Wesley Hadsell charged with murdering A.J. Hadsell

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In addition to the loss of AJ, who knows what else this disgusting piece of filth Hadsell has done that we don’t even know about. Moo.

Sending New Year’s Blessings and continued healing your way, @Zach. AJ is not forgotten and neither are you.
Mr. Hadsell emailed me from prison yesterday. I asked him why he killed Anjelica. He professed his innocence and turned around saying I am far from being a father to my daughters and that I am just looking for someone to blame. Well I sent him a message back that is well beyond what I can publish here. Needless to say the little pussy blocked me. How crazy do you have to be to get blocked by a manipulative, lying, murdering, perverted psychopath?? And I know his mommy will be checking on here. Shame on you woman for standing by this killer's side. Show me ONE thing that says he's not guilty. Give me JUST ONE reasonable explanation and I'll recant every bad thing I said about that lying puke.

I know Hadsell will be reaching out to anybody he can to keep spinning his web. He will play the victim and will do it eloquently. He will try to get allies who will do his dirty work for him. He is constantly thinking of ways to destroy. He is persistent and patient, like his master Satan. I have been dealing with his twisted version of reality since 2010, when he and his family came crashing into my family like a wrecking ball.

He is proficient at building systems (HVAC, plumbing, etc) and proficient at manipulating even the very people who know he is dangerous, especially authority figures. Right now the federal prison system is running a skeleton crew because of gov't shut down. Mr. Hadsell is a great candidate for escape and when he does, he will hit me in my weakest places. Because he's too much of a worm to fight like a man.

Why is the BOP allowing this snake to use email all day and night? I will be in extensive contact with prison officials and BOP special investigations about this and making sure they are aware of his flight risk and history of manipulation. If he or his mother pose one tiny problem to me or my family, I will find the right people in his prison that will make his life difficult.

Mr. Hadsell. I made you a promise in 2010. I stared you right in your dead eyes and told you not to mess with my family or you would pay. I will keep that promise and if there is one word that you or anyone you talk to pose a further threat to me or my family, then I will respond. Don't test me.

You played your little game. Now reap the rewards from it and sit down and shut up.

Prisoners have access to computers and email now? When did this start?
Prisoners have access to computers and email now? When did this start?
Last July, Hadsell tried contacting me from Western Tidewater Regional Jail by "Getting Out by Telmate", which allows emails and video chat. He continued trying to contact me from there until November 9. I accepted it once and was about to do a video chat with him around 9pm at night, when I decided against it. He then contacted me from Northern Neck Regional Jail on Nov. 17, asking for video chat via "Securus Technologies" which was called "An Anywhere Video Visit". This was 9:48 pm.

Again, on Saturday Dec. 29, he reached out to me from Hazleton Federal Prison via "Corrlinks" as an email. I accepted and exchanged a few emails with him, hoping he was in a place to give some answers. He would be responding anywhere from 8am to after 9pm. After his bogus responses my anger got the best of me and I didn't hold back. I'm done playing games with him.

If he is reaching to me, he can reach to anyone, including my daughters. They will eventually respond. And I won't know about it.

He has skated through the system like a ballerina. They treat him with kid gloves at every level from Family Court to high-security federal prison. I will not be surprised at all if the system fails again, and in fact it already has by allowing this man unlimited communication and waiting to charge him for so long. He should be in lock down with very limited privileges. He feigns mental illness and an 'aw shucks' attitude in order to be classified as low security as possible. He knows the system better than most prison employees.
Mr. Hadsell emailed me from prison yesterday. I asked him why he killed Anjelica. He professed his innocence and turned around saying I am far from being a father to my daughters and that I am just looking for someone to blame. Well I sent him a message back that is well beyond what I can publish here. Needless to say the little pussy blocked me. How crazy do you have to be to get blocked by a manipulative, lying, murdering, perverted psychopath?? And I know his mommy will be checking on here. Shame on you woman for standing by this killer's side. Show me ONE thing that says he's not guilty. Give me JUST ONE reasonable explanation and I'll recant every bad thing I said about that lying puke.

