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anyone from pinellas county florida area that wants to help in search - i will be willing to drive - we can all meet somewhere - any morning about 5:30 a.m. Let me know what day you are available and i will see if i can make arrangements to get off work that day to coordinate with the majority.
I researched Chevron gas gift cards. I can order them from Canada via cc, but they won't ship outside US, so I can go ahead and order some up, if a searcher wants to PM me, I can have them shipped overnight (Tuesday, being that Monday is a holiday,) within the US.

I've never encountered an on line community that has the heart that WS does. Thank you again.

Can you PM me the specifics, I'll see how to go about arranging to have them sent to a WS'r volunteer. Great suggestion. I would arrange it myslef but I am in Jersey, so it would take 2 destinations which does not seem to make sense. Great Idea.
Thank you fellow WS members, for actively trying to help find Caylee!

I am proud to be part of a community of such caring and involved people!!!
Ditto that, and welcome to WS, cinegal and all the other newbie's I've missed welcoming.

Many thanks and prayers for everyone searching, and for everyone who has helped in other ways. :blowkiss:
Just an FYI, I just heard from Gigi2009, from the "field" here is the excerpt from her email reported from her BB:

Hi blink. I made it here. Hooked up with some wsers and getting ready to head out. We are supposed to stay quiet about all the details but everythings very organized. Seems like avery good turnout. News crews are here. Lots of teams going out. Have everyone pray we find her. Hugs, gigiSent via BlackBerry by AT&T.

From Blink:I also helped coordinate a very generous donation to TES from Mr. and Mrs. Gigi's business, which I know she would not post, but I will and hope she does not get mad at the Blink.:blowkiss::blowkiss:

Glad to hear there is a bit more attention and turn out today!!! Great job everyone!!! Fantastic job to all who are giving their time and support, in all ways!!!
My email to Gigi2009 BB:
> Awesome. Can you tell me which WS'rs (screen-names) and can I post this on the
> thread I created for you guys? Did you meet Tim?
> Blink

Gigi response:
haven't met tim yet. Drumstick, socre8tv, me gigi, sammyjean,bazneme. We formed our own team with family members of wsers too. Lots of people left already.

Blink response:

Yeehaw! I am so proud of all of you, we are working on a way to donate to WS'rs involved in searching, not sure how that will work though. One of the ideas was for anyone to purchase Gas cards or other, than send to a designated Ws'r we know will be searching.. Any thoughts?
I already posted your last BB on the thread I created just for you guys, I hope that is ok..
Please ask the rest (other than drumstick) if I can post that they are searching with you..
Here's the link.

I will not and am not posting any 'non-anonymous info" just or screen names, just fyi.

Gigi response:
Yes they asked for lots of prayers! Our group is heading out now. Spirits are really high. We're all fine-they said donate to more searchers. We're good have everything we need! Xoxo gigi Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

So proud of these guys, it makes a difference.:blowkiss::blowkiss:
Be safe, our prayers are with you and your families.
Gigi response:Yes they asked for lots of prayers! Our group is heading out now. Spirits are really high.
Prayers to you, GiGi, and to everyone who is searching. God Bless all of you. :praying:
First of all a HUGE THANKS to all those that are able to assist in searching for this angel.

I wish I could come there and join you all, am there with you in heart and spirit and prayers.
I am so very, very proud of our WS'ers !!! WAY TO GO GUYS !!!
I talked to TIM, and things are good this morning. About 125 showed up for the search. He says it's cloudy, and rain is forecast, so he thinks weather conditions may also be playing a role in the smaller than hoped for numbers. He and LE said if 1,000 showed up, they could use them all.

They are good on ice and water. He said a local ice company is set up there with them now. :woohoo:

I know another online community is doing this type of effort on food, and had a very successful day yesterday with it, when I read their forum overnight. I'll touch base with them, and see what they have going on, so we don't do the same day maybe and have too much food?

Tim said food is always a necessity, and they have someone that can pick up if we need them too.

Gas cards would be much appreciated items too. As are all the other ideas here. Anyone else have a paypal? I do, if you want me to arrange it. Would be happy then to provide accountings to anyone/everyone that wants or needs it.

Let me know.
I would love to donate as well, especially if there is a paypal link? (heard someone mention it)

Yes there is Paypal. Just go to the www.equusearch.org website and follow the donation links. Where it says donate by credit card online - follow that link and PayPal will come up. Did it last night. Easy. Unfortunately could not send and ecard to anyone re Sympathies. Wouldn't know who to send it to at this point. Sorry I haven't learnt how to post the link yet but it is on this thread.
Yes there is Paypal. Just go to the www.equusearch.org website and follow the donation links. Where it says donate by credit card online - follow that link and PayPal will come up. Did it last night. Easy. Unfortunately could not send and ecard to anyone re Sympathies. Wouldn't know who to send it to at this point. Sorry I haven't learnt how to post the link yet but it is on this thread.

