Wesley Hadsell charged with murdering A.J. Hadsell

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OH, I think that was it...thanks...' she departed his presence...' >who says that?

Who says that? (Rhetorical question, I know) Someone trying to sound more highly educated than they are and missing the mark completely...and/or someone who saw her life leave her. Or both. It was so obvious at the time, wasn’t it!
Finally! I never thought I'd see charges brought against Wes for A.J.'s murder.
10 On Your Side is getting new information about what appears to be conflicting charges filed against Wesley Hadsell for the murder of his stepdaughter, AJ Hadsell.
One charge says the murder was deliberate and premeditated, the second charge says it was accidental.
Peter Decker III, of the Decker Law Firm in Norfolk, said the two different charges give prosecutors a better chance of getting one or both convictions.

In other words, if they can't get the more serious charge of first-degree murder to stick, they might get the other.

Decker also stated that even though it's the same murder, they are different charges, so there's no double jeopardy.
Hadsell murder charges explained: Deliberate and accidental
Murder, other than capital murder, by poison, lying in wait, imprisonment, starving, or by any willful, deliberate, and premeditated killing, or in the commission of, or attempt to commit, arson, rape, forcible sodomy, inanimate or animate object sexual penetration, robbery, burglary or abduction, except as provided in § 18.2-31, is murder of the first degree, punishable as a Class 2 felony.
2017 Code of Virginia :: Title 18.2 - Crimes and Offenses Generally :: Chapter 4 - Crimes Against the Person :: § 18.2-32. First and second degree murder defined; punishment
The killing of one accidentally, contrary to the intention of the parties, while in the prosecution of some felonious act other than those specified in §§ 18.2-31 and 18.2-32, is murder of the second degree and is punishable by confinement in a state correctional facility for not less than five years nor more than forty years.
2017 Code of Virginia :: Title 18.2 - Crimes and Offenses Generally :: Chapter 4 - Crimes Against the Person :: § 18.2-33. Felony homicide defined; punishment

I can't wait to see the evidence! The prosecution must have more than another con's statement so maybe they have DNA, video of Wes buying duct tape, shovel, etc. before A. J. went missing, evidence from the Play Station and other electronics and so on?
Fortunately, prosecutors do not have to show a motive in order to get a conviction. But we have no idea why he did this. Personally, I suspect a sexual assault cover-up.

I agree, Lilibet. I cannot forget that photograph (or, was it a video?) where Wesley Hadsell had AJ in a bear hug at her graduation party. It looked very inappropriate, and sexual in nature, the way he was embracing her.

I believe that he had designs on her sexually, made his advances towards her, and she rejected him physically, by fighting him off.

Since AJ's mother had banished Wesley Hadsell from the house, he felt free to pursue AJ, and took every measure possible to set her up for an encounter. He ingratiated himself with her by giving her money for her boyfriend's birthday gift, and acted as her "pal", which may have included encouraging her use of, and facilitating her access to, drugs.

All just speculation on my part.
This is my first time seeing this case:( What is the motive??? Ugh

I always suspected sexual motive, just because that seems to be his MO, but it could have been feelings of betrayal. Either way, the duct tape shows he planned it. <modsnip - speculation> I am just happy her family (including @Zach) are getting some justice.
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I always suspected sexual motive, just because that seems to be his MO, but it could have been feelings of betrayal. Either way, the duct tape shows he planned it. <modsnip - speculation>. I am just happy her family (including @Zach) are getting some justice.

I haven't seen any accusation of abduction anywhere in the media. Can you provide a link?
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I haven't seen any accusation of abduction anywhere in the media. Can you provide a link?

The point is, we really don't know exactly HOW it all transpired. Each of us has his theory. It will be good to see this come to trial so that with additional information that has yet to be revealed, we will have a roadmap as to how it came about.
The point is, we really don't know exactly HOW it all transpired. Each of us has his theory. It will be good to see this come to trial so that with additional information that has yet to be revealed, we will have a roadmap as to how it came about.

That's what I was thinking. I guess the previous post was speculation posted as fact which seems a bit counterproductive if not libelous if the poster doesn't have some direct knowledge of the circumstances the rest of us aren't privy to.
That's what I was thinking. I guess the previous post was speculation posted as fact which seems a bit counterproductive if not libelous if the poster doesn't have some direct knowledge of the circumstances the rest of us aren't privy to.

