West Valley police chief opens up about Susan Powell investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Volunteers helping keep cost of search for Susan Cox Powell in check

In addition, federal forensic experts are helping detectives sort through computer software, hardware and other electronics.

"Qunatico and the FBI have been very supportive, they're part of this investigation, actually," said Nielsen.


I noticed the FBI bit in that article, too. I knew there was speculation, but now there's confirmation.

Now I'm curious to know how WVC got the FBI to get involved.
I noticed the FBI bit in that article, too. I knew there was speculation, but now there's confirmation.

Now I'm curious to know how WVC got the FBI to get involved.

The FBI always gets involved if a kidnapping crosses state lines. There was speculation early on that SP took Susan, maybe to Washington. Remember at the very beginning how Kiirsi kept saying "we think she is being held against her will in another state"? I think that not only alluded to SP, but would give the FBI reason to become involved.
The FBI always gets involved if a kidnapping crosses state lines. There was speculation early on that SP took Susan, maybe to Washington. Remember at the very beginning how Kiirsi kept saying "we think she is being held against her will in another state"? I think that not only alluded to SP, but would give the FBI reason to become involved.

Yeah, but I would think that they would need something solid to go on...which is what makes me curious. What I would not give to be a fly on the wall at the WVCPD!
I'm not positive but I think the FBI can be involved if the local LE requests their help. Sometimes they need the FBI services for specialized experts. For instance the behaviorist unit is frequently called on, because there just aren't any others out there.

The guidelines are for when the FBI can step into an investigation or claim jurisdiction without an invitation. At least that was my understanding.

But yes because of the possibilities that she was taken across state lines the FBI would have been interested in this case early on.
*Meanwhile, down the street at the local Wal-mart Josh Powell is seen buying a huge case of diapers.*

Gulp. I have a feeling he will be needing them.


WHY is he needing a huge case of diapers? The boys are 4 and 6. Aren't they potty trained yet? If that poor 4 yr old is still in diapers I will be so very sad for him.
WHY is he needing a huge case of diapers? The boys are 4 and 6. Aren't they potty trained yet? If that poor 4 yr old is still in diapers I will be so very sad for him.

LOL I think it was a joke. I think she was saying he would be so upset that he would need them for personal use.
Isn't it about time for LE to announce the results of any letters/invitations sent to JP?

IMO if they don't announce I would have to make guess that it is being set up. An announcement would only be if he wasn't cooperating IMO.
What happen to the invitation to JP ? No RSVP?

What's JP doing now with his days? Hello.....media....hello???
What happen to the invitation to JP ? No RSVP?

What's JP doing now with his days? Hello.....media....hello???

I can only speculate that JP has accepted the invitation and may have already been interviewed.

Why the media is being so quiet now makes me wonder about their credibility. Perhaps the FBI is involved and has given them orders not to discuss? Way to go Fourth Estate.

I noticed the FBI bit in that article, too. I knew there was speculation, but now there's confirmation.

Now I'm curious to know how WVC got the FBI to get involved.

The FBI likely is who analyzed the computers...

I can only speculate that JP has accepted the invitation and may have already been interviewed.

Why the media is being so quiet now makes me wonder about their credibility. Perhaps the FBI is involved and has given them orders not to discuss? Way to go Fourth Estate.


They may very well be concerned that media attention might scare Josh away from interviews with LE.
The media wants to find Susan... this is personal.
If LE said "listen, we really want you to back up off of him for a bit, see if we can get him to talk" I think MOST media would probably do that.

Yes, they have a job to do... but most of them also have a heart.

BenWinslow Ben Winslow
"It might take 5 or 6 or 8 more months, but time's on our side now," the chief says of the #SusanPowell case. @fox13now #findsusan Utah

I missed that. What happened to 3 months? Gah!


Boy that's a long time for Josh to sweat...aww

Seems to me that would be about the time for Daddy P's trial. I know one thing if I was a member of that family and had any infomation about Susan's case I'd run to the nearest LE and share it. Of course that would be the right thing to do and some people continue to lie and evade.


Secretly fix the plumbing :)

You make a very solid case. I must add, I found something of interest (which I didn't see prior):


If you notice; she is saying that her previous comments of "you don't know what goes on in that house" pertain to Steven's behavior alone. If this is true, then that was the mystery information.

Another tidbit; scrolling down you can make your own assumptions from someone who supposedly knows Susan. If Josh did feel/say that, well- that could be motive- jealousy.

Steven probably rubbed lies into his face until he cracked. Mysogynistic Steven cuckholding Josh (Steve was placing all the blame on her regarding flirtations, etc.).

His dopey demeanor is somewhat deceiving. If you want a good depiction of Josh google "Hans Klopek". I'm wondering if the entire house is that of the Burbs.

