West Valley police chief opens up about Susan Powell investigation

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LOL TB I welcome the exercises. I was on the fence and leaning a little till he came along. Now he has me totally convinced. JP did it. In refuting his arguments, I now realize that there is no other way it could have happened. Including no way for suicide.

:rolleyes: Yep !!!
It is my opinion that this is someone who knows Josh and is very close to him trying to use psychology on us old-timers. We've been here too long. I was giving the theories consideration until the reference to "Peterson". There are too many give a ways. When one has an agenda eventually it comes out no matter how objective they try to convince us they are because it's hard to maintain a fascade without a lot of experience.

This sounds an awful lot like someone I called out on Topix once a long time ago and they then disappeared.

Wonder where his sister and brother are ??? Maybe this is one of Josh's multiple personalities talking to us ? I suspect some people sign out and then read from the lurking position so we dont expect an answer when we see their green light's off.

It's going to take a lot more than this to convince me it's not Josh or one of his family members. The word "goofy" also was interesting.

Oh wow :) Well, I really must have gotten you thinking..
In all honesty; while reading through these comments after repeatedly seeing "I think, I bet, this is probably... ", I had to interject something.

For one moment I took a step back and thought "hey, what if he didn't do this".. Against the grain is sometimes good- and I pray Susan is found. The case struck a chord with me, and I do like presenting the less obvious.

If you see yourself thinking subjectively rather than objectively, take a step back and re-evaluate. Kiirsi's statement really got me wondering what the heck was going on behind the scenes. One could speculate indefinately what she meant by her blog posting some time ago.

And yes, I'm sure quite a few on here watch Dateline. It's interesting, and this website draws people in who are interested in cold cases, disappearances, etc... Please don't deny this :)

Josh is weird, a twerp, goofy (if you want to consider that an endearing term go ahead, he is goofy looking/acting), strange, odd; the list goes on. For some reason I really don't see him doing "the deed", even if he was a puppet.
I'm setting the tone for people to think. What if scenarios. No I don't know Josh, nor anyone related to that family. There are no hidden/cryptic meanings. This story has caught my attention from the start. From the sounds of it- (upon one of many articles I came across); it seems Susan wore the financial pants. And of course Josh stating she had unresolved issues psychologically speaking. He (Josh) did state she walked outside in her underwear, became deranged at one point, etc. Do I think that is true? I don't know. However just reading articles I can't come to any solid conclusion based on "he says, she says". The dynamics within that family from media reports sounds anything but normal. As far as the bicycle to work, car, etc.. I don't recall seeing that. I do remember articles pertaining to him attempting to control her finances.

A interesting point is people coming out stating that Josh is a non-stop chatterbox, and now he seems quite the opposite. If he was that opinionated, pretentious, boisterous what-have-you; that is telling in itself. Looking at his interviews now, I see a lost and upset husband. I'd probably act like him if I were in his situation with the media hounding me, and fingers pointed in my direction. However I'd talk to police regardless of being a suspect, of course with an attorney.

Toss in a secret government cover-up conspiracy and a one armed man and I think I could run with it. IMHO :twocents:
Toss in a secret government cover-up conspiracy and a one armed man and I think I could run with it. IMHO :twocents:

LOL yes, anything is possible. Sort of like that Glenn Beck character; "One could conceive that .........".

No Harrison Ford did not kill his wife, the one armed man did it!
LOL dateline is only something else to focus on while we give our eyes a break from the computer. If they are doing a case I followed usually I know more than they showed. So I find it boring.
FYI, I have stepped back and thought about it from every angle but it all comes back to the last one who saw her.One thing about poor Josh he still cannot lie very well. He's still not got that blinking thing totally under control but he is good at avoidance.
FyI I haven't watched Dateline and about a year. Matter of fact I've just about quit watching tv.
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It's ok to discuss a particular post, but NOT the poster.

Please be sensitive to the fact that Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. The family of the victim are 'victims' too. Other than the two main Powell subjects, who, by their own actions have made themselves targets for speculation of their involvement of Susan's disappearance, the other siblings have not acted, nor has LE implied, there's any interest in them as subjects of investigation. The siblings, until I hear different from administration, can only be referred to by initials. OTOH, you may mention Jennifer Graves name, as she is a STRONG advocate for her SIL, Susan Powell.

If you have any questions, you may pm me or one of the other mods.

...In light of Susan's friends reporting that she had to grow a garden to feed the kids and they got diarhirra from eating so much fruits and veggies.

