weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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And even when a man, such as Travis Alexander, says he is extremely fearful, she does not believe it.

The other part of her testimony in terms of the DV which I threw right out the window was her understanding of the choking incident. Travis threw JA on the floor, straddled JA and began choking her. JA did not defend herself because she did not want to hurt him.


Believe me, when I was pinned down with half my face raked off and was staring at a fist that was ready to smash my cheekbone or jaw, it never ever occurred to me that I did not want to hurt my ex. My only thoughts were how to get away. For ALV to have related that was preposterous. IIRC, when JA was on the stand, she told a different version of this story and I believe she said that she fought back. I'd have to go back and review the testimony to be sure.

FIRST: I am so sorry that you went through that with your ex. That's another reason why I believe that JA is lying when she says she was choked. She said she didn't have time to be scared, when she was asked how she felt. Huh? I watched my dad choke my mother once and everyone in that room (my brothers were there too) was scared, including my mother. JA doesn't know the proper way to be afraid of being choked because it never happened. IMO. I think it's ALV inserting her belief that JA didn't fight back because she didn't want to hurt him, just like she inserted her belief that TA was sexually degrading JA, despite the fact that she says JA never voiced that she felt that way to her. She used her "trained brain" to come up with that.

As far as ALV's testimony, I was really confused about the "stalking fear" vs the "domestic violence fear." She was saying that the fear is different, and that's why the fact that JA kept in contact with TA is different than TA keeping in contact with JA. She says that people normally report the stalking when they are fearful - but she is only an expert in women who are abused. She is no expert in men who are abused/stalked. She isn't considering how our society treats men who are victims. She herself doesn't believe that a man can be fearful of a woman, so imagine how TA would feel actually going to the police dept and saying, "I am scared of this woman." Not only that, I have a strong suspicion that he thought his fear of JA was illogical, and that's why he didn't do anything. I believe that that fear is based in how society trains men to regard women. He, like ALV and many other people, thought that because he's the man in the situation, there is no way he could not protect himself from JA if she tried something. I think his emotions were very conflicted on this. But, with ALV not really being an advocate for male victims, she can't see that as a possibility.

Another thing is that ALV is treating their relationship as if it was an actual relationship, where they were together as boyfriend/girlfriend. They weren't. The only time they were actually together as bf/gf was before she moved to Mesa. Once she got there, they were never in an exclusive relationship. She didn't live with him, she didn't have kids with him, she didn't rely on him for her survival or well being, so the only thing keeping her there was her desire to be with him. But, according to ALV, JA was uncomfortable with the things TA did almost from the start. That's when she was talking about the "power" TA had over JA. But, doesn't it make a difference if that woman isn't relying on that "power" in any way? Furthermore, women tend not to stay with men who turn them off at the very beginning because there is no emotional ties to him at that point. That's why I don't believe that JA had any problems with anything he did at the start, but is just using that to further sully TA's reputation and make herself out to be this naive victim who hardly knew what oral/@nal sex was until she met TA.

Then you consider that there has been no evidence that TA ever asked or begged JA back. No evidence that he followed her to CA to try to rekindle their relationship (unlike when JA actually moved states AFTER they broke up). No signs of him stalking JA, as ALV says is common when a man fears losing a girlfriend/wife. If he wanted JA back, he could have asked her to go to the Bahamas. What better way to get a woman back than to woo her with a fantasy vacation? This is where things really fall apart for me. TA was not acting like a man who couldn't let go of JA. He was acting like a man who was moving on. Without this element, doesn't it throw the entire idea of a "domestically abusive relationship" in the air?

This ended up a lot longer than I intended, it's just the more I think about the contradictions and double standards in ALV's testimony, the more I think that she used tunnel vision in "investigating" this case. I hope she learns something from it.
Hello all!

