Welcome To Websleuths # 3

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New Post, yes. Watched thread, yes. But Unwatched thread is useless.

History is helpful for most that use it simply for quick-glance bypass.

Birthdays-a waste of space, if space is an issue or not. IMO


i would rather have history than watched threads for us old timers it is like 7 pages -- from 2009 or so!!

history was awesome - especially as the world goes insane its really hard to remember what disaster we are currently discussing because they pile up at times
That's probably why they were disabled - sounds like it has to be stored in the DB (and you don't want infinite history, probably), so it would take up space/time, then the query has to have a join between the thread number and thread information like title.

It is not an infinite list but the last 50 only in order of when you last looked at that thread, so it is your "Top Fifty" and very helpful I find. I hope it has not been confined to the rubbish bin. :-(
My History is gone??? :( (Yes, I saw that Dave told us -- thanks for that, or I would have thought something went wrong on my end) but .... I feel like crying .... :( it's my most useful navigation tool. I do hope this is only temporary. Did I tell you I could :( Big fat alligator :( Tears?

Actually, Watched Threads is similar, isn't it? All that groaning for nothing... oopsie-do. :D Tears are gone, I can still find my favs --- except history was only one page and this is at least six. A litle harder, but workable as a temporary bump. Call it WS acne...

Sighhh ... so hard to be patient when you really have no choice. Hoping all is top-notch soon. Thanks for being persistent in trying to bring it all together as smoothly as possible.

@WS Admin, Dave, could you maybe have a tech thread to just list whatever problems someone might be having each day, with no discussion? Would that make it easier for you to know exactly what is going wrong without the chit-chatty stuff that ends up here? Would there be a way to add "I have this same problem" to posts instead of repeating it over and over? Just trying to come up with a way to save you a little aggravation, if possible. 'Welcome to WS" has become the corner for a litle of everything, venting, praising, suggesting, etc.

I too am extremely frustrated at the loss of history option. I went to use it and poof gone. I used it to keep my place on closed threads. It was a bookmark type of thingie for me. I am behind all the time. I skipped ahead on this thread to find out about the history option.

Some but only some threads allow me to bookmark on my tablet the Exact page I am on. For example, this thread and the Travis Friends Sidebar do allow the exact page number, so many do not.

I have no idea how to use the Watch Thread and it does not show I am on threads that I am on. Eek.

Thank you Spellbound for your great posts.

ETA: I am not too tech savvy, I am so sorry. I am trying lol.
So, so slow. It seems like the Shanann Watts thread is even slower than most, though I don't know if that's possible or just my imagination.

I have thought many a time that my tablet was the reason for problems I have been having. Today all kinds of problems were occurring on this fast moving thread. It is so good to come on here periodically and find out it was not my tablet. lol.

ETA: referring to the fast moving thread Shanann Watts
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I too am extremely frustrated at the loss of history option. I went to use it and poof gone. I used it to keep my place on closed threads. It was a bookmark type of thingie for me. I am behind all the time. I skipped ahead on this thread to find out about the history option.

Some but only some threads allow me to bookmark on my tablet the Exact page I am on. For example, this thread and the Travis Friends Sidebar do allow the exact page number, so many do not.

I have no idea how to use the Watch Thread and it does not show I am on threads that I am on. Eek.

Thank you Spellbound for your great posts.

ETA: I am not too tech savvy, I am so sorry. I am trying lol.

Every thread has a link at the top which says Watch Thread. To watch a thread, click on that and a box will come up and ask you to confirm you want to watch the thread. Unwatching works the same way.

If you post a comment in a thread, there is no need to do the above--it automatically becomes a watched thread.

Then, when you want to see all of your watched threads, click the Watched Threads tab at the top of the website. I've made a bookmark on my device for watched threads which would be the same for anyone on the forum. This is the link:

Did everyone else lose the column with recent thread and post to the right of the screen?

Is that a new format?

