weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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Am I allowed to speculate that Ms. Wong has video of ALV leaning over and speaking to Samantha ?

Hey now, speculate all you want! This is WS and everyone is entitled to their opinion/view. I am not the boss of anyone here. :floorlaugh:

I don't know how Wong would have the video of ALV speaking to Samantha at court, since it was in the courtroom and they have one camera. I may be wrong though..maybe they can take pics or video in the courtroom at breaks?

I think Wong has been ordered to testify about the video of Juan signing autographs and what the jury may have, but DID NOT see. Or, and nobody thinks this but me..it might be to authenticate the video of Travis shooting the gun.

Speculate away. It's the cool thing to do here!
I respectfully disagree because I think the longer the defense has dragged this on has just made the jury madder and madder at their defendent.

Its hard to say what the jury will do, but IMO the jury has had more than enough of the defense tactics and dragging this on and on.

Here is my thought believe it or not.

Yes, the jury is getting mad, but they are made at the defense team counsel and their witnesses.

Her counsel is not on trial. She is.

But the more they see her the less likely she will get the death penalty .
When you spend so much me with her, in a strange way you make a bond.

And to give her the death penalty is becoming slimmer each day.

We are not there every single day.
We sit and watch at our convenience.

I really believe the dynamics are different when you are there every single day.

I am not going to debate about the death penalty.

So when I say she will not get it. That is my view.
I think when they start at 9:30 on Monday it will be on TV.The other time about Jean C was. I will be tuned in just in case lol.
Worked all day so I missed alot. I asked this before and got no answer.

LAV was admonished by JSS when discussing her schedule. I am glad JSS laid daown the paw and said "I din't want to hear of your personal affairs. THIS is your priority." Of course LAV looked bewildered as always. I am not sure all cylinders are firing. That is MY assessment.

So, what is the deal with Monday and Tuesday? No one answered last time I posted. There was something about asking jurors to keep their cell phones handy. I thought that odd.

The judge made the cell phone comment because she wants to keep the jury updated on what time they need to show up for duty. The morning session is out of the jury presence. I think they have been upset about all of the wasted time and she is being more flexible about their not coming in just to sit in the jury room all day. She said 'have your phones handy at 10 am'--so they will expect to hear the schedule.

Also, she has to seem 'impartial' about the potential for 'mistrial.' That is what the morning hearing is about---Nurmi's Motion for Prosecutorial Misconduct.
But it is bunk, imo. I hope she rules quickly, :denied: and gets back to the trial.

Nobody has a certain answer to the question about ALV's return on Monday or Tuesday. I think it is probably about this silly Mistrial Motion. But a few of our attorneys here think it might be a different issue. I hope it gets resolved quickly so we can get back on track. :jail:
You summed it up good.

This is just a guess and something I heard last week, but IMO, the best guess I heard about what the deal is with the ALV thing is the one motion the defense brought up alleging that the prosecuter was yelling and caused ALV to get so stressed out she needed to go to hospital. I think the defense motion actually dragged ALV into having to testify to the judge about how bad her stress is or something like that.

JMO but ALV is in trouble with the Court for something she did against the Court's Rule or Instruction to the Witness. She either discussed the case outside of court, or the speaking to Samantha, or something else. ALV going to the hospital for a "personal" issue has nothing to do with the Court as far as I know.
Good grief! Better not be a mistrial on Monday... that would be chaos.

What are the chances? Then the "manifesto" comes out.

How does Double Jeopardy clause work? I'm leaping way out into left field, but anything can happen at this point.

Could Judge Stephens asking jurors to be available by phone also be in case they are interviewed again too?
I came across this little ode to Juan today. Love the song choice. So apropos.

I don't believe he invited her.

And I don't think she told him outright that she was coming.

But he did know she was on a road trip to Utah, so I think he figured that she might show up at some point.

However, she was probably working hard,convincing him that she had a new boyfriend in Utah and she just wanted to drop off a check and maybe rest up from the drive.

And yet from where she started, Mesa, Arizona is not exactly along the way to Utah... ;-)
I think so too. I was just wondering if she moved back in with her parents or grandparents or ANYBODY OR if she went straight from Darryl Brewer's house to Mesa.

It seems strange. Of course, with her, what doesn't? Personally, I don't think he ever sent her a THING! She'd have kept the card. :twocents:

That is one thing that confuses me - where JA was living at various times throughout her relationship with TA. Does anyone have a verified summary. I thought I read/heard somewhere that she moved from Big Sur to Mesa - but I thought she and DB lived in Palm Dessert.

