Wendy Murphy: Klonopin + pineapple?

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englishleigh said:
Wendy may be onto something here, but I personally think she is baiting Lin Wood and John Ramsey to sue her, and then she is going to refuse to settle with them, and force John Ramsey into a court of law where tough questions are going to be asked of him. Go, Wendy!!!!!

Wendy baiting LW and JR, was also on my mind, especially after the remarks recently made by LW about Wendy Murphy's recent comments. This could get interesting!
englishleigh said:
Wendy may be onto something here, but I personally think she is baiting Lin Wood and John Ramsey to sue her, and then she is going to refuse to settle with them, and force John Ramsey into a court of law where tough questions are going to be asked of him. Go, Wendy!!!!!

whoa!!!...that would be interesting...
Gozgals said:
Klonopin is used to treat Epilepsy and various seizure disorders too.

Just so everyone is aware this drug is used to treat various disease states.


This is correct. :)
OT but since many are talking about medicines to help with sleep when suffering with different ailment. My rhumatologist prescribes Trazodone for me and it works very well to help me sleep with rhum arth. He says there's no reason for me not to take it since it works so well and is not addictive.

Another thing that sparks my interest regarding Klonopin is that John Mark Karr said he drugged JB. Now considering we all know he didn’t murder her, but thinks he did and was obsessed with this case. Was it leaked to JMK that JB was drugged in some fashion? Perhaps this is something Michael Tracey learned?

Klonopin is a highly potent drug. I am now beginning to wonder if Patsy Ramsey was diagnosed as being Bipolar? I have seen these pills, they are huge. I wondered why a child wouldn’t have eaten more than just a small amount of pineapple especially given this was her favorite fruit. Halycon, good catch, because I missed this in reading through the interview. That’s why it’s so important to have new people look at this with fresh eyes.
Sorry Magpie wasn’t. But I have a close friend that is bipolar and takes Klonopin. It also causes him short term memory loss.

I certainly could see Patsy as possibly being bipolar
I haven't been able to read through all the posts, but one thing did pop out at me...a comment made by a couple re: 'the Ramseys didn't need the money, so why be involved with kiddie *advertiser censored*?"

Mrs. Griggs mentions the 'sexual perversion' groups in Europe and in this country...and she mentioned the one in Colorado specifically. The sexual perversion groups she is speaking of, are government connected. NATO...Psychological Operations...all that. So I don't believe she was speaking of 'kiddie *advertiser censored*' per se; she was speaking of government sponsored experimentation/sexual perversion groups. And YES, absolutely, these things do exist.

The Ramseys, IF they were indeed involved in one of these special groups (John Ramsey is rumored to have been Naval Intelligence), they weren't doing this for money and are being protected (according to Mrs. Griggs). Whatever this was that killed poor JonBenet Ramsey is probably never going to see the light of a courthouse.
magpie said:
I suppose anything is possible, but I cannot fathom educated human beings giving their child any adult prescription medication that was not prescribed for their child. I KNOW .... not everybody is a good parent! Not as good as I am anyway. :innocent:

Well, it might happen. Sad but probably true.

I knew a family who had a child late in life. The father was a pharmacist, who had access to drugs. There were times when they would be so exasperated with their child, the father often joked about giving the child some phenobarbitol. Did they, I don't know.

Something was going on with JonBenet. I remember reading Patsy called JonBenet's ped four times in one day, several days or the week before JonBenet's death. (I would have to look it up to be precise)
My first post asked about the possibility of the pineapple being drugged

THREAD: What would you ask Schiller?

post 6 aussiesheila 2.4.05
Was the pineapple ever tested for drugs?

No one replied so then I started posting that I thought the pineapple was drugged. The idea was not well received.