I've seen this comment before and it has puzzled me.....I'm kind of a health nut and frequently juice my own organic fruits and veggies and drink 24oz + at a time, sometimes 2x per day and I have never had diarhirra from it, so I have to wonder about the level of truth to that.... so, would JP ever have tried to poisen his boys too? ...or did he try to poisen SP a few times and acciently gave some to the boys which made them sick and blamed it on teh fruit and veggies??? any thoughts...

Yeah, something sounds fishy to me about that, too. When I was a kid, I ate several oranges a day and never got diarrhea and I've always been prone to diarrhea. Ate alot of fruits and veggies, too, and never got it from that. I got it from too much chocolate, though! My guess is the bug poisons they used (no reason to -- it's not hard to grow organically!) or bacteria from an animal defecating on the garden.

But I'm thinking your guess may be correct that he was trying different levels of a certain drug to see how it affected Susan and he wasn't careful and the drug also got into the food the children ate once. He probably figured out pancakes was the best way to only drug her, at the end. Just my guessin'.
Yeah, something sounds fishy to me about that, too. When I was a kid, I ate several oranges a day and never got diarrhea and I've always been prone to diarrhea. Ate alot of fruits and veggies, too, and never got it from that. I got it from too much chocolate, though! My guess is the bug poisons they used (no reason to -- it's not hard to grow organically!) or bacteria from an animal defecating on the garden.

But I'm thinking your guess may be correct that he was trying different levels of a certain drug to see how it affected Susan and he wasn't careful and the drug also got into the food the children ate once. He probably figured out pancakes was the best way to only drug her, at the end. Just my guessin'.

If you eat lots of fruits and veggies and other high fiber food on a regular basis, it won't give you diarrhea. It is when you suddenly change your diet from a low fiber, simple carb diet to a high fiber, complex carb diet when you get trouble.
That was a really good interview.
I hope he's not giving us false hope in finding out what happened to Susan... and it's starting to sound like SP is in their focus. After hearing that hope it would be such a crush on MR C and family.
Thanks for this Mysteriew. Yulp....

So in 3 months or less it should all be hitting the fan.

I don't think they have to have ALL the evidence in to arrest Josh,just enough to to charge him .They can build their case as they finish going through the evidence.
If you eat lots of fruits and veggies and other high fiber food on a regular basis, it won't give you diarrhea. It is when you suddenly change your diet from a low fiber, simple carb diet to a high fiber, complex carb diet when you get trouble.

True that. Fruits, veggies, high fiber will make a person more "regular" but won't cause diarrhea. But if there is a significant diet change, such as suddenly eating more veggies from a garden if your not used to it, well...diarrhea could happen, especially in young children.

I have noticed how much the folks here at WS researched this case from the beginning. They have drawn their own conclusions based on the facts and details they have discovered.

I am amazed by the thought process and the thoroughness that the folks here look at each case.

Many folks here have looked at this case for around 661 days..They have not come to their conclusions haphasardly. That why I love WS and yall are great teachers.
Oh wow :) Well, I really must have gotten you thinking..
In all honesty; while reading through these comments after repeatedly seeing "I think, I bet, this is probably... ", I had to interject something.

For one moment I took a step back and thought "hey, what if he didn't do this".. Against the grain is sometimes good- and I pray Susan is found. The case struck a chord with me, and I do like presenting the less obvious.

If you see yourself thinking subjectively rather than objectively, take a step back and re-evaluate. Kiirsi's statement really got me wondering what the heck was going on behind the scenes. One could speculate indefinately what she meant by her blog posting some time ago.

And yes, I'm sure quite a few on here watch Dateline. It's interesting, and this website draws people in who are interested in cold cases, disappearances, etc... Please don't deny this :)

Josh is weird, a twerp, goofy (if you want to consider that an endearing term go ahead, he is goofy looking/acting), strange, odd; the list goes on. For some reason I really don't see him doing "the deed", even if he was a puppet.

He claims he took his little boys camping at midnight in freezing weather to a remote spot. At midnight. Little little boys.
Co-incidently while doing this very odd,quirky behavior ,his wife goes missing. He forgets to go to work.More oddness ,but just a coincidence?
He takes the little boys to live with his father and shuts down any communication with Susan family.His father has "issues" to say the least.More coincidence,I guess.

I could go on.
If he's innocent he's done a lot to make himself look guilty.

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