I cannot wait for Monday! I don't think anyone can take ALV seriously after she said 'NO' to the question about JA being the greatest perpetrator. Name-calling (the only physical proof we have of not-so-nice behaviour towards JA) without the context (She deserved much more than name calling for being so evil!) is worse than almost 30 stab wounds, throat cut from ear to ear and a gun shot to the head. That tells me all I need to know about ALV. I won't say anything further about her character that will get me a time-out!

I don't know if we'll ever learn what Jodi did that caused Travis to become so angry with her, but knowing what we do about the perpetrator, I suspect that it was something that was unspeakably wicked. Despite her claims of superior intelligence, Jodi is far too emotionally and socially immature to understand the adage "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me", but ALV should know better that the spoken word doesn't brutally murder someone like Jodi did. :moo:
That just made my head spin.

How in heck would I question Jodi if I had to evaluate her?

Jodi, were you lying about lying when you lied the first time? When you lied about the second lie before you changed your third lie, was that a lie? How about that third lie? Was that just some offshoot of the second lie or was that really a fourth lie or just another version of the second lie? Which is it Jodi? And don't lie to me.

According to ALV, if you lie, after doing something abhorrent, then it is cool. You are just trying to hide the abhorrent behavior, so it's fine. Especially if you're a teen. No problem. Doesn't make you a liar, if you just lie, about killing someone. :waitasec: But if you lie about being a virgin, that is a sin.
My double-u key doesn't vork (!), so if I sound like I'm doing a bad Garbo imitation please forgive:

Does anyone kno vhy JA fired her first DT?
Originally Posted by SunnyinMO
good video...the defense needs to watch it and stop the foolishness;

How the 12 News story on Juan Martinez originated
After a 12 news story on prosecutor Juan Martinez and his fan base is entered into evidence on a prosecutorial-misconduct hearing during the Jodi Arias trial, 12 news explains why the story was really done.


Quote: ???? (sorry I can't remember who made this quote below) -- I copied and pasted - oops

Thanks for the link. After watching this report and JM's respect to the people he works for in the State of AZ, it tells how desperate the DT is to ask for a mistrial if they cite this as an excuse.

HLN's editing is offensive of this video. They need to keep it honest and they didn't.

Great clip....thanks again.


HLN has become so tabloid-ish. I can barely watch them anymore and usually don't if I can help it. The program that offends me the most is the "After Dark" featuring a new bold accusation every night .... then there's JVM (scream much Jane?). I find their coverage of this trial offensive and exploitative ... but that's just me. :furious: I feel sorry for the Alexander family.

I don't watch HLN because of the misrepresentation in their editing; talking heads, particularly the unemployed lawyers who sit in judgment of conscientious prosecutors; and now the tabloid/reality show style of their programming.

Look at Jean C. who obviously provided HLN editors with the video from local News12 and gave her analysis for pure sensationalism, almost bringing down a brilliant prosecutor and causing a mistrial. :banghead: :furious:
i think the defense is calling her to see if she saw any jurors watching jm giving autographs - imo

I don't think that Ms Wong has anything helpful for the DT. IMO, if there was any chance of that, Nurmi would have pushed to have this hearing already.
I know how everyone feels when they add to their post "sorry if this has been posted or discussed' LOL
I wish I could create a Cliffs Notes that have to be read by all of us before we allowed entrance to any of the threads and then post. It would save me tons of time.
You know, something simple, for all of us, like:

This Is The Deal

JM is great.
DT is so so.
JA looks better without bangs.
Auntie has not been at the trial for three weeks as of today (update daily)
Dr. Horn is hot and is professional.
DT experts are not.
Bobby Juarez is alive and well and lucky.
JA is not as short as she appears on TV.
Her hands are as big as they appear on TV.
Yes, all of our dogs now think their names are "May we approach!" and they should get a bone for coming to you so quickly. 500 times every day.
Sitting on your hands is recommended.
Especially if you're out of duct tape.
DonB is a female friend of JA.
DB is a former BF of JA and lucky.
Artwork is not all it's cracked up to be.
Blackout sunglasses are required for viewing certain exhibits.
Eye doctor appointments are not the responsibility of the site if you ignore the above admonition.
Urban dictionaries are not your friend. Ever.

