Weekend Discussion Thread 04/27-30/2012

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I'm not sure, depends how many they can get I suppose?

"What is OxyContin?
OxyContin (“Oxy” or “OC” on the street) is a time-released pain medication. It was developed in 1995 for people needing around-the-clock pain relief, so they don’t have to take pills as often. OxyContin contains oxycodone, which is an opioid drug, like morphine, codeine, heroin and methadone.

Oxycodone is the same opioid that’s in Percocet, Oxycocet and Endocet.

What’s the difference between Percocet and OxyContin?
Both Percocet and OxyContin relieve pain, but while Percocet gives relief for about five hours, the effects of OxyContin last for about 12 hours.

Percocet contains five milligrams of oxycodone, which is all released when the pill is taken. Percocet also contains acetaminophen (the drug in Tylenol), which makes people sick if they take a lot of it.

OxyContin doesn’t contain acetaminophen. It is pure oxycodone in amounts much larger than in Percocet. In Canada, OxyContin pills come with 10, 20, 40 or 80 mg of oxycodone. Just one OxyContin pill can have the same amount of oxycodone as 16 Percocet pills.

With OxyContin, only part of the oxycodone is released when the pill is taken. The rest of the oxycodone has been coated so that it is released into the body slowly. This is how OxyContin relieves pain for so many hours. "

I agree 100 percent...I too feel that this is very odd...and YES Mr. Rafferty certain DID NOT suddenly appear ...I'll say hmmm may be a stork delivered him at the age of 29...and he just got dropped on OUR wonderful Province Ont...LMAO!...but it is NOT funny in the least way ....I think I shall be traveling to LONDON next week ...I can hardly bare this whole BS story IMO....robynhood!

His mother should have thrown him out and kept the stork - Mae West

bet mom wished she had kept the stork and sent him back MOO

MR was still living with his mom at the age of 28 ... he had no career direction, no income, no life path. She obviously enabled him through his life if she was still providing for her unemployed 28 year old son. It was her responsibilty to ask how he was able to make car payments and where his money came from since she knew he wasn't working. She must have turned a blind eye many times.
IME it's the norm, much of what is out about TLM came out after her trial. We'll have to wait and see if there is more info about MR.

Friends and I were discussing the 1994 Stark trial for the abduction and murder of 14 year old Julie Ann Stanton in Pickering. She was his daughter's best friend. :( It was huge then to have a first degree murder conviction with no body or crime scene. Her remains were found a few years after the trial. Horrible, but at least her remains were found, unlike Liz Bain.

Anyway, the jurors were not told about Stark's past, including serving time for stabbing a hitch hiker and I don't recall what else. I remember being really startled at the time. JME

actually I read most about TLM and her life BEFORE her trial..after she was picked up as a suspect...just how evil and demented she was I learned at this trial...so I am still wondering why we have not heard a great deal about MR's life and upbringing...as I said previously...it all seems to be rather hush hush...JMO
Sorry to take so long getting back to this, I had to step out for a bit. Here is the thread containing the discussion of the social media consultant in the Caylee Anthony case, for those that are interested: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144441"]How the defense team used social media to their advantage - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

MR was still living with his mom at the age of 28 ... he had no career direction, no income, no life path. She obviously enabled him through his life if she was still providing for her unemployed 28 year old son. It was her responsibilty to ask how he was able to make car payments and where his money came from since she knew he wasn't working. She must have turned a blind eye many times.

lots of people live with their parents these days...not unusual at all..we don't know if he was contributing anything or not.. and as per the bank records he certainly was earning $$$..well he had access to $$$ as per the escort "lady"...we know nothing about his relationship with his Mother or his family only what people want to think it was..no actual facts...yes we did hear a snippet from the ex of his Mother but nothing concrete...so until we hear more I would never think to make statements on his relationship with his Mother because I will not surmise anything until I know for certain..the only think I know for a fact now is that he was using drugs and possibly dealing in them...and in a business deal with an "escort"... I think his relationship with CM & TLM MAY have been because of drugs... JMO remember we are "armchair" detectives (or so I have been told many times ha.) JMO
lots of people live with their parents these days...not unusual at all..we don't know if he was contributing anything.. and as per the bank records he certainly was earning $$$..well he had access to $$$ as per the escort "lady"...we know nothing about his relationship with his Mother or his family only what people want to think it was..no actual facts...yes we did hear a snippet from the ex of his Mother but nothing concrete...so until we hear more I would never think to make statements on his relationship with his Mother because I will not surmise anything until I know for certain..the only think I know for a fact now is that he was using drugs and possibly dealing in them...and in a business deal with an "escort"... I think his relationship with CM & TLM MAY have been because of drugs... JMO remember we are "armchair" detectives (or so I have been told many times ha.) JMO

