We need help identifying this brand of shoes.

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What if these are like mail order shoes, purchased in bulk for a company incentive program -- #1 in sales cruise -- type thing, and donated to Good Will, later worn in the commission of a crime? Not a logo as much as novelty shoes. Flip flops.
I’ve tried looking for biohazard symbol for the round structure in the middle, also recycle symbol and radioactive symbol and haven’t had any luck but thought I would throw those into the mix in case someone is better at this than me or has more time.
Just popping in to say that like you all, Ive still been searching for days to try to figure this out - solidarity with you all on this maddening quest lol
All types of footwear - ski, snow, combat/tactical, slippers, hiking, runners, sandals, jail shoes etc. Vintage, new, expensive, cheap and seemingly mass produced.
I also somehow ended up down a "related search" rabbit hole on Google in Russian. No idea what the word I was searching meant but there were lots of interesting shoe soles - but still nothing like what we've been looking at. I then started searching in German because why not at this point?
No matter the variety of tread patterns, I haven't seen anything remotely close to the big block letters seemingly on the ball of the shoe.
Maybe if others want to try some random language searches?
The fact it's a cold case makes me think it would be a BIT older but God it would be nice to have more information.

Reddit is a good idea - they are very good at this kind of thing. I'm glad someone suggested it. It's one of those thoughts I had at 4am and then forgot the next day.
Imagine a Tracker thinking about this non-stop. It's driving me nuts (short drive). I was thinking about obscure brands like Kangaroos that went out in the 80's and Sorel boots. Thing is that I am sure I have see this pattern before, but just cannot get the shuffling old man with the dusty filing cabinets in my brain to find the right file.
I have that same feeling that I’ve seen it before and that it could have been a long time ago. Where I grew up, there was a store called Anthony’s and they carried a brand of tennis shoes called Fast Bak. Fast Bak may have even been the store brand for Anthony’s. Anyway, I’ve only been able to see one example of those old shoes. That was on ebay, and it didn’t match our mystery partial imprint at all.
I think the design vaguely resembles aspects of the original Top Gun movie logo, too . Lol *shrugs*
What part of the shoe does everyone think this print came from? Obviously the outsole, but is it the heel? The toes / ball of the foot? Instep area?

I tried to draw around the outline of the area of tread that I can see. Honestly, I've been wondering if this print is actually from a shoe at all. Having outlined it, I do now think it is a shoeprint, we are seeing the upper part of the tread pattern. The heel, I believe is missing. It's odd, because the area of design (imo) is where the shoe needs most traction and most flexibility, but the design isn't really suited to either need.

I've been looking at the shoes of my family and almost none have single lines of tread going, unbroken, from side to side. If we could figure out the type of shoe (its purpose - walking, dressy, sandal, etc.) we could narrow the search down a bit.
Imo, that’s a great question about which part of the shoe, and I’ve wondered what every one else thinks about it, too.
FWIW, I agree with you that it looks like toe, ball and tiny bit of outer arch.
For those of you with unlimited time, try googling shoe company logo's....
IMO, this hasn’t been as productive for me as i hoped; nearly all of the results from google images as well as duck duck go images are of shoes that are for sale. A few of those are vintage shoes, but still a very precious few old logos to look at, imo.
Awesome! We noticed the extra trefoil at the bottom early on, but never realized the entire image repeats. I took a closer look and there are a couple of other faint tread lines right beside the trefoil. I moved the image down to that area and it fits perfectly.

So, this little kangaroo boxing / wolf / rat flexing image is on the ball of the foot and also maybe the arch area into the heel.
That’s really neat how you did the edit on the photo!
OK, a friend has had a reply from the CCIRI with some more info. They can't post right now.

The print is from months ago, so a current brand. It is the ball of the foot, believed to be a juvenile, the print was made in wet cement and they are very grateful for everyone looking because they have had zero luck.

Screenshot_20221123-231846_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20221123-231914_Samsung Internet.jpg
OK, a friend has had a reply from the CCIRI with some more info. They can't post right now.

The print is from months ago, so a current brand. It is the ball of the foot, believed to be a juvenile, the print was made in wet cement and they are very grateful for everyone looking because they have had zero luck.

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Wow, it's great to get more info.

So, if it was a print in wet cement, how do we account for what looks like a cloth pattern throughout the entire photo (not just the print area)? Was the print mold made on fabric or canvas of some kind?

I guess that isn't terribly important.

I kept thinking this looks like a kids shoe - what adult would have a goofy picture on the bottom of their shoe, lol? But I kept dismissing the idea because you don't (I don't) normally associate kids with the commission of a crime. I wonder if we're talking grade school or teenager.

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