WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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Ahhh, I feel so much better after reading that!
Thank you for that link, MADJGNLAW.:blowkiss:

You are very welcome! :blowkiss:
After I read this morning that Local 6 said that there were "NO" finger prints on the duct tape I thought to myself, this has to be a ploy from the defense and I will keep looking for other articles about the doc dump and came across this one and when I read Attorneys close to the investigation...well that made me feel better and ignored Local 6.
I am not a senior poster on the psychological thread, radio, but I don't know that Casey will do fine in prison. She is probably propped up against her pillow...

Then she starts to anticipate Baez' visit. She will try some new hairstyles, clean up a bit, and get her nice mattress pressed pants out from under the mattress to don. (yes, an inmates iron is folding clothing 'just so' under the mattress)

Just before she goes to sleep, she thinks, "This is really not so bad..........."

Now I really do not think that she will do fine in prison because that will be her first big dose of reality. SHE will be truly frightened for the first time in her life because she knows there are inmates there who would love to kill her and make a name for themselves. AND she may lose her temper with the wrong inmate and she will either be killed or at least spend time in solitary confinement. Casey will get the attention she craves with some adoring inmates because of her celebrity status, but she will also attract those that will hate her. She will long for the good old days when she was in the county jail and had loving attention from her lawyer and her own private bedroom. (cell)

I just do not think Ms. Casey will do well in prison at all. I am also confident that even if there are no recoverable prints on that duct tape, there will be enough evidence to convict her in the totality of all of the evidence.

Cropped to remove the pleasantries KC may experience, everything that's left is what I would call a good dream. If this is all her life is reduced to, if this is all KC lives for everyday. This I would call a nightmare, a totally miserable existence; I can live with this.

I can live very comfortably in my house, with big windows and lots of natural light, with my (chair & a half) recliner (my command center), with my fully loaded kitchen not dependent on the good will of others sending donations (yet! at least) My bathrooms have doors, I can shower whenever I wish. With my car parked in the garage, ready at my will to go where ever my heart so desires. With my cat curled up at my feet and my dog sleeping in front of the fireplace.

Eventually those people who have sent KC money for her acct will move on to bigger and better things, Jose will move on to other clients or a different job, Cindy and George will remake a life for themselves. Lee will get married and have his own child. KC will be just another number in an over crowded penitentiary.

Picturing KC locked away forever, in what has to be the most miserable existence on the face of this earth. No matter how bad we have it, and at times we all go through unpleasant things. We always have hope that when we get up tomorrow our lives will be better, sooner or later things turn around, that is what life is all about. Once KC hits the big house her shingle will read "Abandon hope, all ye who enters here".
Sorry, jumped in later in the convo about duct tape on a gas can. :waitasec: My question is why would anybody put duct tape to stop a leak on a gas can? That would be dangerous to have a gas can that leaks gas. It was also noted that Casey had bought new gas cans with Amy. As well as borrowing/stealing gas on other occasions. Still, would it not be dangerous to tape up a can that is leaking? This family seems to have enough funds to go out and buy a new one if there was hole I would think. And as for Casey she had Amy's check book she could of bought new ones.

Some lawnmowers and other garden tools require that you mix the gasoline with oil. Maybe the duct tape was used to mark a can that had a mix in it. You certainly wouldn't want to use a gas/oil mix in something that required straight gas or straight gas in something that required a mix.
What if Casey 'wrote 'a letter' to Caylee, or a poem?She seems to be into doing this in some of her sentimental moments. Maybe a note was found, and in her own handwriting that would certainly put the DP back on the table! Yes that would certainly 'do it'!

Hmmm, while I think that would be exceptionally stupid of her, LE was looking for notebooks in one of their searches of the A's, possibly could have been trying to match paper? They have her handwriting via her handwritten statement, so that's not it.
We forgot about the maggots....does anyone know if they can get any dna from 3rd or 4th generation? I was under the impression that dna must be no more than 2 generations. In 30 days they must have been producing at 4th generation. I know the flies and maggots were small when they recovered the car, so they were getting less food. How they survived is amazing if the body was gone for 30 days.....which is why I thought she disposed later that the 18th.
OK, so it wasn't a clerk... it was just a someone. Hmmm.

Yep. My line of thinking is that it is likely someone a little higher up on the ladder than a clerk. From what I've read, Blink has excellent connections, and you can't get that type of spot on info, time and time again, from just a court clerk, kwim?
Originally Posted by LaLaw2000 View Post
I am not a senior poster on the psychological thread, radio, but I don't know that Casey will do fine in prison. She is probably propped up against her pillow...

Then she starts to anticipate Baez' visit. She will try some new hairstyles, clean up a bit, and get her nice mattress pressed pants out from under the mattress to don. (yes, an inmates iron is folding clothing 'just so' under the mattress)

Just before she goes to sleep, she thinks, "This is really not so bad..........."

