Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #3

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That terminology was not used at all.

And it was with Elizabeth Glass .... her brother had dropped by Wayne's for a visit one afternoon and said they were "well into their drinks already"
Do you have a copy of the article? There are many on google and would be hard to find. I remember it saying MB and Wayne , because it was describing the parents. IT is 2 years ago since I read the article, but I was sure I read it said MB and Wayne.
O/T - remembering .....

Millard was 85, with some 35,000 flying hours under his belt, when he
made his last flight, a "check ride" to renew his instrument rating.

"He passed easily," said Wayne, a former pilot with Air Canada and
Canada 3000.

His flying lessons began when he was 5. "That would be 1946. I
remember sitting on Dad's lap."

At 17, Wayne was piloting cargo planes.

The young pilots and mechanics hired by (Carl) Millard didn't earn much money
at first. If they couldn't afford lodgings, they'd bunk down in the

The airline still exists in name but hasn't flown in about 10 years,
Wayne said.

"And there's a chance we'll be flying again. Dellen is 21 and he's
thinking of getting things going with helicopters this time. Dad (Carl) would
like that."

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Do you have a copy of the article? There are many on google and would be hard to find. I remember it saying MB and Wayne , because it was describing the parents. IT is 2 years ago since I read the article, but I was sure I read it said MB and Wayne.
Tim Bosma murder suspect, Dellen Millard made surprising decision to dismantle family business
Whether Wayne knew what Dellen was up to is anybody’s guess. By that time, he and Madeleine had split and, according to Steve Glass, the brother of Wayne’s girlfriend at the time, Elizabeth Glass, Wayne didn’t use computers or email. Mr. Glass, 65, who lived in Maine and occasionally visited his sister in Toronto, said the couple liked to spend afternoons sitting around Wayne’s house drinking. “Every time I met him, they were well into the booze,” he said, adding that he believed Wayne genuinely cared for his sister, who died in 2009.
Tim Bosma murder suspect, Dellen Millard made surprising decision to dismantle family business
Whether Wayne knew what Dellen was up to is anybody’s guess. By that time, he and Madeleine had split and, according to Steve Glass, the brother of Wayne’s girlfriend at the time, Elizabeth Glass, Wayne didn’t use computers or email. Mr. Glass, 65, who lived in Maine and occasionally visited his sister in Toronto, said the couple liked to spend afternoons sitting around Wayne’s house drinking. “Every time I met him, they were well into the booze,” he said, adding that he believed Wayne genuinely cared for his sister, who died in 2009.
I think that is the article. I guess I read it wrong.
I’m not so sure JC would’ve created a happy ending for WM even if the real life events could be rewritten. Although indeed he acknowledged his “problem with alcohol” to her, that had not been overcome. She also couldn’t change the fact the MRO was a huge financial gamble that was not about to become successful, and more so, the benefactor of all his effort was already on a road to self destruction with at least one murder already committed.

Introvert or not, that WM seemed to have nobody close to confide his concerns to - and he surely wasn’t that stupid or naive not to have noticed a few gigantic red flags - that’s what I was thinking about. Had there been somebody, the finger of potential blame would’ve been pointed at DM immediately and LE and the Coroner would’ve (hopefully) done a proper job of determining if his death was either suicide or murder right there and then.
In the case of a wealthy man found dead by gunshot wound through the eyeball (rare site) while in an obvious sleeping position (hand under face), using an illegal gun (I noticed they have the name of the registered owner of this gun on file - had this gun been reported as stolen?), leaving his estate to a sole heir, who just happens to live with him, find the body, and be trying to focus LE on alcoholism, disability and depression instead of letting them figure out first if he may have been murdered.. is that not enough right there to at least do your due diligence? Makes me sick.
So is the thought that WM was killed with that gun, just not by himself or that he was killed with "a" gun maybe a different one?

