions. If DM is found not guilty, that will be a total joke. Everything DM did points to the murder of his dad. His alibi, cell phone pings, location, MB’s involvement, etc.

Wonder how Pillay sleeps at night.

He's a defense attorney....probably sleeps like a baby....MOO
Just thinking out loud. DM bought this gun in July 2012 and I guess got the illegal ammo with it at the same time. Was that the same bullets still loaded in it on Nov 29, 2012? Or had DM already used up all the originals bullets he bought and had to buy more?

I know there is no way to get an answer to this. It would just be more damning, IMO, to know if this illegal gun DM purchased 5 months earlier, happened to sit loaded and unused until WM's death. It makes it feel like that was the exact reason the gun was purchased, IMO.
Just thinking out loud. DM bought this gun in July 2012 and I guess got the illegal ammo with it at the same time. Was that the same bullets still loaded in it on Nov 29, 2012? Or had DM already used up all the originals bullets he bought and had to buy more?

I know there is no way to get an answer to this. It would just be more damning, IMO, to know if this illegal gun DM purchased 5 months earlier, happened to sit loaded and unused until WM's death. It makes it feel like that was the exact reason the gun was purchased, IMO.

I remember something about DM going to the States to get bullets (during the TB Trial) Wonder if the bullets were for this gun?
“Where’s that in your report?” Pillay demanded again.

Sutherland explained — for the umpteenth time — that he wasn’t asked to reconstruct the shooting or the path of the bullet, but to determine the position of the gun when it was fired.

Had Pillay done enough to discredit him? If not, he has one last chance. In this judge-alone trial, the defence lawyer will argue next week that Sutherland’s evidence shouldn’t be admissible at all.

I remember something about DM going to the States to get bullets (during the TB Trial) Wonder if the bullets were for this gun?

Found it. I believe there was also text messages as well but at least found this for now.

In one of the more bizarre twists, it was alleged Millard owned a fake pregnancy suit — a flesh-coloured, strap-on belly bulge — and wanted Smich’s girlfriend, Marlena Meneses, to wear it to smuggle ammunition across the border.


Ok so as promised, I finally have a moment tonight to now sit and write out my experience and observations in court this morning. (Sorry this may be a long post)

First of all, LB's mom was there with a few of her family/friends. It seems that she has been to every day of this trial which I highly admire. Especially since she has already sat through LB's earlier this year. The gallery was fairly full, I would say about 3/4 full. It was neat to actually see AC there not far from me tweeting and typing away a mile a minute to update everyone outside the court. I don't know how he does that so well but I am guessing it takes a lot of practice over the years.

I was there for the testimony of the KW Airport manager (sorry I am blanking on his name at the moment). Reading back AC's tweets of the exam-in-chief and the cross exam of this witness, he did fairly well detail wise. One thing that wasn't explained well in the tweets was a question Pillay asked in cross exam and then was readdressed by the Crown. (I obviously can't remember the wording so I will paraphrase as best as I can) In the exam-in-chief, the witness said how every time he spoke on the phone with WM, conversations always started by asking WM how he was doing because of WM's back injury. Pillay asked the witness basically "How well did you know WM on a personal level?" To which he said "Not that well". Pillay then asked "Were you aware that WM was laid up in bed and bedridden most of the time because of his back?", to which the witness replied that he doesn't remember ever being told that WM was bedridden or pretty much in bed all the time. When Lockhart got up to re-cross this witness he asked one question, "When you spoke to WM in your last conversations how did he respond when you asked how he was doing?" The witness replied, "He said he was starting to feel better and was really happy about that". I think this conversation was kind of missed in AC's tweets. Anyways, to me it clearly showed that Pillay was trying to paint WM as some guy that was stuck in bed 24/7 and miserable. Lockhart cleared up that no, WM was actually starting to feel better and was feeling positive about that.

DM was in the prisoner box and through the whole exam-in-chief of the airport manager, DM was typing away continuously on his laptop. He looked up from his computer for much of the cross examination and seemed to be observing and listening much more at that point. I never noticed DM looking towards the gallery at all when I was there. Having been to the LB trial, I noticed a bit of a difference in his appearance today. I would classify DM's hair during the LB trial as sort of shaggy length, whereas today it was quite a bit shorter. More the length it was in his mugshot. The braid behind his ear is quite long now, maybe two inches longer than what I remember.

I was present for the beginning of the cross exam of the scene reconstruction expert witness(sorry, I can't remember any names tonight apparently). He (the witness) seems very organized as it took him a minute or two to get out all his file folders and organize them on the little desk in the witness box. He is a confident man, while not at all cocky or arrogant. I got the sense that he knows he is a well-qualified expert witness, and wasn't nervous at all to be grilled by Pillay.

Phew, sorry that was really long, I am impressed if anyone read all of that! All in all, I am glad that I was able to get a little bit of time to witness a piece of this trial.
What I think has been lost in this whole suicide vs murder situation is the fact that WM returned a number of guns to the police during a gun amnesty period. He obviously didn't want those guns around, he didn't want his son to have them and he didn't want to sell them either. He PERSONALLY handed them over to a police officer. Was he concerned having them in the home, in a locked safe with his adult son living in the home? Who knows but WM made a conscience effort to get several (if not all??) out of the home.

Why would a man who made the effort to hand guns in shoot himself with an illegal gun his son had purchased? I doubt WM even knew that DM had purchased guns.
I remember something about DM going to the States to get bullets (during the TB Trial) Wonder if the bullets were for this gun?

Are you thinking of DMs text to MS from when DM was in Vegas?

The richter scale just went linear!

"A text from the Millard phone to Say10 in 2012: "five fingered you some practice ammo." They then proceed to talk


The above text was in April 2012; iirc, DM didn't get the S&W until July 2012.
Are you thinking of DMs text to MS from when DM was in Vegas?

The above text was in April 2012; iirc, DM didn't get the S&W until July 2012.

Nope, wasn’t that. See my link a few up where MM testified about pregnancy suit.
“Where’s that in your report?” Pillay demanded again.

Sutherland explained — for the umpteenth time — that he wasn’t asked to reconstruct the shooting or the path of the bullet, but to determine the position of the gun when it was fired.

Had Pillay done enough to discredit him? If not, he has one last chance. In this judge-alone trial, the defence lawyer will argue next week that Sutherland’s evidence shouldn’t be admissible at all.

Wouldn't reconstructing the shooting and the path of the bullet be essential for determining the position of the gun and the GSR at the time of discharge?
I still believe DM was the shooter, and hope the crown has a "smoking gun" up their sleeves.. because the crown has weak case thus far.
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