weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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Welcome aa9511!!!! Glad you joined us...


We don't bash or sleuth our fellow WSers.

Playing devil's advocate and disagreeing with one another are welcome activities here, as long as everyone keeps their heads about them and stays respectful of one another. If a post is problematic, the ALERT button is your friend! (Triangle outlined in red at top right of each post.)

In Smilie, that's roughly as follows:

:slapfight: :eek:hdear: :viking: :whiteflag: :grouphug: :tyou:
Hi, this is the first time I've posted even though I've been lurking on here for a while. So hopefully I'm doing it right!
I just wanna say that after the juror questions yesterday, I am really starting to feel worried about one juror...this has been with me for some time because in the juror questions for every witness, there has always been at least one question that is, sorry to say, illogical and like someone wants to believe Jodi could have never done this or done on purpose.
Let me say that I started watching this trial when Jodi took the stand...before that I actually knew VERY little about it, so I feel like I was very unbiased in the beginning, much like the jurors. I actually BELIEVED Jodi during Nurmi's questioning! I had NO IDEA what the real story was, and that she was just acting and lying her way through it. So I feel like I came into this, as I said, with a blank slate like the jurors.
THAT ALL CHANGED once Juan took over. I completely did a 180, I began to see her manipulation, her lies, her act. I had caught onto her...from then on I became "biased" and feel like now I am VERY biased against her...I feel like every single word out of her mouth is a lie. So I keep thinking, since I was much like the jurors in my lack of information, they MUST be seeing what I saw!
I went back and started watching more testimony from the beginning of the trial that I had missed. One was the blood pattern expert...what got me VERY worried was the juror question about COULD THE PALMPRINT of Jodi have been left on the wall from some previous time? This, to me, was a question that was so out there...does that mean that the person is even doubting that JODI COMMITTED THE CRIME??? To me, this sounds like someone doesn't even want to believe she was even there or that she did it!! As I said I was not following the trial at the time, so I'm sure this was discussed on this forum at the time, but I missed all of that. But that really stuck with me. Then Juan went back and had the blood pattern expert EXPLAIN that it was Jodi's blood MIXED with Travis' blood...but WHY would someone need verification that it was HER palmprint????
Then there were also a handful of questions since then....like, could the camera have been moved by Travis because he picked it up after Jodi dropped it and was checking it while she was running away? DOES THIS QUESTION NOT WORRY OTHERS? It's like someone is just reaching for things to support what they ALREADY believe. This question goes against what really happened and EVEN WHAT JODI CLAIMS, because that would have given her enough time to run away!
Also the question that could Jodi have stabbed him after the gunshot due to the rage she felt inside from his previous abuse (or something like that, maybe it was could the overkill been because of her rage from the abuse?). This shows to me a, they believe Jodi's story that she shot him first, AND they believe he abused her. Other question was, could the overkill be because she was pouring out all her emotions at the time...I don't know if that was part of the last question or not. Then yesterday, what bothered me more than the tiger/bear question (which I can't tell which way it goes), were the CAMERA questions...it's as if someone wants to believe Jodi's story and feel like she put the camera in the washer because she was so frazzled by what had just happened, not as part of her PLANNING. To me, whether or not the camera was in the washer doesn't even matter...the fact that she DELETED the pics is what matters. So is one juror not willing to believe that deleting the pics show planning and ORGANIZATION? To me, Jodi didn't know that they could retrieve the pics...just like the rest of us, I had no idea...I thought if someone deleted pics that means they were removed from the memory card. Jodi claims to have more knowledge of cameras, but I DO NOT believe she knew anything more than the rest of us. So the fact of whether it was in the washer or not doesn't matter, but yet there were two or three questions about this and whether or not it indicates planning, which it CLEARLY does.
Okayyy...sorry this is so long. I just had to get this out there because now I'm really worried, I have been watching the trial daily and I don't know what I would do if it ends up in a hung jury or even life in prison, she deserves the death penalty. I'm worried about this one juror.


That's the problem with just the written word, as has already been proven by this case.

What is that juror really thinking at the time of the question? It's only open to our individual interpretation.

