Welcome Tony Padilla

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I hope you are going back into this thread to read the questions already brought up. We are quick. In order to respond to specific posts, simply click on the quote button located on the lower left of the post.

I don't believe the owner of this site would appreciate anyone associated with this case mentioning our site on television or anywhere else without her expressed permission. She is particular how we associate ourselves with good reason.
I guess we could ask him to give some type of signal when they're in front of the cameras, tug on his ear lobe or something as a signal to websleuths.

No he can't do that, Carol Burnette will think it's for her if she's watching. :D
Thank you for being so up front with us. I really appreciate it. I wish Leonard the best of luck in getting Casey to crack. Caylee needs to be found.

May I ask how Leonard plans to handle the press invasion that will be following his every move once he lands in Orlando? Does Casey's parents agree with Casey staying with Leonard 24 hours a day? Has Casey fully agreed to stay with Leonard 24/7 as well?
I agree with the poster about television appearances. If this isn't self serving then we won't be seeing either of you on television, in books about this case or magazine articles. You will be working behind scenes to find Caylee and not advertise yourselves and/or your actions.
As to who contacted Leonard I cannot say. I do know that Leonard has had contact with the defense attorney Mr. Baez. Our original plans were to come out undisclosed. I was putting all the paperwork together for the bond and Leonard was putting everything in motion to get the bond posted. Then on Friday at some point in time it was leaked to the media our intentions. I was very adamant to Leonard that I did not want to be involved with all the media hype. Just to do what we had planned and go from there. I really wish the media had not picked it up. Leonard does love the cameras but he assured me that we would try to pursue this from behind the scenes which is the way I prefer. Notice that I have not been on TV whatsoever and I will try to keep it that way.

So you don't know anything about this report?
"Eyewitness News learned that a third party, only identified as a well-known journalist, put Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, in contact with Tony Padilla Bail Bonds in Sacramento."

These questions are coming at a frantic rate and I am doing my best. The suicide thing is what scares me the most. I will not lose any money but our chance to get information out of Casey which is the reason why we are doing this will be lost. Casey alive and cooperating is of the utmost importance.
I have not seen the pictures. No this is not a publicity stunt. Again we (again I should say Leonard) were asked to get involved in this. We have been promised nothing and expect nothing. Not very many people have the ability to get Casey out of jail and try to get the most important details of this case direct from the mouth of the mother. Leonard has these abilities and trust me when I say he is a good person to possibly get this information out of her.

I wish you the best.
I figure if anyone can deal with the Tweakwreck and AnthonySpeak, you all can.
Unless, of course, more charges are filed in the next day or two and you don't get a chance to bust through the BS.
Yes it is. I have been reading all the lies and misconceptions in regards to myself, my uncle, and some of the facts regarding our involvment. I enrolled here to set some of these things straight if need be.

Welcome to the forum Mr. Padilla. I wish you the best of luck in getting to the bottom of this mystery. Although the members here are analytical and sometimes skeptical, they all seem to have one wish in common: that Caylee Anthony be located and brought home safe and alive.
I have read a story online about your uncle offering his vacant land for homeless people to use until a winter shelter opened. I gathered from that story that your uncle is a solution-oriented and a man of action. Would you say that this is accurate?
FWIW, if this child is brought home safe, her one life is worth anything your family gains as a result.

I guess we could ask him to give some type of signal when they're in front of the cameras, tug on his ear lobe or something as a signal to websleuths.


ROFLMAO!!! Then he will be looking like Drew Peterson telling someone he loved them!
Well, join the club, because we're irritated by a lot of garbage we've heard circulating in this case, too. If your uncle can get Casey to tell the truth, then he will be our hero.
Again, Speak For Yourself. The rest of us will choose our own heros, thank you very much.

This whole entire thing is a money-driven three-ring media circus.
PLEASE do not take this post as being disrespectful as it is honestly not meant to be.

I am against Casey getting out of jail and have stated so on this board. I have a bad feeling about this and have to say that I would be a hypocrite were I not to say so.

Mr. Padilla, it is nothing against you at all. I do not know you, but I do respectfully disagree with the concept of it.

We all have our different opinions.
I have no clue how the process works, but have read various articles and have a few questions. Apparently you have to notify the investigating agency of your intentions on posting bond, which they say hasnt been done? The ankle bracelet takes a few days to get fitted, which I assume they will not even start that process until they are officially informed of the intent to bond her out. So if you are successful in bonding her out earliest she would be released would be Tuesday possibly Wednesday?
I have read that the third party is a high profile media personality, probably in it for the book deal. But like I said, I think you and Uncle should back off the "cameos" and just focus on finding this baby.
Hello Tony
Welcome to Websleuths. People seem to be requesting verification. What is the California bail bond forfiture period and can you name the statute? Second, in California when someone mentions "SLO" what location are they referring to?
As to who contacted Leonard I cannot say. I do know that Leonard has had contact with the defense attorney Mr. Baez. Our original plans were to come out undisclosed. I was putting all the paperwork together for the bond and Leonard was putting everything in motion to get the bond posted. Then on Friday at some point in time it was leaked to the media our intentions. I was very adamant to Leonard that I did not want to be involved with all the media hype. Just to do what we had planned and go from there. I really wish the media had not picked it up. Leonard does love the cameras but he assured me that we would try to pursue this from behind the scenes which is the way I prefer. Notice that I have not been on TV whatsoever and I will try to keep it that way.

I commend you for shying the "limelight", and for being willing to stick out your neck (i.e. your money). The media are like hungry sharks, devouring everything in sight, whether true or not. That goes for Greta, Nancy Grace, Geraldo, you name them. You've seen one, you've seen them all. I have neither seen you on TV, nor do I know anything at all about your uncle. I am a non-TV watcher, I've got better things to do (one of them is being here on WS). I wish I could talk to your uncle, I'm sure he is an expert in handling cases like this one, but I've got a few ideas of my own on how to handle Casey so she feels comfortable enough to spill the beans, and none of them include torture.
As to who contacted Leonard I cannot say. I do know that Leonard has had contact with the defense attorney Mr. Baez. Our original plans were to come out undisclosed. I was putting all the paperwork together for the bond and Leonard was putting everything in motion to get the bond posted. Then on Friday at some point in time it was leaked to the media our intentions. I was very adamant to Leonard that I did not want to be involved with all the media hype. Just to do what we had planned and go from there. I really wish the media had not picked it up. Leonard does love the cameras but he assured me that we would try to pursue this from behind the scenes which is the way I prefer. Notice that I have not been on TV whatsoever and I will try to keep it that way.

LEAKED, huh? Well, then HOW do you explain this?

The Padillas announced the move in an e-mail to Local 6 News.

The e-mail stated:

"On Sunday, August 17, World Famous Bounty Hunter Leonard Padilla and his nephew Tony Padilla, owner of Tony Padilla Bail Bonds of Sacramento, CA., will be traveling to Orlando with two of Leonard Padilla's associates. Tony Padilla will be posting a $500,000.00 bond for the release of Casey Anthony."

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