Wendy Murphy: Klonopin + pineapple?

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Apr 23, 2004
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I heard Wendy Murphy on a radio talk show recently. She had just read through the police questioning of the Ramseys and asked some interesting questions. I don't know this case as well as the rest of you, so I will throw this open. I love Wendy on TV and know she's a victim's advocate and former prosecutor, so I'm guessing she may know more than the average bear.

Wendy began by stating that the undigested pineapple is the most important evidence in this case.

She said since JB had undigested pineapple in her belly, we know it means she ate it within approximately two hours of death and that no pineapple was served at Fleet White's party. A bowl of pineapple was found on the dining table in the Ramsey home when police arrived on the 26th.

So her first point: We can assume the contents of the pineapple bowl were tested because there was undigested pineapple in the child's belly, even though the results of this test have never been made public.

Her next, more subtle point: Why would both John and Patsy Ramsey adamantly insist that they did NOT give JB pineapple? Patsy's and Burke's fingerprints were on the bowl, yet both claim if anyone gave the child pineapple, it had to be the intruder. John was zealous in proposing this excuse to explain how JB might have had an opportunity to eat the fruit after the got home that night around 9:30. In fact, he came up with it on the day AFTER he was first asked about the pineapple and he explained that he got the idea from his attorney.

Wendy continued with: Given that there is nothing sinister about giving a child pineapple, and given the obvious connection of that bowl, Patsy's fingerprints and the undigested pineapple in JB's belly, it's more than apparent that their firm resistance to admitting that they gave the pineapple to JB is that they KNEW it contained a sedative (something we would know was NOT true if it WERE untrue).

This sedative idea is not speculative because in the same general location of the police interrogation of John Ramsey, John was also asked about drugs in the home -- in particular, whether he was aware that Patsy was taking Klonopin.

John said no, but the interesting thing about Klonopin is that it can cause seizures in kids.

Wendy added that she doesn't believe there were no drugs in the JB's system -- it isn't even reasonable to believe there was ONLY one toxicology exam because some screening tests only look for certain drugs, and then more tox screens are done subsequently to look for additional specifically identified drugs. So it may very well be the case that drugs were found -- and I'm guessing they found evidence of Klonopin -- or at least some type of anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug given the vast number of questions asked of both Rams during their 1998 police interviews.

Wendy continued with: How does asking them about the meds they were taking translate to the police found drugs in JB's body? The short answer is: Any reasonable lawyer would easily instruct their client to refuse to answer such a probling question and easily persuade the police not to ASK such an intrusive question -- unless the information was truly important and highly relevant to the investigation. Thus, the very fact that they were asked and answered all the questions about the drugs they were using in telling.

Wendy's last point: Why on earth would the Rams drug the child prior to the abuse and accidental strangulation?

She offered this obvious answer -- kiddie *advertiser censored* victims are often sedated to make them compliant -- and to be sure, sedation would be especially necessary if the *advertiser censored* was going to be S&M style that night, which the garrote and cords around her wrists suggest.
You know...I don't know who Wendy Murphy is, but I've had the chance to read up on her a bit on this forum. What she is saying is very interesting.

I read Stephen Singular's book this past week. I thought, and it's just my humble opinion, that he has some very interesting perspectives on this case.

Now we have Wendy Murphy making statements that dovetail into what Singular has stated about this murder. I still think Singular's on to something here. One Boulder cop, in particular (can't recall his name)...spoke with Singular and told Singular he was 'very incisive' and seemed to give every indication that Stephen was near the mark as to his theory about what may have happened to this poor little girl.

Singular states that it may be quite probable that one parent knew more than the other...that perhaps NEITHER of them actually murdered their daughter, but they know who probably did. That would explain, perhaps, why two sets of attorneys were hired...two for him...two for her.

There is a woman by the name of Kay Griggs, who has gone underground to reveal the truth about our government/military connections (her husband is a former NATO head of Psychological Operations). The minister interviewing her mentions the Ramsey case to her after she had made a remark about a 'sexual perversion' ring in Colorado. She stated, unequivocally, that the parents 'were involved' and this whole thing is a cover-up. She stated this is the reason there has been no arrest (this was before the Karr fiasco), and there will be, no arrest. AND...according to Singular, perhaps too many well-connected political figureheads in and around Boulder would be 'hurt' if this thing blew wide open.

