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I still laugh at Spitzer making his "lady" take cheap travel for their rendezvous...….cheap *advertiser censored*...that's what got you caught !!!!!!!
IT IS ALL A PILE OF BULLSH!T created by incompetents that have NO idea how to fix the system. HUGE story in Newsday Online, today to be followed up in the print editions for tomorrow and Wednesday.

I went to Sini's office and was turned away. I confronted him a couple of months ago at a Town Hall Meeting and all I got was bullsh!t. He knows who I am because when he was the police commissioner running for DA he gave me his card and said we should have lunch.

VERY SIMPLE, but they won't do it: EVERY FRIGGEN CASE that Spota, Burke, Prudenti, and a host of others had ANYTHING TO DO WITH should be examined no matter how long it takes !

Burke is a convicted criminal that was convicted for essentially was lying. Spota will join him soon. Jim Hickey might be better known as CD#1 for the Spota case is right in the middle.

The main witness in the son in law case was a career criminal named Joe Careccia who lived only 4 doors away from Jim Burke from 1998 -2002.

Mr. Sini apparently doesn't find a need to take a look at this case. Nobody wants money if the conviction is reversed - I just want the fellow's name cleared.

The story in Newsday is nothing more than a PR gambit promoting Sini for whatever it is he wants to do.

I FOUND the above posts and thought it was worth re-posting them. Spota has since been convicted of covering up for Burke. The crimes he was convicted of can be boiled down to LYING.

FORMER LT. JIM HICKEY testified against Spota ! Even more hilarious is Spota is now appealing his conviction because the testimony against him was from a LIAR.... Jim Hickey. Spota got that right.

IT IS ALL A PILE OF BULLSH!T created by incompetents that have NO idea how to fix the system. HUGE story in Newsday Online, today to be followed up in the print editions for tomorrow and Wednesday.

I went to Sini's office and was turned away. I confronted him a couple of months ago at a Town Hall Meeting and all I got was bullsh!t. He knows who I am because when he was the police commissioner running for DA he gave me his card and said we should have lunch.

VERY SIMPLE, but they won't do it: EVERY FRIGGEN CASE that Spota, Burke, Prudenti, and a host of others had ANYTHING TO DO WITH should be examined no matter how long it takes !

Burke is a convicted criminal that was convicted for essentially was lying. Spota will join him soon. Jim Hickey might be better known as CD#1 for the Spota case is right in the middle.

The main witness in the son in law case was a career criminal named Joe Careccia who lived only 4 doors away from Jim Burke from 1998 -2002.

Mr. Sini apparently doesn't find a need to take a look at this case. Nobody wants money if the conviction is reversed - I just want the fellow's name cleared.

The story in Newsday is nothing more than a PR gambit promoting Sini for whatever it is he wants to do.

I FOUND the above posts and thought it was worth re-posting them. Spota has since been convicted of covering up for Burke. The crimes he was convicted of can be boiled down to LYING.

FORMER LT. JIM HICKEY testified against Spota ! Even more hilarious is Spota is now appealing his conviction because the testimony against him was from a LIAR.... Jim Hickey. Spota got that right.

If you folks enjoy this stuff and need some free entertainment you should GOOGLE: Hawkshaw Zero World. There will be several options to open up, you might want to open up the first two. One is Hawkshaw goes to court.

I take a beating by certain individuals. One is a person I believe that crossed my path more than 10 years ago. He followed me around the Internet on different Blog Boards trying to suck me into his BS and then attacking me. You can see many of my posts to certain boards. I thank him for keeping my crusade alive. Most of what I had written has been memorialized by this jackass. Now he is back.

The guy disappeared for a very long time and the other day I went looking for something and found him again. I think he disappeared because he was arrested for trying to lure what he thought was a 13 year old girl to his home and live with him. At the time he was 38. He was really talking to a police officer......golly gee.
.....continued..... was also posting from the SCPD P.A.L. office, and in the same building he posted frwitm the union office of District Attorney's Investigators.

