Welcome To Websleuths # 2

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Manager Websleuths.com
Staff member
Sep 13, 2003
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Dear Websleuths Members and Guests,

We have looked forward to this day for a long time.

We just delivered a brand new bouncing software platform with all kinds of cool things we could only dream about before.

Please do not get scared. Almost everything is the same and those things that have changed have changed for the better.

The first thing you should try is our new way of sending Private Messages. PM's are now called "Conversations". You can invite up to 5 other people (with you equals 6 people on a conversation) and the conversation looks exactly like a thread on a public forum. However, it is not public, no one in management can see it, and the only people who can read the conversation are those who are actually participating.

One of the biggest changes is going to be how we handle putting members on timeout.

Your timeouts are all done by a point system. This will take away any guesswork.

You are allowed up to 5 points in a 30 day period before you are timed out. The time out length depends on the amount of points you end up. Say you have 4 points and you do something really horrible like call someone stupid. Calling someone stupid could be worth 4 points. Now all of a sudden you have 8 points and that means you get a 5 day time out.

Please do not hold me to these exact numbers. I'm trying to remember and to be honest, my memory sucks more than a sucker fish in a sucking contest.

You will get warnings and your warning is assigned a point value. Let's say being snarky is two points. Those two points will stay on your user name for 30 days then the points drop off.

No one should be getting any points right?

Please remember if you get 5 points or more in 30 days then you are timed out for three days. As the points against you go up so does the time you spend I timeout.
You can solve the problem of being timed out by behaving and reading our Terms of Service.

There is more to tell you and I'll be coming back and answering any questions you may have.

We ask for your patience as we are all on a learning curve here.

Finally, thanks to Dave our IT guy for doing such a good job and making sure everything ran smoothly and he was able to get us up and running 24 hours earlier than expected.

OK fire awa y my true crime angels.
OT....well, I for one do not like this new WS format. I was initially excited, but have come to the conclusion it is way too busy graphically which I find distracting. It feels disjointed to me, also......something about it doesn't flow easily......each message seems compartmentalized rather than conversational, leaving me disinterested for the first time since I joined in 2013. Anyone else?
Hi Everyone,

Welcome to thread # 2 in our Welcome to Websleuths discussion.

Since the last thread has over 1000 posts I am asking you to repeat any problem you are still having.

Not much luck on the "Thanks" button. I will keep you posted.

I know some of you are having difficulting seeing certain areas.

If you feel this issue is strong enough that it will affect you visiting Websleuths then please post about it on this thread.

Not sure how much we can do on the colors at this point but please do not hesitate to bring problems to our attention.

Thank you, everyone, for being so helpful and patient.

Take care,
Not sure if anything can be done, but these are my issues
1. If someone you have on ignore starts a thread, that thread never shows up--can that be changed?
2. Can liked threads be removed from Recent Activity | Websleuths and only show replies?
3. Is there a way to cancel a post that you've already started and change your mind about posting?
I’m partially sighted but finding the new site a lot easier than expected. The areas that are pale orange with orange writing on are difficult to make out, but so far it seems those areas are not something I need to click on anyway.
Visually the thing I’m finding most confusing is the lists of new threads/recent threads that display the photo of the user who started the thread, and not the photo of the subject of the thread. On the old site I used to see a photo of the missing person alongside the thread title. This is further confusing me when a user has changed their picture to a missing person or victim, as many of us do. It’s probably just me struggling with this but thought I’d mention it incase anyone else was finding it confusing.
Not sure if anything can be done, but these are my issues
1. If someone you have on ignore starts a thread, that thread never shows up--can that be changed?
2. Can liked threads be removed from Recent Activity | Websleuths and only show replies?
3. Is there a way to cancel a post that you've already started and change your mind about posting?
Ditto 2 & 3.

No.3 is my bugbear. The text manually deleted if you decide not to post reappears when you refresh the page, and is still there in the reply box even if you close the page and come back again. There used to be a cancel button.
Hi, new here, when I signed up I used my real name (duh) is there any way to change to a nickname?


