WESH: Caylee's Fund dissolved, Dr. Phil's 600K contribution

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From what I read, it say's there's an article...so it may be a brilliant move on People's part. You're right...folks would boycott anything with Casey's face front and center...but, now think about it...they'll buy the magazine for TomKat news (and lots of them) and get this news out there as well. I'm not sure how People works, but I would think they'd want to stay in the good graces of some of the players. My biggest wish...that no article on Casey appears.

Watch them have bought the alleged PM 'fat photo' and publish it.

Someone pass the friggin barf bag to me fast!
People apparently have her on their cover - The sad lonely life of Casey or something like that!

I'm sure not buying it. I will do my own little protest, every time I'm in line
and I see People magazines, I turn them in so no one can see the headlines.
Same with National Enquirer... doesn't do much but makes me feel one smidgeon better while I'm checking groceries out! :twocents:


I wish I still had my subscription so I could cancel it.
I highly doubt any legal authority would see $500K - or $250K, divided between G&C - as reasonable compensation for 2 newbies to the charitable world, with no track record behind them and no substantial activities even being done on behalf of the organization. Other than going on Dr. Phil and talking.

And it says "Any assets not disposed of (properly, my take) shall be disposed of by the Circuit Court in the county where the org is located."

MeThinks there should be a FULL and IMPARTIAL accounting of ALL of the funds this organization has had given to them - BY THE IRS.

My 2 cents.... :rocker:

Buyer beware....anyone foolish to give them money had to know it would go to Casey. The key would be to pull their income taxes for the last two years. And those of the foundation's. That should be simple enough, right?
Persnally I never want to buy any magazne or book that would profit such a sick famly and murder of a beautiful child. They are NOTHING!
Yeah-I know this is shoveling sand against the tide, but I just contacted People and promised I would never ever pick up another copy ever again if a story appeared in there about her. Make her fade away. That will hurt her more than anything...have her live the life OJ lived until he re offended. Which she will do. To get attention.
Whew, that sure threw me for a loop today, although I really don't know why. From watching the A's over the past 4 years, I should have known better, my opinion is that they feel they are "owed" this money, and Casey is "owed" this Dr. Phil money, because this whole thing belonged in their family to begin with, who are WE to get involved in the Anthony's business? because, remember, The Anthony's Always Win!!

I saw the "Casey Supporter" dogma/spin turn from one "theme" to the next on the various discussion boards/blogs since the verdict, and one repeated theme those few people were posting all over the internet for a time is that Casey "deserved" the money she would get from an interview/book, because "how else was she going to make any money?" because people were making things very difficult for her, well with their boycotts and feelings that she should not profit from Caylee's death, and how will she ever get a job, so of course she should get paid for her story. In My Opinion they felt completely justified funneling whatever sum of this Dr. Phil money to her or her handlers. Without looking back. Casey is entitled. and so are they.

So, back to my regularly scheduled programming LOL, the Anthony's have taken up enough space in my head today for the rest of my life, I know nothing will ever come of this, no investigation, no questions, nothing, nada, zilch. For some reason, because their daughter murdered/caused the death of their granddaughter, they appear to be able to get away with anything they want. Perjury included. Untouchable.

No wonder Cindy and George have been so silent over this past year. Also, wonder if Lee also deserved "a little something" from the death of Caylee, maybe they want on a CayleeFundEd Honeymoon?? My Opinion Only, just looking at the pattern here. They all appear untouchable to me, and I realize there is nothing that will be done about it. A half a mil is a goodly sum, there is enough to go around for everyone!!

So....... sorry for the ranting and raving today, I just assume people are forthright and honest and up front and don't lie tell mis-truths/half-truths and whatever-truths as a rule, but I see I am finding out otherwise, not everyone of course, but some the people involved, no matter how closely or remotely, in this Godforsaken travesty for the past 4 years appear to be very tainted in a bloody way.