Another thing that confounds me is the story that she borrowed money from a guy she hung out with at the Ventana Inn in Big Sur to make her murderous trip to Mesa. That seems unlikely to me bc Big Sur is 7 hours away from Yreka. I think DD or one of the other TH on HLN interviewed that guy. This story totally doesn't make sense to me.

I'm sure it's been discussed on here before - if so sorry for the rehash. I'm just curious and I know there are lots of knowledgeable WSers on here. Appreciate it if you can shed some light on this for me. Thanks!
From what I read, he just cut his arm down to the bone - not through it.
I saw it on the news, but refuse to google it. :puke: You have to be really, really sick to do something like that. I feel so bad for the employees and shoppers who had to witness such a horrific event. :cry:
You summed it up good.

This is just a guess and something I heard last week, but IMO, the best guess I heard about what the deal is with the ALV thing is the one motion the defense brought up alleging that the prosecuter was yelling and caused ALV to get so stressed out she needed to go to hospital. I think the defense motion actually dragged ALV into having to testify to the judge about how bad her stress is or something like that.

IMO Her stress most likely was caused by the public backlash and the cancelling of her speaking engagement that was that weekend.First day on stand she said she took a paying job when offered because she needed to support family.JM stopped her but I assume that is when her marriage ended and she needed a paycheck,so she fell into DV while being an unpaid volunteer.Then she did say about her retirement so I am thinking if she knew the tide has turned against her and it was hurting ticket sales ,she freaked.Most likely that was why she needed to go to ER.JM acted no different then any one would have in questioning her,if he was rough on her she should have just answered his questions under 20 minutes each.JMO But I bet a real expert like the ones JM brings in will answer the defenses questions without making them go in circles.IMO JM was easy on her ,if I was him I think I would have thrown a chair at her lol.She is much too old to play the entitled brat card!:floorlaugh:

ETA She almost gave me a stroke with being so obtuse!:banghead::banghead:Can I file against her lol!
How do we know that Travis knew she was on a "road trip" to Utah? I don't remember that in court - Please remind me. I know one thing Travis didn't know - That JA would travel to Mesa and murder him and then move on to the next Mormon man in Utah and dry hump him after she just murdered someone.

JMO, of course.

There was some testimony by ALV about a communication between the killer and Travis, where she told him she was going to attend a seminar in Utah in June. I think it was from early May.

Then there were 'supposedly' some later discussions about her going to visit Ryan, but I am not clear if that was just some of her phony journal entries or what.

She did call him a few times on the 2nd, or 3rd, I believe. But I have not gotten a clear answer on if they actually talked, or if she might have just listened to his voice mails instead.
That is one thing that confuses me - where JA was living at various times throughout her relationship with TA. Does anyone have a verified summary. I thought I read/heard somewhere that she moved from Big Sur to Mesa - but I thought she and DB lived in Palm Dessert.

Another thing that confounds me is the story that she borrowed money from a guy she hung out with at the Ventana Inn in Big Sur to make her murderous trip to Mesa. That seems unlikely to me bc Big Sur is 7 hours away from Yreka. I think DD or one of the other TH on HLN interviewed that guy. This story totally doesn't make sense to me.

I'm sure it's been discussed on here before - if so sorry for the rehash. I'm just curious and I know there are lots of knowledgeable WSers on here. Appreciate it if you can shed some light on this for me. Thanks!

I see your reasoning but what incentive could he have to make that up?
06:30 ALV says: "Miss Arias confessed to the crime".

This witness also referred to the murdering of Travis as "Murder" I think at least once and maybe twice - No, I don't have the video. Trust Me.
Anyone know where I can watch opening statements in full. Most I find are missing first 15 minutes. Thanks
Along these lines, since the beginning I have been convinced that part of Jodi's master plan in killing Travis was to link them together for eternity. He wouldn't marry her or acknowledge her as his girlfriend, but now no one will ever be able to mention her name or his without including the other. THAT is how sick she is.
And yet from where she started, Mesa, Arizona is not exactly along the way to Utah... ;-)

True, but I think she might have said something like, I am going to Utah, but first I am going to Pasadena to bla bla bla....so he would get the picture. LA to Phoenix is a straight shot.
This witness also referred to the murdering of Travis as "Murder" I think at least once and maybe twice - No, I don't have the video. Trust Me.

I remember her saying ' the day of the MURDER' once and she said " 'HOMICIDE' and also someone noticed that she said " she confessed to the crime."
True, but I think she might have said something like, I am going to Utah, but first I am going to Pasadena to bla bla bla....so he would get the picture. LA to Phoenix is a straight shot.

Y'all are misunderstanding she got lost 100 miles , out of her way! thank you very much her words. Lol
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