Now I really do not think that she will do fine in prison because that will be her first big dose of reality. SHE will be truly frightened for the first time in her life because she knows there are inmates there who would love to kill her and make a name for themselves. AND she may lose her temper with the wrong inmate and she will either be killed or at least spend time in solitary confinement. Casey will get the attention she craves with some adoring inmates because of her celebrity status, but she will also attract those that will hate her. She will long for the good old days when she was in the county jail and had loving attention from her lawyer and her own private bedroom. (cell)

I just do not think Ms. Casey will do well in prison at all. I am also confident that even if there are no recoverable prints on that duct tape, there will be enough evidence to convict her in the totality of all of the evidence.

Also, there are inmates there who would give anything to see their babies...Where she is going most of the women on death row are in for murdering an ex, etc...I do not think there are many there for murdering their own child. These are the women who are going to take apart KC limb from limb and possibly do a Dahmer on her.
Hmmm, while I think that would be exceptionally stupid of her, LE was looking for notebooks in one of their searches of the A's, possibly could have been trying to match paper? They have her handwriting via her handwritten statement, so that's not it.

OMG....did she write a letter to Caylee and put it in the bag???:eek:

Maybe she decorated the note with the felt sticker letters....:eek:
Hmmm, while I think that would be exceptionally stupid of her, LE was looking for notebooks in one of their searches of the A's, possibly could have been trying to match paper? They have her handwriting via her handwritten statement, so that's not it.

How about a ransome note from some foreign factor ALA the Ramsey's? Ok it's lame but I was trying to think like Casey.
Hmmm, while I think that would be exceptionally stupid of her, LE was looking for notebooks in one of their searches of the A's, possibly could have been trying to match paper? They have her handwriting via her handwritten statement, so that's not it.[/QUOTE

OMG....did she write a letter to Caylee and put it in the bag???:eek:

Someone with a better memory help me here...when was LE looking for notebooks at the A's? It was right after the remains were found, right? I'm going to go search, but maybe someone knows.
Hmmm, while I think that would be exceptionally stupid of her, LE was looking for notebooks in one of their searches of the A's, possibly could have been trying to match paper? They have her handwriting via her handwritten statement, so that's not it.[/QUOTE

OMG....did she write a letter to Caylee and put it in the bag???:eek:
Not only that, she sent it registered mail to the remains site. That's how RK knew where to look. He happened to be coming out of the woods from a "rest stop" and the postal carrier asked him to receive it.
Yep. My line of thinking is that it is likely someone a little higher up on the ladder than a clerk. From what I've read, Blink has excellent connections, and you can't get that type of spot on info, time and time again, from just a court clerk, kwim?

I can't imagine where I got clerk from:waitasec:
Yes, I know Blink, and yes, her investigative skills are remarkable, I
just hope this info is correct because if it is, Bye Bye Casey.
Some lawnmowers and other garden tools require that you mix the gasoline with oil. Maybe the duct tape was used to mark a can that had a mix in it. You certainly wouldn't want to use a gas/oil mix in something that required straight gas or straight gas in something that required a mix.

What would happen to a car if you put in a mixture of oil/gas? Would the engine sputter and die as if you were running out of gas? Or would the car continue to run? Anyone know?
Not only that, she sent it registered mail to the remains site. That's how RK knew where to look. He happened to be coming out of the woods from a "rest stop" and the postal carrier asked him to receive it.
Anybody who knew Caylee well, knew she could NOT read!!

CMA would know that! So...... whoever wrote that letter in CMA's handwriting was trying to frame her!!
Perhaps this is a typo or misunderstanding and the source actually said "This is going to be good news for the defense."

Yes, or they asked, What if fingerprints were found on the tape" and he replied "that would not be good news for the defense."
Maybe there were carpet fibers found on the duct tape. Not from Caseys room though. Maybe they are carpet fibers from the trunk.

On a side note, I can't even look at a roll of duct tape now without thinking about this poor baby. The other day the rocker light switch near the kitchen table cracked and half of the switch fell off. Since the switch is in the kitchen and it's possible someone could have wet hands, I put a peice of duct tape over the switch in the meantime.
While tearing the tape part of the tape, the really sticky side landed on my 1 day old nail polish. Sure enough a tiny section of the polish came off on the tape.
Maybe this is what they found under the tape on Caylee. Her mothers nail or nail polish traces.

ooh ooh -
Anybody who knew Caylee well, knew she could NOT read!!

CMA would know that! So...... whoever wrote that letter in CMA's handwriting was trying to frame her!!

I'm not thinking that she wrote a note to Caylee...I'm wondering why they went after notebooks, specifically after her remains were found. Pondering possibilities. Logic tells you that she wouldn't have written a note, left it with her daughter's body and then tried to claim that she had nothing to do with killing her...
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