WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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Praise God! Looks like that duct tape didn't silence precious Caylee after all! How about that KC???

Wonder if ol' CMA needed a sedative after this news... or last week when LP spilled the beans...

Ok- anyone want to take bets that this may go to plea in the next couple of weeks?

I think once DP goes back on table, there will be some leverage and pressure.

Also- wonder how the As are taking this news. Do they still support and believe poor widdle Casey?

I wonder how they are taking it too.
I hope this news will bring them all to their senses and stay away from the tv cameras.....please!
We will have so much spinning now from JB, BC, and TL.:crazy::crazy::crazy:
Fingerprints or DNA - I don't care which, as long as it does away with that "reasonable doubt". :clap::clap:
My brother and his wife have been trying to adopt for almost a year, and we have talked about how badly they want a child and, just as you say, why kill her, why not give her to people would treasure her?! The question is really rhetorical.

Tell them to keep the faith. My son and his wife just adopted a baby...he is wonderful. It will happen for them too.
My brother and his wife have been trying to adopt for almost a year, and we have talked about how badly they want a child and, just as you say, why kill her, why not give her to people would treasure her?! The question is really rhetorical.

Gosh Jubilee, I hope they get a baby soon. I am sure they will.
there is so many childern that need a good home:blowkiss:
Well, this news brought a big lump to my throat. Oh poor Caylee! I wasn't really expecting that there would be more adverse forensic evidence against Casey, although I was certainly hoping for it. Like someone said before...it looks like Caylee will get the last word. IMO.
OH MY!!!
Looks like someone forgot her gloves

this explains Baez's tummy problems too, maybe......

No "maybe" about it. He is so deep in dung he will need every 'expert' in the country to disentangle himself from all this misery. What a rotten mess, and it's all rubbed off on him, too.
I wonder if the family knew before or after the memorial. I am sure that the results have been shared with the family before they are made public.

I'm not so sure that LE would grant them that courtesy and they are not obligated to do so. Baez would more than likely be the ones to tell them, but not sure if attorney/client priviledge may prevent him from doing so unless KC agreed. The hosipital visist with stomach problems kinda makes me think that Jose bought her story hook, line and sinker. Now he is going to have to think of her as a murderer, not as a victime herself.
he got the docs on friday

Well, this would make for "light reading" while in the hospital. No wonder he developed "stomach problems". :rolleyes:

I also now think that when Lee said "This family is united" at the memorial, he was intentionally telling law enforcement that the family would provide very little cooperation. Kind of like a "come and get us/me" remark you throw out there as a little kid playing tag or something. :crazy:
Kinda like when I'm watching a football game and the score is like 0 to 47 and it's the middle of the fourth quarter - why the heck doesn't the other team just walk off the field and say "SCREW IT" we ain't playing anymore.

Jose - walk off the field!
Tell them to keep the faith. My son and his wife just adopted a baby...he is wonderful. It will happen for them too.

Oh, CBT thank you so much. And in fact, there is a child available, and they have narrowed the group of possible new parents down from 20 to 4; and they are in the four. The staffing will take place February 23. We are prayerfully nervously waiting. :)
My brother and his wife have been trying to adopt for almost a year, and we have talked about how badly they want a child and, just as you say, why kill her, why not give her to people would treasure her?! The question is really rhetorical.

If Casey gave Caylee away, somebody might think Cindy was right and that Casey was a "bad mom".

Kinda like it is better to have a "pretend" job than to be seen doing work that is beneath you.

To some, it's all about IMAGE.

Now that we've learned the evidence supposedly "is not going to be good news for the Defense, I'm happy to wait a few days to see the actual documents! I'm happy because I get to believe that, this time, the evidence against KC is HUGE...indisputable...irrefutable...totally damning. I want fingerprints and DNA that are absolutely hers (not "possibly hers" like that hair in the trunk) all over evidence that even the Dream Team won't be able to downplay. I don't want to hear about evidence that proves she can't be ruled out; I want evidence that rules her in!

Ooops. Sorry guys LOL I got carried away....
So how is Baez, et. al. going to convince the jury that KC's prints were put on that duct tape? (Playing devil's advocate, here.)

Well Casey was then working at ACE hardware and must have sold that particular roll of duct tape to the nanny, or the sitter, or to Jesse, or maybe it was Amy. That's it. Casey was working 2 jobs to support her daughter and moonlighted at the local hardware store. Totally believable. Absolutely. :crazy:
Yes. I can't wait to watch Baez and his team squirm. She is guilty. She, Casey, that thing, has been guilty this whole time. She killed her precious daughter ALL on her own. She has known the whole time what happened. I hope that the DP goes back on the table. ENOUGH from Casey and her attorneys. A defendent's right to a defense and a fair trial does not REQUIRE that we all take complete leave of our senses and ability to deduce and have analytical thought. Casey is entitled to a defense. But she is not entitled to have the jury pool throw common sense and facts and the freaking truth out the window.
If Casey gave Caylee away, somebody might think Cindy was right and that Casey was a "bad mom".

Kinda like it is better to have a "pretend" job than to have to work at one beneath you.

To some, it's all about IMAGE.

Yes, Jolynna I think that has made us all so angry. We are all people who care about children here. It is just hard to imagine anyone not only not caring ... but hurting a little one.
My brother and his wife have been trying to adopt for almost a year, and we have talked about how badly they want a child and, just as you say, why kill her, why not give her to people would treasure her?! The question is really rhetorical.

Because Casey wanted to punish Cindy. Cindy would have laid in the road in front of the adoption bus taking the baby away and caused all kinds of commotion.
Killing the baby would put Cindy in permanent pain.
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