Wedding Gift Amount Deemed Insufficient By Bad-Mannered Bride

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Wow, just Wow.............

Bride sends facebook message to guest, asking why she only gave a $100 present

A wedding guest contacted The Huffington Post after a bride sent her a facebook message scolding her for giving so little cash for a wedding present.

The message begins with, “Hi Tanya. How are you? I just want to know… is there any reason or dissatisfaction of Mike’s and I wedding that both you and Phil gave $50 each?”
Here is the FB post.........OMG I have no words, except for wtf is wrong with people!


Last weekend I attended a wedding of a not-close friend with my boyfriend and as a gift we gave $100 cash. This was generous considering my financial situation. I just finished university with $40,000 in student loans, and have only found part time (12-18 hrs per week) minimum
wage work. I gave as much as I could and attended to show my support.

Today I received a rude and condescending message from the bride via Facebook messenger: "Hi Tanya, how are you? I just want to know is there any reason or dissatisfaction of Mike's and I wedding that both you and Phil gave 50$ each? In terms of the amount we got from you both was very unexpected as a result we were very much short on paying off the reception because just for the cocktail + reception alone the plate per person is 200$ (as per a normal wedding range with open bar is about) and Mike and I both have already paid for everything else including decor, photography, attire etc and didn't expect we had to cover that huge amount for reception as well. As I know you both live together and work, so I did not see any reason for that amount, when it comes to your wedding hopefully you'll know what I mean. I hope for the best as from what we receive is what we will give back. Anyways, good luck on everything." [all sic]
Beyond the pale, but the bride clearly thought she was well within her rights to send that note.

If I was the receiver - I'd cross her name off my upcoming wedding invite list and just tell her to keep her $100 because she clearly needs it more.
I wonder if they were very well off people? I mean, some people gave me $20 for my wedding and I was happy- the "norm" in my circle of friends and family is $50- $150.

I think some people believe that the wedding gifts should "pay" for the wedding. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. You or your close family are throwing the party as a celebration and invite GUESTS. Guests don't have to pay or bring anything! If the guest wants, they can give you a gift to celebrate your union. If you cannot pay for your wedding or expect the guests to, well, you should make your wedding less pricey.

I wonder what the girl's parents think about this? I would hope they would be horrified and give her a talking to, but my guess is they raised her to think this way.
well i can tell you two words i'd say to her,starts in f ends if off :floorlaugh:
I liked this response from the article (not my words):

"My response would be as follows: 'I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was expected to pay to attend your over budgeted production of a wedding. Also, I've been thinking...since you obviously are insulted by my gift, feel free to send it back. And don't worry about attending our wedding because you aren't invited. Now let me add in closing, as far as you gifting my fiance and me, save your money, baby -- you need it more than we do.'"


If it was a check, and it hadn't cleared the bank, I'd STOP PAYMENT and laugh my *advertiser censored** off.
[ame=""]Wedding Gift Amount Deemed Insufficient By Bad-Mannered Bride - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I hope for an anniversary gift next year this person sends the bride a bill for $100 + interest and tells her it was just a loan. ;)
Wow, just Wow.............

Bride sends facebook message to guest, asking why she only gave a $100 present

A wedding guest contacted The Huffington Post after a bride sent her a facebook message scolding her for giving so little cash for a wedding present.

The message begins with, “Hi Tanya. How are you? I just want to know… is there any reason or dissatisfaction of Mike’s and I wedding that both you and Phil gave $50 each?”

Beyond the pale, but the bride clearly thought she was well within her rights to send that note.

If I was the receiver - I'd cross her name off my upcoming wedding invite list and just tell her to keep her $100 because she clearly needs it more.

Again? There was another one a few weeks ago with a coupe of brides who chastised a guy who came up with a well thought out gift basket of gourmet foods with some gag items included (like marshmallow fluff). They also screamed about the cost of the wedding and how the gift didn't cover it.