I do agree that you might want to change to a nickname. But I think only Tricia or an admin can change it for you now. When she comes on next, she will see this and respond.

I am not sure if you can send a private message to her through 'conversation' yet, because I think you need to have 50 posts first, or something like that?

She did post her email in the last thread,just before it closed. You could try emailing her ...
I am really confused. Maybe I'm too tired. But I find this really hard to read, really hard to find information. Really find the colours faded and photos blurred. Can't easily find forums. Keep running into facebook. I don't know where the key is to understanding all the symbols. Where are the instructions for finding the information that used to just pop up in the old site? I don't have the time to waste hunting for the threads that used to be easy to find. I'm sure this took a lot of time and energy to redo. So. is there a set of instructions on how to find the threads? How to find a new thread? How to log out? etc. etc. etc. I was looking forward to catching up, visiting old sites now that I have the time to do that. Very disappointing that I can't.
I am really confused. Maybe I'm too tired. But I find this really hard to read, really hard to find information. Really find the colours faded and photos blurred. Can't easily find forums. Keep running into facebook. I don't know where the key is to understanding all the symbols. Where are the instructions for finding the information that used to just pop up in the old site? I don't have the time to waste hunting for the threads that used to be easy to find. I'm sure this took a lot of time and energy to redo. So. is there a set of instructions on how to find the threads? How to find a new thread? How to log out? etc. etc. etc. I was looking forward to catching up, visiting old sites now that I have the time to do that. Very disappointing that I can't.

Are you on a phone or a tablet or a computer?

On a computer, the new threads just pop right up, on the far right of the screen it says NEW THREADS, and they are constantly updated.

And on the top banner, like the old site, there is NEW POSTS, just like before. It might be different on a phone...?
I would just love the date of the post to be at the top of the post, rather than at the bottom. It's visually easier to scan through newer posts that way.

The only other thing that's bugging me a little is that the 'watched threads' link isn't on every page, and when I find it and click on it it only shows unread threads, by default. I'd like to see all my threads in date order (as it was on the old site) regardless of whether I have clicked on them or not. Is there a way to change that default please?

Other than that, slowly getting used to it, luddite that I am...
I am really confused. Maybe I'm too tired. But I find this really hard to read, really hard to find information. Really find the colours faded and photos blurred. Can't easily find forums. Keep running into facebook. I don't know where the key is to understanding all the symbols. Where are the instructions for finding the information that used to just pop up in the old site? I don't have the time to waste hunting for the threads that used to be easy to find. I'm sure this took a lot of time and energy to redo. So. is there a set of instructions on how to find the threads? How to find a new thread? How to log out? etc. etc. etc. I was looking forward to catching up, visiting old sites now that I have the time to do that. Very disappointing that I can't.
Perhaps the tutorial thread will help a little.

Tutorial: Xenforo Forum Software
The following is what the the top of the Watched Thread page looks like. If you click on There may be more to view, it shows all of your watched threads.

Unread Watched Threads
This is a list of the 20 most recently updated threads with unread replies that you are watching. There may be more to view.
I know, I would just prefer to view all by default, I'll get over it!
Hi Everyone,

Welcome to thread # 2 in our Welcome to Websleuths discussion.

Since the last thread has over 1000 posts I am asking you to repeat any problem you are still having.

Not much luck on the "Thanks" button. I will keep you posted.

I know some of you are having difficulting seeing certain areas.

If you feel this issue is strong enough that it will affect you visiting Websleuths then please post about it on this thread.

Not sure how much we can do on the colors at this point but please do not hesitate to bring problems to our attention.

Thank you, everyone, for being so helpful and patient.

Take care,

Appreciate your responsiveness !!

Crazy question (certainly not my first) just pondering how it knows first unread?

I cant imagine it following each of us by scrolling. I then thought I wonder if it is like timestamp?

Just curious how it is so smart!!

I get the option to go to first unread sometimes not always which is a little confusing !
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