Websleuth's Tribute to Haleigh Cummings ~ missing since Feb. 9, 2009

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Haleigh....I come to your forum first every day to see if there is any new news about you. I think about you every day and hope that one day, those that are responsible for what happened to you will have a concious (sp) and tell the truth. You deserve to be laid to rest properly. I pray for you, your little brother and your mommy every day. God Bless You.

haleigh pic.gif
HaLeigh- we were all brought together for you! We love you so much and want nothing more than to find you and bring you home. It has been two years today and words can't even begin to describe how special you are to each and every one of us. We will NEVER give up on finding you!!!! <3
Gone, but not forgotten, we love you Haleigh
I am here at WS because of Haleigh. Everyday I search for news, everyday I pray for justice.
I will never forget you little one...
When I think about the day that Haleigh went missing I also think about how it changed so many lives. There are thousands of people that came to love a child they never met.

How could this have happened again, I asked myself. No not another baby.

The last two years have been filled with times of hope and times of disappointment. We keep going because we have to. It is who we are.

The posters in the scanner forum have not been away from the scanner not one night since it was introduced to us by Freefallzzz within the first week of Haleigh's disappearance. We vowed we will never give up and we won't. We all feel we know Putnam County better than we know our own City. And we have made good friendships, and we have lost one member who passed last year who was also a Haleigh champion. We lost a detective who worked on the case. We picture Haleigh sitting in his lap and being hugged and loved in Heaven.

There has been a group on the Haleigh Forum who has held the same type of vigil holding on to the sparking light in Haleigh's eye and the dimple in her cheek that continue their search for answers. Haleigh deserves that is why.

If we have done nothing else we have honored that Haleigh was real, she was a person and she is alive in our hearts. That light never be extinguished for us.

Little Haleigh Marie Cummings please know, that we in our personal lives have faced happiness, tragedy, sadness and pain. But you never were far from us in those times.

My prayers are for answers for Haleigh. Prayers that she may have the dignity that she deserves. You are not forgotten beautiful one. You never will be forgotten as long as any of us have a breath left in our bodies and a prayer left on our lips to offer up for you Haleigh Marie Cummings.

Wonderful words, Thank you....


On the heels of saying goodbye to one other child, this day...HaLeigh is never far from my thoughts, ever...I pray for your return, HaLeigh, Jr. misses you terribly and does the rest of your family. I do hope that day will come soon....JMHO

Where is HaLeigh??
Haleigh, you are always in my prayers day & night. You have touched my heart in many ways and I will keep praying for you to come home.
I imagine that Websleuths' light shines very brightly in the heavens-- Haleigh has attracted beacons of love and concern, she is blessed by the attention she's had here.

Haleigh, I think of you daily and hold you tight in my heart. What an impression you've made... :heartbeat:
As you danced in the light with joy,
love lifted you. As you brushed against
this world so gently, you lifted us.
T.C. Ring

You are still missed HaLeigh. <3
I hope you will have justice one day and your loved ones will have the comfort of knowing where to find you.
I will never forget about you, Haleigh. Was here when you were reported missing, and Lord willing, I'll be here when you are found.
Two years, sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes it feels a lifetime ago that I first heard the name HaLeigh Cummings. I saw your sweet picture with that beautiful smile and I prayed then as I have so many more times that you would be found safe.

So sweet angel as I think of you today, it's with love and assurance that you are safe and happy.
Two years to the day is way too long for Haleigh to be missing. So, so sad for Haleigh. Ron, where is Haleigh? Ron, you are her father and you know where she is!
Dear Sweet Haleigh,
I wish I had the honor of knowing you, but all I have is what I have learned from t.v., news and the internet. Please know that you are in my heart and always will be. You have been since the first time I heard of you on the news 2 very long and eye opening years ago. You brought me here to Webslueths and truelly educated me. I did not realize how many of our precious children were abused, neglected, killed or simply disappear in this world. Sadly, most at the hands of their own parents, families and caregivers. Robert Manwell, Sandra Cantu, Lindsey Baum, Shaniya Davis, Kyron Horman, Zahra Baker....too many more to name here. I've followed the Astrology threads, the Scanner threads, the Dreams and Visions threads, and your dedicated forum seeking answers that are just simply not there, or have been there from the begining. Many, many dedicated people from all walks of life are here seeking the same answers as I am. I have thought, posted and mostly read what others posted trying to understand why and how such horrific things can happen in this day and age. I still pray each day that you will come home to your family, that this was all a farce, a lie, like the movie Wag the Dog. As time slips by day after day I realize more that you must be gone on to a better place. I will continue to seek the answers and I hope I will see justice prevail for you Haleigh.

May peace be with you.
Haleigh.. He will raise you up on eagle's wings, Bear you on the breath of dawn, Make you to Shine like the Sun... And hold you in the palm of His Hand.
Dear Sweet Haleigh,
There have been so many people brought together hoping and praying that you would be found safe. We have not forgotten you. You are in our hearts forever. Many of us never met you; but you stole my heart with your beautiful smile. I know that the Lord has you in his arms. We will continue to search for Justice for you Haleigh Bug:)
I should thank everyone's posts as each is a wonderful tribute to Haleigh so consider this a loud amen. While I may not be here every day posting, I am reading. It appears justice is not even close and it hurts but I hope I'm wrong and that justice is closer than we know...So many good souls invested hours into researching her case and I don't care what "side" anyone favors...There is only Haleigh that deserves closure, rest, peace, justice. Despite the differences, I believe that we've all fought the good fight and Haleigh, you are our glue. You've united people from all over the world with a common goal and that is to see whomever is responsible for what happened to you meet the right punishment....but is there any worse punishment than living what they are living now? God Bless you and those you held dear, Haleigh. Lead us to the answers if you can. We are all listening.
Dearest Haleigh,
Please light the way, so that we may find you. You have touched our hearts with your sweetness. I will never forget you.
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