We the jury find the defendant Casey Anthony...

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We the Websleuth Jury find the defendant Casey Anthony...

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I would vote for Aggravated Manslaughter; I can't get to 1st-degree with what the jurors heard, I do believe she probably killed Caylee on purpose but I am drawing on info not introduced that convinced, things I read in "Mommy's Little Girl."
Guilty on all counts. If anything the mess of a defense has erased any doubt I may have had about premeditiation. Thanks Jose for clearing that up for me :)
Despite an amazing performance on the part of the defense muddying the waters, the facts are the same today as they were yesterday...

Guilty on all counts
Must decide now if I will vote in my magical thinking state or my reality mind or the great fear building in me.
okay feels funny to have a choice of innocent rather than just not guilty
okay feels funny to have a choice of innocent rather than just not guilty

LOL! You're right! I don't think I can change it now that it's created, but thanks for pointing it out. :)

She is guilty of every charge. I have no reasonable doubt.

I don't think they would have to have a reasonable doubt in order to deliberate. I would hope that the jury at least go through some of the evidence even if they think she is guilty this way they can deterimine the right charge.
If the jury buys that the duct tape is the murder weapon because of Dr. G's argument and JA's indication it was unnecessary to cover the breathing apertures of a living child, then they may go with premeditated murder. One piece, maybe not. But three long pieces of duct tape applied is calculated and gives enough pause for reflection. If the jury is a bit unsure of the premeditation part, perhaps where the google searches for various ways to kill or maim people will help the jury tip in that direction.

I don't see the felony manslaughter charge on the list. If it is indeed a felony to administer chloroform to a child and use duct tape to tape a child's face, and the result is death for a child under 12, then that puts the sentence in the same place as Murder One in the state of Florida.

The consciousness of guilt evident by hiding Caylee's body in plastic bags and a canvas laundry bag, and the cavalier way her remains were disposed of, may also be a factor in the jury determining that this was a purposeful homicide.

The jury may think that certain forensic aspects are weak when considered individually, but when considered as an aggregate, I'd think they would point to some charge that has LWOP. Although this jury is exhausted and may not want to go through a prolonged mitigation phase, so they may not convict on the maximum. I'm having a rough time predicting what this jury might do seeing as how we've heard so many stories about this juror or that one. Oh well, as CM said, time for those people to light some candles. I just hope they remember who they should be lighting them for - innocent little Caylee who had her voice silenced without her permission.

I agree. It is Dr. G's argument and common sense.
My votes:

-guilty of aggravated child abuse
-guilty of aggravated manslaughter of a child
-guilty of lying to LE
-not guilty of all the rest

This is not what I necessarily want to happen, just what I think the jury will decide. JMO, only.
Guilty on every charge they charged her with and probably more.
Guilty of Count One, First Degree Murder
Guilty of Count Two, Aggravated Child Abuse
Guilty of Counts Four Through Seven (lying to officers)

I didn't check count three because if you're convicted of count One, FDM, you can't be convicted of Manslaughter as well (as far as I know).

So yah, FDM, ACB, and lying to officers.

I hope the jurors tick the same.


I don't think they would have to have a reasonable doubt in order to deliberate. I would hope that the jury at least go through some of the evidence even if they think she is guilty this way they can deterimine the right charge.

One. Two. Three. Strips of duct tape going into Caylee's hair.

It is my opinion that there is no reason to put duct tape over a child's mouth and nose except to keep the child from screaming or breathing. 3 pieces equals First Degree Murder. Duct tape going into Caylee's hair equals duct tape that ICA never intended to come off.

I only pray that ICA made a decent batch of chloroform and that Caylee was knocked out when ICA taped her, bagged her and pitched her into the trunk.
One. Two. Three. Strips of duct tape going into Caylee's hair.

It is my opinion that there is no reason to put duct tape over a child's mouth and nose except to keep the child from screaming or breathing. 3 pieces equals First Degree Murder. Duct tape going into Caylee's hair equals duct tape that ICA never intended to come off.

I only pray that ICA made a decent batch of chloroform and that Caylee was knocked out when ICA taped her, bagged her and pitched her into the trunk.