Back in 2009 lots of people were unemployed and living with family ... our economy was in a recession. I had PHD's applying for housekeeping position because they found themselves out of work ... people did a lot of things to earn money.
Sorry to take so long getting back to this, I had to step out for a bit. Here is the thread containing the discussion of the social media consultant in the Caylee Anthony case, for those that are interested: How the defense team used social media to their advantage - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


thanks for that...I also remember the case about the jogger in DC who was missing and later found murdered...I also remember how a member of Congress & his family from CA was crucified nightly on LK live by NG and a few other infamous talking heads when that girl went missing..granted I realize that HE was having an affair with her..thank god that would never be permitted in Canada (not the affair) but the talking head *advertiser censored*..... years later when her body was found they arrested someone else for the crime but the damage had been done by that time...sad... JMO
lots of people live with their parents these days...not unusual at all..we don't know if he was contributing anything.. and as per the bank records he certainly was earning $$$..well he had access to $$$ as per the escort "lady"...we know nothing about his relationship with his Mother or his family only what people want to think it was..no actual facts...yes we did hear a snippet from the ex of his Mother but nothing concrete...so until we hear more I would never think to make statements on his relationship with his Mother because I will not surmise anything until I know for certain..the only think I know for a fact now is that he was using drugs and possibly dealing in them...and in a business deal with an "escort"... I think his relationship with CM & TLM MAY have been because of drugs... JMO remember we are "armchair" detectives (or so I have been told many times ha.) JMO

I push offspring out of the nest when they turn 18. I'm there for them, and they can come back for a short time if they falter, but 18 years old is when I expect children to embark on their own lives. If they study, costs are covered, if they don't study, they are mostly on their own financially. Personally, if I had a 28 year old, unemployed, dishonest, doped-up child in my life, he/she would definitely not be living at home, sponging off me. 28 year old men living with their moms often turn into 50 year old men living with their moms ... they have no incentive to make change ... it's not healthy for anyone. That said, yes, I do have opinions about 28 year old men that still need mom to look after them, none of them flattering to the men or the mom.
MR was still living with his mom at the age of 28 ... he had no career direction, no income, no life path. She obviously enabled him through his life if she was still providing for her unemployed 28 year old son. It was her responsibilty to ask how he was able to make car payments and where his money came from since she knew he wasn't working. She must have turned a blind eye many times.

yes all the money for the expensive clothes, drugs, gas....she had to know it was illegal behavior; unless lordy knows maybe she thought he taught dancing every day.MOO

wonders what he told the neighbours about whether he was employed or not; and wonder what the mother told others about whether he worked or not. MOO
I just ran across this article regarding the crown releasing discovery to TLM and her lawyer. They turned over a massive amount of discovery on 8/12/09 which I would guess included the fact that they could not determine who murdered Tori. TLM knew that they could not determine who did it when she plead guilty. JMO


I truly believe that since she was the one on video kidnapping VS pleading guilty was her only chance of every getting out. Besides life in prison for killing VS because she wanted to stop VS suffering will be hard enough, but almost impossible if she did it for no reason... I DO NOT BELIEVE she plead out of the goodness in her heart …
Back in 2009 lots of people were unemployed and living with family ... our economy was in a recession. I had PHD's applying for housekeeping position because they found themselves out of work ... people did a lot of things to earn money.

The Canadian recession was very mild compared to other countries, and it was only starting in 2009. During a recession, many people take advantage of government retraining opportunities to upgrade skills. Workman's Compensation, Employment Insurance both provide free educational upgrading. I don't know about welfare, but I suspect that there are possibilities for people on welfare to access educational upgrades ... and there is always the option of student loans. Every year, regardless of a recession, people find themselves in difficult financial situations. Some 28 year old single, young, fit, men with no limitations in the world will take the easy route and move in with mom, but many will make the best of the situation and manage on their own.
yes all the money for the expensive clothes, drugs, gas....she had to know it was illegal behavior; unless lordy knows maybe she thought he taught dancing every day.MOO

wonders what he told the neighbours about whether he was employed or not; and wonder what the mother told others about whether he worked or not. MOO

