weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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Journal entry - May 22, 2008

Moving has certainly helped me morally. I don’t know if it has him or if he’s found a replacement booty-call. For his sake I hope he hasn’t, not because it would be a replacement but because it is not spiritually productive.


She wrote all this
when she had already planned to (sometime in May) murder Travis
or she wrote these after she murdered Travis to fool everyone
or she just basically loved lying to herself
Journal entry - May 22, 2008

Moving has certainly helped me morally. I don’t know if it has him or if he’s found a replacement booty-call. For his sake I hope he hasn’t, not because it would be a replacement but because it is not spiritually productive.


I kind of read a threat in that! When your spirit's gone, you're dead.
She wrote all this
when she had already planned to (sometime in May) murder Travis
or she wrote these after she murdered Travis to fool everyone
or she just basically loved lying to herself

In simpler terms...if I write it, it's true.
I have always felt that she parked that rental car around the corner, or down the block, away from Travis' house. And since she supposedly got there before dawn, no one would have seen her walking to his house from a block away. Who knows if she really got there at 4:00 AM (ish), the time that she said she got there. I was not able to watch the trial on the day this was mentioned, so excuse me if I have this info twisted.

But then how did she get back to the car in daylight carrying a bag, with wet or bloody clothes, with her face exposed? I believe she didn't park right in front of the house, but that must have been a nervous wreck walk back to the car trying to go undetected in daylight - 6:00 pm or so I'm guessing.
She dated this before the killing, however, looks to me like it was written AFTER she did him in. Same entry dated may 2008

Anyway, one thing I do know is it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m saddened and, yes, but it feels like a conclusion, like closure. The final chapter was finally written, and the ending was bittersweet.
I have wondered if it could be Bobby Juarez in that photo? But their relationship was so long ago, I don't think they had cell phones with cameras and I am not sure how that photo would have been saved on the hard drive so long...

You can make a picture of a picture. I've done it before.
She wrote all this
when she had already planned to (sometime in May) murder Travis
or she wrote these after she murdered Travis to fool everyone
or she just basically loved lying to herself

I'd say it was ALL of the above.
This said to be him..Not mild meek man. He's twenty years older than Jodi.


I've wondered if those are Gus's fingers. They look similar to his also.

I followed that link to JA other Myspace page and I it is so very creepy that in this Album, Me, Myself and I how very prophetic these 4 pics are. One of her in colors, one of her eye, one of her holding a camera and one of her hands. I have never seen this before and I have the chills! The photos were posted in November of 2007.


Mods, I hope this link is OK. If not please remove.
I have always felt that she parked that rental car around the corner, or down the block, away from Travis' house. And since she supposedly got there before dawn, no one would have seen her walking to his house from a block away. Who knows if she really got there at 4:00 AM (ish), the time that she said she got there. I was not able to watch the trial on the day this was mentioned, so excuse me if I have this info twisted.

For some reason, the thought that maybe she had someone drop her off and pick her up later seems possible. No one heped her kill Travis, but maybe someone dropped her off there and then picked her up. The only problem I have reconciling this thought is how did she let that person know when to pick her up? Just a thought. :)
I am in awe of anyone who can understand opera. I can never understand one single word.

Not to worry. English subtitles appear on strategically-placed monitors throughout the house. If you read the synopsis prior to the performance, you have a basic understanding of the plot and really don't have to know exactly what is being said. The English subtitles are easily read so that you don't have to look away from the stage for long periods of time. :)
But then how did she get back to the car in daylight carrying a bag, with wet or bloody clothes, with her face exposed? I believe she didn't park right in front of the house, but that must have been a nervous wreck walk back to the car trying to go undetected in daylight - 6:00 pm or so I'm guessing.

She could have "hidden" somewhere in the house and waited for dark in order to walk/jog to her rental car parked down the block. If she was completely finished up with the murder at 6:00 PM (ish), she would only have to wait an hour until dark (maybe even less, because June is the monsoon season out here and it could have been rainy and dark that day), thus being dark by 6:30 or so....(JMO). So she would not have had to wait long to sneak OUT of the house. Again, this may have already been covered in the trial or on these threads, and I apologize if that is so, I haven't been reading here much lately, but I sure enjoy everyone's ideas and opinions!
Not to worry. English subtitles appear on strategically-placed monitors throughout the house. If you read the synopsis prior to the performance, you have a basic understanding of the plot and really don't have to know exactly what is being said. The English subtitles are easily read so that you don't have to look away from the stage for long periods of time. :)

Thanks for that info. I had no idea they had English subtitles. I'm a small person and usually, there are bigger people blocking my view of most things.
Maybe I have the cart before the horse here (I hope not). I wasn't in the mood to read, watch TV, or work last night so decided to check out info on Arizona prisons. I hadn't thought about it before, but discovered some forums where prison life/conditions are discussed. Also, this search nets a few other interesting articles, not everything is up to date, but can at least give a little insight.

I won't post any links, but Google words such as prison talk, Arizona, Perryville, conditions, women's, and so on. There is advice for visitation, phone calls, and all sorts of things. Some of it can make one angry, some of the questions/answers are almost like the Q/A of sending a kid off to summer camp or college. I saw several posts regarding conditions (broken ventilation, extreme heat/cold, etc.). One post noted that prisoners get 1 roll of toilet paper (per week, IIRC) and, if applicable, 12 sanitary pads per month (and the problems related to those allocations)...

Anyway, a bit distraction for anyone experiencing trial withdrawal before we reconvene tomorrow...

Wow, thanks for that. I love seeing Travis in action.

I love his "crap" this and "crap" that. Cracks me up. But notice how JA uses that word too, quite a few times in her testimony. Another example of the chameleon, taking on the persona of whomever she is obsessed with at the time.

TA is so funny. What a great sense of humor. What a waste. :( Stupid Jodi.
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