West Valley police chief opens up about Susan Powell investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That is the frist time I have seen bones for one, but the three different type items they listed sound like they have possibly found her, even in one sentence. Not how anyone wants Susan to be found if true but all their stratigic release of news and the actions they have taken just make it seem more positive that it's her and explains the length of time that excavation took at Topaz Mountain and was hoping for.

We have bones, we have charred clothing, we have charred wood
link above
Susan Powell case is at a "tipping point"

Mayor Mike Winder says that includes trailers full of evidence from both the Powell residence in Washington and the most resent search of the Topaz mountain area. "We have bones, we have charred clothing, we have charred wood, with what the cadaver dogs are excited about, and that we are doing DNA analysis on."

He says that analysis could take up to three months. "Are they ancient items? Are they relatively recent? Are they related to this case? That is what we will look to find out."


My apologies, I have been MIA. But bones? I haven't heard this before there were bones. They are so positive.

Well it is coming from the Mayor and they don't always know about what was found in LE investigations. Still the expenses have been major, so they probably have had to go to him for authorization on some of the expenses. And they would likely have exchanged some info at that time.

I have felt they found something, they've seemed rather smug and confident since the searches. Almost to the point of being elated. Why didn't they announce what they found? I'm thinking that they are being extremely cautious. Their info and evidence sent them there, they did find something. But they aren't going to say it is Susan until they have confirmation. Plus they didn't want to put too much pressure on him until the boys were out of the home.

LOL the Mayor says it will take 3 months to do the DNA testing, and LE has said it will take about 3 months to go through all the evidence in the trailer. So in 3 months or less it should all be hitting the fan.
Thanks for this Mysteriew. Yulp....

So in 3 months or less it should all be hitting the fan.
Just think how long and detailed SP's case is for them to connect or solve Susan's. The computers would take a while to decide who's doing what, but of course, everyone could share one anothers computer. 15, small hardrives like maybe on some? Hmmm 5 adults with a laptop and home computer. Must have felt very high tech and...gah What the heck goes on in that house? jmo
With today's custody hearing and a Nov 15th new hearing on the custody I'm wondering if this in itself isn't going to speed up or at least leak out some other information on JP in order for the Cox's to keep the children.

I really hope the LAB's have this evidence as a "Priority A" to test. Please oh Please let the full force of FBI, LABS, DA, and LE protect these Children and bring Justice for Susan.
The mayor says Federal and other Law Enforcement Agencies have helped shoulder the cost. He also mentions that private donors are willing to pay for the flight costs for JP and his attorney to talk to the FBI.

Winder also talked about the cost of the investigation — between $500,000 and $750,000 spent so far.


Ironically, Chief Buzz Nielson also talked about the costs of the investigation:

Nielsen roughly estimated the department has spent about $500,000 on the case. But through donations and other means — in addition to the tremendous cooperation from law enforcement agencies both in Utah and Washington — he said it has all worked out.


I am concerned about the donations. Sorry, but my hinky meter has gone off. I hope I'm wrong, but I was already in disbelief that Steven Powell went this long without his own full interview, search, etc. back in Jan 2010 when Sandy gave full information to LE about his obsession with Susan. She then contacted them again in Oct 2010 to let them know how dumb Steve thought they were because they didn't search his locked closet with Susan's underwear and diaries in them. This was met with a yawn by LE.

They said today they have only gone through 5% of the stuff they got from Powell's house on August 25, 2011. That was 31 days ago. Are you kidding me?

Hearing this 3 month number for how long it will take is outrageous. This is the shallow grave incident all over again. I feel like I'm dealing with third world LE when it comes to these time-tables.

We were all trying to guess the head games they were playing with Powell by inviting the media to Ely, why the chief announced that human remains had been found, why it took so long to tell us there was no body - were they shaking the trees for more donations with these actions?

What is going on here? Where was this 750,000 dollars spent? How are these donations accounted for? Is there transparency? Why did they claim there was a gag order yet ABC discovered it to be bogus and not true? Is somebody getting paid who has an interest in keeping this case afloat?

Good morning everybody. Did y'all hear what I heard? One of Susan's boys was looking at a magazine and pointed to a woman's chest and said "Mommy - owie". I wonder what that could mean?

Where did you hear this?
West Valley police chief opens up about Susan Powell investigation


It's men like this Police Chief that restore my faith in our LE. At times, when LE appears and/or does nothing that I lose heart with our system of justice and men in blue. This man has brought home to me that some are very dedicated, and I thank them. I wish to God LE everywhere were like him and his men.
It's men like this Police Chief that restore my faith in our LE. At times, when LE appears and/or does nothing that I lose heart with our system of justice and men in blue. This man has brought home to me that some are very dedicated, and I thank them. I wish to God LE everywhere were like him and his men.

i totally agree. :)
I want the fullest extent of the law, not the quickest or cheapest or most transparent. I think we're getting it, and I have done some hard drive forensics. It's not like dusting for fingerprints, and there's a lot more involved than just finding the photos.

If the mayor says the evidence is mounting, I take him at his word. I figure lots of people want this resolved and would be willing to offer private funding if needed. I'd be interested in his knowledge of the "bigger investigation" of which the searches at Ely and Topaz were just a small part.
It's men like this Police Chief that restore my faith in our LE. At times, when LE appears and/or does nothing that I lose heart with our system of justice and men in blue. This man has brought home to me that some are very dedicated, and I thank them. I wish to God LE everywhere were like him and his men.

I agree with you, but most LE are dedicated and work very hard to solve cases, it's just that sometimes we don't hear what they are doing. Just because we are not always made aware of the steps they're taking, doesn't mean they aren't doing their jobs. Some agencies are pretty open with the information they will share, and others don't feel the need to keep the public or the media informed, but a lot of it depends on the nature of the case as well. Sometimes, in some cases, there is a need to do their investigating behind the scenes and out of the public eye, and they have their reasons for that.
I want the fullest extent of the law, not the quickest or cheapest or most transparent. I think we're getting it, and I have done some hard drive forensics. It's not like dusting for fingerprints, and there's a lot more involved than just finding the photos.

If the mayor says the evidence is mounting, I take him at his word. I figure lots of people want this resolved and would be willing to offer private funding if needed. I'd be interested in his knowledge of the "bigger investigation" of which the searches at Ely and Topaz were just a small part.

Thank you! Computer forensics take time, and with 15 computers? Three months is not at all unrealistic.

I, for one, support and applaud these LE agencies.
Good morning everybody. Did y'all hear what I heard? One of Susan's boys was looking at a magazine and pointed to a woman's chest and said "Mommy - owie". I wonder what that could mean?

Yes, I heard the Coxes attorney state this at the custody hearing. It kinda sends my hinky meter off the charts due to a statement JP made to a neighbor in an article dated 1-7-2010.


Joshua Powell dropped by the Peterson home two days after Susan Powell was reported missing. Peterson observed severe "wind burn" on the back of Joshua Powell's hands and watched as Joshua Powell kept applying lotion to them as they talked in Peterson's front room.

Peterson said his wife asked Joshua Powell about Susan's whereabouts and Powell replied "Well, it's not like I stabbed her."


Good morning everybody. Did y'all hear what I heard? One of Susan's boys was looking at a magazine and pointed to a woman's chest and said "Mommy - owie". I wonder what that could mean?

What? :eek:

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