What's with the sense of entitlement so many people have? I never expected a darn thing at a graduation party or birthday or at my wedding. My family puts on a party with excellent music, great food and lots of booze and other drinks for EVERYONE ELSE. Then we roam around interacting and having fun and making sure very last person is having a ball. To me it's all about them, actually, helping me to celebrate. We like that. It's fun to help other people have a blast. Any gift I receive is icing on the cake, no matter how small.
HI kinda old/knew to these parts..was a member, didn't have computer for a while, lost account, rejoined...Blah,Blah,Blah but back again...
Anyway.....Not wanting to assume too much here, but sounds like some of you may have not been invited to too many weddings lately....Most weddings I have been invited to or even been aware of lately have been nothing more than an "We want to have an extravagant affair and expect you to not only pay your own way but ours too" event.
Have you seen some of these invitations they look like a vacation itinerary with price list are TOLD what gift to bring and WHERE to get it. You are TOLD what to wear, no not just a color scheme suggestion, but WHAT dress/suit and WHERE to buy it, and should the couple decide they want to get hitched on an island or out of country you are expected to use the airlines, hotels etc they tell you so that the wedding party, not you, but they, can get the "discount".... After you have attended, and paid for, the many pre wedding brunches, dinners ceremonies etc. you will then be herded like cattle to a choreographed event of which you will not know the routine, you will be expected to sit for hours as the couple and wedding party go through ceremonies, songs and routines not seen since the coronation of the queen of England, much of which you can not see or hear and probably of no interest to you. After the ceremony is completed you will be herded to a Refreshment hour, of which you will be paying for your own refreshments as well as expected to send the wedding party complimentary refreshments, after refreshments you will then be sent to "cocktail hour" yes you will be paying for these cocktails as well again sending Complimentary cocktails to the wedding party, then there will be pictures and if you are close enough BFFs or family you can pay to have your pic taken with the wedding party(3-500$ for which you will receive a wallet size copy) after these hours you then will attend dinner, of which you may be charged for....then there will be toasts<several>, of which you will buy your own champagne and will be expected to send one to the wedding party...No don't worry you won't have to be embarrassed by being seen using your CC or cash the wedding coordinator will get you CC info upon your returning your just makes it easier for "everyone"...Ohh and have I mentioned that after all of this and you have invested enough in this affair to send your 1st born to college, unless you are a member of this wedding party, a BFF, or a parent with a credit card to pay for things, you will probably barely get even a glimpse of the "couple" getting married, much less get to actually talk to the couple and congratulate them......So while this Facebook post reaches the height of tackiness this wedding attender should probably count herself lucky she was not humiliated by showing up to the event with the expectation of having to pay for any of the afore mentioned wedding amenities....And might I remind all, it is now considered "Tacky" to actually bring the gift to the wedding/reception those are to be sent no later than about a month before the actual event.
and there you have a 21st century American wedding.
I've been married 32 years now, and still remember my wedding as the most perfect one ever. It cost all of $700, including an off-the-rack gown featured in Bride magazine at a very deep discount.

A friend lent her house and brand new deck. I did all the cooking in advance, Dad only supplied the cold-cut platters. My wedding cake was a gift from a talented friend and all had a good time.

It was to be a small, catered affair in our spacious apartment with only closest friends and immediate family. I invited 20 guests. At least 20 more invited themselves and I was off on Plan B!

As I walked down the aisle at the church, there were about 100 people there! Word sure got around. I invited them all to the reception. Their presence was the greatest gift ever.
Wow, this is freaking me out. I sincerely hope I am never invited to a wedding again in my life, I have no idea what is acceptable, nor does anyone need to know what I can or cannot afford. TreeCityRose thanks for informing us of the "new" wedding etiquette.

I like everyone's personal stories that posted, not the Bridezilla topic.

I say, take that $100, arrange for a Justice of the Peace to come to your yard, deck, house, balcony, bayou, alley, or gutter, and marry you. Give him/her the $100 for the service. Enjoy your time with your new husband/wife, let everyone else know later. Enjoy a nice quiet time together. Isn't that what it is all about?

