Weigh in on statements made early in the investigation. * Discussion*

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OT, but I wonder why Gates is not the one who talks to media anymore (not that anyone does, really) but I wonder if he got a little too emotional?

In that recent interview with him, they said he has a new position. But you know what's strange to me? I don't remember if it's that same article or a different one, still very recent, but they point out that the lead detective on Kyron's case has never spoken publicly. Gossen - Lt. Gossen - IIRC. I'm not even sure that he's ever been seen at a presser. Mystery man.
From a timeline published originally in the Oregonian on June 10th and last updated July 27th:
"9 a.m. Kyron is reportedly seen by a student near the south entrance of the school, according to Sheriff Dan Staton, who says that was the last time the boy was seen. Multnomah County authorities later backtrack on that statement."

(I'd cite a URL, but I saved this particular O story to my hard drive. Sorry.)
It is very frustrating not to have any idea why it changed from "late morning" and "9:00" to Terri was the last to see Kyron, around 8:45AM.

If true, then it just shows how much confusion was present on that morning and that it took 2 weeks or so for LE to sort out fact from fiction.
It is very frustrating not to have any idea why it changed from "late morning" and "9:00" to Terri was the last to see Kyron, around 8:45AM.

If true, then it just shows how much confusion was present on that morning and that it took 2 weeks or so for LE to sort out fact from fiction.

IIRC, when LE made that statement on the 18th, they didn't cite a time, did they?
Perhaps you didn't watch the video? He says it's after interviewing the students and school personnel. I'll try to find a later one where he changes his statement.

"The last known person to have seen Kyron before he disappeared," is the last known person to have seen Kyron before he disappeared. Gates identified that person as Terri. I think it makes perfect sense that he would not want to comment on whether TP changed his story, lied, turned out to be mistaken or whatever it was that convinced LE that Terri was the last person to see Kyron.
It's very frustrating, because when LE made that statement that Terri was the last known person to have seen Kyron before he disappeared, they neither retracted nor corrected the earlier conflicting statements.

It's unusual for LE to just leave the previous info there. But, if they can neither correct nor retract it, then, what else can they do? They had a reason for making the statement they did on the 18th, and we're not privy to that reason.

Gates spent a lot of the pc emphasizing how they had "checked and re-checked" the information they were getting and had interviewed "staff and/or parents, children" two and three times.

I'm in the process of transcribing this presser, since it comes up so often!
Gates spent a lot of the pc emphasizing how they had "checked and re-checked" the information they were getting and had interviewed "staff and/or parents, children" two and three times.

I'm in the process of transcribing this presser, since it comes up so often!

Would you please add it to the presser thread in the Reference Forum when it's done so we can find it easily?

Thanks, Steadfast. :blowkiss:
I think that by Gates doing this on that date (the 18th) he is indicating, without saying so, that TP's statement was incorrect, at least to timing. i.e. as far as when TP saw Kyron, it must have been before 8:45, for example.
And that's what gets me... Why would this teacher think that Kyron was in the bathroom? That leads me to believe that she saw him...knew he was there and had been there.

To me it means the teacher drew her own conclusion because his backpack and jacket were in his seat. I think if it was me, I wouldn't say where I thought he was but I would point out that it looks like he's here because of his backpack and jacket.
Would you please add it to the presser thread in the Reference Forum when it's done so we can find it easily?

Thanks, Steadfast. :blowkiss:

But of course! I hope it's okay, but I'm leaving out the "you knows" he kept throwing in.
To me it means the teacher drew her own conclusion because his backpack and jacket were in his seat. I think if it was me, I wouldn't say where I thought he was but I would point out that it looks like he's here because of his backpack and jacket.
Have we ever had any confirmation of his backpack and jacket being left in class? I can't remember seeing any.
Have we ever had any confirmation of his backpack and jacket being left in class? I can't remember seeing any.

