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If you're referring to a post I made this morning, there's no way in he// I would ever be on the side of JA or any defendant for that matter.

(apologies if I misunderstood your post :seeya:)

No, not yours.

This is the only thing I'm going to say about that post. If someone doesn't want to be here, don't try to convince them that they should. Left to their own devices they will find a place to which they are better suited. And we'll all be the better for it.
<respectfully snipped>

I have never been able to figure out the sitting position :waitasec: unless it happened, as you said, by Travis having been stabbed and sliding down wet tile to the base of the shower. The shower in our master bathroom (separate oversized tub) is probably the same size as Travis', and neither DH nor I would ever sit down in the shower. I freak out :eek: when I drop the soap because I'm afraid that I will slip if I bend down to retrieve it! Even 20 years ago when we were far more agile than we are now, there simply isn't enough room to sit down in the shower, let alone get back onto our feet in a wet shower without slipping and risking injury.

but there is no blood in the water going down the drain in the lower body photo.
Does anyone know how far Jodi got before returning to Darryl's house?
Watching Jason Young on Dateline ID another loser
I've wondered the same. My guess, and it is only a guess, is that they are determined to avoid the label of "ineffective council" on appeal. They know she may get the DP, in which case their choices now will be scrutinized for the next 20 years. They don't want to leave room for scrutiny.

Oh their attorney skills will be scrutinized for the next 20 some years but not for the ineffective context. They will be the classic study of professional behavior expectations with an emphasis of what sorts destroy their credibility in the eyes of the jurors and witness's.
No, not yours.

This is the only thing I'm going to say about that post. If someone doesn't want to be here, don't try to convince them that they should. Left to their own devices they will find a place to which they are better suited. And we'll all be the better for it.

OK, it was quite a surprise to read that some may think I'm anything but pro-prosecution, thanks for clearing that up.

Sorry mods and all, for being O/T.

The May 22nd entry is a red herring. I believe it was written after the killing or written in her premeditation of killing him. She wants to look very not stalkerish and to show she was fine with moving on. She makes sure to point out very key issues about jealousy, the email password "exchange", encouraging him to be patient wit Mimi and she will come around, etc... OMG. This is all such hogwash and is nothing but Jodi's transparent attempt to cover her tracks by painting a completely different picture.

Thurs. May 22, 2008
...From JA journal

Well, even sadder is we agreed to amicably part ways. He is an amazing person, and he’s told me countless times that I am one of the most beautiful people he’s ever met–on the inside and out. But it is really better this way. We both agreed to change our passwords, which we had exchanged eons ago to establish, or reestablish “trust” which we had both violated, so no more of that. We had both picked 2 accounts so I chose Facebook and Gmail and he chose Facebook and MySpace.

Hiya, I wrote for the first time about a week ago, and I know there was at least one response with a question to me, and Ive since lost track of it - things move so fast on these threads. So I apologise to whoever I didn't get back to. But I thank you for taking the time to respond.

Ive been toing and froing about the extent to which Jodi has doctored her journals, and noticed this little excerpt which Ive read before, but something jumped out at me.

pip, as you mentioned in your post, this specific little bit above (BBM) might be further evidence to indicate that she has rewritten her journal, which obviously indicates a post-crime clean up, which basically invalidates her journal - nullifying a fair chunk of her defence.

So my question is:
Why is she retrospectively explaining to her journal about the reasons for exchanging passwords for gmail, facebook etc?

We aren't privvy to the whole journal yet, but it would seem strange to me, that such a relevant, and 'journal worthy' anecdote would be left aside - that is, that she wouldn't have mentioned it in her journal in any way previously. It doesn't violate the law of attraction as far as I can tell. And I reckon it reeks of over explanation.

It could be that in her rewrite of the journal (if indeed she did rewrite the whole thing) that she missed out on this important tidbit, and realised she needed to put it in to substantiate some of her stories.

Anyway, been mulling over that one.

I'm still of the opinion, that despite her adherence to this 'law of attraction' that it would have certainly served her purposes for defence to explicitly include her allegations of abuse etc in the journal. So I'm still left wondering why she would leave that out. Perhaps she thought that would indeed look like 'over explanation' and chose not to include it so as not to look like she has constructed the story post crime. Meh, I dunno.
I hope Juan puts a forensic expert on the stand to talk about real pedophilia. I want to know if other pedophiles masturbate to pictures of young boys while having a strong sexual attraction to ADULT FEMALES.