I'm just catching up on this thread. I find the use of terms like "dopey" and "goofy" and cuckhold, etc., to be very interesting, when used to describe josh. Kind of a neat way to insinuate that this bumbling goofball couldn't possibly be in any way connected to something as sinister as planning and carrying out the murder of his lovely, innocent wife. You know, the mama to those kids he no longer has?

I think josh may even appreciate being described in such a manner. Because at this point, he's got to be feeling some deep stress. He knows they are getting closer. He knows that all the justifications for murdering his wife - so he would be able to keep possession of HIS sons from the witch, so he would never have to pay support and could live free and clear with daddy - all those justifications have been rendered meaningless. He has no job, no boys (they are with his hated, murdered wife's parents, ha ha!) and now no support from daddy any more.

So now he's really starting to worry. He realizes that LE has not given up. That they are doing all they can to make sure the investigation proceeds vigorously and that the sweet boys are safe while it heats up, so josh doesn't decide to pull a cute little murder suicide number so no one can have his possessions (I mean "boys"), once the heat becomes to hot to stand. So what does he do? He searches hard for something, anything, that can get him out of this, that can lessen his criminal liability, that can explain away all those pesky details that josh didn't realize would point a huge, red arrow, right to him.

He may think that being thought of and labeled as some "dorky", silly guy, who couldn't fight his way out a paper bag, might help him. Yeah, daddy did it. He forced poor josh to do everything he did that night and after. But josh never murdered anyone! :aktion1:

Well I don't buy any attempt to lessen this creep's responsibility for a moment. Oh, we all know he's unintelligent. We all know he's stupid. After all, his ridiculous actions after Susan was murdered by him prove that.

But, he is cunning. Cunning enough to plan the murder of his sweet wife. Cunning enough to murder the mother of his darling boys. Cunning enough to dispose of her body. Cunning enough to keep his mouth shut, not help LE and thus not further incriminate himself. Cunning enough to try to make poor Susan look like an abusive, overly sexual, unstable head case that willingly left the most important little people to her, on earth. And cunning enough to now try to make himself seem like just a sad sack goofball, willing to do whatever his pedophile, peeping tom daddy tells him to do.

Lucky for us, for Susan and HER boys, none of that will work. We know the truth and so does LE. He's done enough to incriminate himself and LE keeps on and on, putting all their ducks in a row. And they're gainin' on him fast!
Ransackmobilize, the first time I read that post on Kiirsi's blog, not long after she wrote it, I was intrigued by what she was insinuating (as anyone would be, I suppose). But I never forgot it even though for some time there was really nothing to fill in the gaps. Her blog is well-worth a read by anyone interested in this case.


Gitana1, I think you may have expressed the sentiments of many here.

I wonder how the FBI interview went...

I just wanted to make a point about something that has been brought up concerning Josh, Steve and Susan. IF Steve "rubbed Josh's face in the lies" and Josh, knowing what type of man his father is and what type of woman his wife Susan is, believed Steve's lies then doesn't that mean that Josh simply had no respect whatsoever for Susan from the beginning? If a person grows up in a manipulative household and then breaks free to marry a good, kind and caring person they should be able to realize when the manipulation is still ongoing and be strong enough to break free yet again for the benefit of their wife and sons. However, if Josh decided to not do this how can he blame anyone but himself? Doesn't that make him just like his father? I would guess that Josh just followed in his father's footsteps and also raised his children in a manipulative household as well......with Josh being the manipulator, not Susan.

Josh sank himself when he tried to sell that whopper of a lie about it being "normal" to take two young boys camping at midnight with a snowstorm on the way. He would have been better off just telling what he did to Susan instead.

The FBI always gets involved if a kidnapping crosses state lines. There was speculation early on that SP took Susan, maybe to Washington. Remember at the very beginning how Kiirsi kept saying "we think she is being held against her will in another state"? I think that not only alluded to SP, but would give the FBI reason to become involved.


If this were the case; steve has been in jail for x amount of time, it would mean that someone else would have to be involved in this plan to keep a confinement going. The alternative, that steve may have been the only one who had known where she was, doesn't bode well.

It will be TWO YEARS very soon. :(

I so wish someone would get in jp's face, see if he cracks.

If this were the case; steve has been in jail for x amount of time, it would mean that someone else would have to be involved in this plan to keep a confinement going. The alternative, that steve may have been the only one who had known where she was, doesn't bode well.

It will be TWO YEARS very soon. :(

I so wish someone would get in jp's face, see if he cracks.


Oh, me too! He may not completely crack, but it will be close enough, I think.

I can't help but wonder about Kiirsi's statement about Susan being held elsewhere, though...the possibilities are food for thought...


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