I watched a 2012 episode of bones tonight and the revolver had been used at close range and the discovered it had flesh in the barrel. I don't know how common that would be but would think the absence of flesh in the barrel might be of concern.
Interesting thought.. would flesh explode onto the barrel?? Is that why the gun may have been a centimeter away from the eye when fired, as opposed to right against? Why was nothing said about DNA/flesh found in/on the barrel? Surely to god, after they finally put two and two together (after some 6 months), they did confirm that the bullet had in fact been fired from that gun?
I’m not so sure JC would’ve created a happy ending for WM even if the real life events could be rewritten. Although indeed he acknowledged his “problem with alcohol” to her, that had not been overcome. She also couldn’t change the fact the MRO was a huge financial gamble that was not about to become successful, and more so, the benefactor of all his effort was already on a road to self destruction with at least one murder already committed.

Introvert or not, that WM seemed to have nobody close to confide his concerns to - and he surely wasn’t that stupid or naive not to have noticed a few gigantic red flags - that’s what I was thinking about. Had there been somebody, the finger of potential blame would’ve been pointed at DM immediately and LE and the Coroner would’ve (hopefully) done a proper job of determining if his death was either suicide or murder right there and then.
I think men in general are different in regard to sharing deep personal confidences with their male friends, at least that's what I have learned over time. And so many people in general, only speak to their friends of the good things about their kids (and maybe don't even register when they see flags of bad?).. not sure if he even would have expressed fears to someone, even if he had someone close (who, at the time, he did have JC - they talked for hours at that time and had been talking since January)..

I do find it interesting that he turned in his guns when he did, and wonder if it was only because of the program in effect at that time, or is that due to having seen a red flag(s) in his son? Did he have reason to fear having guns in the house? DM would've been 25 at that time. (It seems that DM didn't take the definite turn toward criminality until 2011 though, apparently?)
Interesting you say that, I had the same thought when I read about Elizabeth Glass.
I don't know much about her, didn't she have cancer? But if the cancer hadn't killed her, I'm sure she would've been taken care of a different way.... although if the two of them were alcoholics, DM may not have seen her/them as such a threat.. it seems that when his dad started coming back to life, emotionally and physically, and when the MRO obtained the coveted certification, that things started being a real threat to DM. moo.
Thinking about WM's seeming lack of friends.. he's from a time when it was more important to have a couple of 'good' friends, as opposed to hundreds of meaningless 'friends'. It had to have been awkward for him, considering his wealth in contrast with his lifestyle. He likely didn't really seem to fit in with the people with similar financial status, and also perhaps wouldn't have known which other types of friends to trust that they weren't just out for money? I think it's also different when you're an adult, you don't necessarily make 'new', close friends. Not sure if he may have lost some 'old' friends when he and MB split up and any friends may have gone to the 'other side'? jmo
Wouldn't reconstructing the shooting and the path of the bullet be essential for determining the position of the gun and the GSR at the time of discharge?
I still believe DM was the shooter, and hope the crown has a "smoking gun" up their sleeves.. because the crown has weak case thus far.
It seems he was only trying to match the photo of the GSR on the pillow, how the gun would have had to have been positioned in order for the GSR to come out like that. But yes, that can only make sense if he was also taking into consideration the angle of the injury, imho. He could've matched the marking, but yet the gun may have been in a position that was impossible to have traveled inside the head to lodge in the particular location that it did. Both would have had to have been correct at same time. And yes.. on top of that, what kind of hand/body positioning would have allowed those two things to occur as they did. I think you are right. moo
Just thinking out loud. DM bought this gun in July 2012 and I guess got the illegal ammo with it at the same time. Was that the same bullets still loaded in it on Nov 29, 2012? Or had DM already used up all the originals bullets he bought and had to buy more?