The DT has tried to show that Travis was a cad because he was a flirt with women & had a strong sexual attraction to women.

They point out that Travis wanted Jodi to wear sexually oriented costumes (French Maid & Schoolgirl), participated in graphic phone sex & enjoyed sex with Jodi even when not in a relationship with her.

So we can conclude that Travis was sexually attracted to women. The DT relentlessly pointed this out.

I'd like to know how many same-sex pedophiles also spend the majority of their time pursuing women, having sex with women and having relationships with women.

They have tried to clear this enigma up by supposing that Travis was unnaturally into anal sex. So even though Jodi's a female, they are trying to say Travis actually prefered anal sex with her over vaginal. Combine that with Jodi wearing these alleged spiderman briefs, and you get the picture....
IIRC, it was the Superior Vena Cava which drains blood into the heart from the upper part of the body that was stabbed.

Yes. I was explaining that the inferior vena cava returns blood to the heart from the lower extremities in general along with the symptoms associated with a dissecting "aneurysm".
A few things that I noticed when reading the past couple of threads that are incorrect.

1. Jodi NEVER lived with Travis at all, she may have stayed over on occasion but she never LIVED there. Jodi is the only one stating that she did and well, she lies.

2. Jodi left every single one of her boyfriends that we know about other than Travis. Jodi got tired of Bobby and moved on, Jodi got tired of the one in Costa Rica or had to move back home and moved on, Jodi got tired of Matt and moved on, Jodi got tired of Daryl and moved on, Travis got tired of Jodi and moved on. Jodi lost control of Travis and decided that she was going to take that control back, so she did by killing him, IMO.

3. Jodi either has an uncanny way of making her exs do things for her after she dumps them and moves on. She either does this by way of "favors" or by having something on them. We know she was no stranger to blackmail since we have heard the "sex tape" she made of herself and Travis. I firmly believe that Daryl covered for/helped Jodi due to her having a certain piece of blackmail on him (the penis pic that was attributed to Travis.......compare nailbeds and fingers with Daryl). I also firmly believe that Matt covered for/helped Jodi due to her having some blackmail on him as well that we do not yet know about.

4. Matt was NOT in Mesa, AZ the day that Travis was killed, did not help in away to kill Travis and did not in any way help to clean up the crime scene. Jodi would have never gone with the self defense claim if she had Matt to use a scapegoat. Matt would never admit that he would lie for Jodi to the States investigators if he had been there and/or involved. Matt is simply another pawn that Jodi was trying to use in order for her to get away with murder.

5. If one looks at the progression of the shower photos one can tell that the shower door was in fact closed for the majority of them. One can also tell when Travis was aware that Jodi was there taking his photos.

Now, having said all of that and I know no one has asked me, but here is my opinion of what happened that day:

Jodi arrives at Travis home at 3 am on 6/4/08 while he is asleep in his bed. She sneaks into his house and snoops, not only in the house but on his computer as well. She has made plans to meet with Ryan B in Utah between 12 and 1 pm on 6/4/08. Jodi's plan was to shoot Travis while he slept and then move on to Utah making herself only a few mins late for her expected arrival time. For whatever reason Jodi decided to not shoot Travis while he slept, perhaps the roomate being home suprised her and she didnt want to get caught. Instead Jodi waits til the roomate leaves the house and then re-enters the home. She used the check of car payments as her ruse. At some point she leaves and Travis goes to take a shower. Jodi sneaks back in and takes the photos without his knowledge. He then sees her and slumps to the floor of the shower in despair and disgust because he just cant seem to get rid of this psycho. The last photo of Travis in the showe, the one that shows his body but not his head, is when she reaches in to plunge the knife in his chest. She also takes the accidental photo of the shower ceiling while stabbing him while he is in the shower. She thinks that will kill him quickly but it doesnt. He pushes past her and goes to the sink to get a towel left there to try and stop the bleeding. When that doesnt work he crawls to the bedroom to try and get help. During the sink and the crawling times is when Jodi stabs him in the back and the back of the head. She reaches him at the end of the hallway and slashes his throat. She turns him around to bring him back to the bathroom and kicks the camera taking the second accidental photo. She stops at the linen closet door across from the shower and shoots him in the head. As she is moving him from there to the shower she kicks the camera again taking the third accidental photo. She shoves him into the shower cleaning him and herself off. She cleans up what she can making sure to leave no blood anywhere else. She turns off the shower, closes the shower door, gathers all of the things she needs to get rid of and leaves the bedroom, closing and locking the bedroom door. She leaves the house and goes about her life as if nothing had happened.