I know Hadsell will be reaching out to anybody he can to keep spinning his web. He will play the victim and will do it eloquently. He will try to get allies who will do his dirty work for him. He is constantly thinking of ways to destroy. He is persistent and patient, like his master Satan. I have been dealing with his twisted version of reality since 2010, when he and his family came crashing into my family like a wrecking ball.

He is proficient at building systems (HVAC, plumbing, etc) and proficient at manipulating even the very people who know he is dangerous, especially authority figures. Right now the federal prison system is running a skeleton crew because of gov't shut down. Mr. Hadsell is a great candidate for escape and when he does, he will hit me in my weakest places. Because he's too much of a worm to fight like a man.

Why is the BOP allowing this snake to use email all day and night? I will be in extensive contact with prison officials and BOP special investigations about this and making sure they are aware of his flight risk and history of manipulation. If he or his mother pose one tiny problem to me or my family, I will find the right people in his prison that will make his life difficult.

Mr. Hadsell. I made you a promise in 2010. I stared you right in your dead eyes and told you not to mess with my family or you would pay. I will keep that promise and if there is one word that you or anyone you talk to pose a further threat to me or my family, then I will respond. Don't test me.

You played your little game. Now reap the rewards from it and sit down and shut up.
Wow! What a snake he is, SMDH. And yeah, you nailed it when you said he plays the victim - he did that all through the search for poor AJ. I remember well all the "poor me" garbage he spewed.

People like WH only know how to lie and manipulate; they'll do anything to weasel their way out of taking blame or accepting responsibility for their actions. He lied through his teeth from the start and while many people would be fooled by his lies I know you saw through them as did most of us here. I'm confident a jury will see through them too and that he will be in prison for a long, long time. There's too much evidence to ignore his part in Anjelica's murder. MOO.
In addition to praying for you and your two daughters, what else can we do to help?
It sickens me to know that Wes could be able to contact your daughters.

Your story about Wes' current antics is very interesting and disturbing. Few people know that prisoners awaiting trial for murder can video chat random people and harass people with texts throughout the day. Everyone should also be informed of all Wes' criminal activity and how he has repeatedly skated from justice. Maybe a reporter would publish your story? Public anger might influence the authorities who are allegedly guarding this monster.
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In addition to praying for you and your two daughters, what else can we do to help?
It sickens me to know that Wes could be able to contact your daughters.

Your story about Wes' current antics is very interesting and disturbing. Few people know that prisoners awaiting trial for murder can video chat random people and harass people with texts throughout the day. Everyone should also be informed of all Wes' criminal activity and how he has repeatedly skated from justice. Maybe a reporter would publish your story? Public anger might influence the authorities who are allegedly guarding this monster.

Mr. Hadsell has been playing this game since I found out about his history and asked my children's mother to date him for awhile before letting him live with my girls. When that didn't work I took her (them) to family court to get custody. He lied to the courts about his history. The court took him as a misunderstood good ol boy who had learned the error of his ways, while I was considered the antagonist.

Since failing to get full custody of my girls, I reached out to him offering him work and also did work at his house for cheap in order to keep in 'the loop' for my children. Him and I became well-acquainted and almost friends. We were both playing a game - me to protect my children - him to destroy. He thinks he has won. I'm sure he considers his murder of Anjelica a victory, but I know deep down that she is safe now, in spirit.

Though his version of reality still lingers in the minds of some people, I still intend on protecting my other two children from him.

This man plays the long game. He plots destruction of anyone who gets in the way of his selfish desires.

He called me dozens of times from jail, during the first year. I took those calls and took notes. He knew that I knew he was guilty, but we both played the game. I was looking for a slip up and for information. He was trying to manipulate me. And in fact he did get in my head, but ultimately I know what my end goal was.

As far as what you can do, not to necessarily protect me, but to protect others, especially my children and other young people involved, would be to contact the prison about facts about his character and history.

The Bureau of Prisons is supposed to consider the Pre-Sentence Report, etc in determining his classification. Somehow, he ended up in medium security - Hazelton FCI, West Virginia.

It is simple enough to drop an email through this site:
BOP: Inmate Concerns

Just specify Hazelton FCI and his name and number (66754-061).

He does not need to have unlimited email and/or video access while waiting trial for First Degree Murder or anytime for that matter. He thrives in the prison environment and it is not a punishment when he is allowed to further the manipulative games he began.