That's it for today :)
Maybe a little off topic but tonight on the Lifetime channel they are airing a movie called "Stalkers". Might be good to compare the Jode to what they plan to show!
I am less than 24hrs into 'Juan Withdrawal'... I keep walking from the livingroom to the kitchen and back and my head is starting to hurt. :tears:
Please pity me.
She only claims that men can be abused as an "aside." Someone in the jury picked up on it when they asked about her always referring to the perpetrator as "he" and if a perpetrator could be a "she." I think she says men can be abused to be "PC," but deep down I don't think she believes it. She has another article where she says:

Link: http://alycelaviolette.com/Women-Who-Hit-Their-Male-Partners.htm

"Having said that," is just a drawn out way of saying "but" and we all know what people say you do with what comes before "but." Disregard it.

Great post, and the quote perfectly supports your argument -- she does start with a PC and entirely reasonable position, but can't help slide into her real perspective which does not grant any real sympathy for male victims -- almost justifying it by her quantifying statement. How she makes sense of putting those two clauses in the same statement without imganing that a)violence against men isn't that bad, and (b) somehow, men deserve it because they've done it so much worse to women, is beyond me.

Hey guys. I am not sure if this has been discussed here but I just read that Bobby Juarez was murdered July 10, 2008, his murder remains unsolved!!!! when did Jodi buy her 9mm????

I found:


again, if this has been discussed my apologies, just find the dates of both Bobby and Travis' (T was found June 9 or 10th right?) murders eerie ...

Bobby Juarez/Robert Juarez has to be a very common name and the age of the man in this link does not match to JA's BF. He was a couple of years older than JA and the man in this bulletin was born in 1980 (the same year as JA), so this is not her old BF. Also, new pix of Bobby have just been released and I don't see a resemblance.
Why would ALV dare to testify that she based her in-court testimony on the report(s) of another expert, in this case RS? I mean the whole "shot him in the closet" is a BIG DEAL! Why would I believe that she didn't hear this directly from the defendent herself? If we or the jury were to believe her- that she had no idea what transpired on the day of the shooting- why the heck didn't she make an effort to find out? Did her DV evaluation stop at the moment Jodi picked up the knife?
You think rebuttal will only be a day? I think more like rebuttal week or weeks. I know this isn't nice but I am not looking forward to hearing Nurmi again.

You are exactly right. What was I thinking? I misspoke.

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OMG that makes me crazy....I had to turn my lappy upside down!!:floorlaugh:
I hope it's okay to discuss this, because I think it relates directly to the trial, IMHO.

Here's a quote:

"We would expect that a battered male would exhibit characteristics and behaviors present in abused women." And then she lists three.

So ALV is saying the way women react to something is the way everybody should react.

But there's also this (hope it's okay to post, Mods):


It's a short article from Scientific American about a study showing men react differently to a threat than women.

There's quite a few jaw-dropping statements in that really short piece by ALV, but I don't want to turn this into all Alyce, all the time.

It's going to be hard not to talk about her since she was the last witness on the stand. lol
i thought - based on the testimony and the motion, that the reason for the misconuct was jinkasorus saying in her report (or at least nurmi thought she said) was that jurors had seen jm signing autographs and that could prejiduce the jury?

Nurmi misconstrued what JC said on air. She said that she was concerned that something like that COULD happen because she had at some times seen one juror sitting out in that area before. BUT SHE DID NOT SEE ANY JURORS THERE THAT DAY. In fact, she was not even there that day.
I am less than 24hrs into 'Juan Withdrawal'... I keep walking from the livingroom to the kitchen and back and my head is starting to hurt. :tears:
Please pity me.

Pretend you are some kind of defense witness. Write a list of tough yes or no questions. Ask someone to read them to you aggressively. Solved!
So, wonder if this is why the producer of HLN, Ms. Wong is being called to Testify.

its to do with the whole rockstar juan carp

i remember them saying when it first came out miss wong would testify later on when available or something like that
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