THREAD: The Importance of the Pineapple

post 4 aussiesheila 29.3.06
Well this 'Ramsey supporter' believes she was fed the pineapple (which incidentally I believe was drugged, this being the whole point of feeding it to her) by a visitor to her house that she trusted, some time between 11 pm and midnight, so the pineapple is most certainly not an 'inconvenient problem' in my case.

post 22 aussiesheila 12.4.06
I think she was fed the pineapple in the kitchen, possibly in Patsy's presence. I think the pineapple was laced with some drug that rendered her more amenable to the sexual abuse that was to follow later on in the basement.

post 23 narlacat 12.4.06
I get it, thanks.
I think you make stuff up as you go along.

post 37 Toltec 26.4.06
What kind of intruder would have the gall to feed JonBenet pineapple at the breakfast table???? This is laughable.
If the bowl had been found in the basement or another hidden room...then I would possibly look into this intruder theory.

post 38 Eagle 1 30.4.06
Of course AussieShiela could be right that an intruder drugged the pineapple, but he would have to know she'd get hungry,and that pineapple would be what she'd want to eat.

post 39 rashomon 1.5.06
If memory serves, no traces of any drugs were found in JB's body.
Not to mention the inane scenario that an intruder would have had the nerve to feed JB pineapple in her own house at Christmas, with her whole family in that house, and then wait for an hour until it had left her stomach and wandered into the small intestine. Totally idiotic.
But some people seem to prefer flushing their own common sense down the toilet, only to be spared having to face the bitter truth that JB died at the hands of her own parents.

post 42 aussiesheila 1.5.06
There were no traces of the drugs that were tested for, that is true rashomon. However, just what drugs were tested for we don't know. We only know that ethanol was tested for and not detected and that a blood drug screen was done, but for what drugs exactly we don't know, we can only guess that it was for the most commonly used ones. Very likely pedophiles are well up on the very latest drugs for which no test has been developed yet, just as are the so-called drug cheats at the Olympics. A drug is not detected if a specific test for it has not been performed even if it is there in abundance.
I don't see what is inane or idiotic about suggesting that Santa fed JonBenet drugged pineapple. JonBenet apparently loved fresh pineapple, a fact that Santa would have made it his business to find out. She apparently idolised Santa and most likely would have eaten almost anything if he had encouraged her to do so. And food doesn't 'wander' into the small intestine after ingestion rashomon. It arrives there in a predictable time, after remaining in the stomach for a predictable time during which time a suitable drug could have been absorbed into the bloodstream and exert its desired effect in a predictable time.

THREAD: suspicious behaviour by FW in the first week after the murder

post 6 aussiesheila 4.7.06
I never considered that she might have been force fed the pineapple sissi, I think I read somewhere that Patsy said JonBenet really liked fresh pineapple. My thinking was that Santa had made it his business to find out what foods she liked and that is why her brought the pineapple in order to get the drug into her to quieten her down or whatever it was for.
Bipolar people don’t sleep well. They can stay up for days on end. That’s why most of them have to take something like Klonopin. I have a friend that takes 5 pills a night for his bipolar disorder. They have stages of depression, mixed state and manic stages. It’s highly correlated with raw intelligence. Many bipolar people are high achievers and have exceedingly high expectations of others. They can get highly irritated at times and fly into a rage. They have out of control shopping sprees and buy things they don’t necessarily need. They can have heightened bouts of sexuality and at other times be completely uninterested in it. Without treatment they can spin out of control. The medication just takes off the edge. I have been told they feel like the want to crawl out of their skin. Some also suffer from hallucinations.
The other thing that is interesting about the possibility of Klonopin being the drug used, is that it has slight amnestic properties. Someone posted that JonBenet asked a question of someone along the lines of "how can you tell whether something really happened or whether it was just a dream". I wondered whether she might have been talking about the effects of the drug.
Nedthan Johns said:
Another thing that sparks my interest regarding Klonopin is that John Mark Karr said he drugged JB. Now considering we all know he didn’t murder her, but thinks he did and was obsessed with this case. Was it leaked to JMK that JB was drugged in some fashion? Perhaps this is something Michael Tracey learned?

Klonopin is a highly potent drug. I am now beginning to wonder if Patsy Ramsey was diagnosed as being Bipolar? I have seen these pills, they are huge. I wondered why a child wouldn’t have eaten more than just a small amount of pineapple especially given this was her favorite fruit. Halycon, good catch, because I missed this in reading through the interview. That’s why it’s so important to have new people look at this with fresh eyes.