Mrs. Griggs is from a proment Virginia family, with a strong Naval Intelligence background. I've viewed her entire 8-1/2 interview with Pastor Strawcutter. I think she's telling the truth...and I still say that what Singular is saying ties into what Mrs. Griggs states in her interview.

JMHO, of course...
and there will be, no arrest. AND...according to Singular, perhaps too many well-connected political figureheads in and around Boulder would be 'hurt' if this thing blew wide open.
I disagree. This Karr incident has only stirred things up some, but it will blow open sooner than later. My 6th sense is telling me that guilt is mounting and mental weakness and detrioration is on the horizon. That certain someone will feel the need to repent to save his (and another's) soul. BHR knows too.
halycon said:
I heard Wendy Murphy on a radio talk show recently. She had just read through the police questioning of the Ramseys and asked some interesting questions. I don't know this case as well as the rest of you, so I will throw this open. I love Wendy on TV and know she's a victim's advocate and former prosecutor, so I'm guessing she may know more than the average bear.

Wendy began by stating that the undigested pineapple is the most important evidence in this case.

She said since JB had undigested pineapple in her belly, we know it means she ate it within approximately two hours of death and that no pineapple was served at Fleet White's party. A bowl of pineapple was found on the dining table in the Ramsey home when police arrived on the 26th.

So her first point: We can assume the contents of the pineapple bowl were tested because there was undigested pineapple in the child's belly, even though the results of this test have never been made public.

Her next, more subtle point: Why would both John and Patsy Ramsey adamantly insist that they did NOT give JB pineapple? Patsy's and Burke's fingerprints were on the bowl, yet both claim if anyone gave the child pineapple, it had to be the intruder. John was zealous in proposing this excuse to explain how JB might have had an opportunity to eat the fruit after the got home that night around 9:30. In fact, he came up with it on the day AFTER he was first asked about the pineapple and he explained that he got the idea from his attorney.

Wendy continued with: Given that there is nothing sinister about giving a child pineapple, and given the obvious connection of that bowl, Patsy's fingerprints and the undigested pineapple in JB's belly, it's more than apparent that their firm resistance to admitting that they gave the pineapple to JB is that they KNEW it contained a sedative (something we would know was NOT true if it WERE untrue).

This sedative idea is not speculative because in the same general location of the police interrogation of John Ramsey, John was also asked about drugs in the home -- in particular, whether he was aware that Patsy was taking Klonopin.

John said no, but the interesting thing about Klonopin is that it can cause seizures in kids.

Wendy added that she doesn't believe there were no drugs in the JB's system -- it isn't even reasonable to believe there was ONLY one toxicology exam because some screening tests only look for certain drugs, and then more tox screens are done subsequently to look for additional specifically identified drugs. So it may very well be the case that drugs were found -- and I'm guessing they found evidence of Klonopin -- or at least some type of anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug given the vast number of questions asked of both Rams during their 1998 police interviews.

Wendy continued with: How does asking them about the meds they were taking translate to the police found drugs in JB's body? The short answer is: Any reasonable lawyer would easily instruct their client to refuse to answer such a probling question and easily persuade the police not to ASK such an intrusive question -- unless the information was truly important and highly relevant to the investigation. Thus, the very fact that they were asked and answered all the questions about the drugs they were using in telling.

Wendy's last point: Why on earth would the Rams drug the child prior to the abuse and accidental strangulation?

She offered this obvious answer -- kiddie *advertiser censored* victims are often sedated to make them compliant -- and to be sure, sedation would be especially necessary if the *advertiser censored* was going to be S&M style that night, which the garrote and cords around her wrists suggest.

Halycon, this is all very interesting. I too admire Wendy Murphy and have a lot of respect for her.

What radio station? Maybe they have audios, so we could hear her. I do remember the other evening, I did hear her mention klonopin, but I didn't catch the drift of what she was saying, as it was about her last sentence she was able to get out. You know how that goes.