Yes, Pootie. We are so invested in this case, that we sometimes forget to add that what we post is our opinion only. I, personally, never thought that Wesley Hadsell would ever be indicted. That we have come this far, is somewhat of a miracle, in my opinion.
I haven't seen any accusation of abduction anywhere in the media. Can you provide a link?

Hadsell raped and abducted his exwife, 13 years ago. He was on the run, with her as a hostage. He was caught when he robbed a bank. His ex wife testified against him in the Grand Jury but was too terrified to testify in court.

The cops needed her testimony so they just charged him with bank robbery in a federal case instead.

He served some time for that.

When they found his stepdaughter's body, they didn't have enough evidence to charge him. But they did decide to try him for the kidnapping since they had never done so. But much of the original evidence was destroyed so he was acquitted.

Wesley Hadsell acquitted of abducting, raping ex-wife 13 years ago in Ohio
The rape and kidnapping charges for which Hadsell was acquitted June 8 were originally filed in 2005 in Delaware County, Ohio, according to a news release from Hadsell's attorney announcing the verdict.

The charges were dropped when he was indicted later that year in federal court in a Fredericksburg bank robbery. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 4½ years in prison.

Prosecutors in Ohio subsequently secured another indictment in July 2016 as officials in Virginia investigated his daughter's death.

According to the release from Hadsell's attorney, police destroyed the majority of evidence officers collected in 2005 in the wake of the alleged attack. They also no longer have copies of the recordings they made while interviewing witnesses.
I apologize for not adding a JMO to my post above, but I don't apologize for what I said, nor do I consider it libellous in the least (I am not a journalist). The man has been indicted for murder.

All of this is carefully worked out in the multitude of threads on AJ's subforum and MSM links thread. Believe me, anything I say that sounds like fact is backed up by one of those long explorations.

I'll list out the latest points covered in the court documents cited by the Virginian Pilot and other MSM here:
Wesley Hadsell charged with murdering his adopted daughter, A.J. Hadsell

1. Wes is charged with first-degree murder, second-degree felony murder and felony concealment of a dead body. The second degree is a fallback. Consider what first degree murder charges mean. Virginia First Degree Murder Laws and Sentences - FindLaw

2. Wendy Gunther with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner determined she died from “homicidal violence". Forget everything you thought about AJ and heroin.

3. Video footage from a 7-Eleven near Little Creek Road – between A.J. Hadsell's home and the hotel where her father was staying – shows Wesley Hadsell's Astro van going past several times throughout the day.

4. Wes left a downtown Norfolk work site about noon that day, telling a co-worker he had to meet up with his daughter.

5. Just after 1:30 p.m., he texted his boss that he'd had to give his daughter money. He later told police he got an alert from the security system at the family home saying the door had been opened and closed between 1:40 and 2 p.m. We know that a few minutes after 2, AJ's little sister came home and found no one home and the laundry half-folded. I'll add to this that Wes very likely knew when his daughter was due home from school.

6. Wes’ co-worker said he came back to the job site around 2 p.m., was highly agitated, asked for the rest of the day off and left.

7. Wes told detectives he last saw AJ around 12:30 p.m. March 2 at a gas station on Tidewater Drive just north of Barraud Park, where he gave her $200. But police looked at the corresponding footage from the station’s surveillance cameras and found nothing. This never happened.

8. LE later found a roll of duct tape, a shovel and gloves in the back of his van, which was tracked by GPS to the ditch AJ was found partially buried with shovel marks nearby. That duct tape is relevant or it wouldn't be mentioned.

Think about what is not being said and the fact they are charging him with 1st degree murder. Not manslaughter. Not just concealing a dead body. They have evidence that he murdered her.

AJ didn't toss her own credit card on the side of the road while going to meet Wes to pickup money.
Did Wes have the truck keys like he said he did? There is no evidence disclosed that he was there at 7am, or that AJ drove her truck anywhere that day. Witness statements are cloudy at best and not confirmed as the right day.
She didn't interrupt herself doing laundry.
She didn't go hang at his hotel that day or night voluntarily IMO. Her phone pinged in the hotel room, remember? They took so much evidence from that room, it will be surprising what they haven't yet disclosed IMO.
Wes put himself at the house. Now he says he got an alert that the door was opened around 1:40pm, and I am willing to bet that was him. Whatever he did appears to have happened between 12:30ish and 1:30ish - this was worked out in a lot of detail in a previous thread where we went over how long it would take him to get to and from the job site.
Combined with his van going back and forth and her phone pinging at the hotel, my conclusion is he took her from the house, stashed her dead or alive at the hotel room, stopped off at work, was highly agitated because he had her there, and left to finish up. I speculate he kept her there, because we know he doesn't bury her for two days. Not to mention his history with B&E, rape and abduction. I hope that clears up my previous assertion.