You might be on to something about MT leaking info regarding JonBenet concerning drugs. JMK did weave his story with info he could have read here or there, so it's possible he wove a thread or two from something told to him by MT.

It appears, the new little club members are ML, MT, and JR! Oh and add SM too!

PS, there sure was a lot of pineapple left in the bowl.
Nedthan Johns said:
Sorry Magpie wasn’t. But I have a close friend that is bipolar and takes Klonopin. It also causes him short term memory loss.

I certainly could see Patsy as possibly being bipolar

It's OK Nedthan, I'm not easily upset and I am certainly not angry with you! :)

It would be hard for me to say that Patsy might be bipolar because I have no idea what she was like before JBR's death. I can speculate what she was like but that wouldn't be accurate at all. I know that I would be nuttier than a fruitcake if anything like this ever happened to my child, either when she was 6 yrs old or now when she is a grown adult. That's why I can't really criticize Patsy, because as a mother I know that I would never have been able to stand up to the kind of pressure the Ramsey's were under. I just pity that poor little child. :(
aussiesheila said:
The other thing that is interesting about the possibility of Klonopin being the drug used, is that it has slight amnestic properties. Someone posted that JonBenet asked a question of someone along the lines of "how can you tell whether something really happened or whether it was just a dream". I wondered whether she might have been talking about the effects of the drug.
An excellent point.

I am wondering the same thing.
"I love Wendy on TV and know she's a victim's advocate and former prosecutor, so I'm guessing she may know more than the average bear."

YAHOO! I LOOOOOOOVE HER! Ride 'em, cowgirl! Yeehaw! She was on "Crier" yesterday! Knockin' 'em dead!

"does this Wendy Murphy actually believe that JB was garroted to death by her parents, and that the garrote functioned in any way? So she does not recognize this as a staged scene?"

No, rashomon, she's said many times the scene was staged.

"Wendy may be onto something here, but I personally think she is baiting Lin Wood and John Ramsey to sue her, and then she is going to refuse to settle with them, and force John Ramsey into a court of law where tough questions are going to be asked of him. Go, Wendy!!!!!"

Yeah, she'll rip his macadamias off and hand them to him in a Cool Whip dish!

"I certainly could see Patsy as possibly being bipolar"

She did kind of go from one extreme to the other, didn't she?
shoe_horn said:
Does anyone think that JR is bipolar
Think hard before you answer
No. But I think PR had many classic signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder. And I don't think her meds were quite right!
Did anyone read the side effects of Klonopin?