Well blow me down. I provided the link after all. I am not financially able to do much at this time, but every little bit helps.
Yes there is Paypal. Just go to the www.equusearch.org website and follow the donation links. Where it says donate by credit card online - follow that link and PayPal will come up. Did it last night. Easy. Unfortunately could not send and ecard to anyone re Sympathies. Wouldn't know who to send it to at this point. Sorry I haven't learnt how to post the link yet but it is on this thread.

Oak Ice, thanks for that link, TES is a worthy cause. I think what people on this thread was referring to in terms of donations was hoping to get it to WS'rs who are considering heading to the search, but perhaps unable to do so due to out of pocket expenses, or something to that effect?
Oak Ice, thanks for that link, TES is a worthy cause. I think what people on this thread was referring to in terms of donations was hoping to get it to WS'rs who are considering heading to the search, but perhaps unable to do so due to out of pocket expenses, or something to that effect?

Oops, sorry Blink. I'm up in Canada. Too far to do anything directly I think. Everyone stay safeout there. I'm searching with you from this distance.
I'm working, so can't be of too much help, just keep bouncing back and forth here, but I'm thinking of some of the local motorcycle chapters - I know if they got the word they'd be out there en force!! Anyone want to try to track them down? If not, when I'm done working, I'll see what I can go.

Tim said food is always a necessity, and they have someone that can pick up if we need them too.


Hi there,
I can't speak for today's search, but after the volunteers go out from say 8:30 - 12:00 they come back HUNGRY. There were chips and drinks set up at first but people were looking for a MEAL. Hooters delivered two or three boxes of wings (which got scarfed) and then McDonalds delivered maybe 100 burgers. While people were eating the chips, I can tell you after a sweaty and exhausting search you want real food (just my opinion).

Since it is a holiday and people might be able to go over there today and get the food covered, I would be more concerned about this week when people with schedules go back to work and forget about TES sitting over there at command center.
I talked to TIM, and things are good this morning. About 125 showed up for the search. He says it's cloudy, and rain is forecast, so he thinks weather conditions may also be playing a role in the smaller than hoped for numbers. He and LE said if 1,000 showed up, they could use them all.

They are good on ice and water. He said a local ice company is set up there with them now. :woohoo:

I know another online community is doing this type of effort on food, and had a very successful day yesterday with it, when I read their forum overnight. I'll touch base with them, and see what they have going on, so we don't do the same day maybe and have too much food?

Tim said food is always a necessity, and they have someone that can pick up if we need them too.

Gas cards would be much appreciated items too. As are all the other ideas here. Anyone else have a paypal? I do, if you want me to arrange it. Would be happy then to provide accountings to anyone/everyone that wants or needs it.

Let me know.

Barb - if we can get names of companies that are donating resources, we can send thank you notes/emails to let these companies know that people across the country have noticed and greatly appreciate their efforts!

Maybe someone good with the graphics could make up a thank you page and send it to TES for posting on their home page to give the companies recognition? I don't think we could post it here, but maybe?

Yes there is Paypal. Just go to the www.equusearch.org website and follow the donation links. Where it says donate by credit card online - follow that link and PayPal will come up. Did it last night. Easy. Unfortunately could not send and ecard to anyone re Sympathies. Wouldn't know who to send it to at this point. Sorry I haven't learnt how to post the link yet but it is on this thread.

Im on the phone with the Erin the office admin at texasequusearch.org and she said they do not have one. We both went to the site and checked everything on the site links, nothing for paypal. We are on the phone together right now setting up a paypal account. i will come back in a minute with the email addy to send it to!

When she went to finish the sign up, it said they already had an account. She is the new administrator for the office. There used to be someone handling the paypal but it wasn't kept up, so she is calling Tim righ tnow and will call me back. I will keep you all up to date!

Erin just called me back after speaking with Tim and she is now on her way to call paypal to get it all figured out.


Please PM me with what you have donated, the amount or what you have sent to them down there, what you have bought through stores or amount of gas cards you purchase. I want to compile a list so that we can keep an ongoing list of all the WSers contribute to this search! it will be annonymous! :woohoo:
As of so far...this search alone has cost many thousands of dollars. More than i think you can even imagine.


10am PST: i called walmart (5991 New Goldenrod Road) - the manager there said he will need to wait until tomorrow to talk to the home office. Everything is closed today due to it being Labor Day. Hopefully they will be able to donate something - i told them they needed food and water and gas.

10:05am PST - called subway (6457 S Chickasaw Trl), they had already sent out a platter this morning!! yeah!

called a bunch of other places - either got no answer or was spoken to very rudely. :( moving right along!
my goodness people are rude. trying to stay positive here, but wow. I have been doing fundraising and donation organization for years now and never have i come across such rudeness.
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