If a statement above sounds like an opinion, it probably is.
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I honestly never thought I would see this day even though we all knew he did it. It still surprises me the evidence they did have - GPS locations and the like. I hope the long wait means that they can bury him with this and get a conviction for sure.

I can’t even imagine what Zach must be feeling. {Hugs} to him as he deals with his grief once again.
I apologize for not adding a JMO to my post above, but I don't apologize for what I said, nor do I consider it libellous in the least (I am not a journalist). The man has been indicted for murder.

All of this is carefully worked out in the multitude of threads on AJ's subforum and MSM links thread. Believe me, anything I say that sounds like fact is backed up by one of those long explorations.

I'll list out the latest points covered in the court documents cited by the Virginian Pilot and other MSM here:
Wesley Hadsell charged with murdering his adopted daughter, A.J. Hadsell

1. Wes is charged with first-degree murder, second-degree felony murder and felony concealment of a dead body. The second degree is a fallback. Consider what first degree murder charges mean. Virginia First Degree Murder Laws and Sentences - FindLaw

2. Wendy Gunther with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner determined she died from “homicidal violence". Forget everything you thought about AJ and heroin.

3. Video footage from a 7-Eleven near Little Creek Road – between A.J. Hadsell's home and the hotel where her father was staying – shows Wesley Hadsell's Astro van going past several times throughout the day.

4. Wes left a downtown Norfolk work site about noon that day, telling a co-worker he had to meet up with his daughter.

5. Just after 1:30 p.m., he texted his boss that he'd had to give his daughter money. He later told police he got an alert from the security system at the family home saying the door had been opened and closed between 1:40 and 2 p.m. We know that a few minutes after 2, AJ's little sister came home and found no one home and the laundry half-folded. I'll add to this that Wes very likely knew when his daughter was due home from school.

6. Wes’ co-worker said he came back to the job site around 2 p.m., was highly agitated, asked for the rest of the day off and left.

7. Wes told detectives he last saw AJ around 12:30 p.m. March 2 at a gas station on Tidewater Drive just north of Barraud Park, where he gave her $200. But police looked at the corresponding footage from the station’s surveillance cameras and found nothing. This never happened.

8. LE later found a roll of duct tape, a shovel and gloves in the back of his van, which was tracked by GPS to the ditch AJ was found partially buried with shovel marks nearby. That duct tape is relevant or it wouldn't be mentioned.

Think about what is not being said and the fact they are charging him with 1st degree murder. Not manslaughter. Not just concealing a dead body. They have evidence that he murdered her.

AJ didn't toss her own credit card on the side of the road while going to meet Wes to pickup money.
Did Wes have the truck keys like he said he did? There is no evidence disclosed that he was there at 7am, or that AJ drove her truck anywhere that day. Witness statements are cloudy at best and not confirmed as the right day.
She didn't interrupt herself doing laundry.
She didn't go hang at his hotel that day or night voluntarily IMO. Her phone pinged in the hotel room, remember? They took so much evidence from that room, it will be surprising what they haven't yet disclosed IMO.
Wes put himself at the house. Now he says he got an alert that the door was opened around 1:40pm, and I am willing to bet that was him. Whatever he did appears to have happened between 12:30ish and 1:30ish - this was worked out in a lot of detail in a previous thread where we went over how long it would take him to get to and from the job site.
Combined with his van going back and forth and her phone pinging at the hotel, my conclusion is he took her from the house, stashed her dead or alive at the hotel room, stopped off at work, was highly agitated because he had her there, and left to finish up. I speculate he kept her there, because we know he doesn't bury her for two days. Not to mention his history with B&E, rape and abduction. I hope that clears up my previous assertion.

If a statement above sounds like an opinion, it probably is.
And don't forget WH broke into one of AJ's friend's houses and placed a jacket that belonged to AJ in plain sight and then told other friends of hers to report it to LE.
This story from 2015 discusses the incident Hadsell case in Norfolk tied to break-in moves forward
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