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I am really really upset that the recent threads/posts in the sidebar is gone, that was the feature I used the most on the site and we were told before the switch that it would not go away.

Can you please tell us how it helps to go away?

I use that feature a lot too and I hope it will return. Although I have my list of “watched threads,” the “new threads” and “new posts” were my only way to find new threads to follow or to catch posts on threads I had stopped watching. Otherwise it’s impossible to know what’s new. I feel your pain. :(
Maybe I am the only one. I have had an absolutely horrendous few days and this might be a tipping point for me. I came her to finally try to catch up on all that I have missed and That was one my ONE must have feature to keep up. I was not expecting my day to end like this. I do imagine I sound dramatic but when WS has been part of one's daily routine for years it is hard to let it go.

I may have serious withdrawals but maybe it is time. This sucks. Personally for me, I would take slowness over not having that option. I have not once complained about the site being slow. I am in tears right now thinking that something I have come to rely on to destress from my crazy job will be no longer an option.

I have never complained or said me too. I have only asked that that feature not be removed with the new site and prayed that it never would.
I use the recent threads/recent posts everyday too. So I know how you feel. Now that they are gone, I go to the forums that I'm most interested in (missing person discussion for instance) and click on Watch Forum. That way I get an alert whenever anyone starts a new thread. This seems a little convoluted, but it's the only way I can figure out what's going on around here.
Good news!! I see that History and New Posts are back as menu items next to Watched Threads near the top of the page. Small print, so I didn’t notice them earlier and don’t know how long they’ve been there.

Thanks so much, Dave. :)
I have only read a bit of this thread. I can barely post most times I am on. I get the spinny wheel of reload. The screen flashes to lack and reloads the site. I am not sure what is happening. But, my mac says consistently (in the activity monitor) that WS is using 73% or more of my cpu. Everything is hanging. This is the only site I have trouble with-- if I immediately switch to another site, it loads and connects with no spinny wheel of death. I can't even type on this page now with out a delay. Maddening.Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 2.35.56 AM.png
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WS Admin said:
Try deleting your cache and cookies

I did that - that's when my problems started... and a new problem.

The NEW problem - every morning now I have to "Log In" to WS and yes, I click the thing that says "stay logged in", but it doesn't happened. And that "consent" and "accept" come up.

Very frustrating....

Gooddeeds said:
Anyone having issues with Alerts today? Mine aren’t showing up on any threads I’m following.

Yes! I'm not getting my Alerts correctly either.

And I'm sorry to see the "Birthdays" gone... Is there another way to find out whose birthdays are for today? TIA!
Good news!! I see that History and New Posts are back as menu items next to Watched Threads near the top of the page. Small print, so I didn’t notice them earlier and don’t know how long they’ve been there.

Thanks so much, Dave. :)

Phew, a couple more clicks but so glad to have a way to see what the hot cases and to see where the activity is. I can take a deep breath.
I have only read a bit of this thread. I can barely post most times I am on. I get the spinny wheel of reload. The screen flashes to lack and reloads the site. I am not sure what is happening. But, my mac says consistently (in the activity monitor) that WS is using 73% or more of my cpu. Everything is hanging. This is the only site I have trouble with-- if I immediately switch to another site, it loads and connects with no spinny wheel of death. I can't even type on this page now with out a delay. Maddening.View attachment 142551

I have a Mac, and just opened 5 threads to see what would happen re: CPU load and this is my result
Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 10.53.43 AM.png
View attachment 142552 And, then this. Apple says that ultimately the process can fry my hard drive.

I have a Mac, and just opened 5 threads to see what would happen re: CPU load and this is my result
View attachment 142587

Get thee to the Geek Squad before it fries, kaen. I was having a lot of spinny wheel on many sites with my ancient MacBook, and some cleaning up helped a lot. I don’t use it for WS. But it’s very strange that you are ONLY getting that with WS. If you read back in the thread you will see that all devices are effected, especially when Dave is working on the site. I hope he has some insight for you.

Things have been going well lately on my iPad, but it was struggling earlier.
@kaen and others with similar/opposite findings - your recent posts are assisting this thread in a real positive interactive manner. Who knows who else you may be helping? Or who could be helping you? This thread can turn itself around and move forward to rediscover the spirit of this thread ~ welcome...
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