Now, I realize that I did not mention the bed/naked photos. That's because I do not believe they happened on that day. I believe that if they did happen on that day it was not consentual and that Travis did not know at the time that Jodi was there or that was taking those two photos of him. I also do not believe that he took those photos of Jodi that day. I also do not believe that they had any kind of sex that day at all.

All of the above is MOO and what my memory is about the case.

The shower door couldn't have been closed or it would have been awash with water from the shower head and steamed up from the hot water. Shower doors aren't window panes either... they're either mottled or shaded to afford some privacy to the person in the shower.

The naked photos had to have been taken on that day because Jodi had just dyed her hair brown as it is in the photo before making that trip when she had been a blonde the whole time they knew each other.
Jeez, for 45 minutes I have been trying to log onto the WS radio program. I have now given up! I have searched WS, searched tricia griffith, searched blogtalk radio when I got home and didn't have todays show????.......and yes......I could have taken 20 minutes to scroll through the threads but I was on phone outta the house in the beginning.

Durn, just durn................

oh well..............

If anyone wants to do a DIRECT LINK to tonight's show right now, that would be so very nice, thanks!
Jeez, for 45 minutes I have been trying to log onto the WS radio program. I have now given up! I have searched WS, searched tricia griffith, searched blogtalk radio when I got home and didn't have todays show????.......and yes......I could have taken 20 minutes to scroll through the threads but I was on phone outta the house in the beginning.

Durn, just durn................

oh well..............

I missed it tooooooo !!! Hopefully it will be on podcast?

If you're referring to a post I made this morning, there's no way in he// I would ever be on the side of JA or any defendant for that matter.

(apologies if I misunderstood your post :seeya:)

BBM: Well you probably don't really mean this.

Surely you must know that there have been many innocent people placed on trial, and many innocent people have been convicted.

You probably know of the innocence project.
But before that was the case that was in the great documentary, Thin Blue Line. Highest recommendation here.
Cops and DA seem to have known who the real killer of a Cop was, but because he was underage, they prosecuted someone else who could be given the DP.

It includes a Pros Atty there in Dallas, TX who said IIRC, "A good prosecutor can get a guilty man convicted, a great prosecutor can get an innocent man convicted."

Obviously here, we have someone who has admitted she killed him, and most people charged I imagine are guilty, but there are plenty innocent people charged and convicted. JMO.
Hello, Sleuths! Reading here is so much more than other boards. So informative, respectful, funny, and well, just more depth than others. So happy I was able to join.
I don’t believe this defense is going to work for JA but it did for Mary Winkler…..
I’m seeing more than a few similarities between JA’s defense and that of Mary Winkler. She claimed PTSD and physical, emotional, verbal and sexual abuse from her pastor husband. She does not remember or acknowledge pulling the trigger of the gun that shot her husband in the back while he was sleeping but wiped the blood from his mouth and then unplugged the phone and left him to die…….

She received a sentence of voluntary manslaughter and only served a few months receiving mental health counseling and now has custody of her three daughters.

But there is a whole back story to Mary. I can't remember the exact amount but apparently she was kiting checks, spending money she didn't have and her husband was about to find out. And I don't think there was "proof" her husband beat her. Lord, I should probably go research that case but I already spend way too much time involved in crimes I didn't commit
I have been here from the beginning and have read close to 100% of the posts. So I am going to say can someone give me a reason for the overkill in this case. I don't care what the two experts say, why was TA stabbed 27 times, his throat cut, and he was shot in the face. There is nothing anyone has said that explains this. This is the crux of the case and all the rest is fluff. This was a horrific murder and no one has explained the horror of it. This is what I want to know. jmo
Hello, Sleuths! Reading here is so much more than other boards. So informative, respectful, funny, and well, just more depth than others. So happy I was able to join.

:welcome: We don't bite... much. ;)
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