Once Juan has completed his rebuttal, I think many of the jurors questions will be answered once and for all.

All we can do is hang in there!

Enjoy WS!
Hi, this is the first time I've posted even though I've been lurking on here for a while. So hopefully I'm doing it right!
I just wanna say that after the juror questions yesterday, I am really starting to feel worried about one juror...this has been with me for some time because in the juror questions for every witness, there has always been at least one question that is, sorry to say, illogical and like someone wants to believe Jodi could have never done this or done on purpose.
Let me say that I started watching this trial when Jodi took the stand...before that I actually knew VERY little about it, so I feel like I was very unbiased in the beginning, much like the jurors. I actually BELIEVED Jodi during Nurmi's questioning! I had NO IDEA what the real story was, and that she was just acting and lying her way through it. So I feel like I came into this, as I said, with a blank slate like the jurors.
THAT ALL CHANGED once Juan took over. I completely did a 180, I began to see her manipulation, her lies, her act. I had caught onto her...from then on I became "biased" and feel like now I am VERY biased against her...I feel like every single word out of her mouth is a lie. So I keep thinking, since I was much like the jurors in my lack of information, they MUST be seeing what I saw!
I went back and started watching more testimony from the beginning of the trial that I had missed. One was the blood pattern expert...what got me VERY worried was the juror question about COULD THE PALMPRINT of Jodi have been left on the wall from some previous time? This, to me, was a question that was so out there...does that mean that the person is even doubting that JODI COMMITTED THE CRIME??? To me, this sounds like someone doesn't even want to believe she was even there or that she did it!! As I said I was not following the trial at the time, so I'm sure this was discussed on this forum at the time, but I missed all of that. But that really stuck with me. Then Juan went back and had the blood pattern expert EXPLAIN that it was Jodi's blood MIXED with Travis' blood...but WHY would someone need verification that it was HER palmprint????
Then there were also a handful of questions since then....like, could the camera have been moved by Travis because he picked it up after Jodi dropped it and was checking it while she was running away? DOES THIS QUESTION NOT WORRY OTHERS? It's like someone is just reaching for things to support what they ALREADY believe. This question goes against what really happened and EVEN WHAT JODI CLAIMS, because that would have given her enough time to run away!
Also the question that could Jodi have stabbed him after the gunshot due to the rage she felt inside from his previous abuse (or something like that, maybe it was could the overkill been because of her rage from the abuse?). This shows to me a, they believe Jodi's story that she shot him first, AND they believe he abused her. Other question was, could the overkill be because she was pouring out all her emotions at the time...I don't know if that was part of the last question or not. Then yesterday, what bothered me more than the tiger/bear question (which I can't tell which way it goes), were the CAMERA questions...it's as if someone wants to believe Jodi's story and feel like she put the camera in the washer because she was so frazzled by what had just happened, not as part of her PLANNING. To me, whether or not the camera was in the washer doesn't even matter...the fact that she DELETED the pics is what matters. So is one juror not willing to believe that deleting the pics show planning and ORGANIZATION? To me, Jodi didn't know that they could retrieve the pics...just like the rest of us, I had no idea...I thought if someone deleted pics that means they were removed from the memory card. Jodi claims to have more knowledge of cameras, but I DO NOT believe she knew anything more than the rest of us. So the fact of whether it was in the washer or not doesn't matter, but yet there were two or three questions about this and whether or not it indicates planning, which it CLEARLY does.
Okayyy...sorry this is so long. I just had to get this out there because now I'm really worried, I have been watching the trial daily and I don't know what I would do if it ends up in a hung jury or even life in prison, she deserves the death penalty. I'm worried about this one juror.
:Welcome1: I agree with you. I watched from the beginning but before that I knew nothing, I quickly became biased based on the evidence presented in court and things that I've been able to read here. In every batch of jury questions there have been one or two that worry me. I hope they are from the same person and that person doesn't make the final jury. That hope keeps me sane. If they do make it, I hope some of the other jurors can bring them around.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153


She seems to have "changed" at around 12-15. This is pretty normal (puberty) for when BPD comes off or is diagnosed. Although there would have been signs before then. She would have been clingy, quiet in a sense and inappropriate in other ways.