This could make a lot of sense in the R's not wanting to admit JonBenet had eaten pineapple.-and- JR and PR were conflicting to what BR was to have stated about JonBenet's being asleep verses she was awake when they returned home. What would be the reason?

I've never heard anything about drugs being found in the testing of JonBenet. Doesn't mean it wasn't. Maybe some others at Wbs have some information in that regard, or some theories. I did read tonight, where the pineapple found in JonBenet was tested, and found to be compatible with the pineapple in the bowl.

It is notable and interesting tho, Wendy sighting the reference to the order of the questioning by LE concerning the pineapple and the drugs in the home.

I have always wondered what the big deal was about denying their involvement with the pineapple and the bedtime scenario.

Wendy could be on to something!

What crossed my mind, if JonBenet hadn't been tested for drugs, one would think she had, but if not, this could be another reason why JR didn't want JonBenet's body exhumed for examination of the marks found on her neck, thought by some to have been made by a stun gun. Was there fear of retesting for something else???

I hope some others give their input, as I am in a quandary as to why there haven't been any comments made to your post.

She offered this obvious answer -- kiddie *advertiser censored* victims are often sedated to make them compliant -- and to be sure, sedation would be especially necessary if the *advertiser censored* was going to be S&M style that night, which the garrote and cords around her wrists suggest.

I know it is said, people are capable of anything. There was an article I read today, which ended just that way. I don't know. I have no comment. Just too difficult for me to go there. Not saying it couldn't have happened.

More needs to be known.

I have always wondered if it was possible there was a connection to something sexual going on there, but not quite on this level.

Interesting, but I have to give this some more thought. Leave it to Wendy, I hope she continues to speak out and keep this case in the forefront. That is about the only good thing about JMK, Tracey, and Lacy, the case of JonBenet is alive again! (TraceyLacy;) )
Kim Ii said:
You know...I don't know who Wendy Murphy is, but I've had the chance to read up on her a bit on this forum. What she is saying is very interesting.

I read Stephen Singular's book this past week. I thought, and it's just my humble opinion, that he has some very interesting perspectives on this case.

Now we have Wendy Murphy making statements that dovetail into what Singular has stated about this murder. I still think Singular's on to something here. One Boulder cop, in particular (can't recall his name)...spoke with Singular and told Singular he was 'very incisive' and seemed to give every indication that Stephen was near the mark as to his theory about what may have happened to this poor little girl.

Singular states that it may be quite probable that one parent knew more than the other...that perhaps NEITHER of them actually murdered their daughter, but they know who probably did. That would explain, perhaps, why two sets of attorneys were hired...two for him...two for her.

There is a woman by the name of Kay Griggs, who has gone underground to reveal the truth about our government/military connections (her husband is a former NATO head of Psychological Operations). The minister interviewing her mentions the Ramsey case to her after she had made a remark about a 'sexual perversion' ring in Colorado. She stated, unequivocally, that the parents 'were involved' and this whole thing is a cover-up. She stated this is the reason there has been no arrest (this was before the Karr fiasco), and there will be, no arrest. AND...according to Singular, perhaps too many well-connected political figureheads in and around Boulder would be 'hurt' if this thing blew wide open.

Mrs. Griggs is from a proment Virginia family, with a strong Naval Intelligence background. I've viewed her entire 8-1/2 interview with Pastor Strawcutter. I think she's telling the truth...and I still say that what Singular is saying ties into what Mrs. Griggs states in her interview.