ETA: Just occurred to me. If they were given two $50.00 bills, wonder what the card said? See you in Divorce Court Soon, 50/50! :floorlaugh: Okay, now I may have taken it too far, or Bridezilla thought that was the intent.
HI kinda old/knew to these parts..was a member, didn't have computer for a while, lost account, rejoined...Blah,Blah,Blah but back again...
Anyway.....Not wanting to assume too much here, but sounds like some of you may have not been invited to too many weddings lately....Most weddings I have been invited to or even been aware of lately have been nothing more than an "We want to have an extravagant affair and expect you to not only pay your own way but ours too" event.
Have you seen some of these invitations they look like a vacation itinerary with price list are TOLD what gift to bring and WHERE to get it. You are TOLD what to wear, no not just a color scheme suggestion, but WHAT dress/suit and WHERE to buy it, and should the couple decide they want to get hitched on an island or out of country you are expected to use the airlines, hotels etc they tell you so that the wedding party, not you, but they, can get the "discount".... After you have attended, and paid for, the many pre wedding brunches, dinners ceremonies etc. you will then be herded like cattle to a choreographed event of which you will not know the routine, you will be expected to sit for hours as the couple and wedding party go through ceremonies, songs and routines not seen since the coronation of the queen of England, much of which you can not see or hear and probably of no interest to you. After the ceremony is completed you will be herded to a Refreshment hour, of which you will be paying for your own refreshments as well as expected to send the wedding party complimentary refreshments, after refreshments you will then be sent to "cocktail hour" yes you will be paying for these cocktails as well again sending Complimentary cocktails to the wedding party, then there will be pictures and if you are close enough BFFs or family you can pay to have your pic taken with the wedding party(3-500$ for which you will receive a wallet size copy) after these hours you then will attend dinner, of which you may be charged for....then there will be toasts<several>, of which you will buy your own champagne and will be expected to send one to the wedding party...No don't worry you won't have to be embarrassed by being seen using your CC or cash the wedding coordinator will get you CC info upon your returning your just makes it easier for "everyone"...Ohh and have I mentioned that after all of this and you have invested enough in this affair to send your 1st born to college, unless you are a member of this wedding party, a BFF, or a parent with a credit card to pay for things, you will probably barely get even a glimpse of the "couple" getting married, much less get to actually talk to the couple and congratulate them......So while this Facebook post reaches the height of tackiness this wedding attender should probably count herself lucky she was not humiliated by showing up to the event with the expectation of having to pay for any of the afore mentioned wedding amenities....And might I remind all, it is now considered "Tacky" to actually bring the gift to the wedding/reception those are to be sent no later than about a month before the actual event.
and there you have a 21st century American wedding.

Welcome back.

If someone insists on a lavish wedding and expects a certain priced gift they should put it on the invitation. Then people can decide if it's worth it or not. JMO
I wonder how she treated her bridesmaids and the cost that they had to fork out. Weddings today are out of hand with money spent on ONE day!!!! If the guest was just an acquaintance, why invite her. I feel weddings are for close friends and family members.

A friend of mine got married, the bride and groom paid for their friends plates, the brides parents paid for their friends/family plates and the same with the grooms parents. The wedding was paid for within their means and they expected nothing in return. After the wedding no one was in wedding debt.

Another friend spent $50,000 on her was ridiculously stupid! Yes it was gorgeous but not worth it in my books. That was 2 yrs ago and she is still trying to pay it off.
you can take a look at for finding wedding invitation.
Dear Tanya and Mike, OMG. We are so embarrassed. Didn't you find the title to the 2014 Lexus LS in our card? The hundred dollars was meant for a tank of gas. So sorry. Your wedding was the best wedding we have ever attended. How did you ever manage it? Love, -US

Dear Laura and Maura, You guys obviously didn't find the $500.00 check in the marshmallow Fluff! I knew you wouldn't get it but Phil thought it would be a hoot. Men, huh? Can't live with them, can't live without them. Enjoyed your joke about attending other weddings. Let us know when you find the check. If it's too sticky, we'll replace it. Love, Phil and I
Dear Tanya and Mike, OMG. We are so embarrassed. Didn't you find the title to the 2014 Lexus LS in our card? The hundred dollars was meant for a tank of gas. So sorry. Your wedding was the best wedding we have ever attended. How did you ever manage it? Love, -US

Dear Laura and Maura, You guys obviously didn't find the $500.00 check in the marshmallow Fluff! I knew you wouldn't get it but Phil thought it would be a hoot. Men, huh? Can't live with them, can't live without them. Enjoyed your joke about attending other weddings. Let us know when you find the check. If it's too sticky, we'll replace it. Love, Phil and I


I prefer Steven Wright's joke; Women can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.
I have a wedding to attend at the end of the month. The person that is getting married is one of two people that attending my wedding that I did not receive a gift from. Decisions, decisions.

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