I completely agree. She should have known that something was amiss. Not asking the difficult questions, or intervening to push him to get help and move forward with his life, would be the easy way out. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe his mom was working hard to help her son get on the right path. It's pretty difficult to influence the choices of a 28 year old. Letting him hit rock bottom on a street corner would have been better. I wonder if she always sensed that there was something off about him and thought that it was best to keep an eye on him under her roof.
thanks for that...I also remember the case about the jogger in DC who was missing and later found murdered...I also remember how a member of Congress & his family from CA was crucified nightly on LK live by NG and a few other infamous talking heads when that girl went missing..granted I realize that HE was having an affair with her..thank god that would never be permitted in Canada (not the affair) but the talking head *advertiser censored*..... years later when her body was found they arrested someone else for the crime but the damage had been done by that time...sad... JMO

I'm not sure I understand the correlation between the talking heads and the social media consultant used by the defense team here, but I certainly agree the media can put a slant on things.

Just here at WS - we often find that we have to remind sleuths that some folks are off limits for sleuthing until there is a reason, from LE or MSM, to do so. Most investigations start with those closest to the victim and work their way out - that can be very hard on a family or other loved ones.

So... no talking heads in Canada?

The Canadian recession was very mild compared to other countries, and it was only starting in 2009. During a recession, many people take advantage of government retraining opportunities to upgrade skills. Workman's Compensation, Employment Insurance both provide free educational upgrading. I don't know about welfare, but I suspect that there are possibilities for people on welfare to access educational upgrades ... and there is always the option of student loans. Every year, regardless of a recession, people find themselves in difficult financial situations. Some 28 year old single, young, fit, men with no limitations in the world will take the easy route and move in with mom, but many will make the best of the situation and manage on their own.

One key feature of the downturn is that younger individuals and men from age 25 to 54 have been more affected by job losses (Table 1). Between October 2008 and October 2009, employment declined by 10.8% among young men under 25, and by 6.5% among women in the same age group. Men in their prime working years (25 to 54) were also affected as employment declined by 3.3% over the period for men in this age group. However, gains were seen among those 55 and over, especially for women, among whom employment increased by 6.0%.


Maybe it was just me, but being in the hotel industry I was exposed to many different people from different walks of life, and with that I saw an abundance of young hard working professional men take the long walk back home to mom and dad.
I'm not sure I understand the correlation between the talking heads and the social media consultant used by the defense team here, but I certainly agree the media can put a slant on things.

Just here at WS - we often find that we have to remind sleuths that some folks are off limits for sleuthing until there is a reason, from LE or MSM, to do so. Most investigations start with those closest to the victim and work their way out - that can be very hard on a family or other loved ones.

So... no talking heads in Canada?


It's true. There are no talking heads discussing court cases prior to trial in Canada. The laws (similar to what we saw in England during the Joanna Yeates trial) do not permit the release of any investigative information prior to trial. There will be blurbs on the evening news about crimes, investigations and arrests, but then there is silence until the trial. During trial, updates are available in the news, but I don't think I've ever seen talking heads trying to guess the outcome of a trial, speculating on what will happen, or discussing the personal lives of the suspects. Nancy Grace would be out of a job in Canada.
I truly believe that since she was the one on video kidnapping VS pleading guilty was her only chance of every getting out. Besides life in prison for killing VS because she wanted to stop VS suffering will be hard enough, but almost impossible if she did it for no reason... I DO NOT BELIEVE she plead out of the goodness in her heart …

I wonder what her motivation was to change her story? I am unable to come up with any scenarios that benefitted her. JMO
Maybe it was just me, but being in the hotel industry I was exposed to many different people from different walks of life, and with that I saw an abundance of young hard working professional men take the long walk back home to mom and dad.

My experience was different. I saw that those with marketable skills were able to find employment even when the economy slowed down. The most employable demographic group is young, single, fit men. If they are unable to find work locally, the oil patch in Fort McMurray always has a need for workers, even during recession, where thousands of dollars can be made each month. The only downside for someone like MR is that there's no room for doped up screwups anywhere.

Doped up screwups are all eventually out of work, regardless of the economy.
I wonder what her motivation was to change her story? I am unable to come up with any scenarios that benefitted her. JMO

She was under oath to tell the truth? Maybe her first story morphed between the time that we first heard it and the time that she testified, but that it seems like it was a sudden flip because we only heard about the two conflicting statements with a long time gap in between.
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