I can appreciate your opinion. I would just hope that after seven weeks, the jury give it more thought before coming to a decision. Especially in a DP case. JMO
After hearing today's (July 3) Closings Arguments from JA - The Prosecution & JB / CM - The Defense I believe Casey Anthony is Guilty. As a matter of fact, if I were on the jury after hearing Jose Baez speak about the picture showing Caylee at the sliding glass door I would believe that Casey Anthony has been planning murdering Caylee for years.

I think Casey Anthony took the picture of Caylee at the sliding glass door with the intention of proving Caylee could open that door - at the time Casey took that picture Casey was already thinking of ways to murder her daughter along with thinking of how she would murder her daughter & excuses she would give to the death of Caylee.

After hearing Closing Arguments today, I believe that since Caylee's birth Casey has been methodically behaving in ways to get away with murdering Caylee & has been working towards creating Reasonable Doubt for the future crime of murdering her daughter.

I believe the murder of Caylee has been well though out for years by Casey Anthony. I think Casey Anthony is smart & she purposely behaved like a loving mother so that when she did murder Caylee Casey would have many people stating what a wonderful mother she is.

Casey Anthony scares me - I think that if she is allowed back into society she would murder again if she thought doing so would benefit her in some way. I think that Casey Anthony felt pressured into having Caylee by her parents - Cindy & George opened their home, wallets and hearts to Caylee. They were both excited to have Caylee - I think Cindy thought of Caylee as her own daughter. Before Caylee was ever born - Casey already despised her parents especially her mother Cindy. Casey discovered that having Caylee would be of benefit to her - a bargaining chip to use against her parents. Casey knew all along that one day she would murder Caylee knowing the loss of Caylee would devastate her mother. Casey wanted to hurt her mother, destroy her parents' lives & in Casey's mind murdering Caylee would achieve this.

I think that when Caylee was born Casey didn't want to be a mother but having Caylee benefited Casey at that point in her life. I think that Casey told herself that she wouldn't have to deal with Caylee too long knowing that one day she would murder Caylee.

I didn't realize until today when Jose Baez spoke about the picture of Caylee at the sliding glass door that Casey had been planning the murder of her daughter for a long time. It wasn't an accident that there is a picture of Caylee at the sliding glass door - Casey took it in anticipation of the aftermath of murdering Caylee. If by some chance Casey didn't take the picture of Caylee at the sliding glass door - then when Casey did see that photograph she thought "when I kill Caylee I can say that she opened the sliding glass door."

Either way, after hearing Closing Arguments today I believe Casey Anthony is not only Guilty of First Degree Murder - I believe Casey Anthony had been planning murdering / disposing / getting rid of her daughter Caylee all of Caylee's life. All of Casey's lies were laying the foundation for the future time she knew that she would murder / get rid of Caylee.

I think Casey believed that she could murder Caylee & have her family believe Caylee was missing. If the police would have never been so persistent I think Casey Anthony would be living the life she wanted & enjoying herself - I think Casey would cry & get sympathy from people about her missing daughter - but she wouldn't really be sad & she would know the truth - the truth being that she murdered Caylee.

I think Casey Anthony believed that her lies are so good & she is so convincing that she would have the police believing everything that she said. When Cindy Anthony took the stand stating that she did the computer searches - Casey Anthony smiled - I honestly believe that Casey thinks "I'm so convincing my mother believes that she did the computer searches." The truth is Cindy Anthony said she did the computer searches because she is trying to save her daughter from getting the death penalty. Yet, I believe Casey Anthony thinks her mother is under the spell of Casey Anthony & Casey believes that her mother does indeed think she did the computer searches.

Jose Baez's Closing Arguments made me come to the belief that Casey Anthony had been planning on murdering her daughter since before Caylee was born. I think Casey Anthony made sure pictures were took that would depict Casey being a loving mother. I think Casey Anthony was methodical in creating an image of herself all along planning the murder of her daughter Caylee.

