Weekend Discussion Thread 04/27-30/2012

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My point is that USA certainly does report and follow high profile cases occurring in Canada. JUST MOO
I don't think a US rag mag would be interested in a case in Canada and I doubt they would pay $$$ for a pix of MR...they could easily score one from one of the Cdn newspapers and secondly since when has anything that ever happened in Canada ever made the US news... ( no offence to our US posters)..JMO ... the very reason it has been taken down from any news site in Canada makes me believe there is more to this than meets the eye...time will tell....besides it was two people that took the pictures with two separate camera's...JMO one nosey guy I could understand but two...makes one go "what the heck"....

Well it's good to know then that the US media won't be doing the same thing that they did in the Bernardo trial by enticing people with information that is under a ban here in Canada.

Well it's good to know then that the US media won't be doing the same thing that they did in the Bernardo trial by enticing people with information that is under a ban here in Canada.


That's what I was thinking about because I think they had a really big problem with that during his trial.
I don't think he wore the jeans as part of his attire during the court hours..more than likely these lawyers keep there court clothes at the court house rather than drag them back and forth each day while the trial is going on.. I am sure the lawyers are assigned a room for the duration of the trial.. he is either commuting daily from Toronto or he is staying at a hotel during court days...so I wouldn't read anything into that photo..just saying...JMO and you are correct Bravo about the court attire...since Canadian law is based on the British system the only thing they don't wear anymore is the wigs which I believe they still wear in the British courts... JMO and actually some lawyers here in Canada still use the word solicitor rather than lawyer...

Yes i am glad the wigs are gone LOL I luv the attire. Classic and respectful attire indeed.
I don't think he wore the jeans as part of his attire during the court hours..more than likely these lawyers keep there court clothes at the court house rather than drag them back and forth each day while the trial is going on.. I am sure the lawyers are assigned a room for the duration of the trial.. he is either commuting daily from Toronto or he is staying at a hotel during court days...so I wouldn't read anything into that photo..just saying...JMO and you are correct Bravo about the court attire...since Canadian law is based on the British system the only thing they don't wear anymore is the wigs which I believe they still wear in the British courts... JMO and actually some lawyers here in Canada still use the word solicitor rather than lawyer...

Yep the solicitors still wear those lovely wigs :)
What am I missing or what do I don't get? What kind of defence could that be?

What does it matter if there was a gang, drug dept or whatever??? ??

Fact is he knew that Tori didn't come for a ride on her own will. He was surprised when TLM showed up with the little girl? Really? Well we know now for a fact that he was already driving around the school area early in the morning. I am wondering what he was doing there....(appetizer?)

He was driving around a kidnapped girl (at some point in time even our Mr.Biceps must have figured that out) and he still didn't do anything about it.

What does it matter if he killed her or not? He was there, helped cleaning, didn't go to the police afterwards and didn't help to find her body. He was trying hard to hide any involvement). Gang influence? Who cares! Even then he could walk to the police and could have told them what happened. And if he comes with a story that he was scared for his own life then you really have me laughing. How scared he was shows his sexual activity. That didn't seemed to be influenced at all.

Maybe I am watching to much 48 hours but in the US the people that are similar involved in a murder always end up with 1st degree murder.

For Tories family I hope that he gets guilty for the rape too. But this is the only point where I am not so sure that the evidence is enough.
Even if he doesn't get the guilty there it will be in peoples minds forever (and his future prison inmates). I am sure they will take care of it for hopefully very long 25 years. That is something he will never get of his forehead. That is stamped there for the rest of his life regardless what the outcome of this trial is.

I just had to write all this because my head is spinning

what doesn't make sense is the full circle of it all. He didn't tell LE and lied to LE because...afraid of gangs? Yet here he sits in prison/at trial and going to blame gangs?? Am I missing something? No reason he shouldn't have told LE if that were the truth but of course it was not the truth IMO
From Paul Bernardo's wiki:
Public access to the Internet effectively nullified the court's order, however; as did proximity to the American border, since a publication ban by an Ontario Court cannot apply in New York, Michigan, or anywhere else outside of Ontario. American journalists cited the First Amendment in editorials and published details of Homolka's testimony, which were widely distributed by many "electronic ban-breakers", primarily on the alt.fan.karla-homolka[12] Usenet newsgroup. Information and rumours spread across a myriad of electronic networks available to anyone with a computer and a modem in Canada. Moreover, many of the Internet rumours went beyond the known details of the case. Newsweek's 6 December 1993 edition, for example, "reprinted without permission" as the correspondent stated, reported: "Another account said that, to keep them from escaping, both girls were hobble[d] by their abductors, who used veterinary surgical instruments to sever tendons in their legs."[13][dubious – discuss]
Newspapers in Buffalo, Detroit, Washington, New York and even Britain, together with border radio and television stations, reported details gleaned from sources at Homolka's trial. The syndicated series A Current Affair aired two programs on the crimes. Canadians bootlegged copies of The Buffalo Evening News across the border, prompting orders to NRP to arrest all those with more than one copy at the border. Extra copies were confiscated. Copies of other newspapers, including The New York Times, were either turned back at the border or were not accepted by distributors in Ontario.[11] Gordon Domm, a retired police officer who defied the publication ban by distributing details from the foreign media, was charged and convicted on two counts of contempt of court.

