Welcome Tony Padilla

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WHO am I? That's a CRAZY question...I am me, of course. :)

Well now, there's a non-answer if I ever heard one!

You joined Websleuths at the same time the bond story involving Tony Padilla hit the news. Immediately you are all over him telling him to butt out. Do you have a bone to pick with Tony?

Thanks AlishaGal for the words of encouragement. As for flight arrival time and information like that I have never said when I will be there nor will I. Leonard will be there some time tomorrow. I will be following at a later time. As for the TV shows I was extremely upset today being on the Fox show today. That host Jamie Colby was pathetic!! I agreed to be on the show only if we could speak about certain issues regarding the bail, it's purpose, and our true intentions. None of that ever were addressed and I was very upset about that. Greta though was very nice and she really wanted me to be on the show even though I really did not want to. Trust me when I say that I will more than likely not be on anymore!!
My fiancee' and I watch everything we can on this case and he gets so frustrated with the talking heads talking over each other and stepping all over what their guests have to say. Another reason why I think this case would be best served if you all would back off the shows and just focus on the reason you want to bond this woman out...to find Caylee Marie.
Well Good Luck to you I hope and pray that someone can gets answers and if you think your group can I'm all for it! Caylee needs to be home! It breaks my heart!
Do you know the new family spokesperson?
Mr. Padilla has read what we have all written on the matter and knows where we stand. This is an opportunity to learn. Being respectful has nothing to do with "starstruck" as it is more of being an adult.
The reason I'm asking I have a friend that OWNS 4 Bail Bond Companies! If you do not own one in florida it's out of your jurisdiction so which company are you working with? Thanks!

I did not think we were supposed to plug businesses on here.
Thanks AlishaGal for the words of encouragement. As for flight arrival time and information like that I have never said when I will be there nor will I. Leonard will be there some time tomorrow. I will be following at a later time. As for the TV shows I was extremely upset today being on the Fox show today. That host Jamie Colby was pathetic!! I agreed to be on the show only if we could speak about certain issues regarding the bail, it's purpose, and our true intentions. None of that ever were addressed and I was very upset about that. Greta though was very nice and she really wanted me to be on the show even though I really did not want to. Trust me when I say that I will more than likely not be on anymore!!
If you truly are Tony Padilla , I wish you every success and may you lead us to Caylee.
I am only licensed in California. My surety company which is Financial Casualty and Surety will have a Florida licensed bondsman actually post the bond which will be transferred to me. Thus a transfer bond. Paladine please repeat your question if I missed it.
Mr. Padilla has read what we have all written on the matter and knows where we stand. This is an opportunity to learn. Being respectful has nothing to do with "starstruck" as it is more of being an adult.

AMEN! I would think that if we wanted some answers we could show respect. If not then maybe this is not the thread for you.
SS you are quick and efficient. Maybe you could go back through the thread and find the questions that have been posted and bring them all together?
Please excuse me for quoting my own post, but I find it interesting that Paladine is so vocal about his or her criticizm of Tony Padilla, but won't respond to my question about his or her motives.

Palandine is NOT the one who is gambling the Five Hundred Grand to spring this 'Casey' out of jail. This thread is not entitled 'Welcome Palandine", but rather 'Welcome Tony Padilla'.

(But I'll say it. Welcome, Pal. Glad to hear the voice of reason.)
IMO, it is worth any price if Caylee is found. If money were no object, I would invest something in finding this child. Finding Caylee is the first priority in this case. Second is prosecuting whoever is responsible for taking her away. If this family gains anything, is she not worth it?

FWIW, just judging by the increase in traffic here, I would assume that viewership is up for shows like Greta and NG and they are raking in the advertising dollars. Fox is already making money off of reporting on this tragedy. No one is maligning them.

Sorry y'all. I'm done ranting now.
Please, if I do not get to everyone, forgive me! I am trying me best and my typing needs work!!! Thanks for the definition of terms! Very helpful. Again I joined the other day (Friday evening) when I saw soem of the ridiculous lies on this site and others. I am only posting here. This is plenty! Some people seem very logical and courteous whereas others are interested in lies and themselves. Remember Caylee is the focal point here. Not me, Leonard, Casey or anybody else. JUST CAYLEE!!!!!
Mr. Padilla, You said you have not talked to Casey. However, my question to you is: Has Casey agreed to talk to you, Leonard or your associates? Is there some arrangement to that effect?
The FBI and LE will find out what happened to Caylee on their own if this circus would cease to exist.

Will you Mr. Padilla withdraw your gesture of bailing Casey out and help to quell this madness that does nothing but detract from finding Caylee?

With all due respect. I could be wrong but I would venture to guess that he knows more about this case than any of us. I don't feel they would be coming here to bail her out if it was likely to hinder this investigation.
Remember we did not "inject ourselves" into the case. Leonard was sought out. As to why I cannot answer. Leonard deals with liars everyday. He has to sort out the garbage as to what comes out of their mouths all the time. He is very good at getting results and I will say this, if my daughter was missing I would rather have Leonard looking for her rather than anybody and I mean anybody. As for me joining I saw what BS was coming from this sight and I thought this would be a decent forum to state my opinions and the truth.

You know what? I believe you are sincere in what you are saying.
I've been thinking about this since hearing you were going to bail her out. I couldn't see the sense in her attorney requesting it, so it couldn't have come from him. Someone really wants to find the truth and are hoping this will work. So, if you are truly committed to that, then more power to you.
Casey can't be held if the justice system doesn't have a reason to deny her bond. She won't talk in jail. So, if she is elegible for bail and they stipulate that she has to be monitored and will be entrusted to these folks, looks like we have to hope for the best and insist that the best be done to find Caylee and prosecute everyone responsible for her disappearance.
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