IMO, MOO, etc.
Well, Oprah didn't kick Dr. Phill's *advertiser censored* to the curb for no reason.

Throwin' good money after bad. Waste, huge waste. The whole lot of them.
Uggh. Baez's book coming out tomorrow is getting lots of coverage on the news here.

I was kind of hoping that stacks of it in stores would sit there and gather dust. heh
Well Rielle Hunter's book is already down to $15 something brand new. (same publisher)It started at $26.....I see JB's carp following suit.
Whew, that sure threw me for a loop today, although I really don't know why. From watching the A's over the past 4 years, I should have known better, my opinion is that they feel they are "owed" this money, and Casey is "owed" this Dr. Phil money, because this whole thing belonged in their family to begin with, who are WE to get involved in the Anthony's business? because, remember, The Anthony's Always Win!!

I saw the "Casey Supporter" dogma/spin turn from one "theme" to the next on the various discussion boards/blogs since the verdict, and one repeated theme those few people were posting all over the internet for a time is that Casey "deserved" the money she would get from an interview/book, because "how else was she going to make any money?" because people were making things very difficult for her, well with their boycotts and feelings that she should not profit from Caylee's death, and how will she ever get a job, so of course she should get paid for her story. In My Opinion they felt completely justified funneling whatever sum of this Dr. Phil money to her or her handlers. Without looking back. Casey is entitled. and so are they.

So, back to my regularly scheduled programming LOL, the Anthony's have taken up enough space in my head today for the rest of my life, I know nothing will ever come of this, no investigation, no questions, nothing, nada, zilch. For some reason, because their daughter murdered/caused the death of their granddaughter, they appear to be able to get away with anything they want. Perjury included. Untouchable.

No wonder Cindy and George have been so silent over this past year. Also, wonder if Lee also deserved "a little something" from the death of Caylee, maybe they want on a CayleeFundEd Honeymoon?? My Opinion Only, just looking at the pattern here. They all appear untouchable to me, and I realize there is nothing that will be done about it. A half a mil is a goodly sum, there is enough to go around for everyone!!

So....... sorry for the ranting and raving today, I just assume people are forthright and honest and up front and don't lie tell mis-truths/half-truths and whatever-truths as a rule, but I see I am finding out otherwise, not everyone of course, but some the people involved, no matter how closely or remotely, in this Godforsaken travesty for the past 4 years appear to be very tainted in a bloody way.

IMO, MOO, etc.
Yup...it's been an emotionally draining day. I'm sure tomorrow will bring more "news". I am so glad I didn't watch the Dr. Phil interview "live". I've watched the money trail for almost 4 years...and it sickens me. Have the As done any little thing in their granddaughter's memory? Anything? And "earning" money on this child's back doesn't count!!
Uggh. Baez's book coming out tomorrow is getting lots of coverage on the news here.

I was kind of hoping that stacks of it in stores would sit there and gather dust. heh
Slow news day in Florida, huh?

PS- and still waiting MM...still waiting.
Just on WESH, Bob Kealing reported that George & Cindy's charity was dissolved last Friday.

And that Dr. Phil reportedly contributed $600,000 to it!!!! Whoa!!!

And that KC and Cindy have reconciled, without George knowing....



Haven't read here yet but Muzikman I'm so happy to see you. I hope your doing well and I still can't wait to read what happened to you.
Buyer beware....anyone foolish to give them money had to know it would go to Casey. The key would be to pull their income taxes for the last two years. And those of the foundation's. That should be simple enough, right?

By all rights, they should have taken $100,000 and given it to Texas Equusearch. Seein' as how it was CINDY that called them in.... just sayin'.
According tohttp://www.sunbiz.org , searching under the name Caylee...... CAYLEE'SFUND FOUNDATION, INC. (not a typo there is no space between the "s" and the "f", this was established on 7/19/11. On 7/25/11 an amendment was filed talking about how the funds should be handled. It's a four page document http://www.sunbiz.org/pdf/10391789.pdf

Can others read the amendment and tell me if you interpret that to read that they could have used the money as "reasonable compensation"? Also, read the part about what should happen to any remaining money that was left once they dissolved the entity.