Apparently the BPD community is seeing a surge in women self harming since this trial aired with her diagnosis. The amount of shame we feel x's 10. But her behavior is of the minority. Most are self harmers, she went from animals -secrecy- bad relationships to murder. The type of sex she preferred with TA is a big ole red flag if you ask me.

Hi I moved your quote over here for discussion ...

That is AWFUL!! That is just the LAST thing that anybody would want, as it must be hard enough to live with it as it is .. I'm not a labels person per se because I think it tends to oversimplify and lump people together and allow for forms of discrimination and marginalising, although I accept that it's a diagnosis which is important for understanding and treatment.
IMO going forward, everyone who posts on here needs to be respectful of other posters. If someone disagrees, please just ask for clarification or alert the mods if necessary. I called a former poster on here because they hadn't posted in a long time. She told me that one of her posts had been misconstrued and people thought that she was rude.

Her post was not intended to be rude and even had emoticons for emphasis. However, a poster jumped on it, misunderstanding her intent and that experience caused her to cease posting. What OP did not realize was that she was kind and sensitive without a mean bone in her body. She cried for 2 days.

I have also had a poster come at me implying that I was an alcoholic because of my memory issues as it related to PTSD. I remember the trauma with crystal clarity. It has been subsequent memories, good ones, that I have had difficulty recalling. I do NOT drink at all. I was so upset that I was attacked because of my faillabilities. It made me feel worse than I already did. Fortunately, some very kind posters came to my defense.

This should not even happen on here. WS is a very intelligent forum and a victim friendly site. Cruelty is never warranted. JA has already shown us what that does. I would venture to say, we are better than that. Thanks for hearing me. Respectfully, JMV

the poster i referred to never gives clarification,this is my problem.

i and others have asked on several previous occasions and we are ignored.

different opinions are of course welcome but i like clarification with them,not just a statement bashing someone and then not expansion on it.

i cant believe someone accused you of being an alcoholic because of you PTSD issues,some people are down right mean :hug:
I need to go do some of this :sweep: before the hubby gets home... Watching JA trial reruns, and hanging out here on WS are not valid excuses... :panic:

Lol, I have been sick all week so I actually do have an excuse, but I still did a rush job on the dishes just now.
Can anyone tell me, was there court today? MOO JA is going to death row. :woohoo: And much thanks to JM and this last psychologist witness for the State. She was awesome in making JW look like goof. Gawd I'm so sick of her (JW) nasally, whiny voice, like fingers on a blackboard but worse. Nurmi doesn't even have to talk and he looks and acts like a goof. Whenever they approach, he always walks up to the judge with shoulders stoop and head down. Not very confident or intelligent looking at all. He looks like he doesn't want to be there at all or has nothing to offer. I'm sure the jurors aren't impressed with his nonprofessional demeanor. I wish he would do the button up on his jacket to hid some of his fat gut. :floorlaugh: All JMHO.

I've never seen a case like this were they cannot tell time. It's pathetic how they never start on time in the morning and after breaks. Just ridiculous. I think also there should be a cap on how much a witness such as ALV and whatshisface make. It pretty apparent they were doing it for the money, especially ALV with her comments and delaying answering questions or wanting to expand and also giving JM a hard time. They should not be allowed to make anymore that the prosecution's last witness. She was so much more informative, professional, honest and neutral in a lot less time. Enjoy the weekend folks, back at it on Tuesday. Go Juan!!

Let me say that I do not think it was every JD's intention to make JW look like a goof. JW did that to herself and just did not learn the first time JD corrected her (in a nice way). I think JW and JA dressing alike in court was probably not a good idea for JW. Not sure why she would do something like that when she knows Jodi has a personality disorder. The giggling at what appears to be jurors as they exit between the two women is inappropriate for an attorney. I seen it happen more than once.