Keep in mind that he is charged with KILLING THE CHILD THAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT. He has an extensive violent history of convictions and charges and allegations, yet he wants to casually tell me that I am not a father and that I am the problem. Same story since he came into my life.

He is human like the rest of us, but please don't have sympathy for him, though he feigns victimhood quite well. If you contact him, you are giving him a gift. If you think it is cool to give to the cause of a lying, manipulative murderer, then I guess that is on you. But please understand that empowering him is dangerous to anyone who he knows, especially females. I say this because I know there are certain people who look for this kind of dangerous relationship. To those people who do this, I consider you as bad as he is.
Zach stated:
As far as what you can do, not to necessarily protect me, but to protect others, especially my children and other young people involved, would be to contact the prison about facts about his character and history.

The Bureau of Prisons is supposed to consider the Pre-Sentence Report, etc in determining his classification. Somehow, he ended up in medium security - Hazelton FCI, West Virginia.

It is simple enough to drop an email through this site:
BOP: Inmate Concerns

Just specify Hazelton FCI and his name and number (66754-061).

He does not need to have unlimited email and/or video access while waiting trial for First Degree Murder or anytime for that matter.

My new hobby is going to be sending the BOP emails concerning evil Wes Hadsell. He has a significant history of violence and should be in a high security area. His access to video chatting and sending emails must be curtailed. If that can't be done, his email should be very closely monitored. There's no doubt that psychopath Wes is trying to contact your little girls and their friends.

I hope Websleuthers will join me in sending emails to the Bureau of Prisons about Wes Hadsell's history of violence and his unlimited ability to email or video chat with Anjelica's little sisters and God-only-knows-who-else.
Prisoners have access to computers and email now? When did this start?
AFAIK it is only email and other chatting options, not just open internet access (though I suppose there is some in the libraries, at least to legal material). It's just to keep up with the changing times in communication methods. Some inmates are entitled to phone calls and now-a-days an email isn't much different than a phone call. I have a relative locked up in Illinois and at least for him the emails and video chats are WAY more expensive than a traditional phone call.

Who is putting so much money on WH's books that he has access to all these expensive communication methods? Sickening. I can only hope for a slip up, as all conversations are recorded.
AFAIK it is only email and other chatting options, not just open internet access (though I suppose there is some in the libraries, at least to legal material). It's just to keep up with the changing times in communication methods. Some inmates are entitled to phone calls and now-a-days an email isn't much different than a phone call. I have a relative locked up in Illinois and at least for him the emails and video chats are WAY more expensive than a traditional phone call.

Who is putting so much money on WH's books that he has access to all these expensive communication methods? Sickening. I can only hope for a slip up, as all conversations are recorded.

His mother is spending his deceased dad's money on defending and supporting him. In the Ohio trial, he claimed indigent for a good while to buy himself some time and then terminated the public defender to hire his own defense team equipped with private investigator. He and his mommy pulled every trick they could to get that charge off his back. It's hard to prove a rape and assault case, especially 11 years later - after much of the evidence was destroyed.
His communicating with Zach might be seen as witness tampering! I would let the DA know what he is doing, Zach! Maybe they can revoke his email access.

Exactly, and Zach, I know it is tough, but try very hard to stay civil in your communication with him as all of it is recorded/captured and can be used for or against him at trial.
Exactly, and Zach, I know it is tough, but try very hard to stay civil in your communication with him as all of it is recorded/captured and can be used for or against him at trial.

Appreciate the perspective Vail but my days of being civil with him are done. Let the court proceedings fall where they may. I'll leave the legal manipulation up to him and lawyers. It's not my bag.
Oh my goodness. I've not been around much, and am just seeing this now. I am so glad this (&*^ is finally in line to be held accountable for this lovely young lady's death.
Wesley Hadsell plead not guilty to all charges today:

Wesley Hadsell pleads not guilty to murdering adopted daughter
From link:
Southampton Commonwealth's Attorney Eric Cooke told the judge that the evidence in the case is substantial, and defense attorney Paul Fritzinger, who's with the public defender's office, is just starting to receive it.

Fritzinger asked the judge for time until their next court date to go through it. The judge set a motions hearing for May 21, and said he'll set a trial date then. Hadsell asked for a jury trial.
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