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I don't know where it is now.......but, I was reading the coin story and Tricias heartening trials, that were so recent......and while feeding the baby his night-time milk. I had this tear.....and it was for Tricia, and how she managed to come thru for everyone. At her most difficult time, and with such proudness. A purely wonderful soul. Bless her..........
Most of you know that we are in our own little world at FFJ - for good reasons - and did not anticipate the flood gates opening as they did for memberships. Please do not take anything personal about this situation that had to be handled at the worst possible moment of Tricia's life. Everyone did all they could to please the world to get you guys back here - remember too that FFJ also had downtime and glitches to work through while trying to help out WBS.

Maybe a delphi forum or topix would help ease concerns about having a gathering spot just in case the worst case scenerio happens again?!

Now - go have fun!
Glad to see the site is back up. I do so appreciate all of the hard work that goes into this place! Thanks so much :)
Most of you know that we are in our own little world at FFJ - for good reasons - and did not anticipate the flood gates opening as they did for memberships. Please do not take anything personal about this situation that had to be handled at the worst possible moment of Tricia's life. Everyone did all they could to please the world to get you guys back here - remember too that FFJ also had downtime and glitches to work through while trying to help out WBS.

Maybe a delphi forum or topix would help ease concerns about having a gathering spot just in case the worst case scenerio happens again?!

Now - go have fun!
So when will we be able to register at FFJ if we want to since things are now settled?
Most of you know that we are in our own little world at FFJ - for good reasons - and did not anticipate the flood gates opening as they did for memberships. Please do not take anything personal about this situation that had to be handled at the worst possible moment of Tricia's life. Everyone did all they could to please the world to get you guys back here - remember too that FFJ also had downtime and glitches to work through while trying to help out WBS.

Maybe a delphi forum or topix would help ease concerns about having a gathering spot just in case the worst case scenerio happens again?!

Now - go have fun!

RR, that's an excellent idea!!!!

Moab did everything she could in the past few days to help people get registered. I know she was very busy.

I know that everyone involved worked hard to get the forum back up and running. Tricia, thank you for all that you do for us!!!!
I mostly lurk, but I do enjoy reading on these boards. :dance: I was going through Websleuth withdrawls these past few days! Thanks for all of your efforts.
Thanks so much Tricia :blowkiss:

Woohoo!!!!! :dance:

You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.....

Hi Glow, IdahoMom and Jovin!!! :blowkiss:
I agree!!! I missed this place like crazy!!!! :)
My family came first. That's all there is to it. I did send out a few emails when I had a chance and asked people to pass it along.

I had no access to the forum at all until last night. Therefore no mass email. It took so long because of my personal problems. I couldn't even put up an error page until I could get to the forum. Last night the error page went up then WS came back.

Please understand that emailing me over and over just overwhelmed me. I wasn't ignoring you. I was under an avalanche of personal problems.

I never emailed you once....I would not have...was just wondering why nothing was posted on the main page to tell everyone there were problems and it would be back ASAP....had no idea you were the only one that could do that, you know a little post could have saved you all those emails you say posters sent you. Some were freaking, LOL....I am thinking of all those who depend on WS to 'store' their cases and info and don't copy it elsewhere....they may have not worried so much if there was just a small post that said TECHNICAL PROBLEMS, BE BACK WHEN WE CAN.....maybe after seeing how many people were freaking and emailing you could designate someone to do this in event of emergency in the future, if you are unavailable like you were......would have saved me some emails too, LOL...but I don't know if that was possible, that's why I asked and am suggesting an idea for future times when you may be unavailable.

I totally understand family comes first, and don't need to be reminded...not one fuss here about the site being down and for how long, I am relieved for all that were concerned (I was starting to get a little concerned...just a wee bit) nothing was lost.

I don't know you Tricia and am not privy to your personal life or problems, I hope all is OK and I will whisper a prayer for you and all involved.

I love WS and am thankful that it is here, as I see so many others are...I haven't a clue what goes on behind the scenes, I didn't mean to say anything out of order was just curious and am now just making a suggestion.

Thank you for having WS and for getting it back up and running.
The Orignal tez I want to thank you and Moab so much for getting me registered on FFJ.
I mostly lurk, but I do enjoy reading on these boards. :dance: I was going through Websleuth withdrawls these past few days! Thanks for all of your efforts.

Nancy Drew as in........mame?
I never emailed you once....I would not have...was just wondering why nothing was posted on the main page to tell everyone there were problems and it would be back ASAP....had no idea you were the only one that could do that, you know a little post could have saved you all those emails you say posters sent you. Some were freaking, LOL....I am thinking of all those who depend on WS to 'store' their cases and info and don't copy it elsewhere....they may have not worried so much if there was just a small post that said TECHNICAL PROBLEMS, BE BACK WHEN WE CAN.....maybe after seeing how many people were freaking and emailing you could designate someone to do this in event of emergency in the future, if you are unavailable like you were......would have saved me some emails too, LOL...but I don't know if that was possible, that's why I asked and am suggesting an idea for future times when you may be unavailable.

I totally understand family comes first, and don't need to be reminded...not one fuss here about the site being down and for how long, I am relieved for all that were concerned (I was starting to get a little concerned...just a wee bit) nothing was lost.

I don't know you Tricia and am not privy to your personal life or problems, I hope all is OK and I will whisper a prayer for you and all involved.

I love WS and am thankful that it is here, as I see so many others are...I haven't a clue what goes on behind the scenes, I didn't mean to say anything out of order was just curious and am now just making a suggestion.

Thank you for having WS and for getting it back up and running.

Sorry Christine, I thought you posted that you emailed me many times. What you said was people were emailing you. My apologies.

It's time I go eat my own weight in chocolate.

Goodnight my friends :)
The Orignal tez I want to thank you and Moab so much for getting me registered on FFJ.

WC, Moab did all of the work. I just sent her an eMail. BTW, it's so good to see you! (((Hugs)))
Sorry Christine, I thought you posted that you emailed me many times. What you said was people were emailing you. My apologies.

It's time I go eat my own weight in chocolate.

Goodnight my friends :)

If you won't take money, will you take gifts of chocolate? What's your favorite kind? :blowkiss:

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