Were Caylee's Remains Moved?

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How did the Body Get placed in the Woods near the A's?

  • KC acted alone and put her body there?

    Votes: 230 92.0%
  • Someone in the A's moved the Body there?

    Votes: 18 7.2%
  • Jose had the Body Moved there?

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Some other person outside the A's, Jose, private Investiagtors put the body there?

    Votes: 1 0.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
First, it was the psychic investigators.
Second, it was Dominick Casey.
Third, it was Cindy Anthony.
Before I knew of the "psychic's location"...I also felt this was the area.

Oh, only had I searched there.......

Disagree on this?

I disagree that it was a psychic that lead DC to where Caylee's remains were.

I would never question what anyone felt.
All I know is what I've read of the emails between GL, Luke and DC. And GL and Luke appear to be all over the place with their logic and visions. I know some pretty sharp psychics who have been right on the money but I did not see anything in their emails to DC that would lead me to believe they knew exactly where Caylee was. And of all the people CA zeroed in on these two. If CA had no involvement, none whatsoever with the psychics, I might give them some credit. But we all know how CA interfers and tries to twist the facts to benefit KC.

Also for a PI to put in an email that RK's son should be looked into as a suspect and discuss it with a psychic that has to be a low point in DC's career. There are many fine psychics out there who do good work but from what I have read here, DC's psychics are just not one of them. jmo
All I know is what I've read of the emails between GL, Luke and DC. And GL and Luke appear to be all over the place with their logic and visions. I know some pretty sharp psychics who have been right on the money but I did not see anything in their emails to DC that would lead me to believe they knew exactly where Caylee was. And of all the people CA zeroed in on these two. If CA had no involvement, none whatsoever with the psychics, I might give them some credit. But we all know how CA interfers and tries to twist the facts to benefit KC.

Also for a PI to put in an email that RK's son should be looked into as a suspect and discuss it with a psychic that has to be a low point in DC's career. There are many fine psychics out there who do good work but from what I have read here, DC's psychics are just not one of them. jmo

Like the psychic's who drove by the Suburban location in, I believe it was a white vehicle? I want to say St. John? That was very eerie watching that video and seeing how they literally felt Caylee's presense and I believe they really did. One of the women even got out of the vehicle with a dog and I want to say she said something about water when she tried to walk back in there.

I do believe that there are psychics and people who have special gifts for things like these, I just do not believe that it applied to DC being out in those woods searching for Caylee.
All I know, is my own perceptions, and psychic perceptions match.
No, she didn't care ~ and she didn't know that these animals would have come to her rescue, so to speak.

I firmly believe, that within a couple od days of Caylee being left there, that all kinds of animals had had their way and fill of her tiny body.

With it being in early summer, animals would have been feeding their young, so there would have been more of an animal population in those woods at that time.

From my experience of when our son lived in central Florida, there are all kinds of wild animals that most people don't realize are lving there.
Aside from raccoons, opposums, badgers, the gators {though I have not heard any neighbors comment on any gators being around there}; there are also wild boars, panthers, and, even bobcats.
Our son and wife had a female bobcat nest under their bedroom window one year and raise her young there for a few months.
They lived in a gated, golf club area, with lots of waterways and ponds, etc.

So, IMO, within a couple of days, parts of Caylee had already been fought over, and drug off to the "safety" of den areas or safe places, away from other foraging animals so that they could eat in peace.
The map clearly shows that of the remains area and where each peice was found.

And, she was not yet 3yrs old - Not more than probably, what, 40lbs if you give an extra poundage ~
That is not much of a meal for numerous animals and their young once they got ahold of her. {sorry for the visual and being so graphic}
And, certainly, what the animals didn't manage to drag off, the insects and bugs stayed put with what they already had and took care of the rest in little time also.

BBM-I believe this is why Dr. G put the following in her report:

"The clustering of the vertebra at the scene separate from the location of the bags and skull indicate animal activity occurring at this location after decomposition started, but before disarticulation of the skeleton. This indicates the body was put in this location prior to complete skeletonization. The roots growing into the vertebrae and bags indicate that the body was placed there months prior to being found..."
First, it was the psychic investigators.
Second, it was Dominick Casey.
Third, it was Cindy Anthony.

Not discounting your feelings in the least - but
First it was ICA
Second it was Kiomarie (in July)
Third it was R Kronk (in August)
Fourth it was G&CA (goodness only knows, but at some point while ICA was out on bond.)
Fifth it was Jose and Dominick Casey (November)

It was eery when St John was there, her dog throwing up in the car (van) seemed to know very strongly - they blamed the heat for making the dog sick...:waitasec: None of the psychics who were there and "knew" asked for anything be done (like draining the water) to prove Caylee was there.
So if GL was telling the truth on NG and she was fully aware that DC found the remains of Caylee as she stated than why did GL not call it in to LE. I mean if she truly believed those were Caylee's remains what would stop her from calling it in because that is what responsible citizens do, right? And if she was aware DC did not report it would it not be responsible to call it in to LE otherwise you would be part of the conspiracy to cover up a crime, would you not??? I don't believe DC found Caylee's remains and for this very reason I would take whatever GL states with a grain of salt. jmo
It was the "Psychic Investigator's" that felt this was the area of Caylee's remains. The rain/water flow moved her remains.

When you say Psychic Investigators, do you mean Ginny and Luke or someone else? Just curious.
Now what will happen if all the TES volunteers who had depositions today say the same thing? We did not search the particular part of Suburban Drive and we specifically told the PI we had not seen anything to report. That is a far cry from volunteers being on Suburban Drive searching the exact area where the body was found and found no remains.

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