I read it earlier today and commented on it in the sidebar thread.
LOOP HOLES is my conclusion. All tied up in a nice little bow for *fill in the blanks as you see fit*
So with the dissolution of the charity and the end of Casey's probabtion near, is the family planning on skeddadling out of here?

Hopefully on a one way ticket to Uranus with all of the scum that loves and supports them.
Yup...it's been an emotionally draining day. I'm sure tomorrow will bring more "news". I am so glad I didn't watch the Dr. Phil interview "live". I've watched the money trail for almost 4 years...and it sickens me. Have the As done any little thing in their granddaughter's memory? Anything? And "earning" money on this child's back doesn't count!!

Not one single thing RR0004 and they never will.
Whew, that sure threw me for a loop today, although I really don't know why. From watching the A's over the past 4 years, I should have known better, my opinion is that they feel they are "owed" this money, and Casey is "owed" this Dr. Phil money, because this whole thing belonged in their family to begin with, who are WE to get involved in the Anthony's business? because, remember, The Anthony's Always Win!!

I saw the "Casey Supporter" dogma/spin turn from one "theme" to the next on the various discussion boards/blogs since the verdict, and one repeated theme those few people were posting all over the internet for a time is that Casey "deserved" the money she would get from an interview/book, because "how else was she going to make any money?" because people were making things very difficult for her, well with their boycotts and feelings that she should not profit from Caylee's death, and how will she ever get a job, so of course she should get paid for her story. In My Opinion they felt completely justified funneling whatever sum of this Dr. Phil money to her or her handlers. Without looking back. Casey is entitled. and so are they.

So, back to my regularly scheduled programming LOL, the Anthony's have taken up enough space in my head today for the rest of my life, I know nothing will ever come of this, no investigation, no questions, nothing, nada, zilch. For some reason, because their daughter murdered/caused the death of their granddaughter, they appear to be able to get away with anything they want. Perjury included. Untouchable.

No wonder Cindy and George have been so silent over this past year. Also, wonder if Lee also deserved "a little something" from the death of Caylee, maybe they want on a CayleeFundEd Honeymoon?? My Opinion Only, just looking at the pattern here. They all appear untouchable to me, and I realize there is nothing that will be done about it. A half a mil is a goodly sum, there is enough to go around for everyone!!

So....... sorry for the ranting and raving today, I just assume people are forthright and honest and up front and don't lie tell mis-truths/half-truths and whatever-truths as a rule, but I see I am finding out otherwise, not everyone of course, but some the people involved, no matter how closely or remotely, in this Godforsaken travesty for the past 4 years appear to be very tainted in a bloody way.

IMO, MOO, etc.

Red mine above.

I was reading at Twitter and searched for CA, and it sure sounds like her on there...anyway, according to this Twitter, Casey and Lee got some of the $500,000.

Why do I read this stuff? Just gets me upset all over again.
An Anthony with money is still an Anthony and has to be an Anthony forever. $600,000 isn't worth one of Caylee's eyelashes. Between them they'll blow through it in no time and then they'll be broke and they'll still have to be Anthonys. I can't think of a better punishment.
*Gasp* MM is posting again! Good to see you!

I wonder if CA paid off "it's" tax lien?
MM, you know you've been missed when you are welcomed home with the universal WS greeting of, "Link please?" :floorlaugh:

So good to see you again! :skip:

:floorlaugh: snort, snort :floorlaugh:

Just when I was beginning to FUME, I encountered your post, and had a hearty laugh. BBM Thank you.

I'm also wondering, as was a Websleuth up-thread, if the family is planning a distant get away, we know they have passports. But does CFCA have a current passport or have her felony convictions put a hold on it?

One-half mil is a huge chunk of change. BLOOD MONEY. How sweet of Dr. Phil. :maddening:

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