PAL stands for Police Athletic League. And what does PAL do? They deal with children. It might be a coincidence but when that bag was stolen out of Burke's car with sex toys etc. it was a PAL gym bag. The DAI union office was run mostly by Investigators from Spota's office. Burke was the Chief Investigator for Spota at the time.

There came a time Spota had a fight with CE Steve Levy. Levy didn't think PAL should have a staff of working cops being taken off of patrol. I think Levy's objections were more than reasonable: replace cops with lesser paid civilians. Spota thought otherwise. He was the DA so the question was: Why was he getting so involved in something that had nothing to do with him? Hmmm.
I have since been in touch with The Hero from Zero and I find him to be a pretty decent guy. He got mixed up with some crazy people. I know the feeling because I got mixed up with them, too.
It turns out he is NOT the person I thought he might be. You learn each passing day.
.....continued..... was also posting from the SCPD P.A.L. office, and in the same building he posted frwitm the union office of District Attorney's Investigators.

PAL stands for Police Athletic League. And what does PAL do? They deal with children. It might be a coincidence but when that bag was stolen out of Burke's car with sex toys etc. it was a PAL gym bag. The DAI union office was run mostly by Investigators from Spota's office. Burke was the Chief Investigator for Spota at the time.

There came a time Spota had a fight with CE Steve Levy. Levy didn't think PAL should have a staff of working cops being taken off of patrol. I think Levy's objections were more than reasonable: replace cops with lesser paid civilians. Spota thought otherwise. He was the DA so the question was: Why was he getting so involved in something that had nothing to do with him? Hmmm.

I volunteered for PAL. Anyone can volunteer for PAL. They run a background check. It's a mentorship program populated by mostly law enforcement and an activity program where people spend time with children so they have good role models and have a safe place to engage in activities. I know most cops do not teach dance, I do. I thought while sorting things out with the PD that some kids would like to have that option available along with sports...especially for the girls.

I've worked community outreach programs like that for under privileged youth whose family might not be able to afford dance academy tuition in the past and they made me happy.

Cops can be taken off patrol for a variety of reasons when your department is run corruptly--mainly stemming from retaliation or depression or excessive IA complaints regarding misconduct. After an OIS or after some kind of incident where they are injured. Do you know of anyone with SCPD who was retaliated against for reporting corruption in the department, internally or externally?

Has EDNY or FBI identified them and interviewed them about retaliation? This would be crucial to prove in order to support the women’s allegations with credible testimony. Sex workers/crazy people or people with criminal history aren't going to have the same weight in court beside these victims as a female officer would.

A female officer who was subjected to sexual harassment or assault and lost her career due to it is a great place to start. Burke likes dominating alpha females. All lady cops are alpha females, by nature. They have to be dominant women. The sound byte from the dominatrix that had an illicit relationship with Burke told me his type and that there might be some women he was with or had an affair with in the department that could back up these allegations.

If you want to explore to LISK/Burke/Snuff Film angle you have to find any victims the court will listen to and put them on top of these allegations from any sex workers. I can't even believe the FBI listened to Loeb and did something about the civil rights violation or the the beating he took. Not because he doesn't deserve justice--it's just that it's like moving a mountain to be a normal person and ask for their help with ANYTHING.

Maybe it's just a competent field office with a good grasp of civil rights. FBI Atlanta can take a few pages from their book on prosecuting civil rights abuse and misconduct and racketeering. Even working for police departments in this area you have to find a woke department who won't ask you weird things in interviews like, ”What do you MEANNN civil rights?” #Facepalm

Did you just figure out PAL was a police athletic league and realize that?

Next, I didn't know investigators at the DAs office held that kind of power to be corrupt. I thought they just reviewed cases and interviewed people for pending prosecutions. I was interested in that job because it's being a detective but it's less violent and I wouldn't be arresting people and you can make sure everyone is treated fairly and that no innocent people could be convicted of something they didn't do--and if there are problems, you can fix it internally before a wrongful conviction happens that turns into some kind of huge costly scandal. PS: it's with a Woke DA, not somebody who would ask me what I meant when I said I cared about civil rights.

