Websleuth's Tribute to Haleigh Cummings ~ missing since Feb. 9, 2009

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Haleigh what a beautiful angel you are in your pretty pink dress, golden curls and precious smile. We will always keep you in our prayers sweet baby. I'm so sorry for whatever happened to you during your lifetime. Know that we love you even though we never met you. We are on your side sweet baby. Justice for Haleigh.
Please feel free to post your messages in memory of Haleigh, your journey as you followed her story, and anything else as a special tribute to her.
Haleigh, please know that I will never forget about you! I know the ones that love you haven't forgotten about you either. I pray that you are found every night, and one day that is going to happen, one day the truth will be known, until then... :heartluv: :heartbeat:
When I think of the past two years, I think of how many people have cared for and loved a precious little girl they never had the opportunity to meet. During my personal journey, I met the grandmother of another missing little girl - Adrianna Wix - and it was because of Haleigh. FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County - Page 19 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I've also made many friends on WS because of Haleigh. Even one that joined Haleigh during the journey -DebraA.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

There have been many members who've come and gone and Haleigh's forum has been full of passion. Haleigh even inspired a whole new forum on Websleuths, the Scanner Forum. Members continue to listen on the scanners every night hoping to gain one more clue, while making fast friends along the way. Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community We've come to "know" many of the local LE and have cried with them when they've had tragedies on the job and even when one member of Haleigh's team died unexpectedly: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

When I first became a moderator, I begged Tricia to let me moderate this forum. Why? Because of Haleigh. I know that she holds a special place in the hearts of Tricia, Chicoliving and Grandmaj also. All of us would do just about anything to find her and bring her home.

We love you, Haleigh! :blowkiss:
I posted this originally in the Haleigh scanner thread. (My "home-base" here @ WS.)

Kimster told me to visit upstairs ... and so ... I will repeat the post here.


Approx. 24 hours and it will be 2 years. Hard to fathom.

I googled "Haleigh Cummings' last day of school", just to be sure.

Interestingly, this was the result of that search:


our love to you little angel, from all of the scannettes :heart:

Sending up a prayer :praying: for Haleigh, and all her family who loves her. Tomorrow will be a hard day for them all.

:grouphug: to all here on WS's Haleigh Cummings forum.
Sweet little Haleigh,

Sweet little Angel Haleigh brought strangers together from all over the world looking for her, praying for her, and hoping every day that something would break in her case.

I feel Haleigh never had a chance. After two years of discussing Haleigh's case it broke my heart each time we found out another ugly truth about her life, about the people around her.

Every single day I pray we find Haleigh and justice is served for this dear child who has captured our hearts and souls.

Oh Gosh! I still have Haleigh first poster hanging on my board. Her picture still on my posts.

I look at her every morning and all day long :(

A made a lot great friends and lost friends in the cause to find Haleigh.
I never give up hope for Haleigh ♥

angels girl.jpg
Sweet little Haleigh,

Sweet little Angel Haleigh brought strangers together from all over the world looking for her, praying for her, and hoping every day that something would break in her case.

I feel Haleigh never had a chance. After two years of discussing Haleigh's case it broke my heart each time we found out another ugly truth about her life, about the people around her.

Every single day I pray we find Haleigh and justice is served for this dear child who has captured our hearts and souls.


awwwww...Tricia. :hug: It's nice to see ya mama. ;)
I know you went through a lot, right along with all of us.
God Bless WS, you, and Haleigh's home here ... y'all are like family to me ...

When we think about what brings us into each other's virtual lives here at WS ... all of us have these little angels to thank ... and our mama-sleuth and our patient moddies.

When I think about the day that Haleigh went missing I also think about how it changed so many lives. There are thousands of people that came to love a child they never met.

How could this have happened again, I asked myself. No not another baby.

The last two years have been filled with times of hope and times of disappointment. We keep going because we have to. It is who we are.

The posters in the scanner forum have not been away from the scanner not one night since it was introduced to us by Freefallzzz within the first week of Haleigh's disappearance. We vowed we will never give up and we won't. We all feel we know Putnam County better than we know our own City. And we have made good friendships, and we have lost one member who passed last year who was also a Haleigh champion. We lost a detective who worked on the case. We picture Haleigh sitting in his lap and being hugged and loved in Heaven.

There has been a group on the Haleigh Forum who has held the same type of vigil holding on to the sparking light in Haleigh's eye and the dimple in her cheek that continue their search for answers. Haleigh deserves that is why.

If we have done nothing else we have honored that Haleigh was real, she was a person and she is alive in our hearts. That light never be extinguished for us.

Little Haleigh Marie Cummings please know, that we in our personal lives have faced happiness, tragedy, sadness and pain. But you never were far from us in those times.

My prayers are for answers for Haleigh. Prayers that she may have the dignity that she deserves. You are not forgotten beautiful one. You never will be forgotten as long as any of us have a breath left in our bodies and a prayer left on our lips to offer up for you Haleigh Marie Cummings.
When I think about the day that Haleigh went missing I also think about how it changed so many lives. There are thousands of people that came to love a child they never met.