It does look like msm and other media outlets have respected Canada's publication ban during MTR's trial. It also looks like the Canadians that violated the ban during Bernardo's trial did not cause a mistrial and were held accountable for their crimes. I think one of the tweeters reporting MTR's trial briefly mentioned before this incident that charges would be filed against any one who went against the ban.

If anything, I think the Internet would be the most likely outlet that would purchase and publish something breaking the ban. Other websites are nothing like Websleuths. Anything breaking the ban is not allowed here and the mods are moderating this thread. I don't know if other sites really do that, and I think Websleuths is the largest forum of its kind on the Internet.

There are newsources that we cannot link to here because of their reputation. Those types of sites would be the type that would run anything breaking the ban. But obvioously Canada has it under control and if something does happen as it did during Bernardo's trial, they know how to deal with it. I'm not really that worried about whatever happened with those two men.
With Crown Attorneys at the Michael Rafferty murder trial in London, ON resting their 12-part case against the accused, the trial draws that much closer to a close, but they're not there yet.
The next step in the trial now depends solely on what Rafferty's defence team decides to do. They will take the next four days to decide whether they will call any witnesses. Any list of witnesses could include Rafferty himself.

The Defence doesn't necessarily have to call anyone, though. As Justice Thomas Heeney reminded the jury Thursday afternoon, "the defence has no onus to prove anything." The burden of proof in Canadian jury trials is always on the Crown.

Jurors won't find out what lawyer Dirk Derstine decides to do until court reconvenes Tuesday.

If the defence decides not to call any witnesses at all, proceedings will move straight toward closing arguments and the eventual deliberation of the jury.
If Rafferty is called to the stand by Derstine, expect him to be testifying for several days.
When Terri-Lynne McClintic took the stand earlier in the trial it took five-and-a-half days before Crown and Defence lawyers wrapped up their respective examinations.

I was watching the video of Rafferty at the detention center (May 8th, 2009) and he has what look like keys in his hand with a dangling loop of some kind of material. My keys have the same kind of strap thingy. Were his keys and strap analyzed for Tori's DNA and his sperm? I can see MR overlooking getting rid of that kind of object or not cleaning it afterwards. JMO

I was watching the video of Rafferty at the detention center (May 8th, 2009) and he has what look like keys in his hand with a dangling loop of some kind of material. My keys have the same kind of strap thingy. Were his keys and strap analyzed for Tori's DNA and his sperm? I can see MR overlooking getting rid of that kind of object or not cleaning it afterwards. JMO


It would be an awful shame if they over looked it.
I like how his hands are free and the other two are pulling the luggage around. LOL! JMO

It takes one to know one as they say LOL....reminds me of the CA case with Baez.
Listening to this interview with Rodney only reaffirms my belied that there is a lot of evidence that the Crown is not able to introduce to the jury, and that's a real shame.

Why didn't we hear anything about the second trip to the movie theatre? The evidence clearly shows them both wearing different clothes and a different time of day. We don't even know if it was the same day.

Why didn't we hear anything about the second trip to the movie theatre? The evidence clearly shows them both wearing different clothes and a different time of day. We don't even know if it was the same day.


If you watch Matou's link in the post above yours it shows both trips to the theatre and says they returned later the same day.
This is going to be longest of all the long weekends during this trial. Waiting to see what the defence is going to present, hear their opening statements, and wondering if MTR is going to get up on the stand. I guess there's even the chance that we could hear closing arguments too.

Whatever happens, I think we are nearing the end of the trial. At which time we'll get a better idea of what went on in the courtroom. I think that is the only good part about this tweet journalism, we will have lots and lots to discuss while we're waiting for a verdict because that. Always. Seems. To. Take. So. Looooooooooooooooong. :)
I hope MR saw RS tell the press he didn't think he was man enough to testify. If I was falsely accused of a crime, nothing could stop me from telling the world. I guess we will see. JMO
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