JMHO, of course...
I'm new here, but I've been lurking for awhile.First let me say I am convinced from all the evidence that the RDI.I think she's onto something too,as statements JR made in DOI stuck right out at me when I read this.Actually they glared right out at me !
When JR talks about carrying JBR to bed that night,(after she'd "fallen asleep" in the car),he says he was surprised at what a deep sleep she was in,or something to that affect, as in, he was surprised at how sound asleep she was.
Prior to that, he makes a point of talking about how Priscilla White served JBR cracked crab on a dish she made "just for her" at the dinner party that evening.(As in, no one else would be eating it but her).
I believe JR put that in the book because he knew JBR had been drugged that evening, and he was trying to cast suspicion off himself and PR,and onto the White's.(I've been reading here long enough to believe that the White's aren't guilty of anything).But I think he was trying to make it seem as though the plate she was served at the White's house that was just for her was drugged by the White's.And that's why he says he was surprised as how asleep she was when he was putting her to bed.(As in,she feel asleep on the way home because her food had been drugged there).I think he had no choice but to say that because he knew about the drug or drugs in her system,from the pineapple *they gave her sometime after they got home.
I noticed some people here have speculated as to why JR said that JBR was sound asleep and didn't ever wake up when she was taken from the car and put to bed.I believe he had no choice but to say that,under the circumstances,if he wanted to save his own self as well as PR's.
I would love to hear any responses or thoughts anyone has on this.I have long thought from those comments that he was trying to say the White's tampered with her food.Now that this was posted,I think it all makes sense.Thanks !
So Patsy suffered from panic attacks and probably depression. Hmmmmmmmmmm
Kim Ii -- I just read Singular's book--He has interesting thoughts and he's very positive that child *advertiser censored* is growing. After I finished his book I could see what might have happened to JonBenet. It's sickmaking to think she was an object of *advertiser censored*, possibley with her parents' cooperation.

It's very difficult to see JR and/or PR promoting their daughter for child pornographic pictures/and or films. They didn't need the money that they would be paid for the photoshoot So why did they encourage a photographer
to come late at night the day after Xmas (and they were leaving early the next day for Michigan) to take pictures of their beloved daughter. I just can't buy it.

I'm beginning to think, once again, that the Ramsey had nothing to do with
the murder. And, I think it is possible an intruder entered the house. And the intruder was somebody they knew, or who knew them.

I've just ordered a paperback of Steve Thomas' book. Tonight on LKL Lin Wood denounced the book and said the Ramsey had sued him and won.

So we shall see.
It seems Pasty had mental health "issues" long before JonBenet's death
JMO8778 said:
I'm new here, but I've been lurking for awhile.First let me say I am convinced from all the evidence that the RDI.I think she's onto something too,as statements JR made in DOI stuck right out at me when I read this.Actually they glared right out at me !
When JR talks about carrying JBR to bed that night,(after she'd "fallen asleep" in the car),he says he was surprised at what a deep sleep she was in,or something to that affect, as in, he was surprised at how sound asleep she was.
Prior to that, he makes a point of talking about how Priscilla White served JBR cracked crab on a dish she made "just for her" at the dinner party that evening.(As in, no one else would be eating it but her).
I believe JR put that in the book because he knew JBR had been drugged that evening, and he was trying to cast suspicion off himself and PR,and onto the White's.(I've been reading here long enough to believe that the White's aren't guilty of anything).But I think he was trying to make it seem as though the plate she was served at the White's house that was just for her was drugged by the White's.And that's why he says he was surprised as how asleep she was when he was putting her to bed.(As in,she feel asleep on the way home because her food had been drugged there).I think he had no choice but to say that because he knew about the drug or drugs in her system,from the pineapple *they gave her sometime after they got home.
I noticed some people here have speculated as to why JR said that JBR was sound asleep and didn't ever wake up when she was taken from the car and put to bed.I believe he had no choice but to say that,under the circumstances,if he wanted to save his own self as well as PR's.
I would love to hear any responses or thoughts anyone has on this.I have long thought from those comments that he was trying to say the White's tampered with her food.Now that this was posted,I think it all makes sense.Thanks !
PS Perhaps this is why the video of xmas morning supposedly "disappeared." Perhaps someone was in it that had something to do with this,and this is where a film started,at the beginning of xmas morning with everyone unwrapping presents.(Perhaps even JAR,as a neighbor thought he saw him that day?)
I have to wonder if this is why JBR was told she was getting a special visit from Santa after Xmas, too.It sounds like something was preplanned.
I have always wondered about JR's visit to the airport as well.Maybe he picked someone or some people up there that were involved in whatever was going on.(maybe even JAR?).
Welcome to Websleuths JM08778! :) (Can I call you JM) :)

Prior to that, he makes a point of talking about how Priscilla White served JBR cracked crab on a dish she made "just for her" at the dinner party that evening.(As in, no one else would be eating it but her).