Outbursts of anger...agitation...bizarre behavior...etc.
aussiesheila said:
The other thing that is interesting about the possibility of Klonopin being the drug used, is that it has slight amnestic properties. Someone posted that JonBenet asked a question of someone along the lines of "how can you tell whether something really happened or whether it was just a dream". I wondered whether she might have been talking about the effects of the drug.
Interesting observation. However, I asked that exact same question or my parents when I was 5 or 6 and I wsn't on any drugs. Children have a very different perception of "reality."
SieSie said:
I take Klonopin - it's an anti-anxiety pill. I take it along with an anti-depressant (Zoloft). Doctor told me it helped with OCD as well as anxiety.
I looked up Klonopin at drugstore.com.I was actually looking for a liquid,since that would be easier to give a child,but it doesn't come in one,at least if it does,it's not listed there.What I found instead was "dispersable tablet".
Meaning,it dissolves on your tongue once you place it in your mouth.
If I recall correctly from my nutrition class,pineapple contains digestive enzymes.So I think it's possible they disolved the tablet on a chunk of fresh pineapple(fresh enzymes might be more potent than canned),and then gave it to her.The natural juices and sugar in pineapple might also cover the taste of the drug as well.
This is just a thouhgt, and something to ponder over.I was also thinking maybe the natural fiber in the fruit slowed down the rate of digestion ,and made it more of a slow release drug.I don't know if that's possible,but anything is plausable for now I guess.
JMO8778 said:
I'm new here, but I've been lurking for awhile.First let me say I am convinced from all the evidence that the RDI.I think she's onto something too,as statements JR made in DOI stuck right out at me when I read this.Actually they glared right out at me !
When JR talks about carrying JBR to bed that night,(after she'd "fallen asleep" in the car),he says he was surprised at what a deep sleep she was in,or something to that affect, as in, he was surprised at how sound asleep she was.
Prior to that, he makes a point of talking about how Priscilla White served JBR cracked crab on a dish she made "just for her" at the dinner party that evening.(As in, no one else would be eating it but her).
I believe JR put that in the book because he knew JBR had been drugged that evening, and he was trying to cast suspicion off himself and PR,and onto the White's.(I've been reading here long enough to believe that the White's aren't guilty of anything).But I think he was trying to make it seem as though the plate she was served at the White's house that was just for her was drugged by the White's.And that's why he says he was surprised as how asleep she was when he was putting her to bed.(As in, she fell asleep on the way home because her food had been drugged there).I think he had no choice but to say that because he knew about the drug or drugs in her system,from the pineapple *they gave her sometime after they got home.
I noticed some people here have speculated as to why JR said that JBR was sound asleep and didn't ever wake up when she was taken from the car and put to bed.I believe he had no choice but to say that,under the circumstances,if he wanted to save his own self as well as PR's.
I would love to hear any responses or thoughts anyone has on this.I have long thought from those comments that he was trying to say the White's tampered with her food.Now that this was posted,I think it all makes sense.Thanks !
PR's interview also pointed a finger at the Whites. It stated that she knew that the investigators present were aware of the discussions illuding to the fact that the R's noted a distinct 'change' in the behavior and closeness of the Whites as early as Dec 26th. She repeatedly said the crab was fixed in a bowl for JBR by Pricillia and that PR thought it odd as JBR had not asked or indicated in anyway that she was interested in her own bowl of crab meat.

PR's interview also thoroughly questioned her medication both prior to JBR's death and at the time of the interview. At first, my take on this line of questioning was due to the fact that it was being recorded and it led credance to her 'state of mind', (or lack there of) in that particular interview as well as in her actions, and statements on the day of the murder. I said this was my 'take' at first. By the end of this line of questioning, the words Knopolin and Ativan began to pop off of the page, as my mother had taken both when she lived with me the last year of her life when she had a brain tumor. Mom immediately mutated into a Zombie and doctor's said it was not the result of the turmor but that of the medications. PR's words repeated over and over and over to describe JBR as soon as she got into the car from the White's party on the eve of the 25th were, "ZONKED OUT". I understand that this term is sometimes used innocently to refer to a child sleeping, but being the same age as PR, I do remember the wild and crazy days of the 1970's when "Zonked" came into popular usage. It then referred to being drugged out of your brain. Put this all together and it makes you wonder........Doesn't it... I think another spider may have just crawled into the proverbial web of lies and deceipt..........

As for Wendy Murphy... She is usually right on the money...I ususally give her "two thumbs up"...but I sure wish some intelligent Public Relations person would tell her she needs to turn the volume down on her vocal ranting...She hurts my ears! (The same as my LONG posts probably give everyone a headache....:blushing: )

One more point and I promise I'll shut up...(even though I do have a pot of caffinated coffee charging through my brain right now...hehehe..)

The bowl with the pineapple having PR's fingerprints on it.......... means that she touched it. If she forgot that it was in her cabinet and was her own bowl, the ativan and the shock of the JBR's murder (c)would justify lapse in her memory(!!!...!!!...???) Every bowl in my home would have my fingerprints on them at this very moment. I take them out of the dishwasher and put them in their proper place. The fact that her fingerprints are on the bowl is really not that significant in a crime within her own home. Burke's fingerprints on the same bowl are a 'horse of a different color'. I think that the most interesting question to receive an HONEST answer, (straight from the horse's mouth), would be, "Burke, why were your fingerprints on the bowl of pineapple?"
But 'That ain't gonna happen' in this chickaddee's lifetime unless there is a new book published titled "Daddy Dearest" and authored by a very adult someone after the death of a certain paternal figure.

Maybe JBR's special plate from the Whites was crab and BR's was a bowl of pineapple and PR was more "ZONKED OUT" than SHE realized... and maybe the Whites lied... and maybe if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its butt when it jumped! :eek:

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