As far as Nurmi, because of his height I think he may have some issues with his legs. It's not just his weight it appears he has other issues which may contribute to his having a problem getting around. He has had a problem walking up to the bench on more than one occasion. I have a grandson who is 6' 6" and this happened to him where he just grew too fast and everything was stretched to the max in a short period of time. He walks very similar as if it's an effort and uncomfortable. They can do surgery but he refused to have it done. So it is possible Nurmi may have some issues moving around because he has some leg issues.
Welcome aa9511 :seeya: Check out the thread for Court observations. Folks who are in Court and watching the Jurors. You will feel better.
:lol: So, tell us josie1986... Do you have PTSD from your visit to the "JA is innocent" site??? :giggle:

yes,i feel completely and utterly abused by their "mean words"
i now feel i am 100% justified to go and slaughter one of these people :seeya: :facepalm:

i am one million percent joking everyone :floorlaugh::fence:
I'm watching JW's cross of Kevin Horn (I didn't watch it the day of) and she's just a hot mess questioning him about the bullet passing through the brain. She asked him 3 different questions about it and all the answers were the same and not what she wanted.
yall all know the way she lifts her cup to drink water aggravates me to no end. watching the interrogation tapes and she totally drinks from the water bottle normal. no weird elbow thing
you know,i have zero problem with differing opinions etc with parts of this case but what really worries me is the people on the site that shall not be named who think she is innocent.

they amount of evidence against her and they are completely blind to it :banghead:

we could just have a convo with smilies :floorlaugh:BBM

I've invited a bud of mine to come here because we were frustrated with other discussions that seemed to lean heavily towards "Jodi was a misunderstood battered woman" with no tolerance for differing opinions.

I told her this site has very funny, very smart and very strong personalities with strong opinions and sure, discussions get heated but we manage to get over ourselves and get back on to the next fascinating trial tidbit.

She knows the threads move super fast, the quips are even faster and there will be posts that you totally disagree with but the way in which the posts are presented are almost always interesting and force you to consider something new.

So I don't care about those Jodi is a Saint opinions because they have no basis in reality! :facepalm: Let them wither in denial. :D

Anyway, you'll see her shortly. She is much sweeter than yours truly. lol
I think you make a good point. The tiger/bear question suggested to me that the juror was asking: does it really matter whether she was attacked by Travis or a ninja? She was still attacked and therefore she would still have post-traumatic stress syndrome. It seems that the juror has a preconcieved notion that Jodi is a battered woman and therefore everything she did is justifiable, but the only way to arrive at that conclusion is to completely ignore all of the evidence.

BBM - Right, which I strongly believe won't happen. I think the juror may very well place a high value on DD's credentials and skills as a psychologist and just wanted DD to clarify and confirm that the DT's diagnosis of PTSD is not logical.
can jodi take the stand again ,,maybe new evidence ring and christmas tree..she will lis she has no shame..maybe she will blame deanna didnt she try to claim on the stand deanna was the crazy one.

I believe her Lawyers would have to be the ones to call her back to the stand. I dont think they have anything to gain by doing so. It would give Juan another shot at her. Yes she did state Deanna was crazy (that Travis had told her that)
can jodi take the stand again ,,maybe new evidence ring and christmas tree..she will lis she has no shame..maybe she will blame deanna didnt she try to claim on the stand deanna was the crazy one.

I don't believe she can. The defense is done questioning their witnesses. Now it is the prosecutions turn. When they are done it will be closing arguments then the jurors will deliberate. HTH and my understanding only.
you know,i have zero problem with differing opinions etc with parts of this case but what really worries me is the people on the site that shall not be named who think she is innocent.

they amount of evidence against her and they are completely blind to it :banghead:

we could just have a convo with smilies :floorlaugh:

Hi Josie, I do not know much about the courts but I do know one thing. Jodie is not innocent. Sometimes I feel people havent read all the threads and arent aware of a lot. ( I hope this comes across in the way I'm trying to say it). There is no way in he!! she will walk out the door after massacuring (sp) this man. Even if they found her not guilty I still think they'd have to put her in a hospital (mental) or something. She is a menace to society. I think some of us still feel pain from KC..I do believe we have an intelligent jury, look forward to death or LWOP..people come and go dont let them rile 'ya. A hung jury would mean a new trial or a plea deal of some sort. She would not be released.IMO).I could be wrong. Some posts make me LOL..:thumb::rose:
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