No, but here's some related info:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5409105&postcount=2"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Kyron Horman Case - Myth Busters - *LIST ONLY * NO DISCUSSION *[/ame]

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5436137&postcount=11"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Kyron Horman Case - Myth Busters - *LIST ONLY * NO DISCUSSION *[/ame]

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5422079&postcount=8"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Kyron Horman Case - Myth Busters - *LIST ONLY * NO DISCUSSION *[/ame]
IIRC, when LE made that statement on the 18th, they didn't cite a time, did they?

No, they neer have stated a time or a place. And since LE can say anything they want to further their investigation, I wonder if they said this to spook TH into believeing that a witness, or witnesses saw her outside the school with Kyron, after 9: 00 a.m. ?

Of course, there is also the possibilty that someone really did see TH and Kyron after she says she waved goodbye to him.... I doubt it though, because I think she would have been arrested if that was the case...

So, it is intriguing that LE never did retract that earlier witness time of around 9 ;00 a.m., while also stating that TH saw Kyron last....
When I consider it, how could the last time Kyron was seen be at 8:45, when TH waved to him from 150 feet away ? 150 feet is pretty far, it does not seem likely that there would have been no other children or adults in and around the classrooms at that time... IIRC, children would have been going into their classrooms,getting ready to be put into groups to tour the exhibits...

No, IMO, LE is not meaning that Kyron was last seen at 8 :45....

To me it means the teacher drew her own conclusion because his backpack and jacket were in his seat. I think if it was me, I wouldn't say where I thought he was but I would point out that it looks like he's here because of his backpack and jacket.

But still...why would she draw that conclusion if his backpack and jacket or whatever else he may have brought to school remained in his seat all day...but he was never in his seat.

She sees this and forgets about it?

The teacher made the comment based on something, but whether it was his backpack/jacket I'm really not sure.

ETA: Per BeanE's post above - nothing has been substantiated about the backpack/jacket. So would still have to wonder why the teacher thought Kyron was in the restroom when it was brought to her attention that Kyron wasn't with his group/in his seat.
When I consider it, how could the last time Kyron was seen be at 8:45, when TH waved to him from 150 feet away ? 150 feet is pretty far, it does not seem likely that there would have been no other children or adults in and around the classrooms at that time... IIRC, children would have been going into their classrooms,getting ready to be put into groups to tour the exhibits...

No, IMO, LE is not meaning that Kyron was last seen at 8 :45....


Only one reporter, in only one article, ever gave that 150 feet distance. No idea where he got it from. When only one source reports something like that, especially in a case like this where multiple local news outlets are fighting for infinitesimal details, and publishing from each others' articles, I tend to doubt it. I just figure it was a misunderstanding on the reporter's part.
In the beginning LE stated that Kyron was last seen around 9. TP says he last saw Kyron right at 9 in the hallway in media interviews...

Then after interviewing and questionaires LE stated that Kyron was not seen after Terri left at 845, and that she was the last person to have seen him..

So, IMO one of two things probably happened either TP's account was some how verified by someone else stating they too saw this exchange betwn Kyron and TP, but note that TP was mistaken about the time being 9, that it actually occurred earlier, like 840.. OR ...
TPs account could not be verified, had given many different accounts, etc... leading LE to discredit TP's account all together..

JMO and seemingly the logical explanation for why LE changed their time for Kyron last seen and by whom...
In the beginning LE stated that Kyron was last seen around 9. TP says he last saw Kyron right at 9 in the hallway in media interviews...

Then after interviewing and questionaires LE stated that Kyron was not seen after Terri left at 845, and that she was the last person to have seen him..

This article says TP saw Kyron around 8:45:

Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Kyron's stepmother brought him to school for a school science fair and last saw Kyron near his classroom at about 8:45 a.m.

TP, Kyron's classmate, said he last saw his friend at about the same time when Kyron told him he was headed to look at another student's science project.


Could we have the link for the source where TP said 9:00?

Also, could we have the link for LE stating Kyron wasn't seen after Terri left at 8:45?


This has a lot of links (I hope I did it right) regarding "the last person."

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