Even after Casey Anthony knew Caylee was dead - the Defense tells us that Casey knew Caylee was dead - Casey Anthony was telling people Caylee is at the beach with the nanny but it's important for her (Casey) to take time for herself. There are a lot of wonderful mothers who will say it's important to take time away from their children - Casey must have read about the notion of mothers taking time off from a parenting magazine or something - yet Casey is telling this to people when she knows that she has dumped her daughter's dead body in a wooded area. Even after Casey Anthony has gotten rid of her daughter - Casey is methodically telling people Caylee is away at the beach but it's a good thing because mothers need time off. Mothers taking time away from their children is a reasonable thing to say - articles are written about the importance of mothers taking time to take care of themselves. Casey Anthony is so methodical & so sick that she is telling people she is taking "me" time & Caylee is at the beach knowing she has thrown her daughter's dead body in a wooded area.

Casey Anthony was methodical in what she said about Caylee after Casey knew Caylee was dead - I believe Casey Anthony was equally methodical in what she said / did when Caylee was alive b/c Casey Anthony knew one day she would murder Caylee Anthony.

Jose Baez spoke about coincidences in his Closing Argument - it was during this time that I came to the conclusion that Casey Anthony had been planning the murder of her daughter since even before Caylee was born. Casey Anthony used Caylee as bargaining chip - she used Caylee to benefit herself - The murder of Caylee Anthony had been planned by Casey Anthony all of Caylee's life.

I believe that Casey Anthony was convinced that she make people believe anything. Her proof was that she had people believing that she loved & cared about Caylee - Casey knew that she didn't love & care about Caylee; Casey had people believing that she had a job - Casey knew that she didn't have a job; Casey had people believing that she had a nanny - Casey knew that she didn't have a nanny. Casey Anthony thought that her lies were so convincing that whatever story she gave about Caylee being missing would be believed.

If the truth was Caylee accidently drowned in the pool & George Anthony yelled at Casey Anthony upon finding Caylee dead - then George Anthony took his granddaughter's dead body put duct tape on her face, placed his dead granddaughter's body into garbage bags & laundry bag, dumped his granddaughter in a wooded area - Casey Anthony was so traumatized by this that she went to blockbuster with her boyfriend, partied, got a tattoo: If the truth is that Caylee's death was a tragic accident Casey Anthony would have confessed this long ago. Casey Anthony would not sit in prison for three years without proclaiming as loud as she could that Caylee's death was an accident that snowballed out of control.

I really hope that the jury finds Casey Anthony guilty & Casey Anthony is sentenced to death or life in prison. Casey Anthony is dangerous to society because I think she is highly capable of murdering again if doing so will benefit her in some way. Casey Anthony is so scary to me because I think she believes most people believe that he father and brother sexually abused her, I think she believes most people believe that she she is the victim in all of this - I think that Casey Anthony thinks that she will be able to re-enter society & already has the lies she will tell planned out. Yet in the future if Casey Anthony decides getting rid of (murdering) another person will benefit her - Casey Anthony will murder again. Casey Anthony will think that she will be able to get away with doing so - she is such a tragic person & will expect pitty from society.

Sorry this post is so long - But it wasn't today during JB closing arguments when he spoke about the photograph of Caylee at the sliding glass door that I realized Casey Anthony had been planning the murder of her daughter all of Caylee's life. I think that Casey Anthony didn't do anything without a reason - Casey's interactions with Caylee were not motivated by love but were motivated by Casey Anthony's sick mind - Casey Anthony was portraying herself to be a loving mother knowing one day she would murder her daughter Caylee. If Casey Anthony was never arrested, I think she would be living life by her terms, happy - & if it benefited her she would behave upset over her missing daughter Caylee.

Jose Baez spoke about coincidences - I think The Defense was able to find a picture of Caylee by the sliding glass door because Casey took it in anticipation of murdering Caylee. There have been so many aspects of this case that have been more than difficult to understand - I think it's because Casey Anthony had been planning the murder of Caylee all of Caylee's life. Casey Anthony had been thinking, plotting, purposely lying for years in anticipation for the day she decided to get rid of (murder) her daughter Caylee.

Casey Anthony is a sick & twisted human being. Casey Anthony is the cause of the dysfunction within The Anthony Family. Caylee Anthony was an innocent baby who should have been loved & protected.

I hope the jury finds Casey Anthony guilty - I know that I would but I'm not on the jury. I think Casey Anthony is guilty of murdering her daughter, the murder was premeditated, and Casey Anthony is a danger to society.
I need to hear closing arguments tomorrow before I can vote and deliberate with someone. :)
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