Interesting, in relation to the main post of this thread. I think, others were having cracked-crab also, but it was noted as you said, this plate was just for JonBenet. Seems to me, I remember reading where it was thought, JonBenet didn't eat the special cracked-crab made for her. For the life of me, I can't remember where that came from. :doh: Would not matter, and it sounds plausible to me.

In reference to something 'sexual' going on in that house (IF), and if it involved JR, I wonder if that could have been the root of what the fall out was about between JR and FW. Guys know how other guys are sometimes, if you get the drift. I am not insinuating anything about FW, absolutely not, but was there something about JR, which FW knew or suspected. Sometimes it's those quiet ones, least suspecting ones, who can be the shockers! But usually guys know guys, and what is going on, or suspect what is going on. Or had gone on. imo
LaMer said:
Welcome to Websleuths JM08778! :) (Can I call you JM) :)

Interesting, in relation to the main post of this thread. I think, others were having cracked-crab also, but it was noted as you said, this plate was just for JonBenet. Seems to me, I remember reading where it was thought, JonBenet didn't eat the special cracked-crab made for her. For the life of me, I can't remember where that came from. :doh: Would not matter, and it sounds plausible to me.

In reference to something 'sexual' going on in that house (IF), and if it involved JR, I wonder if that could have been the root of what the fall out was about between JR and FW. Guys know how other guys are sometimes, if you get the drift. I am not insinuating anything about FW, absolutely not, but was there something about JR, which FW knew or suspected. Sometimes it's those quiet ones, least suspecting ones, who can be the shockers! But usually guys know guys, and what is going on, or suspect what is going on. Or had gone on. imo
Yes, JM is fine.And thank you for the welcome. :)
JR stated in DOI that FW never had a regular job as long as he'd known him.Whether he knew of anything going on or not,it seems JR was again trying to cast suspicion on FW.As in,he had to have been making money somehow.

Just from reading the book alone,JR really gets my goat !
I've just ordered a paperback of Steve Thomas' book. Tonight on LKL Lin Wood denounced the book and said the Ramsey had sued him and won.

Note, imo, some things he had to say were laughable! Lin Wood, not Steve Thomas.

Good choice! :) Last week, a friend was visiting, she borrowed my DOI book, so I picked up another one at the flea market for 50 cents! :dance:
JMO8778 said:
Yes, JM is fine.And thank you for the welcome. :)
JR stated in DOI that FW never had a regular job as long as he'd known him.Whether he knew of anything going on or not,it seems JR was again trying to cast suspicion on FW.As in,he had to have been making money somehow.

Just from reading the book alone,JR really gets my goat !

You are Welcome! :)

My goat too! LOL

I think, FW had family money. I know a lot of people like that. Wish I did. :) Unfortunetly, it is not that way! LOL
Linda7NJ said:
It seems Pasty had mental health "issues" long before JonBenet's death

If she was taking Klonopin, that would have made her depression even worse.She should have been given an antidepressant or a non-addictive sedative like buspar instead for anxiety/panic attacks.
LaMer said:
You are Welcome! :)

My goat too! LOL

I think, FW had family money. I know a lot of people like that. Wish I did. :) Unfortunetly, it is not that way! LOL
For me either ! LOL
Btw, I have always wondered about the comment FW made to JR in DOI,the "you know what I have to do now, John!'
Glad you found the book cheap and didn't fund the Ram's save themselves fund ! LOL
Originally Posted by Zelda
I've just ordered a paperback of Steve Thomas' book. Tonight on LKL Lin Wood denounced the book and said the Ramsey had sued him and won.
Wood is once again putting his foot in his mouth. The lawsuit settled, and I'd love to know what Wood thinks he managed to "win" for the Ramsey's. Steve paid them nothing, he can sell his book unaltered, he can state his opinion that Patsy did it in public whenever he wants to... what the hell does Wood think he "won"? I can tell you right now, if this case ever went to court it would have gotten nowhere. Free speech is a protected right, and as Wendy Murphy blasted Wood when he threatened to sue her, too, so recently she quite loudly reminded him of that fact...
shoe_horn said:
I disagree. This Karr incident has only stirred things up some, but it will blow open sooner than later. My 6th sense is telling me that guilt is mounting and mental weakness and detrioration is on the horizon. That certain someone will feel the need to repent to save his (and another's) soul. BHR knows too.
Maybe that's why JR mentioned he might be leaving the country.
What crossed my mind, if JonBenet hadn't been tested for drugs, one would think she had, but if not, this could be another reason why JR didn't want JonBenet's body exhumed for examination of the marks found on her neck, thought by some to have been made by a stun gun. Was there fear of retesting for something else???