I didn't even know you could investigate on your own free will and maliciously target people without the specific instruction of the DA. Which means whatever Burke did at the job was under Spota’s direction.

I don't know, I liked the youth intervention and community outreach diversion program job a lot. I think jobs like that could really make me happy. Same with PAL.

Investigator jobs with the DA would be nice because I wouldn't be taking people’s freedom *away* with a job like that. I would just be evaluating it to make sure all the ducks are in a row.

I'm all for justice and punishing bad guys fairly and well aware that some people with power are capable of misusing it--but if someone didn't do something they should be let go. It's not like there aren't enough actual bad guys to prosecute.

I thought I could review things and make sure everyone was treated fairly. For instance, the FBI can't open an investigation unless certain criteria are met and it is approved. At least, I thought that was how it works. It's like pulling teeth dealing with the FBI on something small and interstate such as a cyber crime complaint.

Am I wrong here? I didn't think you could mess people up by being an investigator for the DA. I thought they just interviewed people and collected evidence on pending criminal cases that the police missed so the DA can prosecute criminal matters, effectively.

I wanted to be a cop to be an investigator and work homicide and have very little interest in staying on the street more than I had to. Something about petty crime and victimless crimes just irk me and I wouldn't really feel like I was *helping* anyone.

I'd wind up depressed and eventually assigned to desk duty and PAL if I had to do street cop stuff and write tickets for years and never get to flex my mental muscles and analytical skills. If I could skip the depressing part and go do it I'm all for it.

Not all cops are in police work to stay on patrol.

Patrols awful. You have to write reports on silly things, touch dirty people and dirty things, chase and fight people who run from you on foot, constantly. Lock people up for crimes that have no victim besides who you're locking up, watch people get mauled by dogs, watch dogs get shot, watch civil rights violations and misconduct happen, occasionally chase or pursue people in cars.

Occasionally, you really may get to genuinely help people.

Some cops love patrol--Some do not. PAL is great for cops that really want to spend more time helping people...particularly children who are exposed to bad things and negative influences in their lives. His rational is backwards.

In a corrupt department you might not want to be on patrol as your likelihood of getting killed by bad guys and other officers working with the bad guys is way higher. I would assume if they had IA complaints that made them unsuitable that they could discern fairly instead of employ a blanket policy like that.

I just hate to see someone use a position I wanted to work treat people badly and unjustly.
You look at Burke and it's hard to see him as somebody who does this. It's just sad.

There have to be people that they retaliated against or maliciously prosecuted within the department that they put on desk duty or fired. I would start there.
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I have a lot of work before me if I respond adequately to your post. I worked for a well known NYC official who was the long time Honorary President of PAL. His main contribution was his name he gave to the organization. Through him PAL was able to raise millions of dollars thru the years. He did that with fund raisers that packed the people to the rafters. I personally went to three Carnige Hall Frank Sinatra concerts. Had a gala even in a hotel event for the Bee Gees. Was at local movie set when they filmed the Tarvolta dance movie. Several others that raised a ton of money.

Spota and Levy got into a public fight over how the PAL should be staffed. Spota had no standing in such an argument. When Levy was asked by a newspaper if he was going to fight Spota, Levy said, " You don't start a fight with a guy that can indict you.' I mentioned that to him and for some reason he denied it. Trust me he said it. there are things you just don't forget.
Well, there shouldn't be anything to indict. I know you can be maliciously prosecuted and entrapped. Maybe that is what he was referring to.
Trust me, I am more than aware of dirty underhanded police corruption and how they operate when they are covering up misconduct. I know how good and beneficial the system can be and also how bad it can be. I think the main drawback for me right now is finding a place where I don't have to worry about corruption. I wanted to protect people and help people not target people unfairly and lock up or harass innocent people. I don't want to be involved in an OIS as a witness that's unjustified and have a department not take ownership of it and start lying about it and attacking the victim and the family. I would be completely humiliated by working for a department like that and with officers like that.
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Not suggesting there was something to indict other than one could indict a 'ham sandwich'. I am sure it was what he was referring to.
Raising all that money without breaking some law or rule is impossible.