How could this have happened again, I asked myself. No not another baby.

The last two years have been filled with times of hope and times of disappointment. We keep going because we have to. It is who we are.

The posters in the scanner forum have not been away from the scanner not one night since it was introduced to us by Freefallzzz within the first week of Haleigh's disappearance. We vowed we will never give up and we won't. We all feel we know Putnam County better than we know our own City. And we have made good friendships, and we have lost one member who passed last year who was also a Haleigh champion. We lost a detective who worked on the case. We picture Haleigh sitting in his lap and being hugged and loved in Heaven.

There has been a group on the Haleigh Forum who has held the same type of vigil holding on to the sparking light in Haleigh's eye and the dimple in her cheek that continue their search for answers. Haleigh deserves that is why.

If we have done nothing else we have honored that Haleigh was real, she was a person and she is alive in our hearts. That light never be extinguished for us.

Little Haleigh Marie Cummings please know, that we in our personal lives have faced happiness, tragedy, sadness and pain. But you never were far from us in those times.

My prayers are for answers for Haleigh. Prayers that she may have the dignity that she deserves. You are not forgotten beautiful one. You never will be forgotten as long as any of us have a breath left in our bodies and a prayer left on our lips to offer up for you Haleigh Marie Cummings.

Thank you Grandmaj.

That's 2 beautiful tributes to Haleigh in one night. And that is so you...you are 2 beautiful. :blowkiss:
If memory serves, while watching FNC there was a scrolling banner notice that Haleigh was missing on the day of Caylee Marie Anthony's memorial coverage.

I didn't hear the name clearly and thought another Caylee Marie was missing.
If memory serves, while watching FNC there was a scrolling banner notice that Haleigh was missing on the day of Caylee Marie Anthony's memorial coverage.

I didn't hear the name clearly and thought another Caylee Marie was missing.

I remember chico. :blowkiss: And, I remember we chatted about it. :hug:

It's going to be such a sad day...

oh wait.

It's Feb 9th here now. Wee hours.

And so it is officially Haleigh's 2nd year missing anniversary. Such a very sad day. :shakehead: For Haleigh and family.
Dear Haleigh,

It is hard to believe it has been two years and we still do not have the answers we need. I am sure you have seen how many people care about you and that you can feel the love. And yes, at times some of us have been angry--angry over the thought of no justice for you, dear one. I have felt just about every emotion humanly possible over the past two years and I will admit that anger is usually within easy grasp. But most of the time I am just very sad because even though I know life is not fair and bad things happen to good people all the time, it is hard for me to accept bad things happening to a little child.

For the time being at least, it seems we are not supposed to know the answers to our questions. One day, maybe that will change. It's what we all want, yet all we can do for now is remain hopeful that somehow one day it will all become crystal clear.

Take care of yourself and watch over your little brother, and your Mommy too.


I remember watching the memorial for Caylee and seeing the missing child alert for yet another child, Haleigh Marie Cummings.

Haleigh's beautiful smile captured my heart. I couldn't let her go. She has been in my thoughts and prayers each and every day for the last two years, hoping and praying she would be found.

The scanner thread is also my "home thread". Countless nights (and sometimes days) have been spent listening to the scanner for any little clue we could get related to Haleigh. Wonderful friendships have been made and many laughs, hugs and tears shared in the scanner thread... all because of Haleigh.


Precious Haleigh, you will always be in my heart.
I don't post alot, but I am here everyday hoping that today is the day something will break in this case. I am still praying for justice for you Haleigh. From the very first day your beautiful face was shown on TV I have been praying for you and loving you. Blessings to all the souls that continue to hold a candle for this child.... I will never accept that there will be no answers.
Haleigh you are the one who brought me to Websleuths. I had never followed a crime story online before or been a member of any forum until you led me here.

Shortly after I had high speed internet installed in my home and could finally watch videos online for the first time in July 2008 I was introduced to Caylee's story while watching NG one evening. I followed along there and on the Orlando MSM sites online for any news about her. Like many others I first heard about Haleigh during Caylee's memorial. By that time Casey had been arrested and I was convinced she is guilty. I was not familiar with Satsuma, FL and had no idea what media outlets would be posting news about Haleigh so I Googled her and WS came up, I found the media thread where links were posted to news about her. I thought wonderful, this is great, I can find the days news all in one place! After hearing the unusually odd 911 call I wanted to know more about her and the people who were in her life so I started reading the threads. I was hooked! I signed up and 2 yrs. later I am still here.

I want to thank you for leading me here. Without you I would have never had the opportunity to 'meet' and communicate with all the great people here who all have the same thing in common, you!

Haleigh, I just wish I knew where you were at and what happened to you. I will not change my signature or homepage (it is set to your forum here) until I have closure as to where you are and what happened to you.

You have a beautiful smile and bright shining eyes so full of love and happiness. I can't even begin to imagine the pain your loved ones feel without you and not having any kind of closure as to what happened to you.

Please, someone tell the truth, bring Haleigh home and end this nightmare, she deserves it.
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