What a couple of great radio shows on JonBenet

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There's a term for lawyers like that: ambulance chasers.

mtwentz, did you know that the Ramseys' lawyer, Lin Wood, once BRAGGED in open court about how much money he's made off this little girl's dead body?

The man is a snake. Actually, I'm sorry I said that. It isn't fair to the snakes! If there was a snake here, I'd apologize!

Oh Dave, you have to find a link or a reference or something to this....
Human swine need to be exposed wherever possible.

As for your joke...fine work. I always like to add that the first Police Force here in Australia was naturally made up of "better" convicts. Might explain a lot :innocent:
Oh Dave, you have to find a link or a reference or something to this....
Human swine need to be exposed wherever possible.

I apologize to the pigs for llama's remark!

As for finding a reference, that's no problem. He did it during John Ramsey's deposition in 2001. Provided you don't want to wait, go to the search command on this forum and type in "in your whole damn career."

As for your joke...fine work.

I didn't write it, just so you know.
Just in case anyone else is interested....

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1420723&postcount=315"]Lin Wood - In your whole damn career[/ame]

What sickens me more is that the quote is from 2003, he's had another 9 years of making money off the case.

I'd have thought there were some things that a decent person wouldn't even think let alone say.
He's had more than 9 years. He is STILL identified as the "family attorney"- as recently as his refusal on behalf of BR to allow police to speak to BR.
He's had more than 9 years. He is STILL identified as the "family attorney"- as recently as his refusal on behalf of BR to allow police to speak to BR.

Yes, I said ANOTHER 9 years...as in since 2003.
Hired by them in 1999, so 13 in total now.

Quite the prick I'd suggest.
Just in case anyone else is interested....

Lin Wood - In your whole damn career

What sickens me more is that the quote is from 2003, he's had another 9 years of making money off the case.

I'd have thought there were some things that a decent person wouldn't even think let alone say.

That's my point, llama: Lin Wood is NOT a "decent" person! Ask Tricia if you want to know some REALLY horrible stuff!
That's my point, llama: Lin Wood is NOT a "decent" person! Ask Tricia if you want to know some REALLY horrible stuff!
Speaking of Lin Wood, is he the main reason we never hear about Fleet White? Mr. White must have his opinions, but I never hear of him interviewed: has Lin Wood warned him that it is 1/10 of a second between the time he opens his mouth and he gets slapped with a lawsuit?
hmmm...look's like this thread is as good as any for me to pop in and show off my lovely avatar of Patsy striking a Pose over JonBenet's Grave! :innocent:

eta ~ I almost forget to mention my siggy below that shows how Perfectly Patsy's handwriting matches the Ransom Note writer's....
Speaking of Lin Wood, is he the main reason we never hear about Fleet White? Mr. White must have his opinions, but I never hear of him interviewed: has Lin Wood warned him that it is 1/10 of a second between the time he opens his mouth and he gets slapped with a lawsuit?

That's possible, mtwentz. He's tried that with other people.
I just want to say again, Tricia, if you're listening, the two radio shows on Jon Benet have both been fabulous. You and Dawna and Cynic have completely moved me out of the IDI camp- hopefully, there are some journalists out there who have been listening.

There seems to be a hint of something big coming this year. I truly hope it is something that, as Steve Thomas puts it, brings us closer to "closure" in this case.

I do notice there is some conflict on those who think Burke might share some guilt and Dawna, who is very proud of the life Burke has made for himself. That's what makes the JonBenet case so difficult- if you accept RDI, the only thing that seems clear is who wrote the ransom note, and everything else is up for grabs.

I do tend to agree with Dawna though. I can't see how the Rs would have allowed Burke to go back to school so soon if he truly knew anything of any substance.

the two radio shows on Jon Benet have both been fabulous. - mtwentz

Oh yes, mtwentz.
I could not agree more!
I'm playing catchup, listening to The Jonbenet Ramsey special of Dec 26 2011 and thorougly enjoying it. Very comprehensive, great gests!:


In particular, I found cynic's questions to be invaluable, especially in terms of the possibilities, the various scenarios with respect to previous sexual assault (ie digital penetration).

Mon, Dec 26, 2011


TG: Right now, we are going to go to a very special message.
There is a man out there, that we all know and many of us love,
named Steve Thomas, former Boulder Detective.
Who basically gave up his career
and a lot of his life trying to find justice for Jonbenet Ramsey.
And I asked him to write a message to all of us.
'Cause he thinks about this case every day
and he appreciates everything you do.
So here is the message from Steve Thomas:

"Hi to all,
Best wishes this Christmas Season
and wishing everyone well.
This time of year is again a reminder of what many people, all of you,
often feel and think about during the year.
I know that not a day goes by in which I do not think about the victim
and the case.
Fifteen years is a long time.
It feels much more recent.
It certainly remains my wish that in this lifetime we see some sort of official closure to the case.
In the meantime, God makes all things right and will certainly do so in this case.
I recognize and appreciate many of you
and my thoughts and prayers remain constant for the many people
who are involved in this case,
many directly, some periphery, but all of whom this case touched and who were impacted.
I am grateful that there remains continued interest in this case
and know there are still committed individuals who would also like to see a conclusion to this investigation.
I wish them the very best in those efforts.
For 2012, I wish everyone joy, success, health, and happiness.
Kindest regards, from Steve Thomas."

TG: So, so there you go ...
I was listening to another WS radio show where Tricia talked about how she had to testify at a trial in California, and a lot of members of the Boulder PD were there. One of them said between 2009-2011, they received 790 tips in the case, and between 1996-2008, they received 5000 tips. Doesn't 5000 tips seem really low for 12 years? The Jacob Wetterling case got 40,000 tips in the first year and Kyron's case has already gotten 5000 tips. Do you think that missing person cases tend to get a lot more tips? And cases where LE announces that they are looking for a non-family member so people start to suspect their neighbors/co-workers/delivery man? Also, some PD's might count ANYTHING that comes in as a tip even if it's obviously a crank call.

***Although I'm wondering if maybe the newspaper made a typo when they said the Wetterling case had 40,000 tips, and meant to say 4000 tips. Has any recent case gotten 40,000 tips in its first year? That sounds really, really high.

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