If you were referring to Steve Levy I have to say the people of Suffolk County were getting a square a deal as possible.
Not suggesting there was something to indict other than one could indict a 'ham sandwich'. I am sure it was what he was referring to.
Raising all that money without breaking some law or rule is impossible.

If you were referring to Steve Levy I have to say the people of Suffolk County were getting a square a deal as possible.

I knew it might be funny business when you said then words ”Sinatra”
If you have a permit you can. But I wouldn't recommend you carry a pistol on your hip that is viewable to the public.

What about concealed carry with a permit. Like in your purse or concealed on your body? I mean this guy likes to beat and strangle, you know what fixes that? Hollow points.

The only person you can't shoot or defend yourself against is a cop. I just wonder why these girls didn't carry weapons, even illegally. It seems like a job where carrying a weapon is one of those necessary things when traveling to strange people’s houses where they may be doing illicit things and have priors. Seems necessary.

Had Shannon packed some heat? She'd have a dead serial killer. She was fully clothed with a purse running on the phone with 911, had she had a gun in the purse this might have ended differently. I'm not victim blaming but I am saying maybe we should think about making solicitation a misdemeanor instead of a felony. I mean, these girls *are* the most vulnerable members of society and beaten and exploited the most. Felony convictions make it hard for them to escape or buy a gun without getting a weapons charge for saving their own lives.

As long as they stay clean and get no felony drug charges, I think they should have a right to legally defend themselves instead of stay trapped in that situation and subjected to relentless abuse. Ray said that Shannan didn't have drugs in her hair when they tested her remains. All she had was a solicitation felony charge from a sting in NJ. I feel like Shannan needed the gun, it could have saved her life and obviously she wasn't doing anything other than solicitation. I just think maybe we should rethink how we prosecute women who may be trapped in this lifestyle and go after the pimps so the women can safely escape and defend themselves if necessary.
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Well, there shouldn't be anything to indict. I know you can be maliciously prosecuted and entrapped. Maybe that is what he was referring to.
Trust me, I am more than aware of dirty underhanded police corruption and how they operate when they are covering up misconduct. I know how good and beneficial the system can be and also how bad it can be. I think the main drawback for me right now is finding a place where I don't have to worry about corruption. I wanted to protect people and help people not target people unfairly and lock up or harass innocent people. I don't want to be involved in an OIS as a witness that's unjustified and have a department not take ownership of it and start lying about it and attacking the victim and the family. I would be completely humiliated by working for a department like that and with officers like that.

REFERRING to the last line in the above post: It didn't seem to bother PC Hart and DA Sini one wit. IMO, both are there because they are basically very decent people that put on a good show of respectability.
I have a lot of work before me if I respond adequately to your post. I worked for a well known NYC official who was the long time Honorary President of PAL. His main contribution was his name he gave to the organization. Through him PAL was able to raise millions of dollars thru the years. He did that with fund raisers that packed the people to the rafters. I personally went to three Carnige Hall Frank Sinatra concerts. Had a gala even in a hotel event for the Bee Gees. Was at local movie set when they filmed the Tarvolta dance movie. Several others that raised a ton of money.

Spota and Levy got into a public fight over how the PAL should be staffed. Spota had no standing in such an argument. When Levy was asked by a newspaper if he was going to fight Spota, Levy said, " You don't start a fight with a guy that can indict you.' I mentioned that to him and for some reason he denied it. Trust me he said it. there are things you just don't forget.

Hawkshaw, you are only one person and have kept the corruption in the public eye, any way you could,
are you available in the month's after Spota's sentencing to talk to producers for a new
Netflix series on the LISK case and the corruption of SC? It will be a different format than
shows already done.
What you think about the tapes being released to Ray?
Never thought that day would happen.
Can't await the day -official release to the public.
Sooner or later they had to release the tape because the negative publicity was making life difficult for them.
Hawkshaw, you are only one person and have kept the corruption in the public eye, any way you could,
are you available in the month's after Spota's sentencing to talk to producers for a new
Netflix series on the LISK case and the corruption of SC? It will be a different format than
shows already done.
Why not.

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