Thanks for the Welcome Thread, just starting to look through it on this new format.
Every thread has a link at the top which says Watch Thread. To watch a thread, click on that and a box will come up and ask you to confirm you want to watch the thread. Unwatching works the same way.

If you post a comment in a thread, there is no need to do the above--it automatically becomes a watched thread.

Then, when you want to see all of your watched threads, click the Watched Threads tab at the top of the website. I've made a bookmark on my device for watched threads which would be the same for anyone on the forum. This is the link:


Ahhh. Wow. ah ha.....Light bulb moment.

Could you or someone volunteer to write up a step by step how to for the new software program, perhaps in alphabetical format? and to be a thread but one that is not for comments if that makes any sense what I am asking. For us not so tech savvy people. It would be such an asset.

Thank you so much. This was very helpful.

ETA: I thought since I was in a thread reading the thread, the software was automatic in knowing I was "Watch Thread ". LOL. You know computers being so smart and all.
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Ahhh. Wow. ah ha.....Light bulb moment.

Could you or someone volunteer to write up a step by step how to for the new software program, perhaps in alphabetical format? and to be a thread but one that is not for comments if that makes any sense what I am asking. For us not so tech savvy people. It would be such an asset.

Thank you so much. This was very helpful.

ETA: I thought since I was in a thread reading the thread, the software was automatic in knowing I was "Watch Thread ". LOL. You know computers being so smart and all.

Harmony posted one but I cant find it!
You do have History in the Watched Threads. I just went thru all of mine and there were pages of them back to 2013 and from the old sight. I believe they are all threads I might have commented on though.

Click on Watched Threads and on the bottom left it says Show All Watched Threads. Click on that and they will show up. If you want to get rid of some just click on the box next to the title and at the bottom left it gives you options.

On this new sight I don't always comment to watch a thread. I just click the eyeglass symbol in the upper right of the thread and then I am subscribed.

I hope this is clearer than mud.
Ahhh. Wow. ah ha.....Light bulb moment.

Could you or someone volunteer to write up a step by step how to for the new software program, perhaps in alphabetical format? and to be a thread but one that is not for comments if that makes any sense what I am asking. For us not so tech savvy people. It would be such an asset.

Thank you so much. This was very helpful.

ETA: I thought since I was in a thread reading the thread, the software was automatic in knowing I was "Watch Thread ". LOL. You know computers being so smart and all.

Hilarious. I literally lol'd.:D

ETA, I'm happy to provide answers to questions I know, but I wouldn't even know what to write up.
You do have History in the Watched Threads. I just went thru all of mine and there were pages of them back to 2013 and from the old sight. I believe they are all threads I might have commented on though.

Click on Watched Threads and on the bottom left it says Show All Watched Threads. Click on that and they will show up. If you want to get rid of some just click on the box next to the title and at the bottom left it gives you options.

On this new sight I don't always comment to watch a thread. I just click the eyeglass symbol in the upper right of the thread and then I am subscribed.

I hope this is clearer than mud.

Glad you brought up Show All Watched Threads--I forgot to mention it in my previous post about how I navigate the site.

The only thing I would add to the site would be a tab for New Threads. They were on the widget that Dave just removed, but there were only 10 or so listed and I think a tab with new threads listed from newest to oldest would be nice. They can be found in the New Post tab, though, so it's not really essential--more of just a convenience.

Oh, and while I'm making my wishlist :) I would also remove "Likes" from the list on Recent Activity

Recent Activity | Websleuths

If I'm correctly understanding the difference between Recent Activity and New Posts, I think it would make the Recent Activity link much more useful.
I have never clicked to watch a thread so it must automatically put a thread that you read on your "watch list" AFAIK but WDIK? HTH :)
I have never clicked to watch a thread so it must automatically put a thread that you read on your "watch list" AFAIK but WDIK? HTH :)
It depends on your preferences. I think the default is to automatically watch a thread you post in.


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