good thought LeMar,I hadn't thought about that.That makes a lot of sense.
halycon said:
I heard Wendy Murphy on a radio talk show recently. She had just read through the police questioning of the Ramsey's and asked some interesting questions. I don't know this case as well as the rest of you, so I will throw this open. I love Wendy on TV and know she's a victim's advocate and former prosecutor, so I'm guessing she may know more than the average bear.

Wendy began by stating that the undigested pineapple is the most important evidence in this case.

She said since JB had undigested pineapple in her belly, we know it means she ate it within approximately two hours of death and that no pineapple was served at Fleet White's party. A bowl of pineapple was found on the dining table in the Ramsey home when police arrived on the 26th.

So her first point: We can assume the contents of the pineapple bowl were tested because there was undigested pineapple in the child's belly, even though the results of this test have never been made public.

Her next, more subtle point: Why would both John and Patsy Ramsey adamantly insist that they did NOT give JB pineapple? Patsy's and Burke's fingerprints were on the bowl, yet both claim if anyone gave the child pineapple, it had to be the intruder. John was zealous in proposing this excuse to explain how JB might have had an opportunity to eat the fruit after the got home that night around 9:30. In fact, he came up with it on the day AFTER he was first asked about the pineapple and he explained that he got the idea from his attorney.

Wendy continued with: Given that there is nothing sinister about giving a child pineapple, and given the obvious connection of that bowl, Patsy's fingerprints and the undigested pineapple in JB's belly, it's more than apparent that their firm resistance to admitting that they gave the pineapple to JB is that they KNEW it contained a sedative (something we would know was NOT true if it WERE untrue).

This sedative idea is not speculative because in the same general location of the police interrogation of John Ramsey, John was also asked about drugs in the home -- in particular, whether he was aware that Patsy was taking Klonopin.

John said no, but the interesting thing about Klonopin is that it can cause seizures in kids.

Wendy added that she doesn't believe there were no drugs in the JB's system -- it isn't even reasonable to believe there was ONLY one toxicology exam because some screening tests only look for certain drugs, and then more tox screens are done subsequently to look for additional specifically identified drugs. So it may very well be the case that drugs were found -- and I'm guessing they found evidence of Klonopin -- or at least some type of anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug given the vast number of questions asked of both Rams during their 1998 police interviews.

Wendy continued with: How does asking them about the meds they were taking translate to the police found drugs in JB's body? The short answer is: Any reasonable lawyer would easily instruct their client to refuse to answer such a probling question and easily persuade the police not to ASK such an intrusive question -- unless the information was truly important and highly relevant to the investigation. Thus, the very fact that they were asked and answered all the questions about the drugs they were using in telling.

Wendy's last point: Why on earth would the Rams drug the child prior to the abuse and accidental strangulation?

She offered this obvious answer -- kiddie *advertiser censored* victims are often sedated to make them compliant -- and to be sure, sedation would be especially necessary if the *advertiser censored* was going to be S&M style that night, which the garrote and cords around her wrists suggest.

Interesting but

1. why would Patsy and John engage in creating and peddling kiddie *advertiser censored* - they certainly didn't need the money?

2. why on Christmas night of all nights when everyone is coming and going and they have a flight to be ready for and be on in a few hours?

3. Has anything ever remotely linked the Ramsey's to kiddie *advertiser censored* - or *advertiser censored* of any kind?

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