I know there is no way to get an answer to this. It would just be more damning, IMO, to know if this illegal gun DM purchased 5 months earlier, happened to sit loaded and unused until WM's death. It makes it feel like that was the exact reason the gun was purchased, IMO.
From what I recall, I think DM had been in a hurry to get MWJ to get back to him at the time when he was trying to get this gun. Unfortunately, that timing was right around the time of LB's death. Wondering if LB and WM were killed by same gun. Wondering if LE had bothered to carefully take that gun into evidence and competently forensically examine it, could there have been any indication of LB? Also, if DM did in fact use that gun to kill LB, that could potentially explain why his DNA was on the gun.. cept it would be difficult, considering the appeal, for RP to say, 'well THAT's why his DNA was on the gun, cuz it was used in one of his OTHER murders that he's been convicted of, doh.'
In the case of a wealthy man found dead by gunshot wound through the eyeball (rare site) while in an obvious sleeping position (hand under face), using an illegal gun (I noticed they have the name of the registered owner of this gun on file - had this gun been reported as stolen?), leaving his estate to a sole heir, who just happens to live with him, find the body, and be trying to focus LE on alcoholism, disability and depression instead of letting them figure out first if he may have been murdered.. is that not enough right there to at least do your due diligence? Makes me sick.


I’ll try digging up the gun info. Unless someone knows where to look for it? MWJ claimed he bought a gun off of the original owner. If true and is THIS gun, that’d explain why there was no reported file of it being stolen. Anyone else remember this tidbit of info?
Looking for the article, testimony, texts?? For MWJ and purchasing a gun off someone selling their collection. I totally missed his head Tattoo of the Prime Minister Robert Borden with his left eye shot out. So that’s 2 pics of MJW with eye shootings (himself and a tattoo)

Then we have DM’s Jail house letters of “but DM didn’t have a gang name” but MS did....So was DM trying to fit into MJW’s gang. I’m not entirely sure of the significance of the left eye being shot out but seems to be something of significance to MJW.

I’m sure happy all these guys are off the streets. I’m thinking there was a lot more to DM, MS and MJW’s connection with horrible crimes to come!

What I think has been lost in this whole suicide vs murder situation is the fact that WM returned a number of guns to the police during a gun amnesty period. He obviously didn't want those guns around, he didn't want his son to have them and he didn't want to sell them either. He PERSONALLY handed them over to a police officer. Was he concerned having them in the home, in a locked safe with his adult son living in the home? Who knows but WM made a conscience effort to get several (if not all??) out of the home.

Why would a man who made the effort to hand guns in shoot himself with an illegal gun his son had purchased? I doubt WM even knew that DM had purchased guns.

It was said WM carried guns when he went on solo flights up to isolated places so presumably DM was aware of guns being in the house from a very young age. Not sure why WM would need a collection of guns for that purpose. Interesting that the police officer confirmed that WM handed in his guns, but DM said they were given to a friend to take out of the country. He was very specific about this and even gave the guy's name. I wonder how many guns there were about that house.
Looking for the article, testimony, texts?? For MWJ and purchasing a gun off someone selling their collection. I totally missed his head Tattoo of the Prime Minister Robert Borden with his left eye shot out. So that’s 2 pics of MJW with eye shootings (himself and a tattoo)

Then we have DM’s Jail house letters of “but DM didn’t have a gang name” but MS did....So was DM trying to fit into MJW’s gang. I’m not entirely sure of the significance of the left eye being shot out but seems to be something of significance to MJW.

I’m sure happy all these guys are off the streets. I’m thinking there was a lot more to DM, MS and MJW’s connection with horrible crimes to come!

In crimes involving gangs usually they kill each other over drugs , turf etc.
In cases like DM he preyed on the public by using the internet to find someone for a thrill kill. It could have been anyone that at that moment had something he wanted. a car , a boat, who knows what.
The first man luck was on his side that they did not shoot him, it was pure luck.
DM and MS were dangerous to the public.
Not sure why WM would need a collection of guns for that purpose. Interesting that the police officer confirmed that WM handed in his guns, but DM said they were given to a friend to take out of the country. He was very specific about this and even gave the guy's name.

Was it “to take out of the country” or to take out into the country? I got the impression DM was saying they were given to someone to shoot in a country setting. Kind of like he, himself was doing on his farm?
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